The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform His Excellency that the following amendments to the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs, signed at Locarno on October 8, 1968, entered into force on November 23, 1981:
- in Article 5(2)(a)(iv), "triennial" is replaced by "biennial" and
- in Article 5(4)(a), "third" is replaced by "second."
The said amendments were unanimously adopted by the Assembly of the Union for the International Classification of Industrial Designs (Locarno Union) on October 2, 1979 (see document AB/X/32, paragraph 33) . The said amendments were reproduced in document AB/X/5, Annex I, and were communicated to the States concerned by Note C.N. 563 of November 14, 1979, as modified by Note C.N. 576 of January 31, 1980.
The entry into force of the said amendments was brought about upon the receipt by the Director General of notifications of acceptance of those amendments by the required number of the States members of the Assembly of the Locarno Union at the time the said Assembly adopted those amendments. The said notifications of acceptance were received, in chronological order, from the following twelve States, the date of receipt being indicated after each State: Norway (December 14, 1979), Denmark (December 24, 1979), Ireland (January 4, 1980), Sweden (January 9, 1980), Spain (January 17, 1980), France (January 31, 1980), Italy (February 26, 1980), Czechoslovakia (April 15, 1980), United States of America (June 2, 1980), Switzerland (July 3, 1980), Hungary (February 19, 1981), Finland (October 23, 1981).
The said amendments bind all the States members of the said Assembly at the time those amendments entered into force, that is, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia (15), and will bind all other States that became or become members of that Assembly subsequent to their date of entry into force (see Article 8(3) of the afore-mentioned Agreement). At the date of the present notification there are no such other States.
July 11, 1983