Declaration relating to the declaration made upon accession by Democratic Yemen:
"The Government of Israel takes note that by declarations dated 10 February 1977, and received by the Swiss Government on 25 May 1977, the Popular Democratic Republic of Yemen adhered to the four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 relating to the protection of war victims. The said instruments were accompanied by a declaration of a political character in respect to Israel. In the view of the Government of Israel, this is not the proper place for making such political pronouncements, which are, moreover, in flagrant contradiction to the principles, objects and purposes of the said Conventions. The said declaration cannot in any way affect whatever obligations are binding upon the Popular Democratic Republic of Yemen under general international law or under particular treaties."
Declaration relating to the declaration made upon accession by Kuwait:
"The Government of Israel has noted the political character of the statement made by the Government of Kuwait on the occasion of the accession to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for the protection of war victims. In the opinion of the Government of Israel, that declaration is unacceptable and the Government of Israel expresses its formal objections to this statement and regards its relations with Kuwait, it reserves the right to act on the basis of strict reciprocity with respect to matters that are subject to these Conventions. The Government of Israel requests that the text of this note be circulated to all signatories of the Conventions and all States that have ratified or acceded to."
Reservation made upon signature and maintained upon ratification:
"Subject to the reservation that, while respecting the inviolability of the distinctive signs and emblems of the Convention, Israel will use the Red Shield of David as the emblem and distinctive sign of the medical services of her armed forces."