Accession by the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic was accompanied by the following declaration: "Contrary to the principle of sovereign equality of States and to the right of all States to participate in General multilateral treaties, article 5 concerning the membership in the organisation deprives certain States of their undeniable right to become parties to a Treaty of general character, concerning matters of legitimate interest of any State which should contribute to the development of friendly relations among nations irrespective of their differing constitutional and social systems." (see WIPO Notification No. 29)
A notification was deposited by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 21(2)(a) of the WIPO Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 4, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was at that time a member of the Paris Union and of the Berne Union but had not yet become a party to the WIPO Convention, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the said Convention, exercise the same rights as if it had become party. (see WIPO Notification No. 28)
Accession by the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic: September 22, 1970; Entry into force: December 22, 1970. Declaration of continued application by the Slovak Republic: December 30, 1992. Entry into force date given as date of independence.