Ley N° 3687-XII sobre la Protección de los Derechos de las Invenciones y de los Modelos de Utilidad, Ucrania
versión consolidada al 31 de diciembre de 2023
AtrásVersión más reciente en WIPO LexDetallesDetallesAño de versión2023FechasConsolidación:31 de diciembre de 2023Entrada en vigor:1 de julio de 1994Adoptado/a:15 de diciembre de 1993Tipo de texto
Principal legislación de PI
Patentes (Invenciones),
Modelos de utilidad
Materia (secundaria)
Observancia de las leyes de PI y leyes conexas,
Organismo regulador de PI
Notas This consolidated version of Law No. 3687-XII of December 15, 1993, on Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models takes into account amendments up to the following Laws:
- Law of Ukraine No. 2974-IX of March 20, 2023, on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which entered into force on April 15, 2023 (see Article 3-1, part 7 and Article 34 of this consolidated Law No. 3687-XII on Utility Models).
- Law No. 2801-IX of December 1, 2022, on Amendments to Certain Laws on Ensuring the Conclusion of an Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on Mutual Recognition of Qualified Electronic Trust Services and Implementation of the European Union Legislation in the field of Electronic Identification, which entered into force on December 31, 2023; except for a few provisions that entered into force on January 1, 2023 (see Article 3, Clause 11, and the third paragraph in Clause 1, Article 12 of this consolidated Law No. 3687-XII on Utility Models for the detailed amendments introduced by paragraph 26 of the said amending Law No. 2801-IX).
Textos principalesTextos principalesUcranioЗакон України № 3687-XII від 15.12.1993 про охорону прав на винаходи і корисні моделі (зведена версія станом на 31.12.2023 р.)