Decision of the Supreme Court case № 916/3470/19 of 12.01.2021,
RetourDate du jugement12 janvier 2021JuridicitonCour suprêmeDegrés de juridictionInstance finaleType de procédureJudiciaire (commercial)SujetMarquesPlaignant/RequérantWD-40 Manufacturing CompanyDéfendeurAntre Group Limited Liability CompanyMots clés
Well-known trademarks,
Ban on use of the designation,
Withdrawal from civil circulation,
Seizure and destruction of goods
Jugement/DécisionUkrainienПостанова Верховного Суду справа № 916/3470/19 від 12.01.2021 PDFRésuméAnglaisDecision of the Supreme Court case № 916/3470/19 of 12.01.2021 HTMLLégislation pertinente