Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of 27/04/2023, case no. 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4
RetourDate du jugement27 avril 2023JuridicitonCour suprêmeDegrés de juridictionInstance finaleType de procédureJudiciaire (civil)SujetMarquesPlaignant/RequérantBayerische Motorenwerke, AGDéfendeurInstituto Nacional da Propriedade IndustrialMots clés
Applicable law,
Distinctive signs,
Notorious trade mark,
European Union law,
Admissibility of appeal,
Opposition of judgements,
Single decision,
Complaint to the conference
Jugement/DécisionPortugaisAcórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça de 27/04/2023, processo n.º 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4 PDFRésuméPortugaisAcórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça de 27/04/2023, processo n.º 454/21.1YHLSB.L1.S1 | ECLI:PT:STJ:2023:454.21.1YHLSB.L1.S1.A4 PDFHTMLLégislation pertinente