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Loi sur la propriété industrielle (Journal officiel de la République de Slovénie, n° 45/01 du 7 juin 2001, telle que modifiée jusqu'au 29 mars 2020), Slovénie

Texte remplacé.  Accéder à la dernière version dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2020 Dates Modifié jusqu’à: 29 mars 2020 Entrée en vigueur: 8 décembre 2001 Publié: 8 décembre 2001 Adopté/e: 23 mai 2001 Type de texte Principales lois de propriété intellectuelle Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Modèles d'utilité, Marques, Indications géographiques, Schémas de configuration de circuits intégrés, Information non divulguée (Secrets commerciaux), Protection des obtentions végétales, Ressources génétiques, Noms commerciaux

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Slovène Zakon o industrijski lastnini (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01 z dne 7. 6. 2001, s spremembami do 29. marca 2020)         Anglais Industrial Property Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 45/01 of June 7, 2001, as amended up to March 29, 2020)         
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 Subsection 1 Invalidity of rights

Disclaimer: The unofficial consolidated version of this regulation merely serves as a working tool for information purposes, in respect of which the relevant body accepts no liability for damages or any other liability.

The unofficial consolidated version of the Industrial Property Act comprises: – Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS],

No. 45/01 of 7 June 2001), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1A (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 96/02 of 14 November 2002), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB1 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 7/03 of 23 January 2003), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1B (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 37/04 of 15 April 2004), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB2 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 102/04 of 21 September 2004), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1C (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 20/06 of 24 February 2006), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB3 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 51/06 of 18 May 2006), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1D (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 100/13 of 6 December 2013), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1E (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 23/20 of 14 March 2020).


(Unofficial consolidated version No. 8)


Article 1 (Subject of the Act)

(1) This Act lays down the types of industrial property rights under this Act and procedures for granting and registering these rights, judicial protection of rights and the representation of parties in proceedings under this Act.

(2) Industrial property rights under this Act shall be patents, supplementary protection certificates, industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications.

(3) This Act shall transpose the following into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia: – Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the

legal protection of biotechnological inventions (OJ L 213, 30.7.1998, p.13), – Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 on

the legal protection of designs (OJ L 289, 28.10.1998, p. 28), – Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on

the enforcement of intellectual property rights (OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45), and

– Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks (OJ L 336, 23.12.2015, p. 1).

Article 2 (Equality of foreign and domestic entities)

(1) Legal and natural entities from other countries shall, in respect of the protection of industrial property rights in the Republic of Slovenia, enjoy the same rights as domestic legal or natural persons or entities, this in accordance with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of 15 April 1994 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS–MP], No. 10/95; hereinafter: the TRIPS Agreement) or the principle of reciprocity.

(2) The existence of reciprocity shall be proven by the person who invokes it.

Article 3 (Applications for the acquisition of industrial property rights)

(1) Subject to Article 17 of this Act, the acquisition of an industrial property right in the Republic of Slovenia shall be requested by filing a national application with the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter: the Office) in accordance with this Act.

(2) The acquisition of industrial property rights in the Republic of Slovenia may also be requested on the basis of applications filed abroad if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia. The legal effect of the industrial property rights granted or registered on the basis of such applications shall be the same as that of the industrial property rights granted or registered on the basis of national applications, unless otherwise provided by the international treaty.

(3) A person cannot acquire an industrial property right on the basis of a national application if prior to this they have filed an application under the preceding paragraph for the acquisition of the same right.

(4) The acquisition of industrial property rights abroad may also be requested on the basis of applications filed with the Office if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 4 (Priority of first application)

When two or more applicants file applications to acquire protection for the same invention, design or sign in the Republic of Slovenia, the applicant whose date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, the earliest date of priority shall have priority over the other applicant.

Article 5 (Office)

(1) The main tasks of the Office shall be: a) to accept applications for the acquisition of industrial property rights;

b) to autonomously and independently conduct procedures for granting patents and registering industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and to grant patents and register industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications;

c) to keep the registers of industrial property rights and other registers provided for by this Act;

d) to provide information services with regard to industrial property rights; e) to represent the Republic of Slovenia in foreign and international organisations operating

in the field of industrial property, pursuant to the positions, instructions and authorisations issued by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia;

f) to perform other tasks falling within its competence.

(2) The Office shall issue its official journal containing information on applications and industrial property rights.

(3) The Office shall autonomously conduct and record financial transactions relating to the payment of fees under this Act and payments for services provided pursuant to Article 7 of this Act.

(4) The Office shall be managed by the Director, who shall be responsible for its operation and shall be appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 6 (Decisions of the Office)

(1) In proceedings for the granting or registration and maintenance of industrial property rights and in proceedings concerning the keeping of registers of rights and other registers, the Office shall issue decisions and other acts pursuant to this Act. In the absence of relevant provisions in this Act, the Act governing general administrative procedure shall apply subsidiarily.

(2) Proceedings concerning applications under paragraphs two or four of Article 3 of this Act shall be conducted by the Office pursuant to international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia and rules and instructions issued to implement the international treaties concerned. In the absence of relevant provisions in the relevant international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia and rules and instructions issued to implement the international treaty concerned, the provisions of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 7 (Provision of information)

(1) Subject to Article 8 of this Act, the Office shall allow any person access to files concerning applications and to information on applications and rights granted or registered.

(2) Against payment, the Office shall provide information on the state of the art contained in patent documents and other services related to information and documentation.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall issue an order on tariff, fixing the types and amounts of payments referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 8 (Secrecy and access to applications)

(1) Files related to patent and industrial design applications shall be considered an official secret until the publication of the patent application in the official journal of the Office or the registration of the industrial design.

(2) Access to the files that are an official secret shall only be possible with the consent of the applicant.

(3) Access to a file that is an official secret without consent of the applicant shall only be allowed to a person who can prove that, in relation to their acts, the applicant informed them in writing about the application and the scope of protection sought.

(4) If a patent application concerning a deposited biological material has been refused or withdrawn and if the applicant so requests, access to the deposited biological material shall only be permitted to an independent expert until the expiry of 20 years from the date of filing of the application.

(5) The Office may publish or communicate to third parties the following data before the publication of the patent application in the official journal of the Office: a) the number of the application; b) the filing date of the application and, if priority is claimed, the date, country or office and

the number of the first application; c) information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered

office); d) the title of the invention.

Article 9 (Fees)

(1) Fees shall be paid in relation to the acquisition and maintenance of rights under this Act. Fees shall be paid within the time limits provided by this Act. The amounts of fees shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia by way of a decree.

(2) In procedures in which fees under the preceding paragraph are paid, the fees under the Act governing administrative fees shall not be payable.

(3) If procedural fees are not paid in due time or are not paid in full, they shall be deemed not to have been paid and the application to be withdrawn, unless otherwise provided by this Act. At a payer's request, the Office shall reimburse the amount paid.

Chapter Two PATENTS

Section 1 Patents and short-term patents

Article 10 (Subject of patent protection)

(1) A patent shall be granted for any invention from any field of technology that is new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

(2) Detailed conditions for granting patents in respect of individual technical fields with specific technical or technological characteristics shall be defined by a decree issued by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 11 (Exceptions to patent protection)

(1) Discoveries, scientific theories, mathematical methods, and other rules, schemes, methods and processes for performing mental acts as such shall not be considered inventions under Article 10 of this Act.

(2) A patent may not be granted for: a) any invention whose application is contrary to public order or morality; b) any invention of a surgical, diagnostic or treatment procedure applied directly on a live

human or animal body, except inventions concerning products, in particular substances and mixtures, used in such procedures.

Article 12 (Novelty of invention)

(1) An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of the art.

(2) The state of the art shall be considered to comprise everything made available to the public by means of oral or written description, by use, or in any other way before the date of filing of the patent application. The effect of priority right shall be that the date of priority right shall be considered as the date of the filing of the application for the purposes of this Article.

(3) The state of the art shall also include the subject-matter of the following applications that have been filed before the date referred to in the preceding paragraph and published on or after that date: a) national patent applications, as originally filed with the Office; b) European patent applications, as originally filed with the European Patent Office

(hereinafter: the EPO) under the European Patent Convention of 5 October 1973 (hereinafter: the EPC), if seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia;

c) international applications, as originally filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970, as amended on 2 October 1979 and 3 February 1984 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS–MP], No. 19/93; hereinafter: the PCT), received by the Office as the elected office in accordance with Article 39 of the PCT.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs one, two and three of this Article, a substance or mixture that forms part of the state of the art may be protected by a patent for an invention related to the substance or mixture to be used in a treatment procedure referred to in point b) of paragraph two of Article 11 of this Act if such use is not comprised in the state of the art.

Article 13 (Non-prejudicial disclosure of invention)

(1) In applying Article 12 of this Act, a disclosure of invention shall not be taken into account if it occurred not earlier than six months prior to the filing of the patent application and was directly or indirectly due to: a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or their legal predecessor or b) the fact that the applicant or their legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official or officially recognised international exhibition referred to in Article 62 of this Act.

(2) The provision of point b) of the preceding paragraph shall only apply if the applicant states in the application that the invention has been so displayed and submits a relevant certificate thereof in accordance with paragraph two of Article 62 of this Act.

Article 14 (Inventive step)

(1) An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if it is obvious to an expert that the subject of the invention is not a result of the state of the art within the meaning of paragraph two of Article 12 of this Act.

(2) If the state of the art also includes documents referred to in paragraph three of Article 12 of this Act; such documents shall not be taken into account in assessing an inventive step.

(3) If an applicant, in addition to the first patent application which has not yet been published, files another patent application concerning the same subject of invention, the first patent application shall not be taken into account in assessing an inventive step with regard to the second patent application.

Article 15 (Industrial applicability)

An invention shall be considered as industrially applicable if the subject of the invention can be made or used in an industry of any kind, including agriculture.

Article 16 (Subject of short-term patent protection)

(1) With the exception of the inventions of processes, plant varieties and animal breeds, a short-term patent may be granted for inventions that are new, industrially applicable and the result of a creative effort.

(2) An invention shall be considered to be the result of a creative effort if it exhibits either particular effectiveness or practical advantage in industrial use.

(3) The provisions of this Act concerning patents shall apply mutatis mutandis to short-term patents, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 17 (Confidential inventions)

(1) Inventions that are important for the defence or security of the Republic of Slovenia shall be considered confidential and shall be registered with the ministry responsible for defence.

(2) The conditions for the exploitation of confidential inventions, in particular compensation for exploitation, shall be agreed directly between the inventor and the ministry responsible for defence.

(3) The application for an invention referred to in paragraph one of this Article may be filed with the Office if the ministry responsible for defence does not wish to exploit it or if it consents to the filing of the patent application.

Article 18 (Patent rights)

(1) A patent shall confer the following exclusive rights on its holder: a) if the subject of a patent is a product: to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent

from making, using, offering for sale or selling the product concerned or importing it for these purposes;

b) if the subject of a patent is a process: to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent from using the process and from offering for sale, selling or importing for these purposes a product obtained directly by this process.

(2) The scope of patent protection shall be determined by the content of patent claims. The description and any drawings shall also be used to interpret patent claims.

Article 19 (Limitation of patent rights)

The rights referred to in Article 18 of this Act shall not apply to: a) acts done privately and for non-commercial purposes; b) research and experiments of any kind relating to the subject of the patent irrespective of

their final purpose; c) the extemporaneous individual preparation of a medicine in a pharmacy in accordance with

a medical instruction or prescription, nor acts concerning the medicine so prepared; d) the use of the subject of patented invention on the ships of other countries, in the ship's

hull, machinery, block and tackle, deck gear and other apparel, when such ships temporarily or accidentally enter the waters of the Republic of Slovenia, provided that the invention is used there exclusively for the needs of the ship;

e) the use of the patented invention in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of other countries, or in the accessories of such aircraft or vehicles, when these aircraft or vehicles temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;

f) the acts specified in Article 27 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944 (Official Gazette of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list FLRJ – MP], Nos 3/54, 5/54, 9/61, 5/62, 11/63, 49/71, 62/73, 15/78 and 2/80, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92), if these acts concern the aircraft of a country to which the provisions of the aforementioned Article of the convention applies.

Article 20 (Right of prior use)

(1) The rights of the patent holder under Article 18 of this Act shall have no legal effect on a person who has been using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia in good faith before the date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority or has been making

preparations for such use and who is continuing such use. Such a person retains the right to use the invention but has no right to grant licence or otherwise dispose of the invention.

(2) The right of the person referred to in the preceding paragraph to continue using the invention may only be transferred together with the enterprise or business in which the invention has been used or preparations for its use have been made.

Article 21 (Exhaustion of patent rights)

(1) Patent rights shall not apply to acts concerning a product covered by the patent which are performed in the Republic of Slovenia after that product has been placed on the market in the Republic of Slovenia by the holder of the patent or with the holder’s express consent, unless there are grounds which, under the law of the Republic of Slovenia, would justify the extension of patent rights to such acts.

(2) The exhaustion of patent rights referred to in the preceding paragraph may be extended beyond the territory of the Republic of Slovenia if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 22 (Term of a patent)

(1) Subject to paragraph three of Article 91 and relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the term of a patent shall be 20 years from the date of filing of the application.

(2) Immediately on expiry, the term of a patent may be extended once if a state of war or similar state of emergency is declared, this for the duration of such state or situation but not for more than five years.

(3) Immediately on expiry of the term of the patent, a supplementary protection certificate may be granted in accordance with a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the invention, this once and for no more than five years, if the subject of the patent is a product or a process of manufacturing or using a product that has to undergo an official approval procedure prescribed by an Act before it can be used for commercial purposes.

Article 23 (Term of a short-term patent)

Subject to relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the term of a short-term patent shall be ten years from the date of filing the application.

Section 2 European patent applications and European patents

Article 24 (Application of law)

(1) Unless otherwise provided by the EPC, the provisions of this Act shall apply to patents granted by the EPO in accordance with the EPC (hereinafter: European patents) and

to applications for a European patent filed in accordance with the EPC (hereinafter: European patent applications) where protection in the Republic of Slovenia is sought.

(2) In the event of conflict between the provisions of the EPC and the provisions of this Act, the provisions of the EPC shall apply in respect of European patent applications and European patents.

Article 25 (Filing of European patent applications)

(1) European patent applications, other than divisional applications, may be filed with the Office in any language allowed by paragraphs one and two of Article 14 of the EPC.

(2) Article 17 of this Act shall apply to European patent applications for inventions that may affect the national security in the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 26 (Validity of European patent applications)

(1) A European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia to which a filing date has been accorded shall be equivalent to a national patent application, taking into account any priority claimed for the European patent application, regardless of its later outcome.

(2) A published European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall confer the protection provided under paragraph four of Article 122 of this Act from the date when the applicant notified the person using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia of a Slovenian translation of the patent claims of the published European patent application.

Article 27 (Validity of European patents)

(1) A European patent seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall, subject to paragraphs two and four of this Article, confer the same rights as a national patent granted by the Office under Article 18 of this Act from the date when the EPO publishes the decision on the granting of the patent.

(2) The holder of a European patent must provide the Office with a Slovenian translation of the European patent claims and pay the prescribed fee for publication within three months of the publishing of the decision on the granting of the European patent.

(3) If, as a result of an opposition filed with the EPO, a European patent is maintained with amended claims, the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(4) If claims contain reference codes used in drawings, such drawings shall be attached to the translation referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article and any text in the drawings shall also be translated.

(5) The Office shall publish any translation filed in accordance with paragraphs two, three or four of this Article.

(6) If the holder of a European patent complies with paragraph two of this Article, the Office shall issue a decision on the entry of the European patent in the Office’s patent register.

(7) If the translation referred to in paragraphs two, three or four of this Article is not filed in due time or the prescribed fee is not paid in due time, the European patent seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall be considered invalid.

Article 28 (Authentic texts of European patent applications or European patents)

(1) If a translation referred to in Articles 26 and 27 of this Act provides protection which is narrower than that provided in the language of the proceedings, the translation shall be considered the authentic text, except in opposition proceedings before the EPO.

(2) The applicant for or holder of a European patent may file a corrected translation of claims at any time. The corrected translation shall take legal effect on the date when the Office publishes it or on the date when the applicant for or holder of the European patent notifies the person using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia of the corrected translation.

(3) Any person who is using or has made effective and serious preparations to use the invention in good faith, and such use would not constitute infringement of the application or patent in the original translation, may continue such use in their business and for the needs thereof without payment even after the corrected translation takes effect.

Article 29 (Fees for European patents)

(1) The fees for the maintenance of European patents in the Republic of Slovenia for years following the year in which the decision on the granting of the European patent was published shall be paid to the Office, subject to Articles 109 and 110 of this Act. If the maintenance fee for the third year of the European patent term has not been paid to the EPO, it shall be paid to the Office.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the first maintenance fee for a European patent shall fall due two months after the publication of the decision on the granting of the European patent.

(3) Pursuant to Article 39 of the EPC, a share of fees paid under this Article shall be remitted to the European Patent Organisation.

Article 30 (Conversion into a national patent application)

(1) A European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia may be converted into a national patent application, if the European patent application is considered to be withdrawn pursuant to paragraph five of Article 77 of the EPC or because the translation of the application under paragraph two of Article 14 of the EPC has not been filed in due time, as provided by paragraph three of Article 90 of the EPC.

(2) The applicant shall pay the prescribed fee and file a Slovenian translation of the application with the Office within the prescribed time limit.

Article 31 (Simultaneous protection)

If a European patent and a national patent granted to the same person have the same filing date or date of claimed priority, and the national patent applies to the same invention as the European patent, the national patent shall have no legal effect from the date when the time limit for filing an opposition to the European patent expires without an opposition having been filed or from the date when final decision on the validity of the European patent is issued in opposition proceedings.

Section 3 Patent applications under the PCT

Article 32 (Applications under the PCT)

(1) The Office shall act as a receiving Office under the PCT.

(2) The Office shall accept international applications filed by nationals of the Republic of Slovenia or persons with permanent residence or registered office in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

(3) International applications under the PCT shall be filed in English, French or German. They may also be filed in Slovenian if an English, French or German translation is submitted to the Office within the time limit prescribed by the rules and instructions issued to implement the PCT.

(4) The Office shall collect fees in respect of applications under this Article on behalf and for the account of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

(5) The EPO shall be the authority competent for the international searching and preliminary examinations of international applications under the PCT filed with the Office.

(6) A designation or election of the Republic of Slovenia in an international application under point (viii) of Article 2 of the PCT shall be considered as a request for the granting of a European patent having effect in the Republic of Slovenia pursuant to an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.


Section 1 Industrial designs

Article 33 (Subject of industrial design protection)

(1) An industrial design shall be registered for a design that is new and has an individual character.

(2) A design shall mean the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation.

(3) A product shall mean an industrial or handicraft product, including, inter alia, parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbols and typographic typefaces, but excluding computer programs. A complex product shall mean a product composed of multiple components which can be replaced, permitting disassembly and reassembly of the product.

(4) A design relating to a component of a complex product shall only be considered to be new and to have an individual character: a) if the component, once it has been incorporated into the complex product, remains visible

during the normal use of the complex product and b) if the visible features of the component in themselves fulfil the requirements as to novelty

and individual character.

(5) Normal use within the meaning of point a) of the preceding paragraph shall mean the use by the end user, excluding maintenance, servicing or repair.

Article 34 (Novelty and individual character)

(1) A design shall be considered new if no identical design has been made available to the public before the filing date of the industrial design application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. Designs shall be considered identical if their features differ only in immaterial details.

(2) A design shall be considered to have individual character if the overall impression it produces on an informed user differs from the overall impression produced by any other design that has been made available to the public before the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.

(3) In assessing individual character, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design shall be taken into account.

Article 35 (Disclosure of a design)

(1) In applying Article 34 of this Act, a design shall be deemed to have been available to the public if it has been published in registration proceedings or otherwise, exhibited, used in trade or otherwise disclosed before the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, unless these events could not have become known in the normal course of business to the circles specialised in the sector concerned operating within the European Union. A design shall not be deemed to have been available to the public for the sole reason that it has been disclosed to a third party under explicit or implicit conditions of confidentiality.

(2) In applying Article 34 of this Act, a disclosure shall not be taken into account if a design for which industrial design protection is sought has been made available to the public in the European Union: a) as a result of information provided or action taken by the designer, their successor in title

or a third party and

b) during the 12-month period preceding the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.

(3) The preceding paragraph shall also apply if the design has been made available to the public as a consequence of an abuse in relation to the designer or their successor in title.

Article 36 (Refusal of an industrial design)

(1) A design may not be registered as an industrial design if: a) it is not in accordance with paragraph two of Article 33 of this Act; b) it does not meet the conditions referred to in paragraph one or four of Article 33 or Articles

34 or 35 of this Act or is in conflict with an industrial design having effect in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of an application with an earlier filing date;

c) it must be refused pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, last revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], Nos 5/74 and 7/86; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Paris Convention) because an authorisation of the competent authorities has not been issued;

d) it includes or imitates badges, emblems or escutcheons, other than those covered by Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, that are of particular public interest, unless the competent authorities have given consent to the registration thereof;

e) it is contrary to public order or morality.

(2) An industrial design may not be registered for the features of appearance of a product that are solely dictated by its technical function.

(3) An industrial design may not be registered for the features of appearance of a product that must be reproduced in their exact form and dimensions in order to allow the product to which the design relates to be mechanically connected to or placed in, around or against another product so that each product can perform its function.

(4) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a design allowing multiple assembly or connection of mutually interchangeable products within a modular system may be registered as an industrial design under the conditions set out in Article 34 of this Act.

Article 37 (Industrial design rights)

(1) The holder of an industrial design shall have the exclusive right to use it and to prevent any third party not having their consent from using it. The aforementioned use shall cover, in particular, the making, offering, placing on the market, importing, exporting or using the product to which the design relates, or stocking such a product for such purposes.

(2) The scope of protection shall include any design that does not produce a different overall impression on an informed user. In assessing the scope of protection, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design shall be taken into account.

(3) The rights referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall not apply to: a) the importation of spare parts and accessories for the purpose of repairing a ship or aircraft

temporarily entering the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the execution of repairs on

such a ship or aircraft, and mutatis mutandis the acts referred to in Article 19 of this Act, with the exception of point c);

b) acts of reproduction for the purposes of citing or teaching, provided that such acts are in accordance with good business practice and do not unduly harm the normal exploitation of the design, and that the source is acknowledged.

(4) Any third person may exercise the right of prior use of an industrial design. The provisions of Article 20 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to such cases.

Article 38 (Exhaustion of industrial design rights)

(1) Industrial design rights shall not apply to acts related to a product to which the design which is the subject of industrial design relates if the product has been placed on the market in the Republic of Slovenia by the holder of the industrial design or with the holder's consent.

(2) The exhaustion of industrial design rights under the preceding paragraph may be extended beyond the territory of the Republic of Slovenia if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 39 (Other forms of industrial design protection)

(1) The provisions of this Act concerning industrial designs shall be without prejudice to the provisions of other acts concerning unregistered industrial designs, trade marks or other distinctive signs, patents, utility models or marks, civil liability, or unfair competition.

(2) An industrial design may be the subject of copyright protection from the date when the design was created or fixed in any form if it fulfils the conditions under which such protection is granted under the Act governing copyright and related rights.

Article 40 (Term of an industrial design)

(1) The term of an industrial design shall be one or several five-year periods from the date of filing of the application.

(2) Subject to the relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the holder of an industrial design may renew the industrial design for one or more five-year periods, up to a total of 25 years from the date of filing of the application.

(3) If an industrial design relates to more than one product, it may be renewed, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, as a whole or in a limited scope only for some products.

Section 2 International deposit of industrial designs

Article 41 (Requests under the Hague Agreement)

(1) Requests under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs of 28 November 1960, as completed on 14 July 1967 and amended on 28 September 1979 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 20/94; hereinafter: the Hague Agreement), shall be filed, in accordance with the Hague Agreement and rules and instructions issued to implement it, directly with the International Bureau.

(2) In accordance with Article 8 of the Hague Agreement, the provisions of this Act, with the exception of paragraph two of Article 96 thereof, shall apply mutatis mutandis to requests under the Hague Agreement seeking protection of an industrial design in the Republic of Slovenia.

Chapter Four TRADE MARKS

Section 1 Trade marks and collective marks

Article 42 (Subject of trade mark protection)

(1) A trade mark may consist of any signs, in particular words, including personal names, or images, letters, numerals, colours, the shape of a good or its packaging, or sounds, provided that: a) such signs make the goods or services of an undertaking distinguishable from those of

other undertakings and b) such signs can be represented in the register in a manner which enables the Office and

other competent authorities and the public to clearly and precisely determine the subject of protection afforded to its holder.

(2) In assessing whether a sign may be registered as a trade mark, all actual circumstances, in particular the duration of its use, shall be taken into account.

(3) The nature of the goods or services on which a trade mark is to be used shall in no way hinder the registration of the trade mark.

Article 43 (Absolute grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) A sign shall not be registered as a trade mark if: a) it cannot constitute a trade mark; b) it is devoid of any distinctive character; c) in trade, it serves solely to designate the type, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value,

geographical origin or time of production of the goods or provision of the service or other characteristics of the goods or services;

d) it consists solely of signs or indications which have become customary in the current language or in the bona fide and established trade practices;

e) it consists solely of the shape or other characteristic that results from the nature of the goods themselves, is necessary to obtain a technical effect, or gives substantial value to the goods;

f) it is contrary to public order or morality;

g) it deceives the public, in particular as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services;

h) it has not been authorised by the competent authorities and must be refused pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention;

i) it includes or imitates badges, emblems or escutcheons, other than those covered by Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, that are of particular public interest, unless the competent authorities have given consent to the registration thereof;

j) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or with international treaties to which the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union are parties which provide protection for designations of origin and geographical indications;

k) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the European Union or with international treaties to which the European Union is party which provide protection for traditional terms for wine;

l) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the European Union or with international treaties to which the European Union is party which provide protection for traditional specialities guaranteed;

m) it consists of a plant variety name that has been previously registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or with international treaties to which the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union are parties which provide protection for plant variety rights and relates to plant varieties of the same or closely related species or contains the essential elements of such a name.

(2) Notwithstanding points b), c) and d) of the preceding paragraph, a trade mark registration shall not be refused if through use the sign has acquired a distinctive character before the date of filing of the application.

Article 44 (Relative grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) If an opposition has been filed in accordance with Article 101 of this Act, a trade mark shall not be registered in respect of a sign: a) that is identical to the sign of an earlier trade mark and the goods or services for which the

trade mark is applied for are identical to the goods or services for which the earlier trade mark is protected;

b) whose identity or similarity to the sign of an earlier trade mark, and the identity or similarity of the goods or services on which the sign and the trade mark are to be used, lead to the possibility of confusion among the public, which includes the possibility of association with the earlier trade mark;

c) that is identical to the sign of an earlier trade mark, regardless of whether the goods or services for which the trade mark is applied for are identical or similar to the goods or services for which the earlier trade mark is protected if the earlier trade mark has a reputation in the Republic of Slovenia and the use of the later trade mark without due cause would take unfair advantage of or be detrimental to the distinctive character or the reputation of the earlier trade mark;

d) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of the right to an unregistered sign used in trade that was obtained before the filing date of the trade mark application or the date of priority if priority is claimed;

e) that an agent or representative of the holder of the trade mark has registered as a trade mark in their own name without the holder’s consent, unless the agent or representative justifies their action;

f) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of a registered designation of origin or geographical indication for which an application has been filed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union concerning the protection of designations of

origin or geographical indications before the filing date of the trade mark application or the date of priority if priority is claimed;

g) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of an earlier right to a name, personal portrayal, copyright or other industrial property right, unless the holder of the earlier right has given express consent to the registration of such a trade mark.

(2) An earlier trade mark shall mean: a) a trade mark that was registered in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a national

application before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

b) a European Union trade mark (hereinafter: EU trade mark) that was registered before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

c) a trade mark that was registered on the basis of international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

d) trade mark applications referred to in points a), b) and c) of this paragraph that were filed before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, provided they are registered;

e) an unregistered sign that, on the filing date of the trade mark application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, is a known trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia under Article 6bis of the Paris Convention.

Article 45 (Collective marks)

(1) A collective mark shall mean a trade mark that is described as such upon the filing of the application and whose sign allows distinguishing the goods or services of the members of the holder of such mark from the goods or services of other undertakings.

(2) An applicant for or holder of a collective mark may be a legal entity acting as an association of manufacturers, producers, suppliers of services or traders or a legal entity under public law.

(3) The members of a collective mark holder may use the collective mark in accordance with the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(4) The provisions of this Act shall apply to the acquisition of collective marks, unless otherwise provided by this Act. Notwithstanding point c) of paragraph one of Article 43 of this Act, a sign indicating the geographical origin of goods or services may be registered as a collective mark.

Article 46 (Regulations on a collective mark)

(1) An applicant for a collective mark must enclose with the application the regulations on the collective mark.

(2) The regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include at least: a) the name and registered office of the applicant; b) the applicant’s business and information on whom it officially and statutorily represents; c) the conditions of membership; d) conditions for the use of the collective mark;

e) information on the group of persons entitled to use the collective mark; f) provisions concerning the rights and obligations of the members in the event of

infringement of the collective mark rights.

(3) An applicant for or a holder of a collective mark shall notify the Office of any amendments to the regulations and submit a clean copy thereof. The Office shall make an entry in the register on the amendment to the regulations, unless the amended regulations do not fulfil the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph or any of the grounds referred to in Article 46a of this Act exist. An amendment to the regulations takes effect on the date of entry of the amendment in the register.

(4) The regulations shall be public and any person shall be allowed access to them.

Article 46a (Grounds for collective mark refusal)

(1) A collective mark shall not be registered if any of the grounds referred to in Articles 42, 43 or 44 of this Act exist and also if: a) it fails to meet the conditions referred to in Articles 45 and 46 of this Act; b) it could mislead the public as to its character or significance, particularly if it is likely to be

taken to be something other than a collective mark; c) regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act are contrary to public order or morality.

(2) Notwithstanding point c) of the preceding paragraph, the registration of a collective mark shall not be refused if the applicant remedies the established deficiencies by amending the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

Article 47 (Trade mark rights)

(1) A trade mark shall confer on the holder exclusive right to use the trade mark and other exclusive rights under this Act. Without prejudice to the holder’s rights that have been acquired before the filing date of the trade mark application or priority date, the holder of a trade mark has the right to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent from using in trade in relation to goods or services any sign: a) that is identical to the trade mark on the same goods or services as those covered by the

trade mark; b) whose identity or similarity to the trade mark, and the identity or similarity of the goods or

services covered by the trade mark and the sign, lead to the possibility of confusion among the public, which includes the possibility of association between the sign and the trade mark;

c) that is identical to the trade mark, regardless of whether the goods or services are identical or similar to the goods or services covered by the trade mark, if the trade mark has a reputation in the Republic of Slovenia and the use of such a sign without due cause would take unfair advantage of or be detrimental to the distinctive character or the reputation of the trade mark.

(2) The right referred to in the preceding paragraph to prevent third parties from using a sign shall include in particular the prohibition against: a) affixing the sign to goods or their packaging; b) offering goods bearing the sign, placing such goods on the market or stocking them for

these purposes or offering or supplying services under the sign; c) importing or exporting goods under the sign;

d) using the sign on business documents and in advertising; e) using the sign as a trade name or company name or a part of trade name or company

name; f) using the sign in comparative advertising in a manner contrary to the legislation of the

Republic of Slovenia or the European Union concerning misleading and comparative advertising.

(3) Without prejudice to the holder’s rights acquired before the filing date of the trade mark application or priority date, the holder of a trade mark has the right to prevent third parties from bringing goods, in the course of trade, into the Republic of Slovenia, without the goods being released for free circulation, if such goods, including the packaging thereof, come from countries that are not members of the European Union or European Economic Area and bear, without the authorisation of the trade mark holder, a sign that is identical to the trade mark registered for such goods or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from that trade mark.

(4) A trade mark holder shall no longer have the right referred to in the preceding paragraph if, during infringement proceedings initiated in accordance with the legislation of the European Union concerning customs measures relating to infringements of intellectual property rights, the declarant or holder of the goods proves that the holder of the trade mark has no right to prohibit the placing of the goods on the market in the country of final destination.

Article 47a (Prohibition of preparatory acts related to packaging or other means)

If there is a risk that the packaging, labels, tags, security or authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which a trade mark is affixed could be used in relation to goods or services and that use would infringe on the rights of the holder of a trade mark referred to in paragraphs one or two of Article 47 of this Act, the holder of that trade mark shall have the right to prohibit the following acts if carried out in the course of trade: a) affixing a sign identical or similar to the trade mark on packaging, labels, tags, security or

authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which the trade mark may be affixed;

b) offering or placing on the market, stocking for these purposes, or importing or exporting packaging, labels, tags, security or authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which the trade mark is affixed.

Article 48 (Limitation of trade mark rights)

(1) The holder of a trade mark may not prohibit a third party from using in the course of trade and in accordance with good business practice: a) their own name or address; b) signs or indications that are not distinctive or indications concerning the type, quality,

quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or the time of production of goods or provision of service, or other characteristics of goods or services;

c) the trade mark for the purpose of identifying or referring to goods or services as those of the holder of the trade mark concerned, in particular if the use of the trade mark is necessary to indicate the intended purpose of a product or service, in particular with regard to accessories or spare parts;

d) any sign that is identical or similar to the trade mark, if the third party started to use it in good faith before the filing date of the application or the date of priority if priority is claimed in the application.

(2) A trade mark shall not give the holder the right to prohibit a third party from using, in the course of trade, an earlier right which only applies in a particular area if the earlier right is recognised in the Republic of Slovenia and the use is within the limits of the territory in which it is recognised.

Article 49 (Limitation of collective mark rights)

(1) A collective mark indicating the geographical origin of goods shall not give the holder the right to prohibit a third party from using such a sign in the course of trade if they use it in accordance with good business practice or to prohibit the use of the geographical origin by a third party entitled to the use thereof.

(2) The holder of a collective mark indicating the geographical origin of goods or services shall enable any person whose goods or services originate in the geographical area concerned and meet the conditions for the use of a collective mark laid down by the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act to become a member of the holder of the collective mark.

Article 50 (Exhaustion of trade mark rights)

(1) A trade mark shall not give the holder the right to prohibit its use in relation to the goods that have been placed on the market in the European Economic Area by the holder or with the holder’s consent.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall not apply if valid reasons exist for the holder to oppose further commercialisation of the goods, especially if the condition of the goods has changed or deteriorated after they have been placed on the market.

Article 51 (Reproduction of trade marks in dictionaries)

If the reproduction of a trade mark in a dictionary, encyclopaedia or similar publication gives the impression that it constitutes the generic name of the goods or services for which the sign is registered, the publisher of the work shall, at the request of the holder of the trade mark, ensure that, at the latest in the next edition of the publication, the reproduction of the trade mark is accompanied by an indication that it is a trade mark. If the work is in electronic form, the publisher shall ensure this immediately.

Article 52 (Term of a trade mark)

(1) The term of a trade mark shall be ten years from the filing date of the application.

(2) Subject to the relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the holder of a trade mark or any person authorised to do so by an Act or contract may renew the trade mark for another ten years, counting from the filing date of the application, an unlimited number of times.

(3) A trade mark may be renewed in accordance with the preceding paragraph for all goods or services or in a limited scope for only some goods or services.

Article 52a (Prohibition of the use or transfer of a trade mark registered in the name of an agent or


(1) If a trade mark has been registered in the name of the agent or representative of the trade mark holder without the holder’s consent, the trade mark holder has the right to request that their agent or representative be prohibited from using the trade mark and that the trade mark be transferred to them.

(2) The trade mark holder shall not have the right referred to in the preceding paragraph if the agent or representative justifies their action.

Article 52b (Use of a trade mark)

(1) If, within a period of five years following the date of the entry of the trade mark in the register, the holder has not put the trade mark to genuine use in the Republic of Slovenia on the goods or services for which it is registered, or if such use has been interrupted in the period of five consecutive years, the trade mark shall be subject to the limitations and sanctions referred to in Articles 52c, 102a, 120 and 122a of this Act, unless justified reasons exist for non-use.

(2) The following shall also be considered as the use of a trade mark: a) the use of a trade mark in a form differing from the form in which it has been registered in

elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the trade mark, regardless of whether the trade mark has been registered in the name of the holder of the trade mark in the form in which it is used;

b) the affixing of a trade mark to goods or the packaging thereof in the Republic of Slovenia solely for export purposes.

(3) It shall be considered that the holder uses a trade mark if it is used with their consent.

(4) A collective mark shall be considered to be used by the holder if it is used by at least one person entitled to use it.

Article 52c (Non-use as defence in invalidation proceedings)

(1) A holder of a later trade mark whose invalidation is requested by the holder of an earlier trade mark may request that the holder of the earlier trade mark provide evidence that, during the five-year period preceding the date of the application for invalidity, they had genuinely used their trade mark that is subject to the application for invalidity, in accordance with Article 52b of this Act, on the goods or services for which it is registered, or that there are justified reasons for non-use, provided that the earlier trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark to be declared invalid.

(2) If on the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or on the date of priority, the five-year period within which the holder of the earlier trade mark should have put it to genuine use in accordance with Article 52b of this Act had expired, the holder of the earlier trade mark shall, in addition to the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph, provide evidence that they had put the trade mark to genuine use during the five-year period preceding

the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or the date of priority, or that justified reasons for non-use existed.

(3) If the holder of the earlier trade mark fails to prove, at the request of the holder of the later trade mark, the existence of circumstances referred to in paragraphs one and two of this Article, the application for the later trade mark to be declared invalid on the basis of an earlier trade mark shall be rejected.

(4) If the earlier trade mark has only been used on some of the goods or services for which it is registered, it shall, for the purpose of the examination of the merits of the application for invalidity, be considered to only be registered for such goods or services.

Article 52d (Cessation of right to apply for invalidity of a trade mark)

(1) If, in a period of five consecutive years, the holder of an earlier trade mark has not opposed the use of the later trade mark while being aware of such use, they shall no longer have the right to apply, on the basis of their earlier trade mark, for the later trade mark to be declared invalid for the goods or services on which the later trade mark is being used, unless the later trade mark has not been applied for in good faith.

(2) The holder of the later trade mark shall prove that they have used their trade mark for at least five consecutive years and that the holder of the earlier trade mark was aware of this use.

(3) In the case referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the holder of the later trade mark shall no longer have the right to oppose the use of the earlier trade mark even though the earlier trade mark may no longer be invoked against the later trade mark.

Article 52e (Distinctive character and declaration of trade mark invalidity)

(1) A trade mark shall not be declared invalid under points b), c) or d) of paragraph one of Article 43 of this Act if through use it has acquired a distinctive character before the filing date of the application for invalidity.

(2) An application based on an earlier trade mark for a later trade mark to be declared invalid shall not be granted on the filing date of the application for invalidity if such an application would not have been granted on the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or the date of priority for the following reasons: a) the earlier trade mark can be declared invalid under points b), c) or d) of paragraph one of

Article 43 of this Act, as it has not yet acquired a distinctive character; b) the application for invalidity is based on point b) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act

and the earlier trade mark has not yet become sufficiently distinctive to support the claim of the likelihood of confusion under point b) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act; or

c) the application for invalidity is based on point c) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act and the earlier trade mark has not yet acquired a reputation within the meaning of point c) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

Article 52f (Subsequent establishment of invalidity or revocation of a trade mark)

If seniority of an earlier trade mark registered on the basis of a national application or international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia which the holder has surrendered or allowed to lapse is claimed for an EU trade mark, the invalidity or revocation of the trade mark which serves as providing the basis for the seniority claim may also be established after its expiry if the invalidity or revocation of the trade mark could have been established at the time the holder surrendered it or allowed it to lapse. In such a case, the seniority of the earlier trade mark shall cease to have effect.

Section 2 International registration of trade marks

Article 53 (Filing of application with the Office)

(1) The Office shall accept applications under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of 14 April 1891 as last revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 2/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Madrid Agreement) and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of 27 June 1997 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 21/97; hereinafter: the Madrid Protocol).

(2) A corresponding fee shall be paid upon filing the application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid within this time limit, the application shall be considered to be withdrawn.

(3) The application for international registration of a trade mark shall be accompanied by a list of goods or services in a language as prescribed by the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol and the rules and instructions for their implementation.

(4) If the application is not drawn up in accordance with the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol, the rules and instructions for their implementation, this Act and implementing regulations, the Office shall invite the applicant to amend the application accordingly within three months of the service of the invitation. If the applicant fails to amend the application within this time limit, the application shall be considered to be withdrawn.

(5) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of the application referred to in paragraph one of this Article and procedures relating thereto.

Article 54 (Examination of international trade marks)

(1) In accordance with Article 5 of the Madrid Agreement or Article 5 of the Madrid Protocol, the provisions of this Act, with the exception of Article 103 thereof, shall apply mutatis mutandis to applications under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol seeking trade mark protection in the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The publication of information on the international registration of a trade mark in the journal of the International Bureau shall be considered as the publication of the trade mark application in the Republic of Slovenia.

(3) If the holder of the trade mark for which protection is sought in the Republic of Slovenia under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol does not state their position on the intended refusal of the protection of the trade mark, their having been notified in accordance with Article 5 of the Madrid Agreement or Article 5 of the Madrid Protocol, the Office shall, notwithstanding paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act, serve the decision by mail directly to the holder of the trade mark.

Article 54a (Use of international trade marks)

(1) With regard to trade marks registered pursuant to international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia, the period of five years referred to in Article 52b of this Act shall run from the date when the Office’s statement on the recognition of protection of an internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia is published in the journal of the International Bureau.

(2) If, after the expiry of one year from the date of notification of the International Bureau of the application for the protection of an internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia, the Office has not notified the International Bureau of the temporary refusal of protection of the internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia or has not sent to the International Bureau a statement on the recognition of the protection of the internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia, the period of five years referred to in Article 52b of this Act shall run from the first day following the expiry of a period of one year from the date of notification of the International Bureau of the application for the protection of internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia.


Article 55 (Subject of registered geographical indication protection)

(1) Geographical indications that may be registered shall be indications which identify a good as originating in a certain territory, or a region or a place in that territory, if the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good depends to a significant extent on its geographical origin.

(2) The name of a good that has become generally known through long-term use in the course of trade as the name indicating that the good originates in a specific place or region may also be registered as a geographical indication.

(3) Geographical indications related to a good of special historic or cultural importance may be protected directly by a decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

(4) Geographical indications for agricultural products and food products and for wine and other grape and wine products may not be registered as geographical indications under this Act.

Article 56 (Grounds for refusing the registration of a geographical indication)

A geographical indication may not be registered if: a) it indicates or suggests that the good in question originates in a geographical area other

than its true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public as to the geographical origin of the good;

b) although literally true as to the territory, region or place in which the good originates, it falsely represents to the public that the good originates in another region;

c) it has become generally known through long-term use in the course of trade as a designation for a specific type of good;

d) due to the indication’s reputation and renown and the duration of its use, registration could mislead the consumer as to the true identity of the product.

Article 57 (Protection of a registered geographical indication from general use)

Registered geographical indications may not be converted into generic or commonly known names that could be freely used in trade.

Article 58 (Registered geographical indication rights)

(1) A registered geographical indication is a collective right and may be used in trade by persons who, in accordance with the specification referred to in paragraph two of Article 104 of this Act, produce or place on the market goods protected by the geographical indication.

(2) A registered geographical indication may not be used by persons not entitled to do so.

(3) The use of a registered geographical indication shall be prohibited if the goods do not originate in the place indicated by the geographical indication even if the true origin of the goods is indicated or if the geographical indication is used in translation or accompanied by expressions such as "kind", "type", "style", "imitation" or the like.

Article 59 (Limitation of registered geographical indication rights)

(1) A trade mark that is identical or similar to a registered geographical indication may not be revoked nor its use prohibited if it has been applied for or registered in good faith or if has been acquired through use in good faith before the geographical indication was registered.

(2) A registered geographical indication shall not exclude the right of any person to use in trade their own name or the name of their predecessor in business, except if the name is used in such a manner as to mislead the public.

Article 60 (Term of a registered geographical indication)

The term of a registered geographical indication shall be unlimited.


Article 61 (Union right of priority)

(1) Any person who has duly filed the first application for a patent, industrial design or trade mark in a member country of the Union established under the Paris Convention (hereinafter: the Paris Union) or of the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter: the WTO) shall have the right of priority upon filing an application in the Republic of Slovenia. The time limit for exercising the right of priority shall for patents be 12 months and for industrial designs and trade marks six months from the filing date of the first application.

(2) When filing an application in the Republic of Slovenia, a person claiming the right of priority referred to in the preceding paragraph shall indicate the date of the claimed priority. Within three months of the filing of the application, the number and country or office of the first application shall be communicated to the Office. If the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the priority shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

(3) At the request of the Office or, in case of dispute, at the request of the court, the person claiming the right of priority shall submit a copy of the first application, certified by the competent authority in the member country of the Paris Union or the WTO in which the first application was filed. A copy of the first application may not be required before the expiry of 16 months from the filing date of the first application.

(4) If the copy of the first application referred to in the preceding paragraph is not in Slovenian and the validity of the claimed priority is relevant to determine whether the invention concerned is patentable, the Office or, in case of dispute, the court may request that the person claiming priority submit a Slovenian translation of the first application within three months of the service of the request.

(5) An applicant may claim multiple priorities based on several previous applications filed in one or several countries.

(6) An applicant may claim the right of priority in a patent application on the basis of a utility model application.

(7) On request and against payment of the fee prescribed by the Act governing administrative fees, the Office shall issue a priority right certificate. The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of a priority right certificate and the procedure for the issuing thereof.

Article 62 (Exhibition priority right)

(1) A person who displays an invention or the design of a product or part thereof or uses a sign for marking goods or services at an official or officially recognised international exhibition under the Convention relating to International Exhibitions, signed on 22 November 1928 and last revised on 30 November 1972, in the Republic of Slovenia or other member country of the Paris Union or the WTO, may, within three months of the closing of the exhibition, claim in their application the right of priority as of the first day of the display of the invention or the design of a product or part thereof or of the use of the sign.

(2) When filing the application in the Republic of Slovenia, a person claiming the right of priority referred to in the preceding paragraph must provide information on the type of exhibition, the place where it was held, the opening and closing dates, and the first day of display or use and submit a written certificate of a competent authority in the member country

of the Paris Union or the WTO that the exhibition was an official or officially recognised international exhibition. If the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the priority shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

(3) The claiming of priority under paragraph one of this Article shall not extend the time limit for claiming the union right of priority referred to in paragraph one of Article 61 of this Act.

Article 63 (Amendment of a priority claim)

(1) An applicant may request a priority claim in a patent application to be amended within 16 months of the date of priority claimed or the amended date of priority claimed, if the amendment would result in a change in the date of priority, provided that such a request is filed within four months of the filing date of the patent application.

(2) When filing the request, the applicant shall pay a fee, otherwise the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) If an applicant has requested publication under paragraph two of Article 89 of this Act and subsequently also filed a request referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the request referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be deemed not to have been filed, unless the applicant withdraws the request under paragraph two of Article 89 of this Act before the technical preparations for publication of the application are completed.

(4) If the amendment of a priority claim results in a change in the date of priority, the time limits shall start to run from the amended date of priority claimed.

Article 64 (Establishment of priority right)

(1) If the filing date of a patent application in which the priority of the first application could be claimed is later than the last date of the time limit for claiming priority, but not by more than two months, the applicant may request the establishment of priority right if they were not able to file the application within the time limit referred to in paragraph one of Article 61 of this Act despite taking all due care considering the circumstances.

(2) The applicant must file the request for the establishment of priority right within two months of the last date of the time limit for claiming priority and before technical preparations for publication of the application are completed. When filing the request, the applicant shall pay a fee, otherwise the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 65 (Prohibition to extend the scope of an application)

(1) After the filing date, the subject matter of a patent application may not be extended beyond the subject matter of the application initially accepted.

(2) After the filing date of an industrial design application, the appearance of the product or part thereof may not be substantially modified or the number of products increased.

(3) After the filing date of a trade mark application, the sign may not be substantially modified or the original number of goods or services increased.

Article 66 (Extension of time limits)

(1) Before a time limit under this Act expires, the applicant or holder may once request for it to be extended by three months.

(2) The time limits for filing an action and time limits referred to in paragraph one of Article 13, paragraph two of Article 27, paragraph two of Article 35, paragraph one of Article 61, paragraph one of Article 62, paragraph one of Article 63, paragraph two of Article 64, paragraph two of Article 67, paragraph two of Article 68, paragraph three of Article 80, paragraph three of Article 86, paragraph one of Article 91, paragraph three of Article 92, paragraphs two and three of Article 94, paragraphs one and four of Article 101, Article 109, Article 110, paragraph one of Article 117, paragraph two of Article 130, and paragraph two of Article 137 shall not be extendable.

Article 67 (Continuation of proceedings after missed time limit)

(1) An applicant who has missed a time limit for the fulfilment of the obligations required in the proceedings for the acquisition of a right may request that the missed time limit be deemed to have been complied with, that the legal consequences of missed time limit be waived and that the Office continues the proceedings concerning the acquisition of the right.

(2) The request for the continuation of proceedings shall be filed within two months counting from the date when the reasons for which the applicant missed the deadline ceased to exist, or, if the applicant only later learned that the time limit was missed, from the date when the they learned about it but not later than six months from the day the time limit was missed. When filing the request, the applicant shall complete the omitted act and pay a fee for the continuation of proceedings. If the omitted act is not completed or if the fee for the continuation of proceedings is not paid in the aforementioned time limit, the request shall be deemed not to have been filed.

(3) The continuation of proceedings may not be requested if the missed time limit is the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph or the time limit for filing an opposition or action, or if a request for restitution, a request for the amendment of a priority claim or a request for the establishment of priority right has been filed.

(4) If the Office grants a request for the continuation of proceedings, paragraphs six or seven of Article 68 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 68 (Restitution)

(1) In proceedings before the Office, a party may request restitution on justified grounds if, despite taking all due care considering the circumstances, they were unable to fulfil in due time the obligations required by the Office in accordance with this Act and the implementing regulations issued pursuant to this Act, and this resulted in any of their applications being considered withdrawn or being rejected or refused or the right lapsing.

(2) The request for restitution shall be filed within three months counting from the date when the reasons for which the party missed the deadline ceased to exist or, if the party only later learned that the time limit was missed, from the date when the they learned about it. When filing the request, the omitted act shall be completed and a fee shall be paid. If the

omitted act is not completed or the fee not paid on filing the request, the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) The Office may not refuse the request for restitution, wholly or partly, without previously notifying the party in writing of the reasons for the intended total or partial refusal and without inviting the party to, within three months from the service of the invitation, state their position on the reasons for refusal.

(4) After the expiry of one year from the date of a missed time limit, a request for restitution may no longer be filed.

(5) A restitution may not be requested for missing the time limit for filing a request for restitution, a request for the continuation of proceedings, an opposition or action, a priority right claim and the copy of the first application, a request for amending a priority claim, or a request for the establishment of priority right.

(6) Any person who in good faith has used or made effective and serious preparations for using an invention or an industrial design that is the subject of a published application may, without compensation, continue such use in the course of their business or for the needs thereof during the period between the loss of the right under paragraph one of this Article and the publication of the notice of restitution of this right.

(7) If an applicant for or holder of a trade mark has restored their right to the trade mark by restitution, they may not exercise their right against any person who has in good faith placed goods on the market or supplied services under a sign that is identical or similar to the trade mark concerned during the period between the loss of the right under paragraph one of this Article and the publication of the notice of the restitution of the right.

Article 69 (Withdrawal of a request)

(1) A party to proceedings before the Office may withdraw their application at any time during the proceedings.

(2) An application is deemed to be withdrawn as of the date when the Office receives the request for its withdrawal.

(3) On the basis of the request for application withdrawal, the Office shall issue a decision on the closure of the proceedings.

(4) If an applicant withdraws a patent application after technical preparations for the publication of this application have been completed and the application published, the publication of the application shall not be deemed to form part of the state of the art under Article 12 of this Act.

Article 70 (Notification of the applicant before the refusal of a right)

(1) The Office may not issue a decision on the refusal or partial refusal of a request for the granting or registration of a right without previously informing the applicant in writing of the reasons for not being able to grant or register the right or not being able to grant or register the right in the requested scope and without inviting the applicant to, within three months of the service of the invitation, state their position on the reasons for refusal or amend the filed request.

(2) If the applicant states their position on the reasons for the total or partial refusal of their request or amends their request, the Office shall, before issuing a decision, verify whether the reasons for the total or partial refusal of the request for the granting or registration of the right still exist.

Article 71 (Administrative dispute)

There shall be no appeal against a decision of the Office; however, an action in the administrative dispute may be filed with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana. The court shall decide on the case at its seat in Ljubljana.

Article 72 (Procedure concerning actions)

(1) The court shall immediately notify the Office of the receipt of an action under this Act and of its final decision. The court shall send its judgement, together with the confirmation that it is final, to the Office for execution.

(2) The Office shall issue a decision by which it executes the court decision.

(3) Procedures concerning actions under this Act shall be expedited. The court shall consider the actions under this Act as a priority.

(4) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall not apply to disputes concerning the infringement of rights.

Article 73 (Inventor, designer)

(1) In the proceedings for the granting of a patent, the inventor referred to as such in the application shall be deemed to be the inventor, unless otherwise decided by the court.

(2) Paragraph one of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the designer of a design.

(3) The Office shall not verify the accuracy of information on the inventor or designer.

Article 74 (Holder of a right)

(1) Patents shall be granted and industrial designs or trade marks registered in the name of the person who is designated as the applicant upon the granting or registration.

(2) If several persons are designated as applicants, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis. The Office shall not determine mutual relations among the persons designated as applicants.

Article 75 (Transfer of rights)

(1) The holder of a patent, industrial design or trade mark may transfer their right, wholly or partly, by a contract, separately from the transfer of the undertaking.

(2) A transfer of an undertaking as a whole agreed by a contract shall include the transfer of patents, industrial designs and/or trade marks of this undertaking, unless otherwise agreed or clearly indicated by the circumstances.

(3) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the applicants and applications for patents, industrial designs and trade marks.

(4) A collective mark may only be transferred to a person meeting the conditions referred to in paragraph two of Article 45 of this Act.

(5) A transfer of a geographical indication to another person shall not be permitted.

Article 75a (Real rights)

(1) A patent, industrial design or trade mark may be given as security or be the subject of real rights separately from the undertaking.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

Article 75b (Enforcement)

(1) Patents, industrial designs and trade marks may be subject to enforcement.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

Article 75c (Licences)

(1) Patents, industrial designs and trade marks may be licensed, wholly or partly, for the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia or a part thereof. A licence may be exclusive or non-exclusive.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

(3) A holder of a trade mark may exercise the trade mark rights against a licensee who acts contrary to a provision of the licence agreement with regard to: a) its duration; b) the form covered by the registration in which the trade mark may be used; c) the scope of the goods or services for which the licence is granted; d) the territory in which the trade mark may be used; or e) the quality of the goods manufactured or services provided by the licensee.

(4) Collective marks and geographical indications may not be the subject of a licence agreement.

Article 76 (Date of the acquisition of a right)

(1) Subject to paragraph two of this Article, the rights referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 and 58 of this Act shall be acquired on the date of their entry in the relevant register.

(2) Subject to Article 122 of this Act, the right referred to in paragraph one of Article 18 of this Act may not be enforced by an action under Article 121 of this Act for infringement of a patent before the date of the issue of a declaratory decision under point a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act or before the date of the entry of a European patent in the Office’s register.

Article 77 (Lapse)

The granted or registered rights shall lapse before the time limits laid down in Articles 22, 23, 40 and 52 of this Act: a) if the holder surrenders their right – on the day following the receipt of the surrender

application by the Office; b) if the prescribed fees are not paid in accordance with this Act; c) pursuant to a final decision of the court or a decision of the Office in the cases provided by

this Act – on the date specified in such a decision.

Article 78 (Correction of errors)

(1) The Office may at any time, ex officio or on request, correct errors in names, dates and numbers and other obvious errors in its acts, published documents and registers.

(2) Corrections of errors in published documents shall be published in the official journal.


Section 1 Filing of applications and formalities examination

Article 79 (Elements of an application)

(1) An application shall contain a statement to the effect that the acquisition of a specific right is requested and: a) for patents – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 86 of this Act; b) for industrial designs – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 94 of this Act; c) for trade marks – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 97 of this Act and for

collective marks also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(2) The application shall also contain: a) a power of attorney if the application is filed by a representative;

b) the Slovenian translation of the application if the application was originally filed in a foreign language in accordance with paragraph two of Article 81 of this Act;

c) the receipt of payment of the full amount of the application fee.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of implementing regulations, determine in greater detail the content of applications and the procedures for granting patents and registering industrial designs and trade marks.

Article 80 (Form of applications and the method of filing)

(1) An application for the acquisition of a right shall, in terms of form and content, comply with this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act and shall contain all the information required. The application shall be legible and submitted so that its content can be clearly and suitably reproduced.

(2) The application shall be filed in writing, by hand or post, or by fax or other electronic means. The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the method of filing applications by other electronic means.

(3) If an application which has been filed by fax or other electronic means is not legible or cannot be clearly and suitably reproduced, the Office shall invite the applicant to submit a new copy of the application in writing within three months of the service of the invitation. If the Office does not receive the requested copy of the application within this time limit, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(4) An application fee shall be paid upon filing an application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid in full in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 81 (Language of applications)

(1) Applications shall be filed in Slovenian, unless otherwise provided by this Act or an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) An application may be filed in a foreign language, provided that it includes at least the indication of the right requested and the information allowing the Office to contact the applicant in Slovenian or in one of the official languages of the EPC, the Madrid Agreement, the Madrid Protocol or the Hague Agreement.

(3) If an application is filed in a foreign language, the applicant shall submit to the Office a Slovenian translation thereof within three months of the service of the request. If the Office does not receive a Slovenian translation of the application in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(4) The Office shall conduct the proceedings on the basis of the application in Slovenian.

Article 82 (According of the filing date of application)

(1) Subject to paragraph two of Article 81 of this Act, the Office shall accord the date of filing and a number to any application containing at least: a) a statement to the effect that the acquisition of a specific right is requested; b) information allowing the Office to establish the identity of the applicant or contact them; c) the essential elements of an application for the requested right referred to paragraph two

of this Article.

(2) The essential elements referred to in point c) of the preceding paragraph shall be the following: a) for patent applications: the part of the application which at first glance appears to be a

description of invention; b) for industrial designs: a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the

product or, in the case of two-dimensional products, a specimen of the product or a part thereof if a deferment of publication under paragraph two of Article 94 of this Act is requested;

c) for trade marks: a representation of the sign and a list of the goods or services for which the protection is sought, and for collective marks also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(3) The filing date of an application shall be deemed to be the date when the Office received all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, subject to Article 83 of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act or by an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia. The Office shall issue to the applicant a confirmation of the receipt of the application indicating the date of filing and the number of the application.

(4) If the application does not contain all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article and cannot be accorded the date of filing and number, the Office shall, as soon as it receives the information allowing it to make contact with the applicant, notify the applicant accordingly and invite them to amend the application within three months of the service of the invitation, so that it at least fulfils the conditions laid down in paragraph one of this Article.

(5) If the application referred to in the preceding paragraph is amended in due time so that it contains all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the Office shall accord to the application a number and the date of filing, which is the date of receipt of all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, and shall issue a certificate to that effect to the applicant.

(6) If the application referred to in paragraph four of this Article is not amended in due time or is not appropriately amended in full, it shall be deemed to be withdrawn, and the Office shall notify the applicant thereof.

Article 83 (Specifics concerning the filing date of patent applications)

(1) If, in according the filing date to a patent application, it appears that a part of the description of the invention or a drawing to which the applicant refers to in the application is missing from the application, the Office shall promptly notify the applicant thereof and invite them to amend the application accordingly within three months of the service of the invitation.

(2) If the applicant submits the missing part of the description of the invention or the missing drawing within the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, this part of the description or this drawing shall be included in the application, and the date of filing of the application shall be considered to be the date when the Office received this part of the

description or this drawing or the date when the Office received all of the elements referred to in paragraph one of Article 82 of this Act, whichever is later.

(3) If the applicant claims priority right under Article 61 of this Act in respect of an application from which a part of the description of the invention or a drawing appears to be missing, the missing part of the description or the missing drawing must be contained in full in the first application.

(4) If the applicant claims priority right under Article 61 of this Act, the essential elements of the application referred to in point a) of paragraph two of Article 82 of this Act shall be deemed to have been filed for the purposes of according the filing date to the application if the applicant, when filing the application in the Republic of Slovenia, indicates the date, number and country or office of the application to which they refer. In such a case, the applicant shall submit to the Office a copy of the first application referred to in paragraph three of Article 61 of this Act within three months of the service of the invitation, unless the first application was filed with the Office or the Office can access it in a digital library acceptable to the Office for this purpose. If the applicant fails to do so, the priority right shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

Article 84 (Invitation to submit all elements)

(1) If an application to which the date of filing and number have been accorded does not contain all the elements referred to in Article 79 of this Act, the Office shall invite the applicant to amend the application and remedy the deficiencies found within three months of the service of the invitation.

(2) If the application referred to in the preceding paragraph is not amended in due time or is not appropriately amended in full, it shall be deemed to be withdrawn, except in cases referred to in paragraph four of Article 128 and paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act.

Article 85 (Formalities examination of an application)

(1) If an application contains all the elements referred to in Article 79 of this Act, the Office shall examine whether all the elements of the application and any enclosures or evidence submitted therewith are drawn up as prescribed by this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act in terms of their content and form.

(2) In the case of a patent application, the Office shall also examine whether the claimed invention fulfils the requirements referred to in paragraphs two and four of Article 87 of this Act and whether all fees have been paid, including any maintenance fees under paragraph four of Article 109 or paragraph four of Article 110 of this Act.

(3) If the Office establishes with regard to a trade mark application that a good or service on the list of goods or services is not classified according to the international classification established by the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks of 15 June 1957, as revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 51/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Nice Classification), or is classified in the wrong class of Nice Classification, the Office may, in the case of minor irregularities in the list of goods or services, classify the good or service or correct the

classification according to the Nice Classification on its own and inform the applicant thereof. If the Office classifies or corrects more than five classifications of goods or services according to the Nice Classification on its own, it shall request the applicant to pay the classification fee within one month of the service of the request. If the applicant fails to pay the required fee in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn for the goods or services whose classification according to the Nice Classification was made or corrected by the Office.

(4) If the Office establishes with regard to a trade mark application that the indication of a good or service on the list of goods or services is unclear, or if the Office does not act pursuant to the preceding paragraph, it shall invite the applicant to remedy the lack of clarity and deficiencies regarding the classification of goods or services according to the Nice Classification within three months of the service of the invitation. If the applicant fails to remedy the lack of clarity and deficiencies on the list of goods and services in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn for the goods or services that the applicant did not clearly indicate or correctly classify according to the Nice Classification.

(5) If the Office finds any deficiencies in an application or in the enclosures or evidence submitted therewith, it shall invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies found within three months of the service of the invitation.

(6) If the applicant fails to remedy in due time all the deficiencies found, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn, except in the cases referred to in paragraphs three and four of this Article and paragraph four of Article 128 and paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act.

(7) If the Office establishes that all the elements of the application and any enclosures or evidence submitted therewith are in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act in terms of their content and form, the proceedings shall continue: a) for patent application – pursuant to the provisions of Article 88 and subsequent Articles of

this Act; b) for industrial design applications – pursuant to the provision of Article 96 of this Act; c) for trade mark applications– pursuant to the provisions of Article 99 and subsequent

Articles of this Act.

Article 85a (Signature of administrative acts and other documents and documents in electronic


(1) A decision in electronic form shall indicate that it is signed with an electronic signature and provide information about the signatory, the time of signature, the issuer and the electronic certificate identification number.

(2) The certification of a physical copy of a decision issued in electronic form shall not be necessary if the Office includes in the decision the web address where the information on the verification procedure is published.

(3) A physical copy of the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph shall have the same probative value as the original.

(4) The original of the decision shall be kept by the Office.

(5) This Article shall apply to any other documents issued by the Office in electronic form in administrative proceedings under this Act.

Section 2 Special provisions for patents

Article 86 (Elements of a patent application)

(1) A patent application shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the granting of a patent; b) a description of the invention; c) one or more patent claims; d) a short summary of the subject matter of the invention (abstract); e) if necessary, one or more drawings of the invention.

(2) Not later than by the issue of a decision on the publication of the application, the applicant may file a patent application whose subject is excluded from the initial patent application (hereinafter: divisional application) and does not extend beyond the subject matter of the initial application. It shall be deemed that the divisional application was filed on the same date as the initial application. The same priority right may be claimed for the divisional application as for the initial application.

(3) Short-term patents shall be requested when filing the patent application or within 12 months of the filing date thereof. After the expiry of this time limit, the request may not be withdrawn.

Article 87 (Content of patent application elements)

(1) A request for the granting of a patent shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), the title of the invention, defining its subject, and other information related to the application as prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) The description of the invention shall include the presentation of the problem, information on the state of the art, and other solutions available by that time and their deficiencies, as known to the applicant, together with a description of the new solution to the problem. The description of the invention shall be sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be applied by a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates.

(3) If an invention relates to biological material determined by an implementing regulation which is not available to the public and cannot be described in a manner that would allow a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates to apply it, the description of the invention shall be supplemented by a certificate of the deposit of biological material with an international depository authority under Article 7 of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure of 28 April 1977, as amended on 26 September 1980 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 21/97).

(4) Patent claims shall define the subject for which protection is sought. They must be clear and concise and supported by the description.

(5) The abstract shall serve merely as technical information and may not be used for other purposes, particularly not for interpreting the scope of the protection sought.

(6) A patent application may include several inventions which are so linked as to form a single inventive concept.

Article 88 (Examination of conditions for the granting of a patent)

(1) With regard to a patent application, the Office shall examine: a) whether the subject of the claimed invention is patentable, subject to Article 11 of this Act; b) whether the claimed invention appears, at first glance, to comply with the requirements

referred to in Articles 12, 14 and 15 of this Act.

(2) With regard to a short-term patent application, the Office shall examine: a) whether the subject of the claimed invention may be protected by a short-term patent,

subject to paragraph one and point a) of paragraph two of Article 11 of this Act; b) whether the claimed invention appears, at first glance, to comply with the requirements

referred to in Articles 12, 15 and 16 of this Act.

(3) If the Office establishes that the claims in a patent application fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, or that the claims in a short-term patent application fulfil all the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall adopt a decision on the publishing of the application in its official journal.

(4) If the Office establishes that the claims in a patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, or that the claims in a short-term patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph two of this Article, it shall refuse the request to grant a patent.

(5) If the Office establishes that some of the claims in a patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraphs one or two of this Article, it shall reject the application only in the part concerned.

Article 89 (Publication of a patent application)

(1) The Office shall publish a patent application after the expiry of 18 months from the filing date of the application or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.

(2) An applicant may request that the application be published before the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, but not earlier than after the expiry of three months from the filing date of the application or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.

(3) The Office shall publish the notice of the granting of the patent together with the patent application.

Article 90 (Granting of a patent)

(1) The Office shall issue a decision on the granting of a patent and enter the patent in the register of patents. The date of the publication of the patent application shall be considered to be the date of the granting of the patent.

(2) Until a decision under Article 93 of this Act is issued, the scope of protection shall be determined by the content of the published patent claims.

Article 91 (Time limit for the provision of written evidence)

(1) Not later than by the end of the ninth year of the patent term, the holder of a patent or exclusive rights to a patent shall provide the Office with written evidence that the patented invention fulfils all the requirements of Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act.

(2) When providing the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph or within three months of the service of the Office’s request, the holder of the patent or exclusive rights to the patent shall pay a fee for the issuing of a declaratory decision. If the fee is not paid in due time, the evidence shall be deemed not to have been provided.

(3) If the holder of a patent or exclusive right to a patent fails to act in accordance with paragraph one of this Article, the patent shall lapse on the date of the expiry of the tenth year of its term.

(4) If the holder of a patent provides the evidence referred to in paragraph one of this Article due to an action under Article 121 of this Act, the Office shall issue one of the decisions referred to in Article 93 of this Act as a priority.

(5) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to short-term patents.

(6) In the case of a European patent which is valid in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a European patent application filed in accordance with paragraph two of Article 3 of this Act, the provisions of this Article and Articles 92 and 93 of this Act are directly complied with as of the date on which the EPO publishes the notice of its granting.

Article 92 (Types of written evidence)

(1) A Slovenian translation of a European patent or several European patents granted for the same invention by the EPO shall be considered as evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act.

(2) If no application for a European patent has been filed for the same invention, the Slovenian translation of a patent for the same invention granted, following a complete examination, by any other authority having the status of an International Preliminary Examining Authority under Article 32 of the PCT or by any other patent office with which a relevant agreement has been concluded may be provided as evidence under Article 91 of this Act.

(3) If the proceedings for granting the patent that is to serve as evidence under paragraphs one or two of this Article have not yet been concluded, the applicant shall notify the Office accordingly within the time limit provided in paragraph one of Article 91 of this Act. On the basis of that notification, the Office shall suspend the proceedings. The proceedings shall continue if the holder of the patent provides evidence under this Article within three months of the granting of the patent. If the evidence under this Article is not provided in the aforementioned time limit, the patent shall be deemed to lapse on the date of the expiry of the tenth year of its term.

(4) A Slovenian translation of a patent which serves as the evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act shall not provide a greater scope of protection than the original text of the translated patent.

(5) If the Office doubts the correctness of the translation, it may request that the holder of the patent or exclusive right to the patent provide a certified Slovenian translation of

the patent serving as the evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act within three months of the service of the request. If the certified Slovenian translation is not provided in due time, it shall be deemed that the evidence has not been provided.

(6) If the evidence is provided pursuant to paragraph two of this Article, the holder of the patent or exclusive right to the patent shall submit a list and copies of all other patents that could be considered as evidence, including the information on patent applications and patents that have been rejected. If the list and copies of the documents are not enclosed with the evidence, it shall be deemed that the evidence has not been submitted.

(7) If the Office establishes that the evidence under this Article is forged or false, it shall, by way of a decision, declare the patent invalid.

(8) If the holder of a patent or exclusive right to a patent does not have the evidence referred to in paragraphs one or two of this Article, they may request, against payment of a special fee, that the Office obtain relevant information or opinions to be used as the basis for issuing one of the decisions under Article 93 of this Act from any of the authorities or offices indicated in paragraph two of this Article.

Article 93 (Issuing of declaratory decisions)

(1) On the basis of the provided evidence and other documents under Article 92 of this Act, the Office shall issue: a) a declaratory decision that the invention fulfils the requirements referred to in Articles 10,

12, 14 and 15 of this Act and that the claims of the granted patent entirely fulfil the same requirements;

b) a declaratory decision that the invention only partly fulfils the requirements referred to in Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act, due to which the claims of the granted patent are amended accordingly; or

c) a declaratory decision that, on the filing date of the patent application, the invention did not fulfil the requirements referred to in Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act, due to which the patent is declared invalid.

(2) The Office cannot issue a decision under points b) or c) of the preceding paragraph without previously notifying the holder of the patent of the intended amendment of patent claims or invalidity of the patent and inviting them to state, within three months of the service of the invitation, their position thereon or amend the patent claims accordingly. If the holder of the patent states their position or amends the patent claims in due time, the Office shall, before issuing the decision under points b) or c) of the preceding paragraph, verify if the reasons for the issuing thereof still exist. If the holder of the patent fails to state their position in due time, it shall be deemed that they agree with the opinion of the Office.

(3) Patent claims that are amended by way of a decision referred to in point b) of paragraph one of this Article may not provide a greater scope of protection than the claims of a patent granted by a decision under Article 90 of this Act.

(4) If the Office establishes, on the basis of the evidence provided under paragraph one of Article 92 of this Act, that the patent granted does not fulfil the requirement referred to in paragraph six of Article 87 of this Act, it shall divide the initial patent into several patents, which shall retain the filing date of the application and the date of any claimed priority of the initial patent.

Section 3 Special provisions for industrial designs

Article 94 (Elements of an industrial design application)

(1) An application for an industrial design shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the registration of an industrial design; b) a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the whole or a part of the

product or products, if the application relates to multiple products, in the number of copies prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) In the application, the applicant may request that the main information of the application not be published before the expiry of 12 months from the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. If the application relates to multiple products, the deferral of publication may not be requested for only some of the products.

(3) If the application relates to a two-dimensional product, this including textile patterns or holograms, or a part thereof and a deferral of publication under the preceding paragraph is requested, a specimen of that product or a part thereof may be enclosed with the application instead of a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the product or a part thereof. The applicant shall submit a photograph or graphical representation of the product concerned in the number of copies prescribed by an implementing regulation, this not later than two months before the expiry of the time limit for the requested deferral of publication under the preceding paragraph, otherwise the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 95 (Content of the elements of industrial design application)

(1) An application for the registration of an industrial design shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), an indication of the product to which the subject of the application relates, the classification according to the international classification established by the Locarno Agreement on International Classification for Industrial Designs of 8 October 1968 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 51/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Locarno Classification), and other information prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) One industrial design application may cover several products if they belong to the same class of the Locarno Classification.

(3) The photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the product or part thereof shall clearly show the novelty and the individual character of the appearance of the product for which protection is sought.

Article 96 (Examination of conditions for the registration of an industrial design)

(1) With regard to an industrial design application, the Office shall examine whether the design applied for may be registered as an industrial design, subject to the provisions of Article 36 of this Act, with the exception of point b) thereof.

(2) If the Office establishes that the design applied for fulfils the requirements of the preceding paragraph, it shall issue a decision on the registration of the industrial design, enter the industrial design in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the industrial design.

(3) If the Office establishes that the design applied for does not fulfil the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, it shall refuse the application for the design, either wholly or partly.

Section 4 Special provisions for trade marks

Article 97 (Elements of a trade mark application)

(1) A trade mark application shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the registration of a trade mark; b) a list of the goods or services for which the protection is sought; c) a representation of the sign, which shall fulfil the requirements referred to in point b) of

paragraph one of Article 42 of this Act and be in a format accepted by the Office.

(2) A collective mark application shall contain, in addition to the elements set out in the preceding paragraph, also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(3) A separate application shall be filed for each sign. An applicant may request the registration of a trade mark for several types of goods or services in a single application. An applicant may also file several applications requesting the registration of several different or similar trade marks for the same type of goods or services.

(4) At the request of the applicant, a trade mark application may be divided into several applications. Each application shall retain the filing date of the initial application and, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. This provision shall apply mutatis mutandis to the division of a trade mark.

Article 98 (Content of the elements of a trade mark application)

(1) An application for the registration of a trade mark shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), an indication of the sign applied for and the indication of whether the application concerns a collective mark.

(2) The goods and services in the list of goods or services shall be classified according to the Nice Classification. If the registration for goods or services of more than one class is requested, the goods and services shall be grouped in classes according to the Nice Classification, with the number of the class to which the group of goods or services belongs stated before each group or groups, these listed in the order of the classes.

(3) The applicant shall identify goods and services with sufficient clarity and precision so that the scope of protection sought can be established solely on this basis. The applicant may use general indications used in the class headings of the Nice Classification or other general terms if they comply with the required standards of clarity and precision provided by this Article.

(4) It shall be deemed that the use of general terms, including general indications used in the class headings of the Nice Classification, includes all goods or services clearly covered by the literal sense of the indication or term. The use of such terms or indications shall not cover a request for goods or services that cannot be so understood.

(5) The goods and services classified in the same class under the Nice Classification shall not be presumed to be similar. The goods and services classified in different classes under the Nice Classification shall not be presumed to be dissimilar.

Article 99 (Examination of application as to absolute grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) Before publishing a trade mark application, the Office shall examine whether the sign applied for may be registered as a trade mark, subject to Articles 42 and 43 of this Act. If the application concerns a collective mark, the Office shall also examine whether the collective mark may be registered in accordance with Articles 45, 46 and 46a of this Act.

(2) If the Office establishes that the sign applied for fulfils the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall publish the trade mark application.

(3) If the Office establishes that the sign applied for or the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act do not fulfil the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, it shall reject the trade mark application, either wholly or partly.

Article 100 (Opposing opinion of third parties)

(1) Any person may submit to the Office their observation that the sign applied for may not be registered as a trade mark in accordance with Article 43 of this Act, stating the reasons therefor. A person may also submit their observation that a collective mark may not be registered in accordance with Article 46a of this Act, stating the reasons therefor.

(2) The person submitting such an observation to the Office shall not be a party to the proceedings before the Office.

(3) The Office shall inform the applicant of the observations of third parties referred to in paragraph one of this Article. The applicant may reply to the Office and state their reasons regarding the received observations of the third party.

Article 101 (Opposition to the registration of a trade mark)

(1) Within three months of the publication of a trade mark application, the holder of an earlier trade mark may file a written opposition to the registration of the trade mark. An opposition filed in electronic form shall also be considered as a written opposition.

(2) An opposition may only be based on the grounds referred to in Article 44 of this Act and must contain appropriate evidence. An opposition may be based on one or more previous rights if their holder is the same person and if they wholly or partly relate to the goods or services for which the opposed trade mark is applied for.

(3) An opposition under paragraph one of this Article may also be filed by:

a) a holder of a previously acquired unregistered sign that is used in trade, as referred to in point d) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

b) a holder of a trade mark referred to in point e) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act which the holder’s agent or representative has registered in their own name without the holder’s consent;

c) a person entitled to use a designation of origin or a geographical indication referred to in point f) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

d) a holder of other previously acquired right referred to in point g) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

(4) When filing the opposition, or not later than three months from the service of the Office’s request, the opposition fee shall be paid and a power of attorney shall be submitted if the opposition has been filed by a representative.

(5) If the person who files the opposition later withdraws it, this withdrawal may not be cancelled later on.

(6) If the opposition does not fulfil the requirements referred to in this Article, it shall be deemed not to have been filed.

Article 102 (Notification of opposition)

The Office shall notify the trade mark applicant of any opposition filed. The applicant may, within three months of the receipt of the notification, state their position on the grounds stated in the opposition.

Article 102a (Non-use as defence in opposition proceedings)

(1) The applicant for a trade mark to which an opposition under paragraph one of Article 101 of this Act was filed may, within the time limit referred to in Article 102 of this Act, request that the holder of the earlier trade mark who filed the opposition to the registration of their trade mark provide evidence that, during the five consecutive years immediately before the filing date of the application or the date of priority for their trade mark that motivated the opposition, they had put the trade mark to genuine use in accordance with Article 52b of this Act on the goods or services for which it is registered or that there were justified reasons for non-use, provided that the earlier trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the application or priority date of the later trade mark.

(2) The Office shall invite the holder of the earlier trade mark to state, within three months of the service of the invitation, their position on the request referred to in the preceding paragraph and provide relevant evidence.

(3) If the holder of the earlier trade mark fails to prove the use of their trade mark in accordance with Article 52b of this Act or the existence of justified reasons for non-use within the time limit referred to in preceding paragraph, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the opposition.

(4) If the earlier trade mark has only been used on some of the goods or services for which it is registered, it shall be considered for the purposes of the examination of the merits of the opposition that it is only registered for such goods or services.

Article 102b (Suspension of proceedings)

(1) At the joint request of the person who filed the opposition referred to in Article 101 of this Act and the trade mark applicant that they wish to consider the possibilities of settlement, the Office shall, by way of a decision, suspend the trade mark registration proceedings for six months.

(2) If, during the suspension of the trade mark registration proceedings, the person who filed the opposition does not withdraw their opposition in full, the registration proceedings shall continue and the Office shall verify whether the opposition is justified.

(3) The time limits referred to in Articles 102 and 102a of this of this Act shall not run during the suspension of proceedings. If the proceedings continue, these time limits continue to run until their expiry.

Article 102c (Deciding on opposition)

(1) The Office shall verify whether the opposition is justified within the limits of the statements of the person who filed it and the trade mark applicant and the evidence provided.

(2) If the Office establishes that the opposition is not justified, it shall reject it, by way of a decision, and continue the registration proceedings.

(3) If the Office establishes that the opposition is justified and that the trade mark may not be registered in respect of all of the goods or services for which the sign is applied for, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the application in full.

(4) If the Office establishes that the opposition is justified and that the trade mark may not be registered in respect of some of the goods or services for which the sign is applied for, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the application for such goods or services and continue the trade mark registration proceedings for the remaining goods or services.

Article 103 (Registration of trade marks)

(1) If no opposition to the registration of a trade mark has been filed or the opposition has been rejected or has been deemed not to have been filed, the Office shall request the applicant to pay, within three months of the service of the request, the trade mark registration fee. This fee shall include the fee for the first ten years of the term of the trade mark.

(2) Following the payment of the fee referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the trade mark, enter the trade mark in the register and publish the notice of the trade mark registration.

(3) If the applicant fails to pay the fee referred to in paragraph one of this Article in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Section 5 Special provisions for geographical indications

Article 104 (Registration of geographical indications)

(1) An application for the registration of a geographical indication may be filed by associations of legal or natural persons, chambers, municipalities, wider local communities or state authorities.

(2) The request referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by a specification including, in particular: a) the indication to be registered as a geographical indication; b) an indication of the good to which the proposed geographical indication relates; c) a description of the good, including the raw materials and principal physical, chemical,

microbiological, organoleptic or other characteristics of the good; d) an indication of relevant location or region, including borders; e) a description of the method of obtaining the good and, if necessary, the authentic and

unvarying local methods; f) a description of the link between the good and the location or region; g) details of inspection authorities; h) labelling details.

(3) If the application complies with the provisions of this Article and Articles 55 and 56 of this Act, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the geographical indication, enter the geographical indication in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the geographical indication.

(4) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to geographical indications protected pursuant to paragraph three of Article 55 of this Act.


Article 105 (Registers)

(1) The Office shall keep registers of patents, supplementary protection certificates, industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and registers of applications for the aforementioned rights. Registers shall be public, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The date of the granting of a patent or a supplementary protection certificate or the date of issue of a decision on the registration of an industrial design, trade mark or geographical indication shall be considered as the date of entry in the register.

(3) On request and against payment of a fee prescribed by the Act governing administrative fees, the Office shall issue extracts from registers.

(4) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of the registers, the content of requests for entering changes in the registers, the content of extracts from the registers and the procedure for issuing extracts from the registers.

Article 106 (Content of registers)

(1) The register of patents shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date and number of the application; the right of priority claimed; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; the number and date of the issue of a declaratory decision under Article 93 of this Act; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); the type of the patent; information on the inventor (full name and address); the title of the invention; information on the maintenance of the patent; and the date of expiry of the patent.

(2) The register of supplementary protection certificates shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date and number of the application; the date of publication of the application and the supplementary protection certificate; the date of entry in the register; information on the applicant and the holder of the supplementary protection certificate (full name and address or business name and registered office); the title of the product; the registration number of the patent on the basis of which the supplementary protection certificate was granted; the number and date of the first authorisation to place the product on the market in the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or the European Economic Area as a medicinal or phyto-pharmaceutical product; an indication of the issuing state if the authorisation was not issued by a competent EU authority under a centralised procedure; the date until which the certificate is valid; information on the maintenance of the certificate; and the date of expiry of the certificate.

(3) The register of industrial designs shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the application; the right of priority claimed; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); information on the designer (full name and address) if the designer so wishes; an indication of the product; the number of products; the classification code according to the Locarno Classification; information on the renewal of the industrial design; and the date of expiry of the industrial design.

(4) The register of trade marks shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the application; the right of priority claimed; information on the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act and any amendments thereto; the date of publication of the application and of the notice of registration of the trade mark; information on opposing observations by third parties; information on an opposition and the person who filed it; the date of entry in the register; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); the appearance of the trade mark; the list of goods or services and their classification according to the Nice Classification; information on the division of the trade mark; information on international registration; information on the renewal of the trade mark; information on the revocation of the trade mark; and the date of expiry of the trade mark.

(5) The register of geographical indications shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the request; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; the geographical indication; the type of the good; and the location to which the indication relates.

(6) Information on litigation of which the Office is notified and final judgements shall be entered ex officio in the registers referred to in paragraph one of Article 105 of this Act.

(7) The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registers of applications.

Article 107 (Entry of changes in the registers)

(1) On request, any subsequent changes regarding a right or the holder of a right shall be entered in the register referred to in paragraph one of Article 105 of this Act. This paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to applications and applicants.

(2) The transfers of rights or licences shall be entered in the corresponding register at the request of one of the parties to the agreement.

(3) The person who was registered as the holder of a right before the entry of a change may contest any change entered in the register without their consent by filing an action in administrative dispute with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana, as the court having exclusive territorial jurisdiction, and providing relevant evidence.

Article 108 (Procedure for the entry of changes)

(1) A request for the entry of changes may include several changes in the register. A single request shall also be sufficient when the change or changes relate to more than one application and/or right of the same person if the change or changes are the same for all applications and rights concerned and the numbers of all applications and rights concerned are indicated in the request.

(2) A fee for the entry of each change for each application or right in the register shall be paid upon filing the request or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid in due time, the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) If the request for the entry of a change is filed by the person who is registered as the holder of the right, the Office shall immediately issue a decision on the entry of the change and enter the change in the register.

(4) If the request for the entry of a change is filed by a person who is not registered as the holder of the right, that person shall, when filing the request or within three months of the service of the Office’s request, submit the consent of the holder of the right to the entry of the requested change in the register or any other documents of their own choosing showing the legal basis for the entry of the change. If the Office doubts the veracity of the information contained in the request for the entry of a change or if the documents submitted are in a foreign language, it may request that the requesting party provide additional documents or a Slovenian translation of the submitted documents within three months of the service of the Office’s request.

(5) If the requesting party fails to submit additional documents or the translation referred to in the preceding paragraph in due time, the request for entry of a change shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(6) The Office shall decide on the entry of a change by way of a decision.

Article 109 (Maintenance fees)

(1) Fees shall be paid for the maintenance of rights; these shall fall due, counting from the filing date of the application: a) for patents: every year for the subsequent year of validity; b) for industrial designs: every five years for the subsequent five years of validity; c) for trade marks: every ten years for the subsequent ten years of validity.

(2) The fees under the preceding paragraph shall be paid within one year preceding the due date. The Office shall notify the holder of a trade mark of the due date of the fee at least six months before the due date.

(3) The patent application fee shall include the maintenance fee for the first three years of its term. The industrial design application fee shall include the maintenance fee for the first five years of its term.

(4) If the proceedings for the granting of a patent last more than three years from the filing date of the application or the proceedings for the registration of an industrial design more than five years from the filing date of the application, the provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the patent application or the industrial design application.

Article 110 (Payment of maintenance fees in a grace period)

(1) If the fee for maintaining a right is not paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 109 of this Act on the due date or before, it can be paid within the grace period of six months, counting from the due date for the fee, together with an additional late payment fee. The late payment fee shall amount to 50% of the total prescribed fee that has not been paid in due time.

(2) The Office shall remind the holder of the right that the maintenance fee referred to in paragraph one of Article 109 of this Act has not been paid in due time, of the possibility of payment under the preceding paragraph and of the consequences of the non-payment of fees.

(3) If the maintenance fees are not paid by the due date or, following the reminder of the Office, not even within the grace period referred to in paragraph one of this Article, together with the late payment fee, the right shall lapse on the day following the due date referred to in paragraph one of Article 109 of this Act.

(4) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis in the cases referred to in paragraph four of Article 109 of this Act. If in such cases the maintenance fee and the late payment fee are not paid within the grace period, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.


Section 1 Judicial protection

Subsection 1 Invalidity of rights

Article 111 (Actions for invalidation)

Any interested party may file an action with the competent court to declare a patent, short-term patent, industrial design or trade mark invalid.

Article 112 (Actions for the invalidation of patents)

(1) An action for the invalidation of a patent may be filed if one of the following reasons applies: a) on the filing date of the application, the invention did not fulfil all the requirements referred

to in Articles 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act or, in the case of a short-term patent, the requirements referred to in Article 16 of this Act;

b) the description of the invention is not sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be applied by a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates;

c) the subject matter of the protection extends beyond the subject matter of the first application received or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application, beyond the subject matter of the initial application.

(2) An action for the invalidation of a patent may also be filed after the issuing of a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of this Act or after the expiry of the patent.

(3) If an action for the invalidation of a European patent which is valid in the Republic of Slovenia pursuant to an international treaty and to which an opposition has been filed with the EPO is filed during the opposition proceedings before the EPO, the court shall suspend the proceedings until the final decision of the EPO in the opposition proceedings.

Article 113 (Actions for the invalidation of industrial designs)

An action for the invalidation of an industrial design may be filed if, taking into account the filing date of the application, one of the following reasons applies: a) the industrial design has been registered contrary to Article 36 of this Act; b) the applicant for or the holder of the industrial design was not entitled to an industrial design


Article 114 (Actions for the invalidation of trade marks)

(1) An action for the total or partial invalidation of a trade mark may be filed if one of the following reasons applies: a) taking into account the filing date of the application, the trade mark was registered contrary

to Articles 42 and 43 of this Act; b) taking into account the filing date of the application, the trade mark was registered contrary

to Article 44 of this Act, unless the earlier trade mark is an EU trade mark that has been applied for or registered before the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union; or

c) the applicant did not act in good faith when filing the application.

(2) An action for the invalidation of a collective mark may also be filed if, taking into account the filing date of the application, the collective mark was registered contrary to Articles 45, 46 or 46a of this Act.

(3) If the reason for an action referred to in the preceding paragraph was the registration of a collective mark contrary to Article 46 of this Act, the court shall reject the action if the holder of the collective mark appropriately amends the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act before the court decision is issued.

(4) An action under point b) of paragraph one of this Article may be filed by: a) a holder of an earlier trade mark; b) a holder of a previously acquired unregistered sign that is used in trade, as referred to in

point d) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act; c) a holder of a trade mark referred to in point e) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act

which the holder’s agent or representative has registered in their own name without the holder’s consent;

d) a person entitled to use the designation of origin or the geographical indication referred to in point f) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

e) a holder of other previously acquired right referred to in point g) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

Subsection 2 Contesting of rights

Article 115 (Contesting of the right to a patent or industrial design)

(1) An inventor, their heir or other successor in title may, at any time during the term of a patent, file an action with a competent court requesting that they be declared the holder of the patent if the patent has been granted in the name of a person who is not the inventor, their heir or other successor in title.

(2) The designer of a design, their heir or other successor in title may, at any time during the term of an industrial design, file an action with a competent court requesting that they be declared the holder of the right if the industrial design was registered in the name of a person who is not the designer, their heir or other successor in title.

(3) The action referred in paragraphs one or two of this Article may also be filed by a person who is entitled to the patent or industrial design rights if the patent was granted or industrial design registered in the name of the inventor or designer or a third person for whom the inventor or the designer wrongly allowed that the patent be granted or industrial design be registered in their name.

Article 116 (Contesting of the right to a trade mark)

(1) Legal or natural persons may file an action with a competent court requesting the court to establish that a sign which they use in trade to mark their goods or services is identical or similar to a trade mark used by a third person to mark their goods or services of the same or similar type and that the sign had been generally known as the designation of the goods or services of the legal or natural person before the defendant filed their trade mark application and also requesting the court to issue a decision declaring the plaintiff to be the holder of the trade mark.

(2) The court shall rule against the request referred to in the preceding paragraph if the defendant, who is the holder of the trade mark, proves that they had used the contested

sign for the same or similar goods or services for as long as or longer than the plaintiff before filing the application.

(3) The action referred to in paragraph one of this Article may not be filed after the expiry of five years from the date of entry of the trade mark in the register.

Article 117 (Entry of new holder in the register)

(1) Within three months of the service of a final judgement granting the plaintiff’s request referred to in Articles 115 or 116 of this Act, the plaintiff may request to be entered in the register as the holder of the patent, industrial design or trade mark and to be issued a certificate to that effect.

(2) If the person whose request was granted fails to submit a request to be entered in the register as the holder of the right within the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, the right shall be removed ex officio from the register.

(3) Any rights acquired by a person who is not the person registered as the holder of the right before the judgement referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall still apply against the new holder of the rights if they had been entered in the relevant register or correctly applied for registration before the action was filed.

Subsection 3 Recognition of the right of the inventor or designer to be mentioned

Article 118 (Actions of inventors or designers for mention)

(1) An inventor or designer may file an action with a competent court requesting: a) to be mentioned in the application and in all documents; b) the final judgement to be published at the defendant’s expense.

(2) The action referred to in the preceding paragraph may be filed at any time during the term of validity of the patent or industrial design.

Subsection 4 Removal and revocation of trade marks

Article 119 (Actions for the removal of trade marks from the register)

(1) An action for the removal of a trade mark from the register and prohibition of the use of the sign may be filed with the competent court if one of the following reasons applies: a) owing to the actions of the holder or because the latter allowed it, the trade mark has

become the generic name in the trade for goods or services in respect of which it is registered;

b) the trade mark is used by the holder of the trade mark or another person with the holder’s consent on the goods or services for which it is registered in a way that is misleading to the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services concerned.

(2) Apart from the reasons referred to in the preceding paragraph, an action for the removal of a collective mark from the register and the prohibition of the use of the sign may also be filed if one of the following reasons applies on the date of the filing of the action: a) the holder of the collective mark fails to implement reasonable measures to prevent the

use of the mark in a way that is not in accordance with the conditions for use provided by the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act, including any amendment to the regulations entered in the register;

b) persons entitled to use the collective mark have used the mark in a way that was misleading to the public under point b) of Article 46a of this Act; or

c) the amendment to the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act has been entered in the register contrary to paragraph three of Article 46 of this Act, unless the holder of the collective mark amends the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act so that they comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph three of Article 46 of this Act.

(3) In the case referred to in point c) of paragraph two of this Article, paragraph three of Article 114 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(4) The mark shall be removed from the register on the date when the judgement becomes final.

Article 120 (Actions for the revocation of trade marks due to non-use)

(1) Any person may file an action with a competent court requesting the revocation of a trade mark if the holder has not genuinely used the trade mark in accordance with Article 52b of this Act in the Republic of Slovenia on the goods or services for which it is registered for an uninterrupted period of five years without justified reason.

(2) The revocation of a trade mark may not be requested if the holder has started or resumed genuinely using the trade mark during the interval between the expiry of the uninterrupted period of five years referred to in paragraph one of this Article and the filing of the action for revocation of the trade mark. This circumstance may not be invoked by the holder of a trade mark who started or resumed using the trade mark within the period of three months preceding the filing of the action, counting not earlier than from the expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph one of this Article, if they started the preparations for the use or resumed use only after becoming aware that an action for the revocation of their trade mark might be filed.

(3) In the revocation proceedings, the holder of the trade mark shall prove the use of the trade mark.

(4) On the date the judgment becomes final, the trade mark shall be revoked for the goods or services for which it was established that the trade mark has not been used on them in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

Section 2 Enforcement of rights

Article 120a (Standing)

(1) The rights to enforce judicial protection belonging to a holder of a right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 and 58 of this Act also belong mutatis mutandis to:

a) a person entitled to use a collective mark if the holder of the collective mark consents to this or does not initiate infringement proceedings within the relevant period following the notification;

b) a person entitled to use a geographical indication; c) a licensee, to the extent to which the holder’s rights are transferred to them by an Act or a

legal transaction, if the holder of the right consents to this; d) an exclusive licensee if the holder of the right does not initiate infringement proceedings

within the relevant period following the notification; e) a professional association established to protect industrial property rights, to the extent to

which the holder’s rights are transferred to it by an Act or through a legal transaction.

(2) The holder of a collective mark may claim, in the name of the persons entitled to use the collective mark, compensation for the damage they suffered as a result of the unauthorised use of the collective mark.

Article 121 (Actions following the infringement of rights)

(1) The holder of a right may file an action with a competent court against a person who infringes on their rights referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act without their consent, requesting that: a) the infringement and any future infringements be prohibited; b) the infringing items be recalled from the channels of commerce, taking into account the

interests of bona fide third parties; c) the situation caused by the infringement be rectified; č) the infringing items be irrevocably removed from the channels of commerce; d) the infringing items be destroyed; e) the means of infringement that are owned by the infringing party and intended or used

exclusively or principally for the infringement be destroyed; f) the infringing items be surrendered to the plaintiff against the reimbursement of the costs

of their production; g) the judgment be published.

(2) In considering the claims referred to in points b) to f) of the preceding paragraph, the court shall take into account all the circumstances of the case, in particular proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and the claim, and the interest of the holder of the right to ensure an effective protection of rights.

(3) In proceedings against a person whose services have been used to infringe on the right, and the existence of such infringement has already been established by way of a final decision in proceedings against a third party, the infringement shall be presumed to exist.

Article 121a (Compensation for damage)

(1) General rules governing the causing of damage shall apply to infringements under this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The infringing party shall pay to the holder of the right damages in an amount to be defined under general rules on compensation for damage or in an amount equal to an agreed or customary licence fee.

Article 121b (Intervener)

(1) It shall be deemed that a licensee has legitimate interest in entering the proceedings initiated by the holder of the right in order to claim compensation for the damage they suffered.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons entitled to use a collective mark.

Article 122 (Additional provisions on the infringement of patent rights)

(1) If infringement concerns a patent protecting a process for the production of a new substance, it shall be deemed that any substance is of identical composition or identical and made according to the protected process until proven to the contrary. The burden of proof shall be on the defendant or alleged infringing party, taking into account their legitimate interests in protecting their business secrets.

(2) If an action under Article 121 of this Act refers to an infringement of a patent or a published European patent application whose protection in the Republic of Slovenia is sought, the court shall suspend the proceedings until the Office issues a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act or until the European patent is entered in the Office’s patent register.

(3) If infringement concerns a patent for which a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act has not yet been issued, the court shall impose on the infringing party the payment of compensation for the use of the invention during the interval between the granting of the patent and the issue of the declaratory decision, reduced with regard to the circumstances.

(4) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a published patent application filed abroad under paragraph two of Article 3 of this Act for the use of the invention during the interval between the publication of the application and the granting of the patent or, if the European patent has been entered in the Office’s register, the date on which the EPO published its decision on the granting of the European patent.

Article a122a (Non-use as defence in trade mark infringement proceedings)

(1) The holder of a trade mark shall have the right to prohibit the use of the sign to the extent to which the reasons referred to in Article 120 of this Act for trade mark revocation due to non-use do not apply at the time of the filing of the action for trade mark infringement.

(2) The defendant may request that the holder of the trade mark who filed the action for trade mark infringement against them provide evidence that, during the five consecutive years immediately preceding the filing date of the action, they had genuinely used the trade mark that motivated the action, in accordance with Article 52b of this Act, on the goods or services for which it is registered, or that there are justified reasons for non-use, provided that the trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the action for infringement.

Article b122a

(Defence of the holder of a later trade mark in trade mark infringement proceedings)

(1) In trade mark infringement proceedings, the holder of the trade mark shall have no right to prohibit the use of a later trade mark if the later trade mark would not be found invalid taking into account paragraph three of Article 52c, Article 52d or paragraph two of Article 52e of this Act or, if it is an EU trade mark, European Union legislation concerning the registration of EU trade marks.

(2) If, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, a holder of a trade mark has no right to prohibit the use of a later trade mark, the holder of the later trade mark shall have no right to prohibit in infringement proceedings the use of the earlier trade mark, even though the earlier trade mark may no longer be invoked against the later trade mark.

Article 122a (Provision of evidence)

(1) If the court decides to take proposed evidence and the evidence concerned is in the possession of the opposite party, the opposite party shall provide any evidence at their disposal at the request of the court.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall also apply to banking, financial and business documents under the control of the opposite party if the infringement was committed on a commercial scale. An act shall be deemed to be carried out on a commercial scale if it is carried out for direct or indirect economic benefit.

(3) The provisions of the Act governing contentious procedure shall apply to the proceedings for the provision of evidence, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(4) After taking the evidence referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the court shall ensure that the confidential information of the parties to the proceedings is protected and that judicial proceedings are not used in bad faith with the sole purpose of obtaining confidential information of the opposite party.

Article 123 (Interim injunction)

(1) The court shall issue an interim injunction to secure non-monetary claims under this Act if the applicant shows that there are grounds for believing that: a) they are the holder of the right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act and b) their right has been infringed or there is a real risk that it will be infringed.

(2) The applicant shall also show that there are grounds for believing that one of the following applies: a) there is a risk that the enforcement of claims will be made impossible or very difficult; b) the interim injunction is necessary to prevent damage difficult to repair; or c) in the event that the interim injunction is issued but subsequently proves unfounded in the

course of the proceedings, the harm to the alleged infringing party would not be greater than the harm to the holder of the right if such an injunction were not to be issued.

(3) An applicant who requests the issuing of an interim injunction without the prior notification and hearing of the opposite party shall show, in addition to the requirements of paragraphs one and two of this Article, that there are grounds for believing that any delay in issuing the interim injunction would cause the holder of the right damage difficult to repair. In

this case, the opposite party shall be notified not later than immediately after the execution of the injunction.

(4) The holder of the right shall not be obliged to prove that there is a risk that the enforcement of claims will be made impossible or very difficult if they show that there are grounds for believing that the proposed injunction would cause the infringing party only negligible damage. Such a risk shall be deemed to exist when the claims are to be enforced abroad, unless a claim is to be enforced in another Member State of the European Union.

(5) To secure non-monetary claims under paragraph one of this Article, the court may issue any interim injunction with which the purpose of security can be achieved, in particular: a) to prohibit the alleged infringing party from continuing the alleged infringement or

committing any future infringements; b) to seize, remove from circulation and hold the infringing items and the means of the

infringement that are intended or used exclusively or principally for the infringement.

(6) The court shall decide on an objection to the decision on the interim injunction within 30 days of the date of filing the response to the objection or of the expiry of the time limit for filing the response to the objection.

(7) The provisions of the Act governing claim enforcement and security shall apply to proceedings for the issuing of an interim injunction, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The proceedings shall be urgent.

Article 123a (Issuing of interim injunctions in patent infringements)

If the application for the issuing of an interim injunction under the preceding Article is related to a patent infringement, the court shall issue the interim injunction if the following two conditions are also fulfilled: a) the holder of the right submits a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of

this Act and b) the holder of the right applies for the issuing of an interim injunction within three months

after they learn of the alleged infringement.

Article 124 (Preservation of evidence)

(1) The court shall issue a decision to preserve evidence if the applicant provides reasonably available evidence that: a) they are the holder of the right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act; b) their right has been infringed or there is a real risk that it will be infringed; and c) the evidence of the infringement will be destroyed or it will be impossible to take such

evidence at a later time.

(2) An applicant who requests the issuing of a decision to preserve evidence without prior notification or hearing of the opposite party shall show, in addition to the requirements of paragraph one, that there are grounds for believing that there is a risk of evidence of the infringement being destroyed as the result of the conduct of the opposite party or that it will be impossible to take such evidence at a later time. In this case, the opposite party shall be notified not later than immediately after the execution of the decision.

(3) By way of a decision referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the court may order the taking of any evidence and in particular: a) the inspection of premises, business documents, inventories, databases, computer

memory units or other items; b) the seizure of samples of infringing items; c) the examination and seizure of documents; d) the appointment and examination of experts; and e) the examination of witnesses.

(4) The preservation of evidence may also be requested after the decision by which the proceedings are completed has become final if this is necessary before or during proceedings with extraordinary legal remedies.

(5) The provisions of the Act governing claim enforcement and security relating to interim injunctions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the proceedings for the preservation of evidence under this Article, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The proceedings shall be urgent.

(6) If it is subsequently found that the application was unfounded or that the applicant did not justify it, the opposite party shall have the right to request: a) the return of the seized items; b) the prohibition of the use of information obtained; and c) compensation for damage.

(7) In the proceedings for the preservation of evidence under this Article, the court shall ensure that confidential information of the parties is protected and that judicial proceedings are not used in bad faith with the sole purpose of obtaining confidential information of the opposite party.

Article 124a (Preservation of evidence in patent infringements)

If the application for the issue of a decision referred to in the preceding Article is related to a patent infringement, the court shall issue the decision if the following two conditions are also fulfilled: a) the holder of the right submits a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of

this Act and b) the holder of the right applies for the issuing of a decision on the preservation of evidence

within three months after they learn of the alleged infringement.

Article 124b (Obligation to provide information)

(1) In proceedings concerning an infringement of rights, the court may, upon a justified request by a party, order the alleged infringing party to provide information on the origin and distribution channels of the goods or services that infringe on a right referred to this Act.

(2) The court may order that the information referred to in the preceding paragraph also be provided by any person who, on a commercial scale: a) possesses the infringing goods; b) uses the infringing services; or c) provides services used in infringing activities.

(3) The court may order that information referred to in paragraph one of this Article also be provided by a person who was indicated by the person referred to in the preceding paragraph as being involved in the production, manufacture or distribution of the goods or the provision of the services.

(4) The information referred to in paragraph one of this Article may include: a) the names and addresses or business names and registered offices of the producers,

manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of the goods or providers of services and any intended wholesalers and retailers and

b) information on quantities produced, manufactured, delivered, received or ordered and on the price obtained for the goods or services concerned.

Article 124c (Protection of other industrial property rights)

The provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to business names and plant variety rights.


Article 125 (Compulsory licences)

(1) The court may decide that a third party or the Government of the Republic of Slovenia be permitted to exploit an invention without the consent of the patent holder: a) if this is required by the public interest, in particular with regard to national security, food,

health or the development of other vital sectors of the national economy or b) if the court establishes that the holder of the patent or their licensee is abusing the patent

rights, particularly by exploiting the invention in a way that limits competition contrary to applicable legislation.

(2) The court shall grant compulsory licences under the preceding paragraph taking into account the actual circumstances and after hearing the holder of the patent.

(3) A compulsory licence under paragraph one of this Article shall be granted if the applicant for a compulsory licence proves that they have made efforts to conclude a licence agreement with the holder of the patent under reasonable business terms and the efforts failed to succeed within a reasonable period of time.

(4) The preceding paragraph shall not apply if a state of war or similar state of emergency is declared, provided that in such a case the court notifies the holder of the patent of its decision as soon as possible.

Article 126 (Conditions for the granting of a compulsory licence)

(1) A compulsory licence under the preceding Article shall be granted under the following conditions: a) the scope and duration will be limited with regard to the purpose of the licence; b) it will not be exclusive;

c) it will be non-transferable, with the exception of the transfer of the part of the business activity of the compulsory licensee to which the subject of the compulsory licence refers;

d) it is intended primarily for the supply of the market of the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) If a patent (hereinafter: the second patent) cannot be exploited without infringing another patent (hereinafter: the first patent), the following conditions, in addition to those referred to in Article 125 of this Act and the preceding paragraph, shall also be met for the granting of a compulsory licence in respect of such a patent: a) the invention claimed in the second patent involves a technical advance of considerable

economic significance compared to the invention claimed in the first patent; b) the holder of the first patent will, under reasonable conditions, be entitled to a cross-licence

to use the invention claimed in the second patent; c) the permitted use in respect of the first patent will not be transferable without the

simultaneous transfer of the second patent.

(3) The court shall decide that a compulsory licence expires if the circumstances owing to which it was granted cease to exist and are unlikely to recur.

Article 127 (Compensation for compulsory licences)

(1) The holder of a patent for which a compulsory licence has been granted shall be entitled to mandatory compensation.

(2) The amount of compensation shall be determined with regard to the circumstances of each case, while taking into account the economic value of the compulsory licence.


Article 128 (Representation before the Office)

(1) Only representatives who are registered in the relevant register of representatives kept by the Office may be authorised to represent a party before the Office. The authorising person shall appoint their representative by a written power of attorney.

(2) The authorising person may authorise one or several representatives for all or only certain acts in proceedings before the Office. If the authorising person authorises several representatives and does not indicate to whom the Office should serve documents, the Office shall serve all documents on the representative who is named first.

(3) The authorising person may in one power of attorney (hereinafter: general power of attorney) authorise a representative to represent them with regard to all applications and rights filed with the Office. If a general power of attorney has been deposited with the Office, the reference number and a copy thereof shall be provided when filing any application with the Office.

(4) The power of attorney shall be submitted when filing an application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the power of attorney is not submitted in due time, the representative shall be deemed not to have been appointed and their acts not to have been carried out. The Office shall dismiss, by way of a decision, any application filed by

the alleged representative. The decision on dismissal shall be served on the alleged representative.

Article 129 (Representation of foreign persons)

(1) Foreign natural and legal persons having neither residence nor any real and effective industrial or commercial undertaking in the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: foreign persons) shall exercise their rights under this Act in proceedings before the Office through a representative, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph and subject to paragraph three of this Article, a foreign person may file applications, perform acts relating to the according of the filing date of application, pay fees in proceedings before the Office, file a copy of first application when claiming the right of priority under Article 61 of this Act and receive documents from the Office relating to these proceedings without a representative.

(3) If, in cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, a foreign person does not have a representative in the proceedings before the Office, they shall provide the Office with a correspondence address, which must be in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. It shall be deemed that, in cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Office has properly notified a foreign person if it has sent the document to the correspondence address.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article, any person may pay the fees for the maintenance of a right.

(5) If a foreign person, contrary to this Article, fails to appoint a representative in the proceedings before the Office or fails to provide a correspondence address that is in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the Office shall exceptionally invite them directly by post to appoint, within three months of the service of the invitation, a representative and submit a power of attorney or, in accordance with paragraph three of this Article, provide a correspondence address. If a foreign person fails to appoint a representative and to submit a power of attorney or fails to provide a correspondence address in accordance with paragraph three of this Article in due time, the Office shall dismiss any application by way of a decision, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The decision shall be served by way of a publication on the Office’s notice board.

Article 130 (Withdrawal and termination of a power of attorney)

(1) The authorising person may, at any time, withdraw the power of attorney, and the representative may, at any time, terminate it.

(2) The withdrawal or termination shall be notified to the Office and shall be effective from the date of receipt of the notification by the Office. The representative shall be obliged to continue performing acts for the authorising person for three months following the termination of the power of attorney, unless the authorising person has another representative.

(3) If a foreign person no longer has a representative owing to the withdrawal or termination of a power of attorney, paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 131 (Representatives)

(1) Parties may be represented in proceedings before the Office by patent representatives and by industrial design and trade mark representatives. Patent representatives shall represent parties to proceedings relating to the acquisition and maintenance of any right under this Act and other requests concerning such rights. Industrial design and trade mark representatives may only represent parties to proceedings relating to the acquisition and maintenance of industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and other requests concerning such rights.

(2) A patent representative may be: a) any person who has a university degree in technical or natural science and has passed an

examination for patent representatives before the Office; b) any attorney or law firm employing or contracting a person who meets the conditions

referred to in the preceding point; c) any legal person employing at least one person who meets the conditions referred to in

point a) of this paragraph.

(3) An industrial design and trade mark representative may be: a) any person who has a university degree and has passed an examination for industrial

design and trade mark representatives before the Office; b) any attorney or law firm; c) any legal person employing at least one person who meets the conditions referred to in

point a) of this paragraph.

(4) Patent representatives, industrial design and trade mark representatives and authorised employees of a representative may also represent parties in proceedings relating to the rights under this Act before courts and other state authorities if they meet the conditions laid down by regulations governing representation before courts and other state authorities. In such cases, the representative shall be entitled to a payment for their work and reimbursement of costs related to the work performed, in accordance with the representative tariff. The representative tariff shall be adopted by the representative or a representative association in agreement with the minister responsible for justice.

Article 132 (Registration of representatives)

(1) The Office shall keep the register of patent representatives and the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives.

(2) A fee laid down by the Act governing administrative fees shall be paid for registration in the relevant register of representatives. Following the payment of the fee, the Office shall issue a decision on the entry in the register.

(3) A representative may request to be removed from the register of representatives and entered in the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives. An industrial design and trade mark representative may only request to be removed from the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives and entered in the register of patent representatives if they meet the conditions referred to in paragraph two of Article 131 of this Act.

(4) A representative shall be removed from the register if: a) they file a request for removal;

b) they are barred from acting as representatives by a final judgement.

(5) The register of patent representatives and the register of industrial design and trade mark representative shall include, in particular, the following: the registration number of the representative; information on the representative (full name and address or business name and registered office); the date of entry in the register; and information on the persons who fulfil the conditions referred to in point a) of paragraph two or point a) of paragraph three of Article 131 of this Act and are employed by the representative on a regular or contractual basis (full name, address and education).

(6) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of a request for the registration of a representative, the registration procedure, the type of data entered in the register and the procedure for entering changes in the register of representatives.

Article 133 (Examination)

(1) An examination referred to in paragraphs two or three of Article 131 of this Act shall be taken before the Office. A fee laid down by the Act governing administrative fees shall be paid before the examination.

(2) The Office shall keep a list of persons who have passed the examination.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the manner of conducting examinations referred to in paragraphs two or three of Article 131 of this Act.


Article 134 (Minor offences)

(1) Legal persons shall be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 40,000 for the offences of: 1. submitting to the Office forged or false evidence under Article 92 of this Act or requesting

a suspension of proceedings under paragraph three of Article 92 of this Act by a forged or false notification;

2. representing a third party in the proceedings before the Office without being registered in the register referred to in Article 132 of this Act.

(2) Sole traders or individuals who perform independent activities shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 4,000 for the offences referred to in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The responsible person of the legal person or of a sole trader or individual who performs an independent activity shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 2,000 for the offences referred to in paragraph one of this Article.

(4) An individual shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 1,000 for the offences referred to in paragraph one of this Article.


The Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 45/01) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 135 (Use of substances as medication)

(1) The use of a substance as medication for humans and animals shall not constitute an infringement of a patent for the invention of this substance if the patent application for this invention was filed on or before 31 December 1992, or if a right of priority was claimed for such application on or before 31 December 1992.

(2) The use of a substance as medication within the meaning of the preceding paragraph shall be its production and processing into the medicine under a process that is not the subject of the patent protection concerned, and the placing of this substance or medication on the market.

(3) As of the date of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, paragraph two of Article 21 of this Act shall only apply to a substance or medicine referred to in paragraph one of this Article if the consent of the holder of the patent under which the substance or medicine is protected has been obtained.

Article 136 (Treatment of applications and validity of rights)

(1) The proceedings concerning the recognition or granting of industrial property rights with respect to applications filed before the date of entry into force of this Act shall continue in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The industrial property rights that are valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall continue to be valid in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 137 (Patent applications and patents)

(1) The provisions of Articles 10, 77, 78 and 112 of the Industrial Property Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] Nos 13/92, 27/93, 34/97 – Constitutional Court Decision, 75/97) shall continue to apply to patent applications filed before this Act entered into force or patents granted before this Act entered into force.

(2) The provisions of paragraphs two and three of Article 22 of this Act shall apply to patents applied for after 1 January 1993.

(3) As of the date of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, paragraph three of Article 22 of this Act shall be implemented in accordance with the European Union regulations.

(4) Within six months of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, a supplementary protection certificate may be requested for the patents applied for after 1 January 1993 for which the time limit referred to in Article 7 of EU Regulation No. 1768/92 of 18 June 1992 or Article 7 of EU Regulation No. 1610/96 of 23 June 1996 expired.

(5) The provisions of Articles 24 to 31 of this Act shall begin to apply on entry into force of the EPC in the Republic of Slovenia.

(6) The provision of paragraph five of Article 32 of this Act shall not apply to applications under the PCT that have been filed before this Act entered into force.

Article 138 (Industrial design and utility model applications and industrial designs and utility models)

(1) Article 58 of the Industrial Property Act shall continue to apply to the applications for industrial designs and utility models published before this Act entered into force and for which opposition to the issue of the decision on the recognition of industrial design or utility model has been filed.

(2) If an industrial design or utility model application was published before this Act entered into force, but opposition to the issue of the decision on the recognition of the industrial design or utility model under Article 58 of the Industrial Property Act has not been filed, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the industrial design, enter the industrial design in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the industrial design.

(3) Industrial designs and utility models valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall be treated as industrial designs under this Act.

Article 139 (Opposition on the basis of a trade mark applied with the Office for Harmonization in the

Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs))

(1) Until the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, a trade mark that was applied for or registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) before the date of application of the later trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia shall also be considered an earlier trade mark under paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

(2) The holder of the earlier trade mark referred to in the preceding paragraph may file an opposition under Article 101 of this Act, provided that they also file a correct application for the protection of their trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia within the time limit for the opposition.

(3) If the holder of the earlier mark referred to in paragraph one of this Article, when filing an opposition under Article 101 of this Act, fails to also file a correct application for the protection of their trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia in due time, the opposition shall be deemed not to have been filed.

Article 140 (Designation of origin)

The designations of origin valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall be treated as geographical indications under this Act, unless otherwise provided by another Act.

Article 141 (Examinations and representatives)

(1) Examinations passed or recognised up to the date of entry into force of this Act shall be considered equal to the examinations for patent representatives and examinations for industrial design and trade mark representatives.

(2) The Office shall ex officio enter in the register of patent representatives all representatives who have been registered in the register of representatives on the date of entry into force of this Act.

Article 142 (Implementing regulations)

(1) The implementing regulations under this Act and the order on the tariff referred to in paragraph three of Article 7 of this Act shall be issued within six months of entry into force of this Act, with the exception of the regulation referred to in paragraph two of Article 80 of this Act, which shall be issued when the Office sets up the necessary technical facilities.

(2) Until the issue of new regulations, the following regulations issued pursuant to the Industrial Property Act shall apply mutatis mutandis: a) Rules on the procedure for the granting of patents (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93); b) Rules on the procedure for the recognition of industrial designs and utility models (Official

Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] Nos 49/93, 37/95 – Constitutional Court Decision);

c) Rules on the procedure for the recognition of trade marks (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93);

d) Rules on the procedure for international trade mark registration (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 15/93);

d) Rules on the manner of conducting examinations and entry in the register of representatives (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 20/92);

f) Decree on the fees of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office for the acquisition and protection of industrial property rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 14/95);

g) Decree on the fees of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office for information and other services (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 57/96).

Article 143 (End of validity)

(1) On the day this Act enters into force, the following shall cease to be in force: a) Industrial Property Act; b) Rules on the transfer of industrial property rights applied for with the Federal Patent Office

to the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93).

(2) Notwithstanding point a) of the preceding paragraph and subject to paragraph one of Article 137 and paragraph one of Article 138 of this Act, the provisions of Articles 10, 58, 77, 78 and 112 of the Industrial Property Act shall continue to apply.

Article 144 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force six months after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia."

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1A (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 96/02) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1B (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 37/04) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the date of accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1C (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 20/06) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 23 (Proceedings in progress)

Proceedings conducted pursuant to Chapter Nine of the Act that are in progress upon entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the provisions of the Act applicable to date.

Article 24 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1D (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 100/13) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1E (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 23/20) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 39 (Proceedings in progress)

Cases in relation to which a legal remedy has been filed or judicial proceedings initiated prior to entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the regulations applicable to date.

Article 40 (Harmonisation of implementing regulations)

(1) The Rules on the content of trade mark application (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 102/01), the Rules on electronic applications in procedures for the registration of trade marks and designs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 3/15) and the Rules on the register of applications and industrial property rights and priority right certificate (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 102/01) shall be harmonised with this Act within three months of entry into force of this Act.

(2) The Rules referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply until they are harmonised with this Act unless they are in conflict with the provisions of this Act.

Article 41 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

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Opozorilo: Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo predpisa predstavlja zgolj informativni delovni pripomoček, glede katerega organ ne jamči odškodninsko ali kako drugače.

Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo Zakona o industrijski lastnini obsega: - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01 z dne 7. 6. 2001), - Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1A (Uradni list RS, št. 96/02 z

dne 14. 11. 2002), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB1 (Uradni list RS,

št. 7/03 z dne 23. 1. 2003), - Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1B (Uradni list RS, št. 37/04 z

dne 15. 4. 2004), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB2 (Uradni list RS,

št. 102/04 z dne 21. 9. 2004), - Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1C (Uradni list

RS, št. 20/06 z dne 24. 2. 2006), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB3 (Uradni list RS,

št. 51/06 z dne 18. 5. 2006), - Zakon o spremembi Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1D (Uradni list RS, št. 100/13 z

dne 6. 12. 2013), - Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1E (Uradni list

RS, št. 23/20 z dne 14. 3. 2020).


(neuradno prečiščeno besedilo št. 8)


1. člen (vsebina zakona)

(1) Ta zakon določa vrste pravic industrijske lastnine po tem zakonu in postopke za podelitev in registracijo teh pravic, sodno varstvo pravic in zastopanje strank v postopkih po tem zakonu.

(2) Pravice industrijske lastnine po tem zakonu so patent, dodatni varstveni certifikat, model, znamka in geografska označba.

(3) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije prenašajo: - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 98/44/ES z dne 6. julija 1998 o pravnem

varstvu biotehnoloških izumov (UL L št. 213 z dne 30. 7. 1998, str. 13), - Direktiva 98/71/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. oktobra 1998 o pravnem

varstvu modelov (UL L št. 289 z dne 28. 10. 1998, str. 28), - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 2004/48/ES z dne 29. aprila 2004 o

uveljavljanju pravic intelektualne lastnine (UL L št. 157 z dne 30. 4. 2004, str. 45) in - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 2015/2436/EU z dne 16. decembra 2015 o

približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (UL L št. 336 z dne 23. 12. 2015, str. 1).

2. člen (enakost tujih in domačih oseb)

(1) Pravne in fizične osebe, ki so pripadniki tujih držav, uživajo glede varstva pravic industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji enake pravice kot domače pravne ali fizične osebe oziroma domači pripadniki v skladu s Sporazumom o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine z dne 15. aprila 1994 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 10/95, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Sporazum TRIPs) ali z uporabo načela vzajemnosti.

(2) Obstoj vzajemnosti dokazuje tisti, ki se nanjo sklicuje.

3. člen (prijava za pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine)

(1) Ob upoštevanju 17. člena tega zakona se pridobitev posamezne pravice industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji zahteva z nacionalno prijavo, vloženo pri Uradu Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Urad) v skladu s tem zakonom.

(2) Pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji se lahko zahteva tudi na podlagi prijav, vloženih v tujini, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo. Pravni učinek pravic industrijske lastnine, podeljenih ali registriranih na podlagi takih prijav, je izenačen s pravicami industrijske lastnine, ki so podeljene ali registrirane na podlagi nacionalnih prijav, razen če je z mednarodno pogodbo določeno drugače.

(3) Ista oseba ne more pridobiti posamezne pravice industrijske lastnine na podlagi nacionalne prijave, če je za pridobitev iste pravice prej vložila prijavo po prejšnjem odstavku.

(4) Pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine v tujini se lahko zahteva tudi na podlagi prijav, vloženih pri Uradu, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

4. člen (načelo prednosti prve prijave)

Kadar dva ali več prijaviteljev vloži prijave za pridobitev varstva za isti izum, videz izdelka ali znak v Republiki Sloveniji, ima tisti prijavitelj, ki ima zgodnejši datum prijave ali prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, prednost pred drugim prijaviteljem.

5. člen (Urad)

(1) Glavne naloge Urada so: a) sprejemanje prijav, s katerimi se zahteva pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine; b) samostojno in neodvisno vodenje postopkov za podelitev patentov ter registracijo

modelov, znamk in geografskih označb ter podeljevanje patentov in registriranje modelov, znamk in geografskih označb;

c) vodenje registrov pravic industrijske lastnine in drugih registrov, ki jih določa ta zakon; d) opravljanje informacijskih storitev v zvezi s pravicami industrijske lastnine;

e) zastopanje Republike Slovenije pri tujih in mednarodnih organizacijah, ki delujejo na področju industrijske lastnine, na podlagi stališč, navodil in pooblastil Vlade Republike Slovenije;

f) opravljanje drugih zadev iz svoje pristojnosti.

(2) Urad izdaja svoje uradno glasilo, v katerem objavlja podatke o prijavah in pravicah industrijske lastnine.

(3) Urad vodi samostojno finančno poslovanje in evidentiranje v zvezi s pobiranjem in plačevanjem pristojbin po tem zakonu in plačilom storitev, opravljenih na podlagi 7. člena tega zakona.

(4) Urad vodi in za njegovo delo odgovarja direktor Urada, ki ga imenuje Vlada Republike Slovenije.

6. člen (odločanje Urada)

(1) V postopku podelitve ali registracije pravic industrijske lastnine, vzdrževanja njihove veljavnosti in postopkih pri vodenju registrov pravic in drugih registrov izdaja Urad odločbe, sklepe in druge akte na podlagi tega zakona. Če ta zakon nima ustreznih določb, se subsidiarno uporablja zakon, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek.

(2) Postopke v zvezi s prijavami po drugem ali četrtem odstavku 3. člena tega zakona vodi Urad na podlagi ustreznih mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, ter pravil in navodil, ki so izdana za izvajanje teh mednarodnih pogodb. Če ustrezna mednarodna pogodba, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo, ter pravila in navodila, izdana za izvajanje te mednarodne pogodbe, nimajo ustreznih določb, se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.

7. člen (posredovanje informacij)

(1) Urad je ob upoštevanju 8. člena tega zakona dolžan vsakomur omogočiti vpogled v spis v zvezi s prijavo ter dostop do informacij o prijavah in podeljenih ali registriranih pravicah.

(2) Proti plačilu posreduje Urad informacije o stanju tehnike, ki so zajete v patentnih dokumentih, in opravlja druge storitve na področju informiranja in dokumentacije.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, izda odredbo o ceniku, s katero se določijo vrste in višina plačil iz prejšnjega odstavka.

8. člen (tajnost in vpogled v prijave)

(1) Spisi v zvezi s patentno prijavo in prijavo modela so do objave patentne prijave v uradnem glasilu urada oziroma do registracije modela uradna tajnost.

(2) V spise, ki so uradna tajnost, je mogoče vpogledati le s soglasjem prijavitelja.

(3) Vpogled v spis, ki je uradna tajnost, se brez soglasja prijavitelja dovoli tisti osebi, ki dokaže, da jo je v zvezi z njenimi dejanji prijavitelj pisno opozoril na svojo prijavo in obseg zahtevanega varstva.

(4) Če je bila patentna prijava, ki se nanaša na deponirani biološki material, zavrnjena ali umaknjena, je dostop do deponiranega biološkega materiala, če tako zahteva prijavitelj, dovoljen do poteka dvajsetih let od datuma vložitve prijave le neodvisnemu izvedencu.

(5) Še pred objavo patentne prijave v uradnem glasilu Urada, lahko Urad objavi ali sporoči tretji osebi naslednje podatke: a) številko prijave; b) datum vložitve prijave in, če je zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum, državo oziroma

urad in številko prve prijave; c) podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež); d) naziv izuma.

9. člen (pristojbine)

(1) V zvezi s pridobitvijo in vzdrževanjem veljavnosti pravic po tem zakonu se plačujejo pristojbine. Pristojbine se plačujejo v rokih, določenih s tem zakonom. Višino pristojbin določi Vlada Republike Slovenije z uredbo.

(2) V postopkih, v katerih se po prejšnjem odstavku plačujejo pristojbine, se ne plačujejo takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse.

(3) Če pristojbine v postopku niso pravočasno plačane ali če niso plačane v celoti, se šteje, da pristojbina ni plačana in da je vloga umaknjena, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Na zahtevo plačnika Urad vrne plačani znesek.

Drugo poglavje PATENT

1. oddelek Patent in patent s skrajšanim trajanjem

10. člen (predmet patentnega varstva)

(1) Patent se podeli za izum s slehernega področja tehnike, ki je nov, na inventivni ravni in industrijsko uporabljiv.

(2) Z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije se opredelijo natančnejši pogoji za podeljevanje patentov za posamezna področja tehnike z določenimi tehničnimi ali tehnološkimi posebnostmi.

11. člen (izjeme iz patentnega varstva)

(1) Odkritja, znanstvene teorije, matematične metode in druga pravila, načrti, metode in postopki za duhovno aktivnost se neposredno kot taki ne štejejo za izume po 10. členu tega zakona.

(2) Patent ne sme biti podeljen za: a) izum, katerega uporaba je v nasprotju z javnim redom ali moralo; b) izum kirurškega ali diagnostičnega postopka ali postopka zdravljenja, ki se uporablja

neposredno na živem človeškem ali živalskem telesu, razen izuma, ki se nanaša na izdelke, predvsem na snovi in zmesi, ki se uporabljajo pri takšnem postopku.

12. člen (novost izuma)

(1) Izum je nov, če ni obsežen s stanjem tehnike.

(2) V stanje tehnike se šteje vse, kar je bilo pred datumom vložitve patentne prijave dostopno javnosti z ustnim ali pisnim opisom, z uporabo ali na katerikoli drug način. Učinek prednostne pravice je, da se za potrebe tega člena datum prednostne pravice šteje kot datum prijave.

(3) V stanju tehnike je zaobsežena tudi vsebina prijav, ki so bile vložene pred datumom iz prejšnjega odstavka in so bile objavljene na ta dan ali kasneje, in sicer: a) nacionalnih patentnih prijav, kot so bile prvotno vložene pri Uradu; b) prijav za evropski patent, kot so bile prvotno vložene pri Evropskem patentnem uradu (v

nadaljnjem besedilu: EPU) na podlagi Konvencije o podeljevanju evropskih patentov z dne 5. oktobra 1973 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: EPK), če se z njimi zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji;

c) mednarodnih prijav, kot so bile prvotno vložene na podlagi Pogodbe o sodelovanju na področju patentov z dne 19. junija 1970, dopolnjene 2. oktobra 1979 in spremenjene 3. februarja 1984 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 19/93, v nadaljnjem besedilu: PCT), ki jih je Urad prejel kot izbrani urad v skladu z 39. členom PCT.

(4) Ne glede na določbe prvega, drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena se lahko snov ali zmes, ki je obsežena s stanjem tehnike, zavaruje s patentom za izum, ki se nanaša na snov ali zmes za uporabo pri postopku zdravljenja po točki b) drugega odstavka 11. člena tega zakona, če takšna uporaba ni obsežena s stanjem tehnike.

13. člen (neškodljivo razkritje izuma)

(1) Ob uporabi 12. člena tega zakona se ne upošteva razkritje izuma, do katerega je prišlo v roku največ šest mesecev pred vložitvijo patentne prijave neposredno ali posredno zaradi: a) očitne zlorabe v odnosu do prijavitelja ali njegovega pravnega prednika ali b) dejstva, da je prijavitelj ali njegov pravni prednik razstavil izum na uradni ali uradno

priznani mednarodni razstavi iz 62. člena tega zakona.

(2) Določba točke b) prejšnjega odstavka velja le, če prijavitelj v prijavi navede, da je bil izum na tak način razstavljen, in predloži o tem ustrezno potrdilo v skladu z drugim odstavkom 62. člena tega zakona.

14. člen (inventivna raven)

(1) Šteje se, da je izum na inventivni ravni, če za strokovnjaka predmet izuma očitno ne izhaja iz stanja tehnike po drugem odstavku 12. člena tega zakona.

(2) Če so v stanju tehnike zaobseženi tudi dokumenti po tretjem odstavku 12. člena tega zakona, se ti dokumenti pri presoji inventivne ravni ne upoštevajo.

(3) Če vloži isti prijavitelj poleg prve patentne prijave, ki še ni bila objavljena, še kakšno patentno prijavo, ki se nanaša na isti predmet izuma kot prva, se prva patentna prijava ne upošteva pri presoji inventivne ravni druge patentne prijave.

15. člen (industrijska uporabljivost)

Izum je industrijsko uporabljiv, če se predmet izuma lahko proizvede ali uporabi v katerikoli gospodarski dejavnosti, vključno s kmetijstvom.

16. člen (predmet varstva patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem)

(1) Razen izuma za postopek, rastlinsko vrsto in živalsko pasmo se patent s skrajšanim trajanjem lahko podeli za izum, ki je nov, industrijsko uporabljiv in dosežen z ustvarjalnim delom.

(2) Šteje se da je izum dosežen z ustvarjalnim delom, če izkazuje določeno učinkovitost ali praktično prednost pri gospodarski uporabi.

(3) Določbe tega zakona, ki se nanašajo na patent, veljajo smiselno za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

17. člen (zaupni izumi)

(1) Izum, ki je pomemben za obrambo ali varnost Republike Slovenije, se šteje za zaupnega in se prijavi pri ministrstvu, pristojnem za obrambo.

(2) O pogojih izkoriščanja zaupnega izuma, zlasti o plačilu za njegovo izkoriščanje, se neposredno dogovorita izumitelj in ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo.

(3) Prijava za izum po prvem odstavku tega člena se lahko vloži pri Uradu, če ga ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo, ne želi izkoriščati ali če soglaša z vložitvijo patentne prijave.

18. člen (pravice iz patenta)

(1) Patent zagotavlja imetniku naslednje izključne pravice: a) če je predmet patenta proizvod: preprečitev tretjim osebam, ki nimajo imetnikove

privolitve, da izdelujejo, uporabljajo, ponujajo v prodajo, prodajajo ali v te namene uvažajo zadevni proizvod;

b) če je predmet patenta postopek: preprečitev tretjim osebam, ki nimajo imetnikove privolitve, da postopek uporabljajo in ponujajo v prodajo, prodajajo ali v te namene uvažajo proizvod, ki je pridobljen neposredno s tem postopkom.

(2) Obseg patentnega varstva je določen z vsebino patentnih zahtevkov. Za razlago patentnih zahtevkov pa se uporabljajo tudi opis in skice.

19. člen (omejitev pravic iz patenta)

Pravice iz 18. člena tega zakona se ne nanašajo na: a) dejanja, storjena zasebno in za negospodarske namene; b) raziskave in poizkuse vseh vrst, ki se nanašajo na predmet patenta, ne glede na njihov

končni namen; c) neposredno posamično pripravo zdravila v lekarni v skladu z zdravniškim navodilom ali

receptom ter dejanja, ki se nanašajo na tako pripravljeno zdravilo; d) uporabo predmeta patentiranega izuma na ladjah drugih držav, v ladijskem trupu, strojih,

škripčevju, palubni opremi in raznih dodatkih ladijske opreme, kadar te ladje začasno ali slučajno priplujejo v vode Republike Slovenije, pod pogojem, da je izum tu uporabljen izključno za potrebe ladje;

e) uporabo patentiranega izuma v konstrukcijah ali delovanju zračnih plovil ali kopenskih vozil drugih držav, ali v priborih teh plovil oziroma vozil, kadar začasno ali slučajno pridejo na ozemlje Republike Slovenije;

f) dejanja, predvidena v 27. členu Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu z dne 7. decembra 1944 (Uradni list FLRJ-MP, št. 3/54, 5/54, 9/61, 5/62, 11/63, 49/71, 62/73, 15/78, 2/80, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92), kadar gre za letalo države, za katero veljajo določbe navedenega člena konvencije.

20. člen (pravica poprejšnje uporabe)

(1) Pravice, ki jih ima imetnik patenta na podlagi 18. člena tega zakona, nimajo pravnega učinka zoper osebo, ki je v dobri veri uporabljala izum v Republiki Sloveniji pred datumom prijave zadevnega patenta ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, ali se pripravljala za njegovo uporabo, in ki nadaljuje s tako uporabo. Taka oseba zadrži pravico uporabljati izum, nima pa pravice dajati licence ali drugače razpolagati z izumom.

(2) Pravica osebe iz prejšnjega odstavka do nadaljevanja uporabe izuma se sme prenesti le skupaj z zadevnim podjetjem ali poslovno dejavnostjo, v kateri se uporablja izum ali so bile izvedene priprave za njegovo uporabo.

21. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz patenta)

(1) Pravice iz patenta se ne nanašajo na dejanja v Republiki Sloveniji v zvezi s proizvodom, na katerega se patent nanaša, potem ko je imetnik ta proizvod dal na trg v Republiki Sloveniji ali se je to zgodilo z njegovim izrecnim soglasjem, razen če obstajajo razlogi, ki bi po pravu Republike Slovenije utemeljevali razširitev pravic iz patenta na taka dejanja.

(2) Izčrpanje pravic iz patenta po prejšnjem odstavku se lahko razširi prek ozemlja Republike Slovenije, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

22. člen (trajanje patenta)

(1) Ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka 91. člena in ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona traja patent dvajset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Neposredno po izteku trajanja patenta se lahko za izum enkrat podaljša veljavnost patenta, in sicer za največ pet let, če je razglašeno vojno stanje ali podobne izredne razmere – za dobo trajanja takšnega stanja oziroma okoliščin.

(3) Neposredno po izteku trajanja patenta se lahko za izum v skladu z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije enkrat podeli dodatni varstveni certifikat, in sicer za največ pet let, če je predmet patenta proizvod ali postopek za proizvodnjo oziroma uporabo proizvoda, za katerega je pred pričetkom gospodarskega izkoriščanja potrebno izvesti z zakonom predpisani uradni postopek odobritve.

23. člen (trajanje patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem)

Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona traja patent s skrajšanim trajanjem deset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

2. oddelek Evropska patentna prijava in evropski patent

24. člen (uporaba prava)

(1) Za patent, ki ga je v skladu z EPK podelil EPU (v nadaljnjem besedilu: evropski patent), in za prijavo, vloženo v skladu z EPK za evropski patent (v nadaljnjem besedilu: evropska patentna prijava), s katerima se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen če je z EPK drugače določeno.

(2) V primeru neskladja med določbami EPK in določbami tega zakona, se glede evropskih patentnih prijav in evropskih patentov uporabljajo določbe EPK.

25. člen (vložitev evropske patentne prijave)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, z izjemo izločenih prijav, se sme vložiti pri Uradu v jeziku, ki ga dopuščata prvi in drugi odstavek 14. člena EPK.

(2) Pri evropski patentni prijavi za izum, ki lahko vpliva na nacionalno varnost v Republiki Sloveniji, se uporablja 17. člen tega zakona.

26. člen (veljavnost evropske patentne prijave)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji in kateri je bil dodeljen datum vložitve, je enakovredna nacionalni patentni prijavi, ob upoštevanju morebitne zahtevane prednostne pravice za evropsko patentno prijavo, ne glede na kasnejši izid o njej.

(2) Objavljena evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, ima varstvo, določeno s četrtim odstavkom 122. člena tega zakona, in sicer od dneva, ko je prijavitelj obvestil osebo, ki uporablja izum v Republiki Sloveniji, o slovenskem prevodu patentnih zahtevkov objavljene evropske patentne prijave.

27. člen (veljavnost evropskega patenta)

(1) Evropski patent, s katerim se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, zagotavlja glede na drugi do četrti odstavek tega člena od dneva, ko je EPU objavil sklep o njegovi podelitvi, enake pravice kot nacionalni patent pri Uradu po 18. členu tega zakona.

(2) V roku treh mesecev po datumu objave sklepa o podelitvi evropskega patenta je imetnik evropskega patenta dolžan dostaviti Uradu slovenski prevod patentnih zahtevkov za evropski patent in plačati predpisano pristojbino za objavo.

(3) Če velja zaradi ugovora, vloženega pri EPU, evropski patent s spremenjenimi zahtevki, se smiselno uporablja prejšnji odstavek.

(4) Če vsebujejo zahtevki sklicevalne oznake, navedene v skicah, se prevodu, določenem v drugem in tretjem odstavku tega člena priložijo tudi skice, s tem da se prevede tudi vsako besedilo v teh skicah.

(5) Urad objavi vsak prevod, ki je pravilno vložen v skladu z drugim, tretjim ali četrtim odstavkom tega člena.

(6) Če imetnik evropskega patenta ravna po drugem odstavku tega člena, izda Urad odločbo o vpisu evropskega patenta v register patentov pri Uradu.

(7) Če prevod, naveden v drugem, tretjem ali četrtem odstavku tega člena, ni pravočasno vložen ali če predpisana pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se evropski patent, s katerim se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, šteje za ničnega.

28. člen (verodostojno besedilo evropskih patentnih prijav ali evropskih patentov)

(1) Če prevod iz 26. in 27. člena tega zakona zagotavlja ožje varstvo kot v jeziku postopkov, se prevod šteje za verodostojno besedilo, razen v primeru postopka ugovora pri EPU.

(2) Prijavitelj ali imetnik evropskega patenta lahko vsak čas vloži popravljeni prevod patentnih zahtevkov. Popravljeni prevod ima pravni učinek od dneva, ko ga je Urad objavil oziroma od dneva, ko je prijavitelj ali imetnik evropskega patenta o njem obvestil osebo, ki uporablja ta izum v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Vsaka oseba, ki izum v dobri veri uporablja ali je izvedla učinkovite in resne priprave za uporabo izuma, pri čemer takšna uporaba ne bi bila kršitev prijave oziroma patenta v izvirnem prevodu, sme tudi potem, ko začne veljati popravljeni prevod, brez plačila nadaljevati s takšno uporabo v svojem poslovanju in za potrebe tega poslovanja.

29. člen (pristojbine za evropski patent)

(1) Pristojbine za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta v Republiki Sloveniji, se za leta, ki sledijo letu, v katerem je bil objavljen sklep o podelitvi evropskega patenta, plačujejo Uradu ob upoštevanju 109. in 110. člena tega zakona. Če pri EPU ni bila plačana pristojbina za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta za tretje leto njegovega trajanja, se ta pristojbina plača Uradu.

(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek zapade prva pristojbina za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta v plačilo dva meseca po objavi sklepa o podelitvi evropskega patenta.

(3) V skladu z 39. členom EPK pripada Evropski patentni organizaciji del pristojbin, vplačanih po tem členu.

30. člen (sprememba v nacionalno patentno prijavo)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, se lahko spremeni v nacionalno patentno prijavo, če se šteje evropska patentna prijava za umaknjeno na podlagi petega odstavka 77. člena EPK ali ker prevod prijave po drugem odstavku 14. člena EPK ni bil vložen pravočasno, kot to določa tretji odstavek 90. člena EPK.

(2) Prijavitelj mora v predpisanem roku plačati predpisano pristojbino in vložiti prevod prijave pri Uradu v slovenskem jeziku.

31. člen (hkratno varstvo)

Če imata evropski patent in nacionalni patent, ki sta podeljena isti osebi, isti datum vložitve ali isti datum zahtevane prednostne pravice, nacionalni patent ne bo imel pravnega učinka od datuma, ko je potekel rok za ugovor na evropski patent in ugovor ni bil vložen, ali od datuma končne odločbe o veljavnosti evropskega patenta v postopku ugovora, če se nacionalni patent nanaša na isti izum kot evropski patent.

3. oddelek Patentna prijava po PCT

32. člen (prijave na podlagi PCT)

(1) Urad opravlja v skladu s PCT funkcijo prejemnega urada.

(2) Urad sprejema mednarodne prijave, katerih vložniki so državljani Republike Slovenije ali osebe, ki imajo stalno bivališče oziroma sedež na ozemlju Republike Slovenije.

(3) Mednarodna prijava po PCT se vloži v angleškem, francoskem ali nemškem jeziku. Mednarodna prijava po PCT se lahko vloži tudi v slovenskem jeziku, če je v roku, predpisanim s pravili ali navodili, izdanimi za izvajanje PCT, Uradu predložen prevod te prijave v angleški, francoski ali nemški jezik.

(4) Urad pobira v imenu in za račun Mednarodnega urada Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino pristojbine v zvezi s prijavami po tem členu.

(5) EPU je pristojna ustanova za mednarodno poizvedbo in mednarodni predhodni preizkus mednarodnih prijav po PCT, vloženih pri Uradu.

(6) Imenovanje ali izbira Republike Slovenije v mednarodni prijavi po točki (viii) 2. člena PCT se šteje kot zahteva za podelitev evropskega patenta, ki velja v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi mednarodne pogodbe, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

Tretje poglavje MODEL

1. oddelek Model

33. člen (predmet varstva modela)

(1) Model se registrira za videz izdelka, ki je nov in ima individualno naravo.

(2) Videz izdelka pomeni izgled celotnega izdelka ali njegovega dela, ki izhaja iz značilnosti zlasti linij, obrisov, barv, oblike, teksture oziroma materialov izdelka samega ali ornamentov na njem.

(3) Izdelek pomeni industrijski ali obrtni izdelek, ki med drugim vključuje dele, ki so namenjeni za sestavo kompleksnega izdelka, embalažo, opremo, grafične simbole in tipografske znake, z izjemo računalniških programov. Kompleksen izdelek pomeni izdelek, sestavljen iz več sestavnih delov, ki jih je mogoče zamenjati, tako da se izdelek lahko razstavi in ponovno sestavi.

(4) Če se videz izdelka nanaša na sestavni del kompleksnega izdelka, je nov in ima individualno naravo le: a) če sestavni del, potem ko je vključen v kompleksen izdelek, ostane viden ob normalni

uporabi kompleksnega izdelka, in b) če vidne značilnosti sestavnega dela tudi same izpolnjujejo pogoja glede novosti in

individualne narave.

(5) Normalna uporaba po točki a) prejšnjega odstavka pomeni uporabo pri končnem uporabniku, brez opravil vzdrževanja, servisiranja ali popravljanja.

34. člen (novost in individualna narava)

(1) Videz izdelka je nov, če pred datumom vložitve prijave modela ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, javnosti ni bil dostopen enak videz izdelka. Videz izdelka se šteje za enakega, če se njegove značilnosti razlikujejo le v nepomembnih podrobnostih.

(2) Videz izdelka ima individualno naravo, če se celotni vtis, ki ga naredi na seznanjenega uporabnika, razlikuje od celotnega vtisa, ki ga naredi kak drug videz izdelka, ki je bil dostopen javnosti pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Pri ocenjevanju individualne narave se upošteva stopnja svobode oblikovalca pri razvoju videza izdelka.

35. člen (razkritje videza izdelka)

(1) Pri uporabi 34. člena tega zakona se šteje, da je bil videz izdelka dostopen javnosti, če je bil objavljen v postopku registracije oziroma kako drugače ali razstavljen, uporabljen pri trgovanju ali drugače razkrit pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, razen če ti dogodki ne bi mogli postati znani v normalnem poteku poslovanja specializiranim krogom zadevnega področja, ki delujejo v Evropski uniji. Videz izdelka ne šteje za dostopnega javnosti zgolj zato, ker je bil razkrit tretji osebi pod izrecnimi ali neizrecnimi pogoji zaupnosti.

(2) Pri uporabi 34. člena tega zakona se razkritje ne upošteva, če je bil videz izdelka, za katerega se zahteva varstvo z modelom, dostopen javnosti v Evropski uniji: a) zaradi podatkov, ki jih je dal oblikovalec, njegov pravni naslednik ali tretja oseba, ali

zaradi dejanja oblikovalca ali njegovega pravnega naslednika; in b) v obdobju dvanajstih mesecev pred vložitvijo prijave, ali datumom prednostne pravice,

če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Prejšnji odstavek se uporablja tudi, če je bil videz izdelka dostopen javnosti kot posledica zlorabe v odnosu do oblikovalca ali njegovega pravnega naslednika.

36. člen (zavrnitev modela)

(1) Videz izdelka se ne sme registrirati kot model: a) če ne ustreza drugemu odstavku 33. člena tega zakona; b) če ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz prvega ali četrtega odstavka 33. člena ali 34. ali 35. člena

tega zakona ali če nasprotuje modelu, ki velja v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi prijave z zgodnejšim datumom vložitve;

c) če mora biti zavrnjen na podlagi 6.ter člena Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine z dne 20. marca 1883, zadnjič revidirane 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 5/74, 7/86, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Pariška konvencija), ker ni bilo izdano dovoljenje pristojnih organov;

d) če vsebuje ali posnema znamenja, embleme ali grbe, ki niso obseženi s 6.ter členom Pariške konvencije, vendar imajo poseben javni pomen, razen če so pristojni organi zanje izdali dovoljenje za registracijo;

e) če nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali.

(2) Model se ne more registrirati za značilnosti izgleda izdelka, ki so določene izključno z njegovo tehnično funkcijo.

(3) Model se ne more registrirati za značilnosti izgleda izdelka, ki morajo biti reproducirane v natančni obliki in dimenzijah, zato da bi bilo mogoče izdelek, na katerega se videz nanaša, mehansko povezati z drugim izdelkom ali ga vanj, okrog njega ali ob njega namestiti, tako da lahko vsak izdelek opravlja svojo funkcijo.

(4) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek je lahko pod pogoji iz 34. člena tega zakona kot model registriran videz izdelka, ki omogoča večkratno sestavo ali povezavo medsebojno zamenljivih izdelkov znotraj modularnega sistema.

37. člen (pravice iz modela)

(1) Imetnik modela ima izključno pravico, da ga uporablja in prepreči tretjim osebam, ki nimajo njegovega soglasja, da ga uporabljajo. Omenjena uporaba obsega zlasti izdelovanje, ponujanje, dajanje na trg, uvažanje, izvažanje ali uporabljanje izdelka, na katerega se videz nanaša, ali skladiščenje takega izdelka v te namene.

(2) Obseg varstva vključuje vsak videz izdelka, ki pri seznanjenem uporabniku ne ustvari drugačnega celotnega vtisa. Pri ocenjevanju obsega varstva se upošteva stopnja svobode oblikovalca pri razvoju njegovega videza izdelka.

(3) Pravice iz prvega odstavka tega člena se ne nanašajo: a) na uvoz rezervnih delov in pripomočkov za popravila ladje ali letala, ki začasno vstopi na

ozemlje Republike Slovenije in na izvajanje popravil na takšni ladji ali letalu ter smiselno na dejanja, našteta v 19. členu tega zakona, razen točke c);

b) na dejanja reproduciranja za namene citiranja ali učenja, če so v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji in ne škodijo neupravičeno normalnemu izkoriščanju modela in če se navede vir.

(4) Tretja oseba sme uveljavljati pravico poprejšnje uporabe modela. Pri tem se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 20. člena tega zakona.

38. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz modela)

(1) Pravice iz modela se ne nanašajo na dejanja v zvezi z izdelkom, na katerega se nanaša videz, ki je predmet modela, če je imetnik modela dal izdelek na trg v Republiki Sloveniji ali je bilo to storjeno z njegovim soglasjem.

(2) Izčrpanje pravic iz modela po prejšnjem odstavku se lahko razširi prek ozemlja Republike Slovenije, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

39. člen (druge oblike varstva modela)

(1) Določbe tega zakona o modelu ne posegajo v določbe drugih zakonov, ki se nanašajo na neregistrirane modele, znamke ali druge znake razlikovanja, patente, uporabne modele, oznake, civilno odgovornost ali nelojalno konkurenco.

(2) Model je lahko predmet avtorskopravnega varstva od dneva, ko je bil videz izdelka ustvarjen ali določen v katerikoli obliki, če izpolnjuje pogoje za pridobitev takega varstva po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice.

40. člen (trajanje modela)

(1) Model traja eno ali več petletnih obdobij od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona lahko imetnik modela obnovi model za eno ali več petletnih obdobij, vendar največ petindvajset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(3) Če se model nanaša na več izdelkov, se lahko obnovi v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom za celotni model ali v zoženem obsegu le za nekatere izdelke.

2. oddelek Mednarodni depozit modela

41. člen (zahteve po Haaškem sporazumu)

(1) Zahteve po Haaškem sporazumu o mednarodnem depozitu industrijskih vzorcev in modelov z dne 28. novembra 1960, dopolnjenem 14. julija 1967 ter spremenjenem in dopolnjenem 28. septembra 1979 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 20/94, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Haaški sporazum) se vložijo v skladu s Haaškim sporazumom ter pravili in navodili, izdanimi za njegovo izvajanje, neposredno pri Mednarodnem uradu.

(2) Pri zahtevah po Haaškem sporazumu, s katerimi se zahteva varstvo modela v Sloveniji, se v skladu z 8. členom Haaškega sporazuma smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen drugega odstavka 96. člena tega zakona.

Četrto poglavje ZNAMKA

1. oddelek Znamka in kolektivna znamka

42. člen (predmet varstva znamke)

(1) Znamka je lahko sestavljena iz kakršnihkoli znakov, zlasti iz besed, vključno s priimki in imeni, ali iz slik, črk, številk, barv, oblike blaga ali njegove embalaže ali zvokov, če se: a) lahko s temi znaki blago ali storitve določenega podjetja razlikuje ali razlikujejo od blaga

ali storitev drugih podjetij ter b) ti znaki v registru lahko prikažejo na način, ki Uradu in drugim pristojnim organom ter

javnosti omogoči jasno in natančno določitev predmeta varstva, ki je zagotovljeno njihovemu imetniku.

(2) Pri presoji, ali se znak lahko registrira kot znamka, se upoštevajo vse dejanske okoliščine, zlasti trajanje uporabe znaka.

(3) Narava blaga ali storitev, na katere se nanaša znamka, ne sme biti v nobenem primeru ovira za registracijo.

43. člen (absolutni razlogi za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Kot znamka se ne registrira znak: a) ki ne more biti znamka; b) ki je brez slehernega razlikovalnega učinka;

c) ki lahko v gospodarskem prometu označuje izključno vrsto, kakovost, količino, namen, vrednost, geografski izvor ali čas proizvodnje blaga ali opravljanja storitev ali druge značilnosti blaga ali storitev;

d) ki sestoji izključno iz znakov ali označb, ki so postali običajni v jezikovni rabi ali dobroverni in ustaljeni praksi trgovanja;

e) ki sestoji izključno iz oblike ali druge značilnosti, ki izhaja iz same narave blaga, ali oblike ali druge značilnosti blaga, ki je nujna za dosego tehničnega učinka ali daje blagu bistveno vrednost;

f) ki nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali; g) ki zavaja javnost, zlasti glede narave, kakovosti ali geografskega izvora blaga ali storitev; h) za katerega ni bilo izdano dovoljenje pristojnih organov in mora biti zavrnjen na podlagi

6.ter člena Pariške konvencije; i) ki vsebuje ali posnema znamenja, embleme ali grbe, ki niso obseženi s 6.ter členom

Pariške konvencije, vendar imajo poseben javni pomen, razen če so pristojni organi zanje izdali dovoljenje za registracijo;

j) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Republika Slovenija ali Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo označb porekla in geografskih označbah;

k) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo tradicionalnih izrazov za vino;

l) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo zajamčenih tradicionalnih posebnosti;

m) ki sestoji iz prej registriranega poimenovanja rastlinske sorte v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Republika Slovenija ali Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo žlahtniteljskih pravic, in se nanaša na rastlinske sorte iste ali zelo sorodne vrste, ali vsebuje bistvene elemente tega imena.

(2) Ne glede na točko b), c) in d) prejšnjega odstavka se registracija znamke ne zavrne, če je pred datumom vložitve prijave znak z uporabo pridobil razlikovalni učinek.

44. člen (relativni razlogi za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Če je vložen ugovor v skladu s 101. členom tega zakona, se znamka ne registrira za znak: a) ki je enak znaku prejšnje znamke in če so blago ali storitve, za katere je znamka

prijavljena, enaki blagu ali storitvam, za katere je varovana prejšnja znamka; b) če zaradi enakosti ali podobnosti z znakom prejšnje znamke in enakosti ali podobnosti

blaga ali storitev, na katere se nanašata znak in znamka, obstaja verjetnost zmede v javnosti, pri čemer verjetnost zmede vključuje verjetnost povezovanja s prejšnjo znamko;

c) ki je enak ali podoben znaku prejšnje znamke, ne glede na to, ali so blago ali storitve, za katere je znamka prijavljena, enaki, podobni ali niso podobni tistim, za katere je varovana prejšnja znamka, če ima prejšnja znamka ugled v Republiki Sloveniji in če bi se z uporabo kasnejše znamke brez upravičenega razloga nepošteno izkoriščal ali oškodoval razlikovalni učinek ali ugled prejšnje znamke;

d) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi pravice do neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem prometu, pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

e) ki ga je posrednik ali zastopnik imetnika znamke brez njegovega soglasja prijavil kot znamko v svojem imenu, razen če posrednik ali zastopnik upraviči svoje ravnanje;

f) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi registrirane označbe porekla ali geografske označbe, za katero je bila prijava vložena v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije, ki urejajo varstvo označb porekla ali geografskih označb, pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

g) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi prej pridobljene pravice do imena, osebne podobe, avtorske pravice ali druge pravice industrijske lastnine, razen če je imetnik prej pridobljene pravice izrecno soglašal z registracijo take znamke.

(2) Prejšnja znamka pomeni: a) znamko, ki je bila registrirana v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi nacionalne prijave pred

datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

b) znamko Evropske unije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: znamka EU), ki je bila registrirana pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

c) znamko, ki je bila registrirana na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

d) prijave znamk iz točk a), b) in c) tega odstavka, ki so bile vložene pred datumom prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, pod pogojem, da so registrirane;

e) neregistriran znak, ki je na datum vložitve prijave znamke ali datum prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, v Republiki Sloveniji znana znamka po 6.bis členu Pariške konvencije.

45. člen (kolektivna znamka)

(1) Kolektivna znamka pomeni znamko, ki je kot taka navedena ob vložitvi prijave in njen znak omogoča razlikovanje blaga ali storitev članov nosilca te znamke od blaga ali storitev drugih podjetij.

(2) Prijavitelj ali nosilec kolektivne znamke je lahko pravna oseba, ki združuje izdelovalce, proizvajalce, ponudnike storitev ali trgovce, ter pravna oseba javnega prava.

(3) Člani nosilca kolektivne znamke lahko v skladu s pravilnikom iz 46. člena tega zakona uporabljajo kolektivno znamko.

(4) Za pridobitev kolektivne znamke se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Ne glede na točko c) prvega odstavka 43. člena tega zakona se lahko s kolektivno znamko registrira znak, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga ali storitev.

46. člen (pravilnik o kolektivni znamki)

(1) Prijavitelj kolektivne znamke mora skupaj s prijavo predložiti pravilnik o kolektivni znamki.

(2) Pravilnik iz prejšnjega odstavka določa vsaj: a) naziv in sedež prijavitelja; b) dejavnost prijavitelja in podatke o tem, koga uradno oziroma statutarno predstavlja ali


c) pogoje za pridobitev članstva; d) pogoje za uporabo kolektivne znamke; e) podatke o krogu upravičencev do uporabe kolektivne znamke; f) določbe o pravicah in obveznostih članov v primeru kršitve kolektivne znamke.

(3) Prijavitelj ali nosilec kolektivne znamke Urad obvesti o vsaki spremembi pravilnika in predloži čistopis pravilnika. Urad v register vpiše podatek o spremembi pravilnika, razen če spremenjeni pravilnik ne ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka ali če je podan kateri izmed razlogov iz 46.a člena tega zakona. Sprememba pravilnika učinkuje z datumom vpisa spremembe v register.

(4) Pravilnik je javen in je vpogled vanj dovoljen vsakomur.

46.a člen (razlogi za zavrnitev kolektivne znamke)

(1) Kolektivna znamka se ne registrira, če je podan razlog iz 42., 43. ali 44. člena tega zakona in tudi, če: a) ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz 45. in 46. člena tega zakona; b) lahko zavaja javnost glede značaja ali pomena znamke, zlasti če je verjetno, da jo bodo

razumeli drugače kakor kolektivno znamko; c) pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali.

(2) Ne glede na točko c) prejšnjega odstavka se registracija kolektivne znamke ne zavrne, če prijavitelj s spremembo pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona odpravi ugotovljeno pomanjkljivost.

47. člen (pravice iz znamke)

(1) Znamka daje imetniku izključno pravico do njene uporabe in druge izključne pravice po tem zakonu. Brez poseganja v pravice imetnika, ki so bile pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ima imetnik znamke pravico preprečiti tretjim osebam, ki nimajo njegovega soglasja, da v gospodarskem prometu v povezavi z blagom ali storitvami uporabljajo znak: a) ki je enak znamki, za enako blago ali storitve, ki so obseženi z znamko; b) pri katerem zaradi njegove enakosti ali podobnosti z znamko in enakosti ali podobnosti

blaga ali storitev, obseženih z znamko in znakom, obstaja verjetnost zmede v javnosti, ki vključuje verjetnost povezovanja med znakom in znamko;

c) ki je enak ali podoben znamki, ne glede na to, ali so blago ali storitve enaki, podobni ali niso podobni tistim, ki so obseženi z znamko, če ima znamka v Republiki Sloveniji ugled in če bi uporaba takega znaka brez upravičenega razloga nepošteno izkoristila ali oškodovala razlikovalni učinek ali ugled znamke.

(2) Pravica iz prejšnjega odstavka preprečiti tretjim osebam uporabo znaka obsega zlasti prepoved: a) opremljanja blaga ali njegove embalaže z znakom; b) ponujanja blaga, označenega s tem znakom, njegovega dajanja na trg ali skladiščenja v

te namene ali ponujanja ali opravljanja storitev pod tem znakom; c) uvoza ali izvoza blaga pod tem znakom; d) uporabe znaka na poslovni dokumentaciji in v oglaševanju; e) uporabe znaka kot trgovskega imena ali firme podjetja ali dela trgovskega imena ali

firme podjetja;

f) uporabe znaka v primerjalnem oglaševanju na način, ki je v nasprotju s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije o zavajajočem in primerjalnem oglaševanju.

(3) Brez poseganja v pravice imetnika, ki so bile pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ima imetnik znamke pravico preprečiti tretjim osebam vnos blaga v gospodarskem prometu v Republiko Slovenijo, ne da bi bilo to blago tudi sproščeno v prosti promet, če to blago, vključno z njegovo embalažo, prihaja iz držav, ki niso države članice Evropske unije ali Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, in je brez dovoljenja imetnika znamke označeno z znakom, ki je enak znamki, registrirani za takšno blago, ali ga v njegovih bistvenih lastnostih ni mogoče razlikovati od nje.

(4) Imetnik znamke nima več pravice iz prejšnjega odstavka, če deklarant ali imetnik blaga med postopkom ugotavljanja kršitve pravic iz znamke, začetim v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije o carinskih ukrepih za uveljavljanje pravic intelektualne lastnine, dokaže, da imetnik znamke nima pravice prepovedati dajanja blaga na trg v končni namembni državi.

47.a člen (prepoved pripravljalnih dejanj v zvezi z embalažo ali drugimi sredstvi)

Če obstaja nevarnost, da bi se lahko embalaža, nalepke, listki, varnostne oznake ali naprave, oznake ali naprave za preverjanje pristnosti ali druga sredstva, na katerih je nameščena znamka, uporabili v zvezi z blagom ali storitvami in bi takšna uporaba kršila pravice imetnika znamke iz prvega ali drugega odstavka 47. člena tega zakona, ima imetnik te znamke pravico prepovedati naslednja dejanja, če se izvajajo v gospodarskem prometu: a) namestitev znaka, ki je enak ali podoben znamki, na embalaži, nalepkah, listkih,

varnostnih oznakah ali napravah, oznakah ali napravah za preverjanje pristnosti ali na drugih sredstvih, na katera je mogoče namestiti znamko;

b) ponujanje ali dajanje na trg ali skladiščenje v te namene, uvoz ali izvoz embalaže, nalepk, listkov, varnostnih oznak ali naprav, oznak ali naprav za preverjanje pristnosti ali drugih sredstev, na katerih je nameščena znamka.

48. člen (omejitev pravic iz znamke)

(1) Imetnik znamke ne more prepovedati tretjemu v gospodarskem prometu, da v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji uporablja: a) svoj priimek in ime ali naslov; b) znake ali označbe, ki niso razlikovalni, ali označbe glede vrste, kakovosti, količine,

namena, vrednosti, geografskega izvora, časa proizvodnje blaga ali opravljanja storitve ali drugih značilnosti blaga ali storitev;

c) znamko zaradi opredelitve ali navajanja blaga ali storitev kot lastnih imetniku te znamke, zlasti če je potrebno z njo označiti namen proizvoda ali storitve, zlasti za dodatke ali nadomestne dele;

d) znak, ki je enak ali podoben znamki, če ga je tretji začel uporabljati v dobri veri pred datumom vložitve prijave oziroma pred datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta v prijavi zahtevana.

(2) Znamka imetniku ne daje pravice, da bi tretji osebi v gospodarskem prometu prepovedal uporabo prejšnje pravice, ki velja le na določenem območju, če je ta pravica priznana v Republiki Sloveniji in če se uporablja znotraj meja ozemlja, na katerem je priznana.

49. člen (omejitev pravic iz kolektivne znamke)

(1) Kolektivna znamka, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga, nosilcu ne daje pravice, da bi tretji osebi v gospodarskem prometu prepovedal uporabo takega znaka, če ga uporablja v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji, in tudi ne pravice, da prepove uporabo geografskega imena tretji osebi, ki je do tega upravičena.

(2) Nosilec kolektivne znamke, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga ali storitev, omogoči vsaki osebi, katere blago ali storitve izvirajo iz navedenega geografskega območja in izpolnjujejo pogoje za uporabo kolektivne znamke, določene v pravilniku iz 46. člena tega zakona, da postane član nosilca kolektivne znamke.

50. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz znamke)

(1) Znamka ne daje imetniku pravice, da prepove njeno uporabo v zvezi z blagom, ki ga je imetnik dal na trg v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru ali se je to zgodilo z njegovim soglasjem.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se ne uporablja, če obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi za imetnikovo nasprotovanje nadaljnji komercializaciji blaga, zlasti če se je stanje tega blaga spremenilo ali poslabšalo, potem ko je bilo dano na trg.

51. člen (reprodukcije znamk v slovarjih)

Če daje reprodukcija znamke v slovarju, enciklopediji ali podobnem delu vtis, da gre za generično ime blaga ali storitev, za katere je znak registriran, mora založnik dela na zahtevo imetnika znamke poskrbeti za to, da je najkasneje v naslednji izdaji publikacije pri reprodukciji znamke oznaka, da gre za znamko. Če je delo v elektronski obliki, to založnik zagotovi nemudoma.

52. člen (trajanje znamke)

(1) Znamka traja deset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona lahko imetnik znamke ali katerakoli oseba, ki je po zakonu ali pogodbi pooblaščena za to, poljubno mnogokrat obnovi znamko za obdobje naslednjih deset let, šteto od datuma vložitve prijave.

(3) Znamka se lahko obnovi v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom za vse blago ali storitve ali v zoženem obsegu le za nekatero blago ali storitve.

52.a člen (prepoved uporabe in prenos znamke, registrirane na ime posrednika ali zastopnika)

(1) Če je bila znamka brez soglasja imetnika znamke registrirana na ime posrednika ali zastopnika osebe, ki je imetnik te znamke, ima imetnik znamke pravico zahtevati prepoved uporabe te znamke svojemu posredniku ali zastopniku in tudi pravico zahtevati, da se znamka prenese nanj.

(2) Imetnik znamke nima pravice iz prejšnjega odstavka, če posrednik ali zastopnik upraviči svoje ravnanje.

52.b člen (uporaba znamke)

(1) Če imetnik znamke v obdobju petih let od datuma vpisa znamke v register ni začel resno in dejansko uporabljati znamke v Republiki Sloveniji za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali če je bila takšna uporaba prekinjena v obdobju petih zaporednih let, veljajo za znamko omejitve in sankcije iz 52.c, 102.a, 120. in 122.a člena tega zakona, razen če obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo.

(2) Za uporabo znamke se šteje tudi: a) uporaba znamke v obliki, ki se glede na obliko, v kateri je bila registrirana, razlikuje v

elementih, ki ne spreminjajo razlikovalnega učinka znamke, ne glede na to, ali je bila znamka v obliki, v kateri se uporablja, tudi registrirana na ime imetnika znamke;

b) namestitev znamke na blago ali njegovo embalažo v Republiki Sloveniji izključno za potrebe izvoza.

(3) Šteje se, da imetnik uporablja znamko, če se uporablja z njegovim soglasjem.

(4) Pri kolektivni znamki se šteje, da jo nosilec uporablja, če jo uporablja vsaj ena oseba, ki ima pravico do njene uporabe.

52.c člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku za ugotovitev ničnosti)

(1) Imetnik kasnejše znamke, katere ugotovitev ničnosti zahteva imetnik prejšnje znamke, lahko zahteva, da imetnik prejšnje znamke predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju petih let pred datumom vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti svojo znamko, ki je razlog za to zahtevo, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa prejšnje znamke v register.

(2) Če je na datum vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali na datum prednostne pravice že poteklo obdobje petih let, v katerem bi moral imetnik prejšnjo znamko v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona začeti resno in dejansko uporabljati, imetnik prejšnje znamke poleg dokazov iz prejšnjega odstavka predloži tudi dokaze, da je znamko resno in dejansko začel uporabljati v obdobju petih let pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke na zahtevo imetnika kasnejše znamke ne dokaže okoliščin iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, se zavrne zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke na podlagi prejšnje znamke.

(4) Če se je prejšnja znamka uporabljala le za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je registrirana, se za namene preverjanja utemeljenosti zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti šteje, da je registrirana le za to blago ali storitve.

52.d člen (prenehanje pravice zahtevati ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke v obdobju petih zaporednih let ni nasprotoval uporabi kasnejše znamke, čeprav se je take uporabe zavedal, nima več pravice, da na podlagi svoje prejšnje znamke zahteva ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke za blago ali storitve, za katere se kasnejša znamka uporablja, razen če kasnejša znamka ni bila prijavljena v dobri veri.

(2) Imetnik kasnejše znamke dokazuje, da je svojo znamko uporabljal vsaj pet let zapored in da se je imetnik prejšnje znamke zavedal te uporabe.

(3) V primeru iz prvega odstavka tega člena imetnik kasnejše znamke nima več pravice ugovarjati uporabi prejšnje znamke, čeprav se ta ne more več uveljavljati proti kasnejši znamki.

52.e člen (razlikovalni učinek in ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Znamka se ne ugotovi za nično na podlagi točk b), c) ali d) prvega odstavka 43. člena tega zakona, če je pred datumom vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti z uporabo pridobila razlikovalni učinek.

(2) Zahtevi, ki temelji na prejšnji znamki, za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke, se na datum vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti ne ugodi, če se tej zahtevi glede na datum vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datum prednostne pravice ne bi ugodilo iz naslednjih razlogov: a) prejšnja znamka se lahko ugotovi za nično na podlagi točke b), c) ali d) prvega odstavka

43. člena tega zakona, ker še ni pridobila razlikovalnega učinka; b) zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti temelji na točki b) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona

in prejšnja znamka še nima tolikšnega razlikovalnega učinka za utemeljitev verjetnosti zmede po točki b) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ali

c) zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti temelji na točki c) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona in prejšnja znamka še ni pridobila ugleda po točki c) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona.

52.f člen (naknadno ugotavljanje ničnosti ali razveljavitve znamke)

Če se za znamko EU zahteva prednost starejše znamke, registrirane na podlagi nacionalne prijave ali mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, ki se ji je imetnik odpovedal ali dopustil, da njena veljavnost poteče, se lahko ničnost ali razveljavitev znamke, ki je podlaga zahteve za prednost starejše znamke, ugotovi tudi po njenem prenehanju, če bi se njena ničnost ali razveljavitev lahko ugotovila takrat, ko se ji je imetnik znamke odpovedal ali dopustil, da njena registracija poteče. V tem primeru prednost starejše znamke preneha učinkovati.

2. oddelek Mednarodna registracija znamke

53. člen (vložitev zahteve pri Uradu)

(1) Urad sprejema zahteve v skladu z Madridskim aranžmajem o mednarodnem registriranju znamk z dne 14. aprila 1891, zadnjič revidiranim 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list

SFRJ-MP, št. 2/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Madridski aranžma) in Protokolom k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk z dne 27. junija 1997 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 21/97, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Madridski Protokol).

(2) Ob vložitvi zahteve ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača ustrezna pristojbina. Če pristojbina ni plačana v tem roku, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) K zahtevi za mednarodno registriranje znamke mora vložnik priložiti seznam blaga ali storitev v jeziku, ki je predpisan z Madridskim aranžmajem oziroma Madridskim Protokolom in predpisi in navodili za njuno izvajanje.

(4) Če zahteva ni sestavljena v skladu z Madridskim aranžmajem oziroma Madridskim Protokolom, predpisi in navodili za njuno izvajanje, tem zakonom in podzakonskimi predpisi, Urad pozove vložnika, naj jo v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva ustrezno dopolni ali popravi. Če vložnik v tem roku ne popravi ali dopolni ustrezno svoje zahteve, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(5) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino zahtev iz prvega odstavka tega člena in postopke v zvezi s temi zahtevami.

54. člen (preizkus mednarodne znamke)

(1) Pri zahtevah po Madridskem aranžmaju ali Madridskem Protokolu, s katerimi se zahteva varstvo znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se v skladu s 5. členom Madridskega aranžmaja oziroma 5. členom Madridskega Protokola smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen 103. člena tega zakona.

(2) Objava podatkov o mednarodno registrirani znamki v glasilu Mednarodnega urada se šteje kot objava prijave znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Če se imetnik znamke, ki zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi Madridskega aranžmaja ali Madridskega Protokola, ne izreče o nameravani zavrnitvi varstva znamke, o kateri je obveščen v skladu s 5. členom Madridskega aranžmaja oziroma 5. členom Madridskega Protokola, Urad v takem primeru ne glede na peti odstavek 129. člena tega zakona izjemoma vroči odločbo neposredno po pošti imetniku znamke.

54.a člen (uporaba mednarodne znamke)

(1) Pri znamki, ki je bila registrirana na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, se obdobje petih let iz 52.b člena tega zakona šteje od datuma, ko je izjava Urada o priznanju varstva mednarodne registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji objavljena v glasilu Mednarodnega urada.

(2) Če po poteku enoletnega roka od datuma obvestila Mednarodnega urada o zahtevi za varstvo mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji Urad ni obvestil Mednarodnega urada o začasni zavrnitvi varstva mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji ali če ni Mednarodnemu uradu posredoval izjave o priznanju varstva mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se obdobje petih let iz 52.b člena tega zakona prične šteti s prvim dnem po izteku enoletnega roka od datuma obvestila Mednarodnega urada o zahtevi za varstvo mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.


55. člen (predmet varstva registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Geografska označba, ki se sme registrirati, pomeni oznako, ki označuje, da blago izvira z določenega ozemlja, območja ali kraja na tem ozemlju, če je kakovost, sloves ali kakšna druga značilnost tega blaga bistveno odvisna od njegovega geografskega porekla.

(2) Kot geografska označba se lahko registrira tudi ime, ki je postalo po dolgotrajni uporabi v gospodarskem prometu splošno znano kot označba, da blago izvira iz določenega kraja ali območja.

(3) Geografska označba, ki se nanaša na blago s posebnim zgodovinskim ali kulturnim pomenom, se lahko zavaruje neposredno z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije.

(4) Kot geografska označba po tem zakonu se ne sme registrirati geografska oznaka za kmetijske pridelke oziroma živila ter za vina in druge proizvode iz grozdja in vina.

56. člen (razlogi za zavrnitev registracije geografske označbe)

Geografska označba se ne sme registrirati: a) če označuje ali nakazuje, da določeno blago izvira z geografskega območja, ki ni

resnični kraj izvora, na način, ki zavaja javnost glede geografskega porekla izvora; b) če je sicer dobesedno resnična kar zadeva ozemlje, območje ali kraj, iz katerega izvira

blago, vendar pa v javnosti ustvarja napačen vtis, da blago izvira z drugega geografskega območja;

c) če je postala po dolgotrajni uporabi v gospodarskem prometu splošno znana kot oznaka za določeno vrsto blaga;

d) če bi njena registracija zaradi ugleda, poznanosti in trajanja uporabe znamke lahko zavajala potrošnika glede resnične identitete izdelka.

57. člen (varstvo registrirane geografske označbe pred splošno uporabo)

Registrirane geografske označbe se ne morejo spremeniti v generična ali splošno znana imena, katerih uporaba v gospodarskem prometu bi bila prosta.

58. člen (pravice iz registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Registrirana geografska označba je kolektivna pravica in jo smejo uporabljati v gospodarskem prometu osebe, ki v skladu s specifikacijo iz drugega odstavka 104. člena tega zakona proizvajajo in dajejo v promet blago, zavarovano z geografsko označbo.

(2) Neupravičene osebe ne smejo uporabljati registrirane geografske označbe.

(3) Uporaba registrirane geografske označbe je prepovedana, če blago ne izvira iz kraja, ki ga označuje določena geografska označba, tudi če je označen pravi izvor blaga, če

je geografska označba uporabljena v prevodu ali če geografsko označbo spremljajo izrazi, kot so “vrsta“, “tip“, “stil“, “imitacija“ in podobno.

59. člen (omejitev pravic iz registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Če je bila znamka, ki je enaka ali podobna registrirani geografski označbi, prijavljena ali registrirana v dobri veri ali če je bila znamka pridobljena z uporabo v dobri veri, še preden je bila geografska označba registrirana, te znamke ni mogoče razveljaviti ali prepovedati njene uporabe.

(2) Registrirana geografska označba ne izključuje pravice drugega, da v gospodarskem prometu uporablja svoje ime ali ime svojega predhodnika v poslu razen, če je tako ime uporabljeno tako, da zavaja javnost.

60. člen (trajanje registrirane geografske označbe)

Trajanje registrirane geografske označbe ni omejeno.


61. člen (unijska prednostna pravica)

(1) Kdor pravilno vloži prvo prijavo patenta, modela ali znamke v državi članici unije, ustanovljene na podlagi Pariške konvencije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Pariška unija), ali Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: WTO), ima ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji prednostno pravico. Rok za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice je za patent dvanajst mesecev ter za modele in znamke šest mesecev od dneva vložitve prve prijave.

(2) Oseba, ki zahteva prednostno pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka, mora ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navesti datum zahtevane prednostne pravice. V treh mesecih po vložitvi prijave morata biti Uradu sporočena številka prve prijave in država oziroma urad vložitve prve prijave. Če prijavitelj ne ravna po določbah tega odstavka, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

(3) Na zahtevo Urada, ali v primeru spora, na zahtevo sodišča, mora tisti, ki zahteva prednostno pravico, predložiti prepis prve prijave, ki ga overi pristojni organ države članice Pariške unije ali WTO, v kateri je bila prva prijava vložena. Prepisa prve prijave ni mogoče zahtevati pred potekom šestnajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prve prijave.

(4) Če prepis prve prijave iz prejšnjega odstavka ni v slovenskem jeziku in je veljavnost zahtevane prednostne pravice bistvena za odločitev, ali je zadevni izum mogoče zavarovati s patentom, lahko Urad, ali v primeru spora, sodišče, zahteva, da tisti, ki zahteva prednostno pravico, v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži prevod prve prijave v slovenskem jeziku.

(5) Prijavitelj se lahko sklicuje na večkratno prednostno pravico, ki temelji na različnih prejšnjih prijavah, vloženih v eni ali več državah.

(6) Prijavitelj lahko v patentni prijavi zahteva prednostno pravico na podlagi prijave za varstvo uporabnega modela.

(7) Urad izda na zahtevo in ob plačilu takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse, potrdilo o prednostni pravici. Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino potrdila o prednostni pravici in postopek izdaje potrdila.

62. člen (razstavna prednostna pravica)

(1) Oseba, ki na uradni ali uradno priznani mednarodni razstavi po Konvenciji o mednarodnih razstavah, podpisani 22. novembra 1928 in zadnjič revidirani 30. novembra 1972, v Republiki Sloveniji ali v drugi državi članici Pariške unije ali WTO razstavi izum, videz izdelka ali njegovega dela ali uporabi znak za označevanje blaga ali storitev, lahko v treh mesecih od dneva zaprtja razstave v svoji prijavi zahteva prednostno pravico od prvega dne razstavitve izuma ali videza izdelka ali njegovega dela oziroma uporabe znaka.

(2) Oseba, ki zahteva prednostno pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka mora ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navesti podatke o vrsti razstave, kraju, kjer je bila, datumih njenega odprtja in zaprtja ter o prvem dnevu razstavitve oziroma uporabe ter predložiti pisno potrdilo pristojnega organa države članice Pariške unije ali WTO, da gre za uradno ali uradno priznano mednarodno razstavo. Če prijavitelj ne ravna po določbah tega odstavka, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

(3) Z zahtevanjem prednostne pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena se rok za uveljavljanje unijske prednostne pravice iz prvega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona ne more podaljšati.

63. člen (popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice)

(1) Prijavitelj lahko zahteva popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice v patentni prijavi v šestnajstih mesecih od datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice ali od spremenjenega datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice, če bi popravek ali dopolnitev povzročila spremembo v datumu zahtevane prednostne pravice, vendar le, če je zahteva vložena v štirih mesecih od datuma vložitve patentne prijave.

(2) Prijavitelj mora hkrati z zahtevo plačati pristojbino, sicer se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Če je prijavitelj zahteval objavo po drugem odstavku 89. člena tega zakona in nato vložil tudi zahtevo iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se šteje, da zahteva iz prvega odstavka tega člena ni bila vložena razen, če je prijavitelj umaknil zahtevo po drugem odstavku 89. člena tega zakona, še pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo prijave.

(4) Če je zaradi popravka ali dopolnitve zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice spremenjen datum zahtevane prednostne pravice, se štejejo roki od spremenjenega datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice.

64. člen (vzpostavitev prednostne pravice)

(1) Če je datum vložitve patentne prijave, pri kateri bi bila lahko zahtevana prednostna pravica iz prve prijave, kasnejši od zadnjega datuma za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice, vendar ne več kot za dva meseca, lahko prijavitelj zahteva vzpostavitev prednostne pravice, če kljub skrbnemu ravnanju, ki so ga zahtevale okoliščine, ni mogel vložiti prijave v roku iz prvega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona.

(2) Prijavitelj mora vložiti zahtevo za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice v dveh mesecih od zadnjega datuma za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice in pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo prijave. Hkrati z zahtevo mora plačati tudi pristojbino, sicer se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

65. člen (prepoved širitve obsega prijave)

(1) Vsebina predmeta patentne prijave po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme biti razširjena prek vsebine predmeta prvotno sprejete prijave.

(2) V prijavi modela se po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme bistveno spremeniti videz izdelka ali njegovega dela ali povečati število izdelkov.

(3) V prijavi znamke se po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme bistveno spremeniti znak ali razširiti prvotni seznam blaga ali storitev.

66. člen (podaljšanje rokov)

(1) Prijavitelj ali imetnik lahko pred iztekom roka po tem zakonu enkrat zahteva njegovo podaljšanje za tri mesece.

(2) Roki za vložitev tožbe in roki iz prejšnjega odstavka, prvega odstavka 13., drugega odstavka 27. člena, drugega odstavka 35., prvega odstavka 61., prvega odstavka 62., prvega odstavka 63., drugega odstavka 64., drugega odstavka 67., drugega odstavka 68., tretjega odstavka 80., tretjega odstavka 86., prvega odstavka 91., tretjega odstavka 92., drugega in tretjega odstavka 94., prvega in četrtega odstavka 101., 109., 110., prvega odstavka 117., drugega odstavka 130. ter drugega odstavka 137. člena, niso podaljšljivi.

67. člen (nadaljevanje postopka po zamudi)

(1) Prijavitelj, ki je zamudil rok za izpolnitev obveznosti, zahtevanih v postopku za pridobitev pravice, lahko zahteva, da se zamujeni rok šteje kot pravočasen in da se odpravijo pravne posledice zamude ter da Urad nadaljuje s postopkom pridobitve pravice.

(2) Zahteva za nadaljevanje postopka se vloži v dveh mesecih, šteto od dneva, ko je prenehal vzrok, ki je povzročil zamudo, če je prijavitelj šele pozneje izvedel za zamudo, pa od dneva, ko je za to izvedel, vendar ne kasneje kot v šestih mesecih od dneva nastanka zamude. Prijavitelj mora hkrati z zahtevo opraviti zamujeno dejanje in plačati pristojbino za nadaljevanje postopka. Če v tem roku zamujeno dejanje ni opravljeno ali če pristojbina za nadaljevanje postopka ni plačana, se šteje, da zahteva ni bila vložena.

(3) Nadaljevanja postopka ni mogoče zahtevati zaradi zamude roka iz prejšnjega odstavka in roka za vložitev ugovora ali tožbe, ali če je vložena zahteva za vrnitev v prejšnje

stanje, ali zahteva za popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice, ali zahteva za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice.

(4) Če je Urad ugodil zahtevi za nadaljevanje postopka, se smiselno uporablja šesti oziroma sedmi odstavek 68. člena tega zakona.

68. člen (vrnitev v prejšnje stanje)

(1) Stranka sme v postopku pred Uradom iz upravičenih razlogov zahtevati vrnitev v prejšnje stanje, če kljub skrbnemu ravnanju, ki so ga zahtevale okoliščine, ni mogla pravočasno izvršiti obveznosti, ki jih je Urad zahteval v skladu s tem zakonom in na njegovi podlagi izdanimi podzakonskimi predpisi, in se je zaradi tega njena prijava ali kakšna druga vloga štela za umaknjeno ali je bila zavržena ali zavrnjena oziroma je pravica prenehala veljati.

(2) Zahteva za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje se vloži v treh mesecih, šteto od dneva, ko je prenehal vzrok, ki je povzročil zamudo, če je stranka šele pozneje zvedela za zamudo, pa od dneva, ko je za to zvedela. Hkrati z zahtevo je treba opraviti zamujeno dejanje in plačati pristojbino. Če ob vložitvi zahteve zamujeno dejanje ni opravljeno ali če pristojbina ni plačana, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Urad ne more zavrniti zahteve za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje v delu ali v celoti, če ni stranke pred tem pisno seznanil z razlogi za zavrnitev zahteve v delu ali v celoti in če je ni pozval, naj se v roku treh mesecev od vročitve poziva izreče o razlogih za zavrnitev zahteve.

(4) Po enem letu od dneva zamude se ne more več zahtevati vrnitve v prejšnje stanje.

(5) Vrnitve v prejšnje stanje ni mogoče zahtevati zaradi zamude rokov za vložitev zahteve za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje, zahteve za nadaljevanje postopka, ugovora ali tožbe, zahteve za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice in za predložitev prepisa prve prijave, zahteve za popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice ali zahteve za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice.

(6) Vsak, ki je v dobri veri uporabljal ali imel učinkovite in resne priprave za uporabo izuma ali modela, ki je predmet objavljene prijave, sme v obdobju med izgubo pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena in objavo vrnitve v prejšnje stanje pri tej pravici, brez nadomestila nadaljevati s takšno uporabo v svojem poslu ali za njegove potrebe.

(7) Če je prijavitelj ali imetnik znamke z vrnitvijo v prejšnje stanje ponovno vzpostavil svojo pravico do znamke, ne more uveljavljati svoje pravice proti komurkoli, ki je v obdobju med izgubo pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena in objavo vrnitve v prejšnje stanje te pravice v dobri veri dal blago na trg ali opravljal storitve pod znakom, ki je enak ali podoben njegovi znamki.

69. člen (umik vloge)

(1) Stranka lahko v postopku pred Uradom kadarkoli med postopkom umakne svojo vlogo.

(2) Vloga je umaknjena z dnem, ko prejme Urad zahtevo za umik vloge.

(3) Na podlagi zahteve za umik vloge izda Urad sklep o ustavitvi postopka.

(4) Če je prijavitelj umaknil zahtevo za podelitev patenta po zaključku tehničnih priprav za objavo te prijave in je bila prijava objavljena, se objava prijave ne šteje v stanje tehnike po 12. členu tega zakona.

70. člen (seznanitev prijavitelja pred zavrnitvijo pravice)

(1) Urad ne more izdati odločbe o zavrnitvi ali odločbe o delni zavrnitvi zahteve za podelitev oziroma registracijo pravice, če ni prej pisno seznanil prijavitelja z razlogi, zaradi katerih ne more podeliti oziroma registrirati pravice ali je ne more podeliti oziroma registrirati v zahtevanem obsegu, in če ni prijavitelja pozval, naj se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva izreče o teh razlogih oziroma vloženo zahtevo spremeni ali dopolni.

(2) Če se prijavitelj pravočasno izreče o razlogih za zavrnitev zahteve v delu ali v celoti, ali spremeni oziroma dopolni svojo zahtevo, Urad pred izdajo odločbe preveri, ali so še podani razlogi za zavrnitev ali delno zavrnitev zahteve za podelitev ali registracijo pravice.

71. člen (upravni spor)

Zoper odločbo ali sklep Urada ni pritožbe, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, ki se vloži pri Upravnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani. V sporu odloča sodišče na sedežu v Ljubljani.

72. člen (postopek v zvezi s tožbami)

(1) Sodišče nemudoma obvesti Urad o prejemu tožbe po tem zakonu in pravnomočni odločbi. Sodišče pošlje Uradu sodbo s potrdilom o pravnomočnosti zaradi izvršitve.

(2) Urad izda odločbo, s katero se sodba izvrši.

(3) Postopki v zvezi s tožbami po tem zakonu so hitri. Sodišče odloča o tožbah po tem zakonu prednostno.

(4) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se ne uporabljata pri sporih zaradi kršitve pravic.

73. člen (izumitelj, oblikovalec)

(1) V postopku za podelitev patenta se izumitelj, naveden v prijavi, šteje za izumitelja, razen če sodišče odloči drugače.

(2) Prvi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporablja za oblikovalca videza izdelka.

(3) Urad ne preverja točnosti podatkov o izumitelju ali oblikovalcu.

74. člen (imetnik pravice)

(1) Patent se podeli oziroma model ali znamka se registrira na ime tistega, ki je ob podelitvi ali registraciji naveden kot prijavitelj.

(2) Določba prejšnjega odstavka se smiselno uporablja, če je kot prijavitelj navedenih več oseb. Urad ne določa medsebojnih razmerij med osebami, ki so navedeni kot prijavitelj.

75. člen (prenos pravice)

(1) Imetnik patenta, modela ali znamke lahko s pogodbo ločeno od prenosa podjetja v delu ali v celoti prenaša svojo pravico.

(2) Prenos celotnega podjetja, ki je dogovorjen s pogodbo, vključuje prenos patenta, modela oziroma znamke tega podjetja, razen če je dogovorjeno drugače ali če okoliščine jasno kažejo drugače.

(3) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporabljata za prijavitelja in prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

(4) Kolektivna znamka se lahko prenese samo na osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz drugega odstavka 45. člena tega zakona.

(5) Prenos geografske označbe na drugo osebo ni dovoljen.

75.a člen (stvarne pravice)

(1) Patent, model ali znamka se lahko ločeno od podjetja da v zavarovanje ali je predmet stvarnih pravic.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

75.b člen (izvršba)

(1) Patent, model in znamka so lahko predmet izvršbe.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

75.c člen (licenca)

(1) Patent, model ali znamka je lahko v delu ali v celoti predmet licence in za celotno ozemlje Republike Slovenije ali del njenega ozemlja. Licenca je izključna ali neizključna.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

(3) Imetnik znamke lahko uveljavlja pravice iz znamke proti pridobitelju licence, ki ravna v nasprotju z določbo v licenčni pogodbi v zvezi: a) z njenim trajanjem; b) z obliko, obseženo z registracijo, v kateri se lahko uporablja znamka; c) z obsegom blaga ali storitev, za katere je podeljena licenca; d) z ozemljem, na katerem se znamka lahko uporabi, ali e) s kakovostjo blaga ali storitev, ki ga izdeluje ali jih opravlja pridobitelj licence.

(4) Kolektivna znamka in geografska označba ne smeta biti predmet licenčne pogodbe.

76. člen (čas pridobitve pravic)

(1) Ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka tega člena se pravice iz 18., 37., 47. in 58. člena tega zakona pridobijo z dnevom vpisa v ustrezen register.

(2) Ob upoštevanju 122. člena tega zakona ni mogoče uveljavljati pravice iz prvega odstavka 18. člena tega zakona v tožbi po 121. členu tega zakona zaradi kršitve patenta pred dnevom izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona ali pred dnevom vpisa evropskega patenta v register pri Uradu.

77. člen (prenehanje veljavnosti)

Podeljene oziroma registrirane pravice prenehajo veljati tudi pred predpisanimi roki iz 22., 23., 40. in 52. člena tega zakona: a) če se imetnik odpove pravici – naslednji dan, ko prejme Urad vlogo o odpovedi; b) če niso v skladu s tem zakonom plačane predpisane pristojbine; c) na podlagi pravnomočne sodbe sodišča oziroma odločbe Urada v primerih, ki so

predvideni s tem zakonom – z dnem, ki je določen s to sodbo oziroma odločbo.

78. člen (poprava pomot)

(1) Urad sme po uradni dolžnosti ali na zahtevo stranke vsak čas popraviti pomote v imenih, datumih, številkah ter drugih očitnih pomotah v aktih Urada, objavah in registrih.

(2) Poprava pomot v objavah se objavi v uradnem glasilu.


1. oddelek Vložitev prijav in formalni preizkus

79. člen (sestavine prijave)

(1) Prijava mora vsebovati navedbo, iz katere je mogoče razbrati, da se zahteva pridobitev določene pravice, in: a) za patent – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 86. člena tega zakona; b) za model – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 94. člena tega zakona; c) za znamko – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 97. člena tega zakona oziroma za

kolektivno znamko tudi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(2) Prijava mora vsebovati tudi: a) pooblastilo zastopniku, če je prijava vložena po zastopniku; b) besedilo prijave v slovenskem jeziku, če je bila prijava prvotno vložena po drugem

odstavku 81. člena tega zakona v tujem jeziku; c) potrdilo o plačilu celotnega zneska prijavne pristojbine.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskimi predpisi natančneje določi vsebino prijav in postopek podelitve patenta, registracije modela in registracije znamke.

80. člen (oblika in način vložitve prijave)

(1) Prijava za pridobitev posamezne pravice mora biti po vsebini in obliki sestavljena v skladu s tem zakonom in predpisi, izdanimi na njegovi podlagi, in mora vsebovati vse podatke. Prijava mora biti čitljiva in predložena tako, da je mogoče njeno vsebino jasno in primerno reproducirati.

(2) Prijava se lahko vloži v pisni obliki osebno ali po pošti, po telefaksu ali drugih elektronskih medijih. Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi način vlaganja prijav po drugih elektronskih medijih.

(3) Če prijava, ki je bila vložena po telefaksu ali drugem elektronskem mediju, ni čitljiva ali je ni mogoče jasno in primerno reproducirati, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži nov izvod iste prijave v pisni obliki. Če Urad v tem roku ne prejme zahtevanega izvoda prijave, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

(4) Ob vložitvi prijave ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača prijavna pristojbina. Če pristojbina ni v celoti pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

81. člen (jezik prijave)

(1) Prijava mora biti vložena v slovenskem jeziku, razen če je s tem zakonom ali mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo določeno drugače.

(2) Prijava je lahko vložena tudi v kateremkoli tujem jeziku, če vsebuje v slovenskem jeziku ali v enem izmed uradnih jezikov EPK, Madridskega aranžmaja, Madridskega Protokola ali Haaškega sporazuma vsaj navedbo pravice, ki se zahteva, in navedbo, ki omogoča stik Urada s prijaviteljem.

(3) Če je prijava vložena v tujem jeziku, mora prijavitelj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Uradu predložiti prevod te prijave v slovenskem jeziku. Če Urad ne prejme pravočasno prevoda te prijave v slovenskem jeziku, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

(4) Urad vodi postopek na podlagi prijave v slovenskem jeziku.

82. člen (določitev datuma vložitve prijave)

(1) Urad določi ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka 81. člena tega zakona datum vložitve prijave in številko prijave pri vsaki prijavi, ki vsebuje vsaj: a) navedbo, iz katere je mogoče razbrati, da se zahteva pridobitev določene pravice; b) podatke, ki omogočajo Uradu ugotovitev identitete prijavitelja, ali vzpostavitev stika z

njim; c) najnujnejše sestavine prijave za pravico, katere pridobitev se zahteva, po drugem

odstavku tega člena.

(2) Najnujnejše sestavine iz točke c) prejšnjega odstavka so: a) pri patentni prijavi: del prijave, ki je na prvi pogled videti kot opis izuma; b) pri prijavi modela: fotografija ali grafični prikaz videza izdelka oziroma pri

dvodimenzionalnih izdelkih primerek izdelka ali njegovega dela, če je zahtevan odlog objave po drugem odstavku 94. člena tega zakona;

c) pri prijavi znamke: prikaz znaka in navedba blaga ali storitev, za katere se zahteva varstvo, in pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona pri prijavi kolektivne znamke.

(3) Kot datum vložitve prijave se šteje datum, ko je Urad ob upoštevanju 83. člena tega zakona prejel vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, razen če ta zakon ali mednarodna pogodba, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo, določata drugače. Urad izda prijavitelju potrdilo o prejemu prijave, na katerem sta navedena datum vložitve in številka prijave.

(4) Če prijava ne vsebuje vseh sestavin iz prvega odstavka tega člena in ji ni mogoče določiti številke in datuma vložitve, Urad takoj, ko prejme podatke, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev stika s prijaviteljem, o tem obvesti prijavitelja in ga pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo dopolni vsaj tako, da bo izpolnjevala pogoje iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

(5) Če je prijava iz prejšnjega odstavka pravočasno dopolnjena tako, da vsebuje vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, Urad pri prijavi določi številko in datum vložitve prijave z dnem prejema vseh sestavin iz prvega odstavka tega člena, in o tem izda prijavitelju potrdilo.

(6) Če prijava iz četrtega odstavka tega člena ni pravočasno ali v celoti ustrezno dopolnjena, se šteje, da je umaknjena, o čemer Urad obvesti prijavitelja.

83. člen (posebnosti pri določitvi datuma vložitve patentne prijave)

(1) Če je ob določanju datuma vložitve patentne prijave videti, kot da v prijavi manjka del opisa izuma ali skica, na katero se prijavitelj sklicuje v prijavi, Urad o tem brez odlašanja obvesti prijavitelja, in ga pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo ustrezno dopolni.

(2) Če prijavitelj v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka predloži manjkajoči del opisa izuma ali manjkajočo skico, se ta del opisa izuma ali skica vključi v prijavo, kot datum vložitve prijave pa se šteje datum, ko je Urad prejel ta del opisa izuma ali to skico, ali datum, ko je Urad prejel vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 82. člena tega zakona, in sicer tisti, ki je kasnejši.

(3) Če prijavitelj pri prijavi, v kateri je videti, kot da manjka del opisa izuma ali skica, zahteva prednostno pravico po 61. členu tega zakona, mora biti manjkajoči del opisa izuma ali skice v celoti vsebovan v prvi prijavi.

(4) Če prijavitelj uveljavlja prednostno pravico po 61. členu tega zakona, se za potrebe določitve datuma vložitve patentne prijave šteje, da so pri prijavi vložene najnujnejše sestavine iz točke a) drugega odstavka 82. člena tega zakona, če prijavitelj ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navede datum, številko in državo oziroma urad vložitve prijave, na katero se sklicuje. Prijavitelj mora v takem primeru v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Uradu predložiti prepis prve prijave iz tretjega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona, razen če je bila prva prijava vložena pri Uradu ali če je prva prijava dostopna Uradu po digitalni knjižnici, ki jo Urad sprejema za te potrebe. Če prijavitelj tega ne stori, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

84. člen (poziv za predložitev vseh sestavin)

(1) Če prijava, kateri sta bila določena datum vložitve in številka, ne vsebuje vseh sestavin iz 79. člena tega zakona, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo ustrezno dopolni in odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.

(2) Če prijava iz prejšnjega odstavka ni pravočasno in v celoti ustrezno dopolnjena, se šteje, da je umaknjena, razen v primerih iz četrtega odstavka 128. in petega odstavka 129. člena tega zakona.

85. člen (formalni preizkus prijave)

(1) Urad pri prijavi, ki vsebuje vse sestavine iz 79. člena tega zakona, preveri, ali so vse sestavine prijave in morebitne priloge ali dokazila k prijavi, po vsebini in obliki sestavljene tako, kot je določeno s tem zakonom in predpisi, izdanimi na njegovi podlagi.

(2) Urad pri patentni prijavi poleg tega preveri, ali prijavljeni izum ustreza zahtevam iz drugega in četrtega odstavka 87. člena tega zakona in ali so plačane vse pristojbine, vključno z morebitnimi pristojbinami za vzdrževanje po četrtem odstavku 109. oziroma četrtem odstavku 110. člena tega zakona.

(3) Če Urad pri prijavi znamke ugotovi, da v seznamu blaga ali storitev kakšno blago ali storitev ni razvrščeno po mednarodni klasifikaciji, sprejeti z Nicejskim aranžmajem o mednarodni klasifikaciji proizvodov in storitev zaradi registracije znamk z dne 15. junija 1957, revidiranim 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 51/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Nicejska klasifikacija), ali da je razvrščeno v napačen razred po Nicejski klasifikaciji lahko, če gre za manjše pomanjkljivosti v seznamu blaga ali storitev, Urad sam razvrsti blago ali storitev oziroma popravi razvrstitev blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji in o tem obvesti prijavitelja. Če Urad sam razvrsti ali popravi več kot pet razvrstitev blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, pozove prijavitelja, naj v roku enega meseca od vročitve poziva plača pristojbino za razvrstitev. Če prijavitelj ne plača pravočasno zahtevane pristojbine, se šteje, da je prijava za blago ali storitve, ki jih je Urad sam razvrstil ali popravil njihovo razvrstitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, umaknjena.

(4) Če Urad pri prijavi znamke ugotovi, da je kakšno blago ali storitev v seznamu blaga ali storitev navedeno nejasno, ali če Urad ne ravna po prejšnjem odstavku, pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva odpravi nejasnosti in pomanjkljivosti glede

razvrstitve blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji. Če prijavitelj ne odpravi pravočasno nejasnosti in pomanjkljivosti v seznamu blaga ali storitev, se šteje, da je prijava za blago ali storitve, ki jih prijavitelj ni jasno navedel in ni pravilno razvrstil po Nicejski klasifikaciji, umaknjena.

(5) Če Urad ugotovi kakšne pomanjkljivosti v prijavi ali v prilogah ali dokazilih k prijavi, pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.

(6) Če prijavitelj ne odpravi pravočasno vseh ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, se prijava šteje za umaknjeno, razen v primerih iz tretjega in četrtega odstavka tega člena, četrtega odstavka 128. in petega odstavka 129. člena tega zakona.

(7) Če Urad ugotovi, da vse sestavine prijave in morebitne priloge in dokazila k prijavi po vsebini in obliki ustrezajo določbam tega zakona in predpisom, izdanim na njegovi podlagi, se postopek nadaljuje: a) pri patentni prijavi – po določbah 88. in nadaljnjih členov tega zakona; b) pri prijavi modela – po določbi 96. člena tega zakona; c) pri prijavi znamke – po določbah 99. in nadaljnjih členov tega zakona.

85.a člen (podpis upravnih aktov in drugih dokumentov ter dokumenti v elektronski obliki)

(1) Na odločbi v elektronski obliki se označi, da je podpisana z elektronskim podpisom, z navedbo podatkov o podpisniku, času podpisa, izdajatelju in identifikacijski številki elektronskega potrdila.

(2) Overitev fizičnega prepisa odločbe, izdane v elektronski obliki, ni potrebna, če Urad na odločbi navede spletni naslov, na katerem so objavljeni podatki o postopku preveritve istovetnosti.

(3) Fizični prepis odločbe iz prejšnjega odstavka ima enako dokazno vrednost kot izvirnik odločbe.

(4) Izvirnik odločbe hrani Urad.

(5) Ta člen se uporablja tudi za vse druge dokumente v upravnem postopku po tem zakonu, ki jih izda Urad v elektronski obliki.

2. oddelek Posebne določbe za patent

86. člen (sestavine patentne prijave)

(1) Patentna prijava mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za podelitev patenta; b) opis izuma; c) enega ali več patentnih zahtevkov; d) kratko vsebino izuma (povzetek); e) skico ali skice izuma, če je to potrebno.

(2) Najkasneje do izdaje sklepa o objavi prijave lahko prijavitelj vloži patentno prijavo, katere predmet je izločen iz prvotne patentne prijave (v nadaljnjem besedilu: izločena prijava) in ne presega njene vsebine. Šteje se, da je izločena prijava vložena z istim datumom kot prvotna prijava. Za izločeno prijavo se lahko zahteva ista prednostna pravica kot za prvotno prijavo.

(3) Patent s skrajšanim trajanjem se zahteva ob vložitvi patentne prijave ali v dvanajstih mesecih od datuma njene vložitve. Po izteku tega roka zahteve ni mogoče preklicati.

87. člen (vsebina sestavin patentne prijave)

(1) Zahteva za podelitev patenta mora vsebovati podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež), naziv izuma, ki opredeljuje njegov predmet, ter druge podatke, določene s podzakonskim predpisom, ki se nanašajo na prijavo.

(2) Opis izuma mora vsebovati prikaz problema, podatke o stanju tehnike oziroma dosedanjih rešitvah in njihovih pomanjkljivostih, ki so prijavitelju znane, ter opis nove rešitve. Izum mora biti v opisu predstavljen dovolj jasno in popolno, da ga lahko uporabi strokovnjak s področja, na katerega se predmet izuma nanaša.

(3) Če se izum nanaša na biološki material, določen s podzakonskim predpisom, ki ni dostopen javnosti in ga v prijavi ni mogoče opisati na način, ki omogoča strokovnjaku s področja, na katerega se nanaša predmet izuma, da ga uporabi, se opis izuma dopolni s potrdilom o deponiranju biološkega materiala, pri katerem izmed mednarodnih depozitarnih organov po 7. členu Budimpeštanske pogodbe o mednarodnem priznanju depozita mikroorganizmov za postopek patentiranja z dne 28. aprila 1977, dopolnjene 26. septembra 1980 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 21/97).

(4) V patentnem zahtevku ali zahtevkih mora biti naveden predmet zahtevanega varstva. Patentni zahtevki morajo biti jasni in strnjeni ter podprti z opisom.

(5) Povzetek je namenjen le tehničnemu informiranju in ga ni mogoče uporabiti v druge namene, zlasti ne za razlago obsega zahtevanega varstva.

(6) Ena patentna prijava lahko vsebuje tudi več izumov, ki so med seboj tako povezani, da pomenijo enotno izumiteljsko zamisel.

88. člen (preizkus pogojev za podelitev patenta)

(1) Urad pri patentni prijavi preveri: a) ali je ob upoštevanju 11. člena tega zakona predmet prijavljenega izuma mogoče

zavarovati s patentom; b) ali prijavljeni izum na prvi pogled ustreza zahtevam iz 12., 14. in 15. člena tega zakona.

(2) Urad pri prijavi za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem preveri: a) ali je ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka in točke a) drugega odstavka 11. člena tega

zakona predmet prijavljenega izuma mogoče zavarovati s patentom s skrajšanim trajanjem;

b) ali prijavljeni izum na prvi pogled ustreza zahtevam iz 12., 15. in 16. člena tega zakona.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da patentni zahtevki iz patentne prijave ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena oziroma da patentni zahtevki iz prijave za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, sprejme sklep o objavi prijave v uradnem glasilu Urada.

(4) Če Urad ugotovi, da patentni zahtevki iz prijave ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena oziroma da patentni zahtevki iz prijave za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz drugega odstavka tega člena, zavrne zahtevo za podelitev patenta.

(5) Če Urad ugotovi, da kakšni patentni zahtevki iz prijave ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega oziroma drugega odstavka tega člena, zavrne prijavo le v tem delu.

89. člen (objava patentne prijave)

(1) Urad objavi patentno prijavo po poteku osemnajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave ali od datuma prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(2) Prijavitelj lahko zahteva, da se prijava objavi pred rokom iz prejšnjega odstavka, vendar ne prej kot po poteku treh mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave ali od datuma prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Hkrati z objavo patentne prijave objavi Urad tudi podelitev patenta.

90. člen (podelitev patenta)

(1) Urad izda odločbo o podelitvi patenta in vpiše patent v register patentov. Kot datum podelitve patenta se šteje datum objave patentne prijave.

(2) Do izdaje odločbe po 93. členu tega zakona je obseg varstva določen z vsebino objavljenih patentnih zahtevkov.

91. člen (rok za predložitev pisnega dokazila)

(1) Najkasneje do izteka devetega leta trajanja patenta mora imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta Uradu predložiti pisno dokazilo o tem, da patentirani izum ustreza vsem zahtevam po 10., 12., 14. in 15. členu tega zakona.

(2) Imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta mora ob predložitvi dokazila iz prejšnjega odstavka ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada plačati pristojbino za izdajo ugotovitvene odločbe. Če pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(3) Če imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta ne ravna po prvem odstavku tega člena, preneha patent veljati z dnem, ko poteče deseto leto njegove veljavnosti.

(4) Če imetnik patenta predloži dokazilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena zaradi tožbe po 121. členu tega zakona, izda Urad prednostno eno od odločb iz 93. člena tega zakona.

(5) Določbe tega člena ne veljajo za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem.

(6) Za evropski patent, ki je veljaven v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi evropske patentne prijave, vložene v skladu z drugim odstavkom 3. člena tega zakona, so določbe tega ter 92. in 93. člena tega zakona neposredno izpolnjene z dnem, ko je EPU objavil njegovo podelitev.

92. člen (vrste pisnega dokazila)

(1) Za dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona se šteje slovenski prevod enega ali več evropskih patentov, ki jih je podelil EPU za isti izum.

(2) Če za isti izum ni bila vložena prijava za evropski patent, se lahko kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona predloži slovenski prevod patenta za isti izum, ki ga je po popolnem preizkusu podelila katerakoli druga ustanova, ki ima po 32. členu PCT status mednarodne ustanove za predhodno preizkušanje, ali drug patentni urad, s katerim je bila sklenjena ustrezna pogodba.

(3) Če postopek podelitve patenta, ki naj bi služil kot dokazilo po prvem ali drugem odstavku tega člena, še ni končan, mora prijavitelj v roku iz prvega odstavka 91. člena tega zakona o tem obvestiti Urad. Na podlagi obvestila Urad prekine postopek. Postopek se nadaljuje, če imetnik patenta v treh mesecih od dneva podelitve patenta, Uradu predloži dokazilo po tem členu. Če dokazilo po tem členu ni predloženo v tem roku, se šteje, da je patent prenehal veljati z dnem, ko poteče deseto leto njegove veljavnosti.

(4) Slovenski prevod patenta, ki služi kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona, ne more zagotavljati večjega obsega patentnega varstva, kot ga zagotavlja izvirno besedilo prevedenega patenta.

(5) Če Urad dvomi v pravilnost prevoda, lahko zahteva, da imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži overjen slovenski prevod patenta, ki služi kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona. Če overjen slovenski prevod ni pravočasno predložen, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(6) Če je dokazilo predloženo na podlagi drugega odstavka tega člena, mora imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta predložiti seznam in kopije vseh drugih patentov, ki bi lahko šteli za dokazilo, vključno s podatki o patentnih prijavah in patentih, ki so bili zavrnjeni. Če seznam in kopije dokumentov niso priložene k dokazilu, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(7) Če Urad ugotovi, da je dokazilo na podlagi tega člena ponarejeno ali da ni resnično, Urad z odločbo razglasi patent za ničnega.

(8) Če imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta nima dokazila po prvem ali drugem odstavku tega člena, lahko ob plačilu posebne pristojbine od Urada zahteva, da ta od katerekoli ustanove ali urada, navedenega v drugem odstavku tega člena, pridobi ustrezne podatke ali mnenje kot podlago za izdajo ene od odločb po 93. členu tega zakona.

93. člen (izdaja ugotovitvene odločbe)

(1) Urad izda na podlagi predloženega dokazila in drugih dokumentov po 92. členu tega zakona: a) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum ustreza zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena tega

zakona in da tem zahtevam v celoti ustrezajo patentni zahtevki podeljenega patenta; ali b) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum le deloma ustreza zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena

tega zakona, zaradi česar se ustrezno spremenijo patentni zahtevki podeljenega patenta; ali

c) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum ob datumu vložitve patentne prijave ni ustrezal zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena tega zakona, zaradi česar se patent razglasi za ničnega.

(2) Urad ne more izdati odločbe po točki b) ali c) iz prejšnjega odstavka, če ni prej pisno seznanil imetnika patenta o predvidenih spremembah patentnih zahtevkov ali ničnosti patenta in če ni imetnika patenta pozval, naj se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva o tem izreče oziroma ustrezno spremeni ali dopolni patentne zahtevke. Če se imetnik patenta pravočasno izreče oziroma spremeni ali dopolni patentne zahtevke, Urad pred izdajo odločbe po točki b) ali c) iz prejšnjega odstavka preveri, ali so še podani razlogi za njeno izdajo. Če se imetnik patenta ne izreče pravočasno, se šteje, da soglaša z mnenjem Urada.

(3) Patentni zahtevki, spremenjeni z odločbo iz točke b) prvega odstavka tega člena ne morejo zagotavljati večjega obsega varstva, kot ga zagotavljajo patentni zahtevki patenta, podeljenega z odločbo po 90. členu tega zakona.

(4) Če Urad na podlagi predloženih dokazil po prvem odstavku 92. člena tega zakona ugotovi, da podeljeni patent ne ustreza zahtevi iz šestega odstavka 87. člena tega zakona, razdeli prvotni patent na več patentov, ki obdržijo datum vložitve prijave in datum morebitne zahtevane prednostne pravice prvotnega patenta.

3. oddelek Posebne določbe za model

94. člen (sestavine prijave modela)

(1) Prijava modela mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za registracijo modela; b) fotografijo ali grafični prikaz videza izdelka ali njegovega dela oziroma izdelkov, če se

prijava nanaša na več izdelkov, v številu izvodov, predpisanim s podzakonskim predpisom.

(2) V prijavi lahko prijavitelj zahteva, da se glavni podatki iz prijave ne objavijo pred iztekom dvanajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave oziroma datuma prednosti, če je ta zahtevana. Če se prijava nanaša na več izdelkov, ni mogoče zahtevati odloga objave le za nekatere izdelke.

(3) Če se prijava nanaša na dvodimenzionalni izdelek, vključno s tekstilnim vzorcem ali hologramom, ali njegov del in je zahtevan odlog objave po prejšnjem odstavku, se lahko ob vložitvi prijave namesto fotografije ali grafičnega prikaza videza izdelka ali njegovega dela priloži primerek tega izdelka ali njegovega dela. Fotografijo ali grafični prikaz tega izdelka v številu izvodov, predpisanim s podzakonskim predpisom, mora prijavitelj predložiti najkasneje dva meseca pred iztekom roka zahtevanega odloga objave po prejšnjem odstavku, sicer se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

95. člen (vsebina sestavin prijave modela)

(1) Zahteva za registracijo modela mora vsebovati podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež), navedbo izdelka, na katerega se predmet prijave nanaša, razvrstitev po mednarodni klasifikaciji, sprejeti z Locarnskim aranžmajem o ustanovitvi mednarodne klasifikacije za industrijske vzorce in modele z dne 8. oktobra 1968 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 51/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Locarnska klasifikacija), ter druge podatke, določene s podzakonskim predpisom, ki se nanašajo na prijavo.

(2) Ena prijava modela se lahko nanaša na več izdelkov, če so razvrščeni v isti razred Locarnske klasifikacije.

(3) Iz fotografije ali grafičnega prikaza videza izdelka ali njegovega dela mora biti razvidno, v čem je novost in individualni značaj videza izdelka, za katerega se zahteva varstvo.

96. člen (preizkus pogojev za registracijo modela)

(1) Urad pri prijavi modela preveri, ali je ob upoštevanju določb 36. člena tega zakona, razen točke b), prijavljeni videz izdelka mogoče registrirati kot model.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni videz izdelka ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, izda odločbo o registraciji modela, vpiše model v register in objavi registracijo modela.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni videz izdelka ne ustreza zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena, prijavo modela v delu ali v celoti zavrne.

4. oddelek Posebne določbe za znamko

97. člen (sestavine prijave znamke)

(1) Prijava znamke mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za registracijo znamke; b) seznam blaga ali storitev, za katere se zahteva varstvo; c) prikaz znaka, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke b) prvega odstavka 42. člena tega zakona in je

v formatih, ki jih sprejema Urad.

(2) Prijava kolektivne znamke mora poleg sestavin iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebovati tudi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(3) Za vsak znak se vloži posebna prijava. Prijavitelj sme z eno prijavo zahtevati registracijo znamke za več vrst blaga ali storitev. Prijavitelj lahko z več prijavami zahteva tudi registracijo več različnih ali podobnih znamk za isto vrsto blaga ali storitev.

(4) Na zahtevo prijavitelja se lahko prijava znamke razdeli v več prijav. Vsaka prijava obdrži datum vložitve prvotne prijave in datum prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana. Ta določba se smiselno uporablja za delitev znamke.

98. člen (vsebina sestavin prijave znamke)

(1) Zahteva za registracijo znamke vsebuje podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo ter sedež), navedbe o prijavljenem znaku in navedbo, ali je prijava za kolektivno znamko.

(2) Blago in storitve, navedeni v seznamu blaga ali storitev, so razvrščeni po Nicejski klasifikaciji. Če prijavitelj zahteva registracijo za več kot en razred, blago in storitve razvrsti glede na razrede Nicejske klasifikacije, pri čemer pred vsako skupino blaga ali storitev navede številko razreda, v katerega spada ta skupina blaga ali storitev, različne skupine pa so navedene v vrstnem redu razredov.

(3) Prijavitelj navede blago in storitve tako jasno in natančno, da se lahko izključno na tej podlagi ugotovi obseg zahtevanega varstva. Prijavitelj lahko pri tem uporabi splošne oznake, vključene v naslove razredov Nicejske klasifikacije, ali druge splošne izraze, če so v skladu z zahtevanimi standardi jasnosti in natančnosti, določenimi v tem členu.

(4) Šteje se, da uporaba splošnih izrazov, vključno s splošnimi oznakami v naslovih razredov Nicejske klasifikacije, vključuje vse blago ali storitve, ki so jasno zajeti z dobesednim pomenom oznake ali izraza. Uporaba takih izrazov ali oznak ne obsega zahtevka za blago ali storitve, ki jih ni mogoče tako razumeti.

(5) Za blago in storitve, ki so razvrščeni v isti razred po Nicejski klasifikaciji, ne velja domneva, da so si podobni. Za blago in storitve, ki so razvrščeni v različne razrede po Nicejski klasifikaciji, ne velja domneva, da si niso podobni.

99. člen (preizkus prijave na absolutne pogoje za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Urad pred objavo prijave znamke preveri, ali je ob upoštevanju 42. in 43. člena tega zakona prijavljeni znak mogoče registrirati kot znamko. Pri prijavi kolektivne znamke Urad dodatno preveri, ali lahko glede na 45., 46. in 46.a člen tega zakona registrira kolektivno znamko.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni znak ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, objavi prijavo znamke.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni znak ali pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona ne ustreza zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena, prijavo znamke v delu ali v celoti zavrne.

100. člen (nasprotujoče mnenje tretjih)

(1) Kdorkoli lahko Uradu sporoči svoje mnenje, da prijavljenega znaka ob upoštevanju 43. člena tega zakona ni dovoljeno registrirati kot znamko, in navede razloge za to. Prav tako lahko sporoči svoje mnenje, da ob upoštevanju 46.a člena tega zakona ni dovoljeno registrirati kolektivne znamke, in za to navede razloge.

(2) Oseba, ki predloži takšno mnenje Uradu, ni stranka v postopku pred Uradom.

(3) Urad obvesti prijavitelja znamke o mnenju tretjih iz prvega odstavka tega člena. Prijavitelj lahko Uradu odgovori in navede svoje razloge glede prejetega mnenja tretjih.

101. člen (ugovor zoper registracijo znamke)

(1) V treh mesecih od dneva objave prijave znamke lahko imetnik prejšnje znamke pri Uradu vloži pisni ugovor zoper registracijo znamke. Za pisni ugovor se šteje tudi ugovor, ki je vložen v elektronski obliki.

(2) Ugovor lahko temelji le na razlogih iz 44. člena tega zakona in mora vsebovati ustrezne dokaze. Ugovor lahko temelji na eni ali več prejšnjih pravicah, če je njihov imetnik isti in če se v delu ali v celoti nanašajo na blago ali storitve, za katere je prijavljena znamka, zoper katero je vložen ugovor.

(3) Ugovor po prvem odstavku tega člena lahko vloži tudi: a) imetnik prej pridobljenega neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem

prometu, iz točke d) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; b) imetnik znamke iz točke e) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ki jo je brez

njegovega soglasja njegov posrednik ali zastopnik prijavil na svoje ime; c) oseba, ki je upravičena do uporabe označbe porekla ali geografske označbe iz točke f)

prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; d) imetnik druge prej pridobljene pravice iz točke g) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega


(4) Hkrati z vložitvijo ugovora ali najkasneje v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača pristojbina za ugovor in predloži pooblastilo za zastopanje, če je ugovor vložen po zastopniku.

(5) Če vložnik umakne ugovor, umika kasneje ne more preklicati.

(6) Če ugovor ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz tega člena, se šteje, da ni bil vložen.

102. člen (obvestilo o ugovoru)

Urad obvesti prijavitelja znamke o vloženem ugovoru. Prijavitelj se lahko v treh mesecih od prejema obvestila izreče o razlogih iz ugovora.

102.a člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku ugovora)

(1) Prijavitelj znamke, zoper katero je bil vložen ugovor iz prvega odstavka 101. člena tega zakona, lahko v roku iz 102. člena tega zakona zahteva, da imetnik prejšnje znamke, ki je vložil ugovor zoper registracijo njegove znamke, predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju zadnjih petih zaporednih let pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice svojo znamko, ki je razlog za ugovor, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona začel resno in dejansko uporabljati za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve prijave ali datum prednostne pravice kasneje prijavljene znamke že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa prejšnje znamke v register.

(2) Urad pozove imetnika prejšnje znamke, da se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva izreče o zahtevi iz prejšnjega odstavka in predloži ustrezne dokaze.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka ne dokaže uporabe svoje znamke v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona ali da so obstajali upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, Urad z odločbo zavrne ugovor.

(4) Če se je prejšnja znamka uporabljala le za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je registrirana, se za namene preverjanja utemeljenosti ugovora šteje, da je registrirana le za to blago ali storitve.

102.b člen (prekinitev postopka)

(1) Na skupno zahtevo vložnika ugovora iz 101. člena tega zakona in prijavitelja znamke, da želita preučiti možnost sklenitve poravnave, Urad s sklepom za šest mesecev prekine postopek registracije znamke.

(2) Če vložnik ugovora v času prekinitve postopka registracije znamke ne umakne ugovora v celoti, se postopek registracije znamke nadaljuje in Urad preveri, ali je ugovor utemeljen.

(3) V času prekinitve postopka ne tečejo roki iz 102. in 102.a člena tega zakona. Če se postopek nadaljuje, tečejo ti roki naprej do njihovega izteka.

102.c člen (odločanje o ugovoru)

(1) Urad preveri, ali je ugovor utemeljen, v mejah navedb vložnika ugovora in navedb prijavitelja znamke ter predloženih dokazov.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da ugovor ni utemeljen, ga z odločbo zavrne in nadaljuje postopek registracije znamke.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da je ugovor utemeljen in da znamke ni dovoljeno registrirati za vse blago ali storitve, za katere je znak prijavljen, z odločbo zavrne prijavo znamke v celoti.

(4) Če Urad ugotovi, da je ugovor utemeljen in da znamke ni dovoljeno registrirati za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je znak prijavljen, z odločbo zavrne prijavo znamke za to blago ali storitve, za preostalo blago ali storitve pa se postopek registracije znamke nadaljuje.

103. člen (registracija znamke)

(1) Če ugovor zoper registracijo znamke ni bil vložen ali če je bil zavrnjen ali se je štelo, da ni bil vložen, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva plača pristojbino za registracijo znamke. Ta pristojbina vključuje pristojbino za trajanje znamke za prvih deset let.

(2) Po plačilu pristojbine iz prejšnjega odstavka izda Urad odločbo o registraciji znamke, vpiše znamko v register in objavi registracijo znamke.

(3) Če prijavitelj ne plača pravočasno pristojbine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

5. oddelek Posebne določbe za geografsko označbo

104. člen (registracija geografske označbe)

(1) Zahtevo za registracijo geografske označbe lahko vložijo združenja pravnih ali fizičnih oseb, zbornice, občine, širše lokalne skupnosti ali državni organi.

(2) Zahtevi iz prejšnjega odstavka mora biti priložena specifikacija, ki vsebuje predvsem: a) oznako, ki naj se registrira kot geografska označba; b) navedbo blaga, na katerega se predlagana geografska označba nanaša; c) opis blaga, vključno s surovinami in glavnimi fizikalnimi, kemičnimi, mikrobiološkimi,

organoleptičnimi ali drugimi značilnostmi blaga; d) navedbo kraja oziroma območja, vključno z mejami; e) opis metode za pridobitev blaga, vključno z avtentičnimi in nespremenjenimi krajevnimi

načini, če je to potrebno; f) opis povezave med blagom in krajem oziroma območjem; g) podrobne podatke o organih nadzora; h) podrobne podatke o označevanju blaga.

(3) Če zahteva ustreza določbam iz tega ter 55. in 56. člena tega zakona, izda Urad odločbo o registraciji geografske označbe, vpiše geografsko označbo v register in objavi registracijo geografske označbe.

(4) Določba tega člena se ne uporablja za geografske označbe, ki so zavarovane na podlagi tretjega odstavka 55. člena tega zakona.


105. člen (registri)

(1) Urad vodi registre patentov, dodatnih varstvenih certifikatov, modelov, znamk in geografskih označb ter registre prijav za navedene pravice. Registri so javni, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

(2) Za datum vpisa pravice v register se šteje datum podelitve patenta ali dodatnega varstvenega certifikata oziroma datum izdaje odločbe o registraciji modela, znamke ali geografske označbe.

(3) Urad na zahtevo vložnika in ob plačilu takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse, izdaja potrdila iz registrov.

(4) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino registrov, vsebino zahtev za vpis spremembe v register, postopek vpisa spremembe v register, vsebino potrdil iz registra in postopek izdaje potrdil iz registra.

106. člen (vsebina registrov)

(1) V register patentov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve in številka prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, številka in datum izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe po 93. členu tega zakona, podatki o imetniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), vrsta patenta, podatki o izumitelju (priimek, ime in naslov), naziv izuma, podatki o vzdrževanju patenta, datum prenehanja patenta.

(2) V register dodatnih varstvenih certifikatov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve in številka prijave, datum objave prijave in dodatnega varstvenega certifikata, datum vpisa v register, podatki o prijavitelju in imetniku dodatnega varstvenega certifikata (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), naziv proizvoda oziroma sredstva, registrska številka patenta, na podlagi katerega je podeljen dodatni varstveni certifikat, številka in datum prve odobritve, da se da proizvod oziroma sredstvo na trg kot zdravilo oziroma fitofarmacevtsko sredstvo v Republiki Sloveniji oziroma Evropski uniji ali Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, navedba države, če odobritve ni izdal pristojni organ Evropske unije po centraliziranem postopku, datum, do katerega velja certifikat, podatki o vzdrževanju certifikata, datum prenehanja dodatnega varstvenega certifikata.

(3) V register modelov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, podatki o imetniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), podatki o oblikovalcu (priimek, ime in naslov), če oblikovalec to želi, navedba izdelka, število izdelkov, razvrstitev po Locarnski klasifikaciji, podatki o obnovitvi modela, datum prenehanja modela.

(4) V register znamk se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, podatki o pravilniku iz 46. člena tega zakona in njegovi spremembi, datum objave prijave in registracije znamke, podatki o nasprotujočem mnenju tretjih, podatki o ugovoru in vložniku ugovora, datum vpisa v register, podatki o imetniku oziroma nosilcu (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), videz znamke, seznam blaga oziroma storitev in razvrstitev blaga oziroma storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, podatki o delitvi znamke, podatki o mednarodni registraciji, podatki o obnovitvi znamke, podatki o razveljavitvi znamke, datum prenehanja znamke.

(5) V register geografskih označb se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve zahteve, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, geografska označba, vrsta blaga in kraj, na katerega se oznaka nanaša.

(6) Po uradni dolžnosti se v registre iz prvega odstavka 105. člena tega zakona vpišejo podatki o sodnih sporih, o katerih je Urad obveščen, in pravnomočnih sodbah.

(7) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo za registre prijav.

107. člen (vpis sprememb v register)

(1) Na zahtevo vložnika se v register iz prvega odstavka 105. člena tega zakona vpišejo vse kasnejše spremembe, ki se nanašajo na pravico ali imetnika pravice. Ta odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave in prijavitelje.

(2) Prenos pravice ali licenca se na zahtevo ene od pogodbenih strank vpiše v ustrezni register.

(3) Tisti, ki je bil pred vpisom spremembe v registru vpisan kot imetnik pravice, lahko ob predložitvi ustreznih dokazov s tožbo v upravnem sporu pri Upravnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani, kot izključno krajevno pristojnem sodišču, izpodbija vsako spremembo v registru, ki je bila v register neupravičeno vpisana brez njegovega soglasja.

108. člen (postopek za vpis sprememb)

(1) Ena zahteva za vpis spremembe se lahko nanaša na več sprememb v registru. Ena sama zahteva zadošča tudi, kadar se sprememba ali spremembe nanašajo na več kot eno prijavo oziroma pravico iste osebe, če so sprememba ali spremembe enake za vse zadevne prijave in pravice in če so v zahtevi navedene številke vseh zadevnih prijav in pravic.

(2) Za vpis vsake spremembe v register pri vsaki prijavi ali pravici se plača pristojbina ob vložitvi zahteve ali najkasneje v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada. Če pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Če vloži zahtevo za vpis spremembe tisti, ki je v registru vpisan kot imetnik pravice, Urad nemudoma izda odločbo o vpisu spremembe v register in vpiše spremembo v register.

(4) Če vloži zahtevo za vpis spremembe kdo, ki v registru ni vpisan kot imetnik pravice, mora skupaj z zahtevo ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada predložiti soglasje imetnika pravice za vpis zahtevane spremembe v register ali po svoji izbiri kakšno drugo dokumentacijo, iz katere je razvidna pravna podlaga za vpis spremembe. Če Urad dvomi v resničnost navedb v zahtevi za vpis spremembe ali če je predložena dokumentacija v tujem jeziku, lahko zahteva, da vložnik zahteve v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži dodatno dokumentacijo oziroma slovenski prevod predložene dokumentacije.

(5) Če vložnik ne predloži pravočasno dodatne dokumentacije ali njenega prevoda iz prejšnjega odstavka, se zahteva za vpis spremembe šteje za umaknjeno.

(6) Urad odloči o vpisu spremembe z odločbo.

109. člen (pristojbine za vzdrževanje)

(1) Za vzdrževanje pravic se plačujejo pristojbine, ki zapadejo v plačilo, šteto od datuma vložitve prijave: a) za patent: vsako leto za naslednje leto veljavnosti; b) za model: vsakih pet let za naslednjih pet let veljavnosti; c) za znamko: vsakih deset let za naslednjih deset let veljavnosti.

(2) Pristojbine po prejšnjem odstavku se plačajo v enem letu pred datumom zapadlosti. Urad obvesti imetnika znamke o datumu zapadlosti pristojbine vsaj šest mesecev pred tem datumom.

(3) Pristojbina za patentno prijavo vključuje pristojbino za vzdrževanje patenta za prva tri leta njegovega trajanja. Pristojbina za prijavo modela vključuje pristojbino za vzdrževanje modela za prvih pet let njegovega trajanja.

(4) Če traja postopek podelitve patenta več kot tri leta od datuma vložitve prijave oziroma postopek registracije modela več kot pet let od datuma vložitve prijave, se za

patentno prijavo oziroma prijavo modela smiselno uporabljajo določbe prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena.

110. člen (plačilo pristojbin za vzdrževanje v naknadnem roku)

(1) Če pristojbina za vzdrževanje pravice ni plačana v skladu z določbami 109. člena tega zakona do vključno datuma zapadlosti, jo je še mogoče plačati v naknadnem roku šestih mesecev, šteto od datuma zapadlosti pristojbine, ob dodatnem plačilu zamudne pristojbine. Zamudna pristojbina znaša 50% celotnega zneska predpisane pristojbine, ki ni bila pravočasno plačana.

(2) Urad opozori imetnika pravice, da pristojbina za vzdrževanje iz prvega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona ni bila pravočasno plačana, o možnosti plačila po prejšnjem odstavku in o posledicah neplačila teh pristojbin.

(3) Če pristojbine za vzdrževanje pravic niso plačane do datuma zapadlosti ali tudi po opozorilu Urada niso plačane v roku iz prvega odstavka tega člena, vključno z zamudno pristojbino, pravica preneha veljati naslednji dan po datumu zapadlosti iz prvega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona.

(4) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporabljata v primerih iz četrtega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona. Če v takih primerih pristojbina za vzdrževanje, vključno z zamudno pristojbino, tudi v naknadnem roku ni plačana, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.


1. oddelek Sodno varstvo

1. pododdelek Ničnost pravic

111. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti)

Vsaka zainteresirana oseba lahko pri pristojnem sodišču vloži tožbo za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta, patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem, modela ali znamke.

112. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta)

(1) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta se lahko vloži, če je podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) da izum ob datumu vložitve prijave ni izpolnjeval vseh zahtev iz 10., 11., 12., 14. in 15.

člena tega zakona oziroma pri patentu s skrajšanim trajanjem zahtev iz 16. člena tega zakona;

b) da izum v opisu ni predstavljen dovolj jasno in popolno, da bi ga lahko uporabil strokovnjak s področja, na katerega se izum nanaša;

c) če je vsebina varstva razširjena prek vsebine prve prejete prijave ali če je bil patent na podlagi izločene prijave podeljen prek obsega prvotne prijave.

(2) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta se lahko vloži tudi po izdaji ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona ali po prenehanju veljavnosti patenta.

(3) Če je tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti evropskega patenta, ki je v Sloveniji veljaven na podlagi mednarodne pogodbe in zoper katerega je bil pri EPU vložen ugovor, vložena v teku ugovornega postopka pri EPU, sodišče prekine postopek do končne odločitve EPU v ugovornem postopku.

113. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti modela)

Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti modela se lahko vloži, če je ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) da je bil model registriran v nasprotju s 36. členom tega zakona; b) da prijavitelj ali imetnik modela ni bil upravičen do varstva modela.

114. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke v delu ali v celoti se lahko vloži, če je podan naslednji razlog: a) znamka je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave registrirana v nasprotju z 42. in

43. členom tega zakona; b) znamka je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave registrirana v nasprotju s 44.

členom tega zakona, razen če je prejšnja znamka znamka EU, ki je bila prijavljena ali registrirana pred pristopom Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji, ali

c) prijavitelj znamke ni prijavil v dobri veri.

(2) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti kolektivne znamke se lahko vloži tudi, če je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave kolektivna znamka registrirana v nasprotju s 45., 46. ali 46.a členom tega zakona.

(3) Če je bil razlog za tožbo iz prejšnjega odstavka registracija kolektivne znamke v nasprotju s 46. členom tega zakona, sodišče tožbo zavrže, če nosilec kolektivne znamke do izdaje sodne odločbe ustrezno popravi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(4) Tožbo po točki b) prvega odstavka tega člena lahko vloži: a) imetnik prejšnje znamke; b) imetnik prej pridobljenega neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem

prometu, iz točke d) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; c) imetnik znamke iz točke e) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ki jo je brez

njegovega soglasja njegov posrednik ali zastopnik prijavil na svoje ime; d) oseba, ki je upravičena do uporabe označbe porekla ali geografske označbe iz točke f)

prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; e) imetnik druge prej pridobljene pravice iz točke g) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega


2. pododdelek Izpodbijanje pravice

115. člen (izpodbijanje pravice do patenta oziroma modela)

(1) Izumitelj, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču ves čas, dokler traja patent, zahteva, da se ga razglasi za imetnika patenta, če je bil patent podeljen na ime nekoga, ki ni izumitelj, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik.

(2) Oblikovalec videza izdelka, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču ves čas, dokler traja model, zahteva, da se ga razglasi za imetnika pravice, če je bil model registriran na ime nekoga, ki ni oblikovalec, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik.

(3) Tožbo iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena lahko vloži tudi oseba, ki ji pripadajo pravice iz patenta oziroma modela, če je patent podeljen ali model registriran na ime izumitelja oziroma oblikovalca ali druge osebe, ki ji je izumitelj oziroma oblikovalec neupravičeno omogočil, da je patent podeljen ali model registriran izdan na njeno ime.

116. člen (izpodbijanje pravice do znamke)

(1) Pravne ali fizične osebe lahko s tožbo zahtevajo od pristojnega sodišča, da ugotovi, da je znak, ki ga uporabljajo v gospodarskem prometu za označevanje svojega blaga ali storitev, enak ali podoben znamki, ki jo uporablja kdo drug za zaznamovanje svojega blaga oziroma storitev iste ali podobne vrste, in da je bil ta znak splošno znan kot oznaka za blago ali storitve fizične ali pravne osebe, še preden je toženec prijavil znamko, kot tudi da sodišče s svojo odločbo razglasi tožnika za imetnika znamke.

(2) Izpodbijanju po prejšnjem odstavku sodišče ne ugodi, če toženec, ki je imetnik znamke, dokaže, da je še pred vložitvijo prijave uporabljal sporni znak za isto ali podobno vrsto blaga ali storitev prav toliko časa ali še dlje kot tožnik.

(3) Tožba iz prvega odstavka tega člena ni možna po preteku petih let od datuma vpisa znamke v register.

117. člen (vpis novega imetnika v register)

(1) V treh mesecih od vročitve pravnomočne sodbe, s katero je bilo ugodeno tožbenemu zahtevku iz 115. ali 116. člena tega zakona, lahko tožnik zahteva, da se ga vpiše v register kot imetnika patenta, modela oziroma znamke in da se mu o tem izda ustrezno potrdilo.

(2) Če tisti, čigar tožbenemu zahtevku je ugodeno, ne vloži v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka zahteve, da se ga vpiše v register kot imetnika pravice, se pravica po uradni dolžnosti izbriše iz registra.

(3) Pravice, ki jih pridobi kdo drug od tistega, ki je bil pred sodbo iz prvega odstavka tega člena vpisan kot imetnik pravice, veljajo tudi nasproti novemu imetniku pravic, če so bile vpisane v ustrezni register ali pravilno prijavljene za vpis pred vložitvijo tožbe.

3. pododdelek Priznanje pravice izumitelja ali oblikovalca do navedbe

118. člen (tožba izumitelja ali oblikovalca za navedbo)

(1) Izumitelj ali oblikovalec lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva: a) da je naveden v prijavi in vseh dokumentih; b) da se pravnomočna sodba javno objavi na toženčeve stroške.

(2) Tožba iz prejšnjega odstavka se lahko vloži ves čas trajanja veljavnosti patenta ali modela.

4. pododdelek Izbris in razveljavitev znamke

119. člen (tožba za izbris znamke iz registra)

(1) Tožba za izbris znamke iz registra in prepoved uporabe znaka se lahko vloži pri pristojnem sodišču, če je podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) če je zaradi dejanj ali dopustitve imetnika postala znamka običajno ime v trgovini za

blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana; b) če imetnik znamke ali kdo drug z njegovim soglasjem uporablja znamko za blago ali

storitve, za katere je registrirana, tako da zavaja javnost, zlasti glede narave, kakovosti ali geografskega izvora tega blaga ali storitev.

(2) Tožba za izbris kolektivne znamke iz registra in za prepoved uporabe znaka se lahko poleg razlogov iz prejšnjega odstavka vloži tudi, če je na datum vložitve tožbe podan naslednji razlog: a) nosilec kolektivne znamke ne izvede razumnih ukrepov, da bi preprečil uporabo znamke

na način, ki ni združljiv s pogoji uporabe iz pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona, vključno s spremembo pravilnika, vpisano v register;

b) upravičenci do uporabe kolektivne znamke so znamko uporabljali tako, da je to povzročilo zavajanje javnosti po točki b) 46.a člena tega zakona, ali

c) sprememba pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona je vpisana v register v nasprotju s tretjim odstavkom 46. člena tega zakona, razen če nosilec kolektivne znamke spremeni pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona tako, da ustreza zahtevam iz tretjega odstavka 46. člena tega zakona.

(3) V primeru iz točke c) drugega odstavka tega člena se smiselno uporablja tretji odstavek 114. člena tega zakona.

(4) Znamka se izbriše iz registra znamk z dnem pravnomočnosti sodbe.

120. člen (tožba za razveljavitev znamke zaradi neuporabe)

(1) Kdorkoli lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva razveljavitev znamke, če imetnik brez upravičenega razloga v neprekinjenem obdobju petih let ni v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal v Republiki Sloveniji znamke za označevanje blaga ali storitev, za katere je znamka registrirana.

(2) Razveljavitve znamke ni mogoče zahtevati, če je imetnik začel ali ponovno začel resno in dejansko uporabljati znamko v obdobju med iztekom neprekinjenega petletnega obdobja iz prvega odstavka tega člena in vložitvijo tožbe za razveljavitev znamke.

Na to okoliščino se ne more sklicevati tisti imetnik znamke, ki je začel znamko uporabljati ali jo ponovno uporabljati v roku treh mesecev pred vložitvijo tožbe, šteto najprej od izteka roka iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če je začel s pripravami na uporabo znamke ali njeno ponovno uporabo šele, ko se je zavedal, da mu grozi vložitev tožbe za razveljavitev njegove znamke.

(3) V postopku razveljavitve znamke imetnik dokazuje uporabo znamke.

(4) Znamka se razveljavi za tisto blago ali storitve, za katere se ugotovi, da znamka ni bila uporabljena na območju Republike Slovenije, in sicer z dnem pravnomočnosti sodbe.

2. oddelek Uveljavljanje pravic

120.a člen (legitimacija)

(1) Pravice do uveljavljanja sodnega varstva, ki jih ima imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, smiselno pripadajo tudi: a) upravičencu do uporabe kolektivne znamke, če nosilec kolektivne znamke s tem soglaša

ali če v ustreznem obdobju po obvestilu nosilec kolektivne znamke ne začne postopka zaradi kršitve pravic;

b) upravičencu do geografske označbe; c) pridobitelju licence, v obsegu, v katerem so z zakonom ali s pravnim poslom pravice

imetnika prenesene nanj, če imetnik pravice s tem soglaša; d) pridobitelju izključne licence, če imetnik pravice v ustreznem obdobju po obvestilu sam

ne začne postopka zaradi kršitve pravic; e) poklicnemu združenju, ustanovljenemu za varstvo pravic industrijske lastnine, v obsegu,

v katerem so z zakonom ali s pravnim poslom pravice imetnika prenesene nanj.

(2) Nosilec kolektivne znamke lahko v imenu upravičencev do uporabe kolektivne znamke zahteva nadomestilo za škodo, ki so jo utrpeli zaradi nepooblaščene uporabe kolektivne znamke.

121. člen (tožba zaradi kršitve pravic)

(1) Zoper osebo, ki brez soglasja imetnika pravice posega v njegove pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, lahko imetnik pravice s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva: a) da se prepovejo kršenje in bodoče kršitve; b) da se odpokličejo predmeti kršitve iz gospodarskih tokov z upoštevanjem interesov

dobrovernih tretjih oseb; c) da se odstrani stanje, ki je nastalo s kršitvijo; č) da se nepreklicno odstranijo predmeti kršitve iz gospodarskih tokov; d) da se uničijo predmeti kršitve; e) da se uničijo sredstva kršitve, ki so izključno ali pretežno namenjena ali se uporabijo za

kršitev in so v lasti kršilca; f) da se tožniku prepustijo predmeti kršitve proti plačilu proizvodnih stroškov; g) da se sodba objavi.

(2) Pri odločanju o odstranitvenih zahtevkih iz točk b) do f) prejšnjega odstavka sodišče upošteva vse okoliščine primera, zlasti sorazmernost med težo kršitve in zahtevkom ter interes imetnika pravice za zagotovitev učinkovitega varstva pravic.

(3) V postopku proti osebi, katere storitve so bile uporabljene za kršitev pravice, obstoj te kršitve pa je že pravnomočno ugotovljen v postopku proti tretjemu, se domneva, da je kršitev podana.

121.a člen (povrnitev škode)

(1) Za kršitve po tem zakonu veljajo splošna pravila o povzročitvi škode, če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno.

(2) Kršilec je dolžan plačati imetniku pravice odškodnino v obsegu, ki se določi po splošnih pravilih o povrnitvi škode ali v obsegu, ki je enak dogovorjeni ali običajni licenčnini.

121.b člen (stranski udeleženec)

(1) Šteje se, da ima pridobitelj licence zaradi uveljavljanja nadomestila za škodo, ki jo je utrpel, zakonit pravni interes, da vstopi v postopek, ki ga je sprožil imetnik pravice.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za upravičenca do uporabe kolektivne znamke.

122. člen (dodatne določbe zaradi kršitve patenta)

(1) Če je predmet kršitve patent, s katerim je zavarovan postopek za izdelavo nove snovi, se šteje, da je vsaka snov enake sestave ali enaka in izdelana po zavarovanem postopku, dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno. Dokazno breme nosi toženec oziroma domnevni kršilec, pri čemer je treba upoštevati njegov zakoniti interes za varovanje poslovne tajnosti.

(2) Če se tožba po 121. členu tega zakona nanaša na kršitev patenta ali objavljene evropske patentne prijave, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, sodišče prekine postopek, dokler Urad ne izda ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona oziroma do dneva vpisa evropskega patenta v register patentov pri Uradu.

(3) Če je predmet kršitve patent, za katerega še ni bila izdana ugotovitvena odločba po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona, določi sodišče za čas uporabe izuma od podelitve patenta do izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe, kršilcu plačilo odškodnine, znižane glede na okoliščine.

(4) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za objavljeno patentno prijavo, vloženo v tujini po drugem odstavku 3. člena tega zakona, za čas uporabe izuma od objave te prijave do podelitve patenta oziroma do dneva, ko je EPU objavil sklep o podelitvi evropskega patenta, če je bil evropski patent vpisan v register pri Uradu.

a122.a člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku zaradi kršitve znamke)

(1) Imetnik znamke ima pravico prepovedati uporabo znaka v obsegu, v katerem v času vložitve tožbe zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke ne obstajajo razlogi iz 120. člena tega zakona za njeno razveljavitev zaradi neuporabe.

(2) Toženec lahko zahteva, da imetnik znamke, ki je zoper njega vložil tožbo zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke, predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju zadnjih petih zaporednih let pred datumom vložitve tožbe svojo znamko, ki je razlog za tožbo, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve tožbe zaradi kršitve pravic že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa znamke v register.

b122.a člen (način obrambe imetnika kasnejše znamke v postopku zaradi kršitve znamke)

(1) V postopku zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke imetnik znamke nima pravice prepovedati uporabe kasnejše znamke, če se kasnejša znamka ne bi ugotovila za nično ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka 52.c člena, 52.d člena ali drugega odstavka 52.e člena tega zakona ali v primeru znamke EU predpisov Evropske unije, ki urejajo registracijo znamke EU.

(2) Če imetnik znamke glede na prejšnji odstavek nima pravice prepovedati uporabe kasnejše znamke, imetnik kasnejše znamke nima pravice v postopku zaradi kršitve pravic prepovedati uporabe prejšnje znamke, čeprav prejšnje znamke ni mogoče več uveljavljati zoper kasnejšo znamko.

122.a člen (predložitev dokazov)

(1) Če je sodišče odločilo, da bo izvedlo predlagani dokaz, predlagana dokazna sredstva pa so pri nasprotni stranki, mora nasprotna stranka na zahtevo sodišča predložiti dokazna sredstva, s katerimi razpolaga.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek velja tudi glede bančnih, finančnih in poslovnih listin, ki so pod nadzorom nasprotne stranke, če gre za kršitev v gospodarskem obsegu. Šteje se, da je bilo dejanje storjeno v gospodarskem obsegu, če se izvaja za neposredno ali posredno gospodarsko korist.

(3) V postopku predložitve dokazov se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja pravdni postopek, če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno.

(4) Sodišče mora po izvedbi dokaza iz prvega odstavka tega člena zagotoviti varstvo zaupnih podatkov pravdnih strank ter zagotoviti, da se sodni postopki ne uporabljajo v slabi veri z izključnim namenom pridobiti zaupne podatke nasprotne stranke.

123. člen (začasne odredbe)

(1) Sodišče izda začasno odredbo v zavarovanje nedenarnih zahtevkov po tem zakonu, če predlagatelj izkaže za verjetno: a) da je imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona in b) da je bila njegova pravica kršena, ali grozi dejanska nevarnost, da bo kršena.

(2) Predlagatelj mora za verjetno izkazati tudi eno izmed naslednjih predpostavk: a) nevarnost, da bo uveljavitev zahtevkov onemogočena ali precej otežena;

b) da je odredba potrebna, da se prepreči nastanek težko nadomestljive škode ali c) da domnevni kršilec z izdajo začasne odredbe, če bi se tekom postopka izkazala za

neutemeljeno, ne bi utrpel hujših neugodnih posledic od tistih, ki bi brez izdaje začasne odredbe nastale imetniku pravice.

(3) Predlagatelj, ki zahteva izdajo začasne odredbe brez poprejšnjega obvestila in zaslišanja nasprotne stranke, mora poleg pogojev iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, izkazati za verjetno, da bi kakršnokoli odlašanje z izdajo začasne odredbe povzročilo imetniku pravice nastanek težko nadomestljive škode. V tem primeru se nasprotno stranko obvesti najpozneje takoj po izvršitvi odredb.

(4) Imetnik pravice ni dolžan dokazovati nevarnosti, da bo uveljavitev zahtevkov onemogočena ali precej otežena, če izkaže za verjetno, da bi kršilec s predlagano odredbo pretrpel le neznatno škodo. Šteje se, da je nevarnost podana, če naj bi bili zahtevki uveljavljeni v tujini, razen v primeru, če naj bi se terjatev uveljavljala v državi članici Evropske unije.

(5) Sodišče sme za zavarovanje nedenarnih zahtevkov po prvem odstavku tega člena izdati vsako začasno odredbo, s katero je mogoče doseči namen zavarovanja, zlasti: a) da se domnevnemu kršilcu prepove domnevno kršenje in bodoče kršitve; b) da se zasežejo, izključijo iz prometa in shranijo predmeti kršitve ter sredstva kršitve, ki

so izključno ali pretežno namenjena ali se uporabijo za kršitev.

(6) Sodišče mora odločiti o ugovoru zoper sklep o začasni odredbi v 30 dneh od dneva vložitve odgovora na ugovor oziroma od poteka roka za vložitev odgovora na ugovor.

(7) V postopku za izdajo začasne odredbe se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja izvršbo in zavarovanje, če ni s tem zakonom določeno drugače. Postopek je nujen.

123.a člen (izdaja začasne odredbe pri kršitvi patenta)

Če se predlog za izdajo začasne odredbe po prejšnjem členu nanaša na kršitev patenta, izda sodišče začasno odredbo, če sta izpolnjena tudi naslednja pogoja: a) da imetnik pravice predloži ugotovitveno odločbo po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93.

člena tega zakona in b) da imetnik pravice predlaga izdajo začasne odredbe v treh mesecih od takrat, ko je

izvedel za domnevno kršitev.

124. člen (zavarovanje dokazov)

(1) Sodišče izda sklep za zavarovanje dokazov, če predlagatelj predloži razumno dosegljive dokaze o tem, da: a) je imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, b) je bila kršena, ali grozi dejanska nevarnost, da bo kršena njegova pravica in c) bodo dokazi o kršitvi uničeni ali jih kasneje ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti.

(2) Predlagatelj, ki zahteva izdajo sklepa za zavarovanje dokazov brez poprejšnjega obvestila in zaslišanja nasprotne stranke, mora poleg pogojev iz prvega odstavka izkazati za verjetno, da obstaja nevarnost, da bodo dokazi o kršitvi zaradi ravnanja nasprotne stranke uničeni ali jih kasneje ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti. V tem primeru se nasprotno stranko obvesti najpozneje takoj po izvršitvi sklepa.

(3) Sodišče sme s sklepom iz prvega odstavka tega člena odrediti izvedbo kateregakoli dokaza, zlasti: a) ogled prostorov, poslovne dokumentacije, inventarja, baz podatkov, računalniških

pomnilnih enot ali drugih stvari; b) zaseg vzorcev predmetov kršitve; c) pregled in izročitev listin; d) določitev in zaslišanje izvedencev in e) zaslišanje prič.

(4) Zavarovanje dokazov je dovoljeno zahtevati tudi potem, ko postane odločba, s katero je postopek končan, pravnomočna, če je to potrebno pred postopkom ali med postopkom z izrednimi pravnimi sredstvi.

(5) V postopku zavarovanja dokazov po tem členu se smiselno uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja izvršbo in zavarovanje, o začasnih odredbah, razen če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno. Postopek je nujen.

(6) Če se kasneje izkaže, da je predlog neutemeljen ali da ga predlagatelj ni upravičil, ima nasprotna stranka pravico zahtevati: a) vrnitev odvzetih predmetov; b) prepoved uporabe pridobljenih informacij in c) povračilo škode.

(7) Sodišče mora v postopku zavarovanja dokazov po tem členu zagotoviti varstvo zaupnih podatkov strank ter zagotoviti, da se sodni postopki ne uporabljajo v slabi veri z izključnim namenom pridobiti zaupne podatke nasprotne stranke.

124.a člen (zavarovanje dokazov pri kršitvi patenta)

Če se predlog za izdajo sklepa iz prejšnjega člena nanaša na kršitev patenta, izda sodišče sklep, če sta izpolnjena tudi naslednja pogoja: a) da imetnik pravice predloži ugotovitveno odločbo po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93.

člena tega zakona in b) da imetnik pravice predlaga izdajo sklepa o zavarovanju dokazov v treh mesecih od

takrat, ko je izvedel za domnevno kršitev.

124.b člen (dolžnost obveščanja)

(1) Sodišče lahko v pravdi zaradi kršitve pravic na podlagi upravičene zahteve stranke naloži kršilcu, da sporoči podatke o izvoru in distribucijskih tokovih blaga ali storitev, ki kršijo pravico iz tega zakona.

(2) Sodišče lahko naloži, da podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka sporočijo tudi naslednje osebe, ki v gospodarskem obsegu: a) posedujejo blago, s katerim se krši pravica, b) uporabljajo storitve, s katerimi se krši pravica ali c) zagotavljajo storitve, uporabljene v dejavnosti, s katero se krši pravica.

(3) Sodišče lahko naloži, da podatke iz prvega odstavka tega člena sporoči tudi oseba, za katero je katera od oseb iz prejšnjega odstavka navedla, da je bila vpletena v proizvodnjo, izdelavo ali distribucijo blaga ali opravljanja storitev.

(4) Podatki iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko vključujejo: a) imena in naslove oziroma firme in sedeže proizvajalcev, izdelovalcev, distributerjev,

dobaviteljev in drugih prejšnjih imetnikov blaga ali ponudnikov storitev ter predvidenih trgovcev na debelo in na drobno in

b) podatke o proizvedenih, izdelanih, dostavljenih, prejetih ali naročenih količinah in cenah, doseženih za blago ali storitve.

124.c člen (varstvo drugih pravic industrijske lastnine)

Določbe tega oddelka se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za firmo in žlahtniteljsko pravico.

Deseto poglavje PRISILNA LICENCA

125. člen (prisilna licenca)

(1) Sodišče lahko odloči, da se tudi brez soglasja imetnika patenta dovoli tretji osebi ali Vladi Republike Slovenije izkoriščanje izuma: a) če to zahteva javni interes, zlasti v zvezi z državno varnostjo, prehrano, zdravstvom ali

razvojem drugih pomembnih delov državnega gospodarstva, ali b) če sodišče ugotovi, da imetnik patenta ali imetnik licence zlorablja pravice iz patenta,

zlasti tako da izkorišča izum tako, da v nasprotju z veljavnimi predpisi omejuje konkurenco.

(2) Sodišče podeli prisilno licenco po prejšnjem odstavku ob upoštevanju dejanskih okoliščin in po zaslišanju imetnika patenta.

(3) Prisilna licenca po prvem odstavku tega člena se podeli, če vložnik zahteve za pridobitev prisilne licence dokaže, da si je prizadeval skleniti licenčno pogodbo z imetnikom patenta pod razumnimi poslovnimi pogoji in da ta prizadevanja v razumnem obdobju niso bila uspešna.

(4) Prejšnji odstavek se ne uporablja, če je razglašeno vojno stanje ali izredne razmere, pod pogojem, da sodišče v takem primeru seznani imetnika patenta s svojo odločbo, kolikor je to mogoče hitro.

126. člen (pogoji za podelitev prisilne licence)

(1) Prisilna licenca po prejšnjem členu se podeli, pod naslednjimi pogoji: a) da sta obseg in trajanje licence omejena glede na njen namen; b) da ni izključna; c) da ni prenosljiva, z izjemo prenosa dela poslovne dejavnosti prejemnika prisilne licence,

na katero se predmet prisilne licence nanaša; d) da je namenjena pretežno oskrbovanju trga Republike Slovenije.

(2) Če kakšnega patenta (v nadaljnjem besedilu: drugi patent) ni mogoče izkoriščati, ne da bi se poseglo v neki drug patent (v nadaljnjem besedilu: prvi patent),

morajo biti za podelitev prisilne licence takšnega patenta poleg pogojev iz 125. člena tega zakona in prejšnjega odstavka izpolnjeni še naslednji dodatni pogoji: a) izum, ki je predmet drugega patenta, vsebuje tehnični napredek znatnega

gospodarskega pomena glede na izum, ki je predmet prvega patenta; b) imetnik prvega patenta je pod razumnimi pogoji upravičen do obratne licence za uporabo

izuma, ki je predmet drugega patenta; c) dovoljena uporaba v zvezi s prvim patentom ni prenosljiva brez sočasnega prenosa

drugega patenta.

(3) Sodišče odloči, da prisilna licenca preneha veljati, če prenehajo okoliščine, zaradi katerih je bila podeljena, in če je verjetno, da se te okoliščine ne bodo ponovile.

127. člen (nadomestilo za prisilno licenco)

(1) Imetnik patenta, ki je predmet prisilne licence, je upravičen do obveznega nadomestila.

(2) Višina nadomestila se določi glede na okoliščine posameznega primera ob upoštevanju ekonomske vrednosti prisilne licence.

Enajsto poglavje ZASTOPANJE

128. člen (zastopanje pred Uradom)

(1) Za zastopanje pred Uradom se lahko pooblasti le zastopnika, ki je vpisan v ustrezni register zastopnikov pri Uradu. Zastopnika imenuje pooblastitelj s pisnim pooblastilom.

(2) Pooblastitelj lahko pooblasti enega ali več zastopnikov za vsa ali le za določena dejanja v postopku pred Uradom. Če pooblasti več zastopnikov in pri tem ne navede, kateremu zastopniku naj Urad vroča pisanja, vroča Urad vse dopise zastopniku, ki je naveden prvi.

(3) Pooblastitelj lahko z enim pooblastilom pooblasti zastopnika za zastopanje pri vseh njegovih prijavah, pravicah ali vlogah, vloženih pri Uradu (v nadaljnjem besedilu: generalno pooblastilo zastopniku). Če je generalno pooblastilo zastopniku deponirano pri Uradu, se ob vložitvi vloge Uradu navede številka deponiranega generalnega pooblastila in predloži njegova kopija.

(4) Pooblastilo se predloži ob vložitvi vloge ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada. Če pooblastilo ni pravočasno predloženo, se šteje, da zastopnik ni bil imenovan in da njegova dejanja niso bila opravljena. Vlogo, ki jo je vložil domnevni zastopnik, Urad s sklepom zavrže. Sklep o zavrženju se vroči domnevnemu zastopniku.

129. člen (zastopanje tujih oseb)

(1) Tuje pravne in fizične osebe, ki nimajo prebivališča ali dejanskega in resnega industrijskega ali gospodarskega podjetja v Republiki Sloveniji (v nadaljnjem besedilu: tuja

oseba), morajo uveljavljati pravice iz tega zakona v postopkih pred Uradom po zastopniku, razen če je drugače določeno z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko tuja oseba ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka tega člena brez zastopnika vloži prijavo in opravlja dejanja v zvezi z določitvijo datuma vložitve prijave, plača takso ali pristojbino v postopku pred Uradom, vloži prepis prve prijave za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice po 61. členu tega zakona in sprejema pisanja Urada v zvezi s temi postopki.

(3) Če tuja oseba v primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka nima zastopnika v postopku pred Uradom, mora Uradu sporočiti naslov za obveščanje, ki mora biti na območju Republike Slovenije. Šteje se, da je Urad v primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka pravilno obvestil tujo osebo, če ji je poslal pisanje na naslov za obveščanje.

(4) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena lahko kdorkoli plača pristojbine za vzdrževanje pravice.

(5) Če tuja oseba v nasprotju s tem členom v postopku pred Uradom ne imenuje zastopnika ali ne sporoči naslova za obveščanje, ki je na območju Republike Slovenije, jo Urad izjemoma neposredno po pošti pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva imenuje zastopnika in predloži pooblastilo zastopniku oziroma v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena sporoči naslov za obveščanje. Če tuja oseba pravočasno ne imenuje zastopnika in ne predloži pooblastila, oziroma ne sporoči pravočasno naslova za obveščanje v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena, Urad s sklepom vlogo zavrže, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Vročitev sklepa se opravi po oglasni deski Urada.

130. člen (preklic in odpoved pooblastila)

(1) Pooblastitelj lahko kadarkoli prekliče pooblastilo, zastopnik pa ga lahko kadarkoli odpove.

(2) Preklic oziroma odpoved pooblastila se sporoči Uradu in učinkuje od dneva, ko ga Urad prejme. Po odpovedi pooblastila je zastopnik dolžan še tri mesece opravljati dejanja za pooblastitelja, razen če ima pooblastitelj še kakšnega zastopnika.

(3) Če tuja oseba zaradi odpovedi ali preklica pooblastila nima več zastopnika, se smiselno uporablja peti odstavek 129. člena tega zakona.

131. člen (zastopnik)

(1) V postopkih pred Uradom lahko stranke zastopajo patentni zastopniki in zastopniki za modele in znamke. Patentni zastopniki zastopajo stranke v postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev, vzdrževanje in druge zahteve v zvezi s katero koli pravico po tem zakonu. Zastopniki za modele in znamke lahko zastopajo stranke le v tistih postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev, vzdrževanje in druge zahteve v zvezi z modeli, znamkami in geografskimi označbami.

(2) Patentni zastopnik je lahko: a) oseba z univerzitetno izobrazbo tehnične ali naravoslovne smeri, ki je opravila strokovni

izpit za patentnega zastopnika pri Uradu; b) odvetnik ali odvetniška družba, ki zaposluje osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz prejšnje točke,

ali ima z njo sklenjeno pogodbo;

c) pravna oseba, ki zaposluje vsaj eno osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke a) tega odstavka.

(3) Zastopnik za modele in znamke je lahko: a) oseba z univerzitetno izobrazbo, ki je opravila strokovni izpit za zastopnika za modele in

znamke pri Uradu; b) odvetnik ali odvetniška družba; c) pravna oseba, ki zaposluje vsaj eno osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke a) tega


(4) Patentni zastopniki, zastopniki za modele in znamke ter pooblaščeni delavci zastopnika lahko v postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pravice po tem zakonu, zastopajo stranke tudi pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi, če izpolnjujejo pogoje, določene s predpisi, ki urejajo zastopanje pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi. V takih primerih je zastopnik upravičen do plačila za svoje delo in do povračila stroškov v zvezi z opravljenim delom po zastopniški tarifi. Zastopniško tarifo sprejme zastopnik ali združenje zastopnikov v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za pravosodje.

132. člen (vpis zastopnikov v register)

(1) Urad vodi register patentnih zastopnikov in register zastopnikov za modele in znamke.

(2) Za vpis v ustrezni register zastopnikov se plača taksa po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse. Po plačilu takse Urad z odločbo odloči o vpisu v register.

(3) Patentni zastopnik lahko zahteva izbris iz registra patentnih zastopnikov in vpis v register zastopnikov za modele in znamke. Zastopnik za modele in znamke lahko zahteva izbris iz registra zastopnikov za modele in znamke in vpis v register patentnih zastopnikov, le če izpolnjuje pogoje iz drugega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona.

(4) Zastopnik se izbriše iz registra: a) če vloži zahtevo za izbris; b) če se mu s pravnomočno sodbo prepove ukvarjanje z zastopanjem.

(5) V register patentnih zastopnikov in register zastopnikov za modele in znamke se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka zastopnika, podatki o zastopniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), datum vpisa v register, podatke o osebah, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz točke a) drugega odstavka oziroma točke a) tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona in so zaposlene pri zastopniku oziroma imajo z njim sklenjeno pogodbo (priimek, ime, naslov in izobrazba).

(6) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino zahteve za vpis zastopnikov v register, postopek vpisa v register, vrsto podatkov, ki se vpišejo v register, in postopek vpisa sprememb v register zastopnikov.

133. člen (strokovni izpit)

(1) Strokovni izpit iz drugega ali tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona se opravlja pri Uradu. Pred opravljanjem strokovnega izpita se plača taksa po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse.

(2) Urad vodi seznam oseb z opravljenim strokovnim izpitom.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi način opravljanja strokovnega izpita iz drugega in tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona.

Dvanajsto poglavje KAZENSKE DOLOČBE

134. člen (prekršek)

(1) Z globo od 4.000 do 40.000 eurov se kaznuje za prekršek pravna oseba, ki: 1. Uradu predloži ponarejeno ali neresnično dokazilo po 92. členu tega zakona ali ki s

ponarejenim ali neresničnim obvestilom zahteva prekinitev postopka po tretjem odstavku 92. člena tega zakona;

2. zastopa tretjo osebo v postopku pred Uradom, ne da bi bila vpisana v register iz 132. člena tega zakona.

(2) Z globo od 400 do 4.000 eurov se kaznuje samostojni podjetnik posameznik in posameznik, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

(3) Z globo od 400 do 2.000 eurov se kaznuje odgovorna oseba pravne osebe ali odgovorna oseba samostojnega podjetnika posameznika oziroma posameznika, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

(4) Z globo od 400 do 1.000 eurov se kaznuje posameznik, ki stori prekršek iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

Zakon o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) vsebuje naslednje prehodne in končne določbe:


135. člen (uporaba snovi kot zdravilo)

(1) Uporaba snovi kot zdravila za ljudi in živali ne pomeni kršitve patenta za izum te snovi, če je bila patentna prijava za ta izum vložena do vključno 31. decembra 1992 oziroma je bila za takšno prijavo zahtevana prednostna pravica do vključno 31. decembra 1992.

(2) Z uporabo snovi kot zdravila po prejšnjem odstavku je mišljena izdelava in njena predelava v zdravilo po postopku, ki ni predmet zadevnega patentnega varstva ter dajanje te snovi oziroma zdravila v promet.

(3) Z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji velja za zdravilo ali snov po prvem odstavku tega člena drugi odstavek 21. člena tega zakona samo, če je pridobljeno soglasje imetnika patenta, s katerim je zavarovano to zdravilo ali snov.

136. člen (obravnava prijav in veljavnost pravic)

(1) Postopek priznanja ali podelitve pravice industrijske lastnine v zvezi s prijavo, vloženo pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se nadaljuje po določbah tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

(2) Pravice industrijske lastnine, veljavne na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, veljajo naprej po določbah tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

137. člen (patentne prijave in patenti)

(1) Pri patentnih prijavah, vloženih pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, in pri patentih, podeljenih pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se še naprej uporabljajo določbe 10., 77., 78. in 112. člena zakona o industrijski lastnini (Uradni list RS, št. 13/92, 27/93, 34/97 – odločba US, 75/97).

(2) Določbi drugega in tretjega odstavka 22. člena tega zakona se uporabljata za patente, ki so bili prijavljeni po 1. januarju 1993.

(3) Z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji se tretji odstavek 22. člena tega zakona izvaja v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije.

(4) Za patente, ki so bili prijavljeni po 1. 1. 1993 in za katere je potekel rok iz 7. člena uredbe EU št. 1768/92 z dne 18. 6. 1992 ali 7. člena uredbe EU št. 1610/96 z dne 23. 6. 1996, je mogoče v šestih mesecih od dneva pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji zahtevati dodatni varstveni certifikat.

(5) Določbe 24. do vključno 31. člena tega zakona se začnejo uporabljati z dnem uveljavitve EPK v Republiki Sloveniji.

(6) Določba petega odstavka 32. člena tega zakona ne velja za prijave na podlagi PCT, ki so bile vložene do dneva uveljavitve tega zakona.

138. člen (prijave modela oziroma vzorca in modeli oziroma vzorci)

(1) Pri prijavah modela oziroma vzorca, ki so bile objavljene pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona in pri katerih je bil vložen ugovor zoper izdajo odločbe o priznanju modela oziroma vzorca, se še naprej uporablja 58. člen zakona o industrijski lastnini.

(2) Če je bila prijava modela oziroma vzorca objavljena pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, pa zoper izdajo odločbe o priznanju modela oziroma vzorca ni bil vložen ugovor po 58. členu zakona o industrijski lastnini, izda Urad odločbo o registraciji modela, vpiše model v register in objavi registracijo modela.

(3) Modeli oziroma vzorci, veljavni na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se obravnavajo kot modeli po tem zakonu.

139. člen (ugovor na podlagi znamke pri Uradu za harmonizacijo notranjega trga za znamke in modele

Evropske unije)

(1) Do pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji se kot prejšnja znamka po prvem odstavku 44. člena tega zakona šteje tudi znamka, ki je bila prijavljena ali registrirana pri Uradu za harmonizacijo notranjega trga za znamke in modele Evropske unije pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(2) Imetnik prejšnje znamke po prejšnjem odstavku lahko vloži ugovor po 101. členu tega zakona, če v roku za ugovor vloži tudi pravilno prijavo za pridobitev varstva svoje znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke po prvem odstavku tega člena ob vložitvi ugovora po 101. členu tega zakona ne vloži pravočasno tudi pravilne prijave za pridobitev varstva svoje znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se šteje, da ugovor ni bil vložen.

140. člen (označbe porekla blaga)

Označbe porekla blaga, veljavne na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se obravnavajo kot geografske označbe po tem zakonu, razen če drug zakon določa drugače.

141. člen (strokovni izpiti in zastopniki)

(1) Strokovni izpiti, opravljeni ali priznani do dneva uveljavitve tega zakona, so izenačeni s strokovnim izpitom za patentne zastopnike in strokovnim izpitom za zastopnike za modele in znamke.

(2) Urad po uradni dolžnosti vpiše v register patentnih zastopnikov vse zastopnike, ki so bili na dan uveljavitve tega zakona vpisani v register zastopnikov pri Uradu.

142. člen (podzakonski predpisi)

(1) Podzakonski predpisi po tem zakonu in odredba o ceniku iz tretjega odstavka 7. člena tega zakona se izdajo v šestih mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona, razen predpisa iz drugega odstavka 80. člena tega zakona, ki se izda, ko so pri Uradu vzpostavljene ustrezne tehnične možnosti.

(2) Do izdaje novih predpisov se smiselno uporabljajo predpisi, izdani na podlagi zakona o industrijski lastnini: a) pravilnik o postopku za podelitev patenta (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93); b) pravilnik o postopku za priznanje modela oziroma vzorca (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93, 37/95

– odločba US); c) pravilnik o postopku za priznanje znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93); d) pravilnik o postopku za mednarodno registracijo znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 15/93); e) pravilnik o načinu opravljanja strokovnega izpita in vpisu v register zastopnikov (Uradni

list RS, št. 20/92); f) uredba o pristojbinah Urada Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino za pridobitev

in varstvo pravic industrijske lastnine (Uradni list RS, št. 14/95);

g) uredba o cenah informacijskih in drugih storitev Urada Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino (Uradni list RS, št. 57/96).

143. člen (prenehanje veljavnosti)

(1) Z dnem, ko začne veljati ta zakon, preneha veljati: a) zakon o industrijski lastnini; b) pravilnik o prenosu pravic industrijske lastnine vloženih pri Zveznem zavodu za patente,

na Urad Republike Slovenije za varstvo industrijske lastnine (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93).

(2) Ne glede na točko a) prejšnjega odstavka se ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka 137. in prvega odstavka 138. člena tega zakona še naprej uporabljajo določbe 10., 58., 77., 78. in 112. člena zakona o industrijski lastnini.

144. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati šest mesecev po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1A (Uradni list RS, št. 96/02) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1B (Uradni list RS, št. 37/04) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji.«.

Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1C (Uradni list RS, št. 20/06) vsebuje naslednjo prehodno in končno določbo:


23. člen (postopki v teku)

Postopki, ki ob uveljavitvi tega zakona tečejo na podlagi devetega poglavja zakona, se končajo po do sedaj veljavnih določbah zakona.

24. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1D (Uradni list RS, št. 100/13) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1E (Uradni list RS, št. 23/20) vsebuje naslednje prehodne in končno določbo:


39. člen (postopki v teku)

Zadeve, glede katerih je bilo ob uveljavitvi tega zakona vloženo pravno sredstvo oziroma začet sodni postopek, se končajo po dosedanjih predpisih.

40. člen (uskladitev podzakonskih predpisov)

(1) Pravilnik o vsebini prijave znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 102/01), Pravilnik o elektronskem vlaganju prijav v postopkih registracije znamk in modelov (Uradni list RS, št. 3/15) in Pravilnik o registrih prijav in pravic industrijske lastnine ter potrdilu o prednostni pravici (Uradni list RS, št. 102/01) se uskladijo s tem zakonom v treh mesecih od uveljavitve tega zakona.

(2) Pravilniki iz prejšnjega odstavka se uporabljajo do uskladitve s tem zakonom, razen če so v nasprotju z določbami tega zakona.

41. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Texte(s) supplémentaire(s) Page de couverture d’une notification de l’OMC (3 texte(s)) Page de couverture d’une notification de l’OMC (3 texte(s)) Français Loi sur la propriété industrielle (Journal officiel de la République de Slovénie, n° 45/01 du 7 juin 2001, telle que modifiée jusqu'au 29 mars 2020) Espagnol Ley de Propiedad Industrial (Gaceta Oficial de la República de Eslovenia, No. 45/01 de 7 de junio de 2001, modificada al 29 de marzo de 2020) Anglais Industrial Property Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 45/01 of June 7, 2001, as amended up to March 29, 2020)
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 Subsection 1 Invalidity of rights

Disclaimer: The unofficial consolidated version of this regulation merely serves as a working tool for information purposes, in respect of which the relevant body accepts no liability for damages or any other liability.

The unofficial consolidated version of the Industrial Property Act comprises: – Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS],

No. 45/01 of 7 June 2001), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1A (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 96/02 of 14 November 2002), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB1 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 7/03 of 23 January 2003), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1B (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 37/04 of 15 April 2004), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB2 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 102/04 of 21 September 2004), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1C (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 20/06 of 24 February 2006), – Industrial Property Act – Official Consolidated Text – ZIL-1-UPB3 (Official Gazette of the

Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 51/06 of 18 May 2006), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1D (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 100/13 of 6 December 2013), – Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1E (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 23/20 of 14 March 2020).


(Unofficial consolidated version No. 8)


Article 1 (Subject of the Act)

(1) This Act lays down the types of industrial property rights under this Act and procedures for granting and registering these rights, judicial protection of rights and the representation of parties in proceedings under this Act.

(2) Industrial property rights under this Act shall be patents, supplementary protection certificates, industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications.

(3) This Act shall transpose the following into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia: – Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the

legal protection of biotechnological inventions (OJ L 213, 30.7.1998, p.13), – Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 on

the legal protection of designs (OJ L 289, 28.10.1998, p. 28), – Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on

the enforcement of intellectual property rights (OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45), and

– Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks (OJ L 336, 23.12.2015, p. 1).

Article 2 (Equality of foreign and domestic entities)

(1) Legal and natural entities from other countries shall, in respect of the protection of industrial property rights in the Republic of Slovenia, enjoy the same rights as domestic legal or natural persons or entities, this in accordance with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of 15 April 1994 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS–MP], No. 10/95; hereinafter: the TRIPS Agreement) or the principle of reciprocity.

(2) The existence of reciprocity shall be proven by the person who invokes it.

Article 3 (Applications for the acquisition of industrial property rights)

(1) Subject to Article 17 of this Act, the acquisition of an industrial property right in the Republic of Slovenia shall be requested by filing a national application with the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter: the Office) in accordance with this Act.

(2) The acquisition of industrial property rights in the Republic of Slovenia may also be requested on the basis of applications filed abroad if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia. The legal effect of the industrial property rights granted or registered on the basis of such applications shall be the same as that of the industrial property rights granted or registered on the basis of national applications, unless otherwise provided by the international treaty.

(3) A person cannot acquire an industrial property right on the basis of a national application if prior to this they have filed an application under the preceding paragraph for the acquisition of the same right.

(4) The acquisition of industrial property rights abroad may also be requested on the basis of applications filed with the Office if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 4 (Priority of first application)

When two or more applicants file applications to acquire protection for the same invention, design or sign in the Republic of Slovenia, the applicant whose date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, the earliest date of priority shall have priority over the other applicant.

Article 5 (Office)

(1) The main tasks of the Office shall be: a) to accept applications for the acquisition of industrial property rights;

b) to autonomously and independently conduct procedures for granting patents and registering industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and to grant patents and register industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications;

c) to keep the registers of industrial property rights and other registers provided for by this Act;

d) to provide information services with regard to industrial property rights; e) to represent the Republic of Slovenia in foreign and international organisations operating

in the field of industrial property, pursuant to the positions, instructions and authorisations issued by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia;

f) to perform other tasks falling within its competence.

(2) The Office shall issue its official journal containing information on applications and industrial property rights.

(3) The Office shall autonomously conduct and record financial transactions relating to the payment of fees under this Act and payments for services provided pursuant to Article 7 of this Act.

(4) The Office shall be managed by the Director, who shall be responsible for its operation and shall be appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 6 (Decisions of the Office)

(1) In proceedings for the granting or registration and maintenance of industrial property rights and in proceedings concerning the keeping of registers of rights and other registers, the Office shall issue decisions and other acts pursuant to this Act. In the absence of relevant provisions in this Act, the Act governing general administrative procedure shall apply subsidiarily.

(2) Proceedings concerning applications under paragraphs two or four of Article 3 of this Act shall be conducted by the Office pursuant to international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia and rules and instructions issued to implement the international treaties concerned. In the absence of relevant provisions in the relevant international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia and rules and instructions issued to implement the international treaty concerned, the provisions of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 7 (Provision of information)

(1) Subject to Article 8 of this Act, the Office shall allow any person access to files concerning applications and to information on applications and rights granted or registered.

(2) Against payment, the Office shall provide information on the state of the art contained in patent documents and other services related to information and documentation.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall issue an order on tariff, fixing the types and amounts of payments referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 8 (Secrecy and access to applications)

(1) Files related to patent and industrial design applications shall be considered an official secret until the publication of the patent application in the official journal of the Office or the registration of the industrial design.

(2) Access to the files that are an official secret shall only be possible with the consent of the applicant.

(3) Access to a file that is an official secret without consent of the applicant shall only be allowed to a person who can prove that, in relation to their acts, the applicant informed them in writing about the application and the scope of protection sought.

(4) If a patent application concerning a deposited biological material has been refused or withdrawn and if the applicant so requests, access to the deposited biological material shall only be permitted to an independent expert until the expiry of 20 years from the date of filing of the application.

(5) The Office may publish or communicate to third parties the following data before the publication of the patent application in the official journal of the Office: a) the number of the application; b) the filing date of the application and, if priority is claimed, the date, country or office and

the number of the first application; c) information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered

office); d) the title of the invention.

Article 9 (Fees)

(1) Fees shall be paid in relation to the acquisition and maintenance of rights under this Act. Fees shall be paid within the time limits provided by this Act. The amounts of fees shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia by way of a decree.

(2) In procedures in which fees under the preceding paragraph are paid, the fees under the Act governing administrative fees shall not be payable.

(3) If procedural fees are not paid in due time or are not paid in full, they shall be deemed not to have been paid and the application to be withdrawn, unless otherwise provided by this Act. At a payer's request, the Office shall reimburse the amount paid.

Chapter Two PATENTS

Section 1 Patents and short-term patents

Article 10 (Subject of patent protection)

(1) A patent shall be granted for any invention from any field of technology that is new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.

(2) Detailed conditions for granting patents in respect of individual technical fields with specific technical or technological characteristics shall be defined by a decree issued by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 11 (Exceptions to patent protection)

(1) Discoveries, scientific theories, mathematical methods, and other rules, schemes, methods and processes for performing mental acts as such shall not be considered inventions under Article 10 of this Act.

(2) A patent may not be granted for: a) any invention whose application is contrary to public order or morality; b) any invention of a surgical, diagnostic or treatment procedure applied directly on a live

human or animal body, except inventions concerning products, in particular substances and mixtures, used in such procedures.

Article 12 (Novelty of invention)

(1) An invention shall be considered to be new if it does not form part of the state of the art.

(2) The state of the art shall be considered to comprise everything made available to the public by means of oral or written description, by use, or in any other way before the date of filing of the patent application. The effect of priority right shall be that the date of priority right shall be considered as the date of the filing of the application for the purposes of this Article.

(3) The state of the art shall also include the subject-matter of the following applications that have been filed before the date referred to in the preceding paragraph and published on or after that date: a) national patent applications, as originally filed with the Office; b) European patent applications, as originally filed with the European Patent Office

(hereinafter: the EPO) under the European Patent Convention of 5 October 1973 (hereinafter: the EPC), if seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia;

c) international applications, as originally filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 19 June 1970, as amended on 2 October 1979 and 3 February 1984 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS–MP], No. 19/93; hereinafter: the PCT), received by the Office as the elected office in accordance with Article 39 of the PCT.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs one, two and three of this Article, a substance or mixture that forms part of the state of the art may be protected by a patent for an invention related to the substance or mixture to be used in a treatment procedure referred to in point b) of paragraph two of Article 11 of this Act if such use is not comprised in the state of the art.

Article 13 (Non-prejudicial disclosure of invention)

(1) In applying Article 12 of this Act, a disclosure of invention shall not be taken into account if it occurred not earlier than six months prior to the filing of the patent application and was directly or indirectly due to: a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or their legal predecessor or b) the fact that the applicant or their legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an

official or officially recognised international exhibition referred to in Article 62 of this Act.

(2) The provision of point b) of the preceding paragraph shall only apply if the applicant states in the application that the invention has been so displayed and submits a relevant certificate thereof in accordance with paragraph two of Article 62 of this Act.

Article 14 (Inventive step)

(1) An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if it is obvious to an expert that the subject of the invention is not a result of the state of the art within the meaning of paragraph two of Article 12 of this Act.

(2) If the state of the art also includes documents referred to in paragraph three of Article 12 of this Act; such documents shall not be taken into account in assessing an inventive step.

(3) If an applicant, in addition to the first patent application which has not yet been published, files another patent application concerning the same subject of invention, the first patent application shall not be taken into account in assessing an inventive step with regard to the second patent application.

Article 15 (Industrial applicability)

An invention shall be considered as industrially applicable if the subject of the invention can be made or used in an industry of any kind, including agriculture.

Article 16 (Subject of short-term patent protection)

(1) With the exception of the inventions of processes, plant varieties and animal breeds, a short-term patent may be granted for inventions that are new, industrially applicable and the result of a creative effort.

(2) An invention shall be considered to be the result of a creative effort if it exhibits either particular effectiveness or practical advantage in industrial use.

(3) The provisions of this Act concerning patents shall apply mutatis mutandis to short-term patents, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 17 (Confidential inventions)

(1) Inventions that are important for the defence or security of the Republic of Slovenia shall be considered confidential and shall be registered with the ministry responsible for defence.

(2) The conditions for the exploitation of confidential inventions, in particular compensation for exploitation, shall be agreed directly between the inventor and the ministry responsible for defence.

(3) The application for an invention referred to in paragraph one of this Article may be filed with the Office if the ministry responsible for defence does not wish to exploit it or if it consents to the filing of the patent application.

Article 18 (Patent rights)

(1) A patent shall confer the following exclusive rights on its holder: a) if the subject of a patent is a product: to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent

from making, using, offering for sale or selling the product concerned or importing it for these purposes;

b) if the subject of a patent is a process: to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent from using the process and from offering for sale, selling or importing for these purposes a product obtained directly by this process.

(2) The scope of patent protection shall be determined by the content of patent claims. The description and any drawings shall also be used to interpret patent claims.

Article 19 (Limitation of patent rights)

The rights referred to in Article 18 of this Act shall not apply to: a) acts done privately and for non-commercial purposes; b) research and experiments of any kind relating to the subject of the patent irrespective of

their final purpose; c) the extemporaneous individual preparation of a medicine in a pharmacy in accordance with

a medical instruction or prescription, nor acts concerning the medicine so prepared; d) the use of the subject of patented invention on the ships of other countries, in the ship's

hull, machinery, block and tackle, deck gear and other apparel, when such ships temporarily or accidentally enter the waters of the Republic of Slovenia, provided that the invention is used there exclusively for the needs of the ship;

e) the use of the patented invention in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of other countries, or in the accessories of such aircraft or vehicles, when these aircraft or vehicles temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;

f) the acts specified in Article 27 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944 (Official Gazette of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list FLRJ – MP], Nos 3/54, 5/54, 9/61, 5/62, 11/63, 49/71, 62/73, 15/78 and 2/80, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92), if these acts concern the aircraft of a country to which the provisions of the aforementioned Article of the convention applies.

Article 20 (Right of prior use)

(1) The rights of the patent holder under Article 18 of this Act shall have no legal effect on a person who has been using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia in good faith before the date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority or has been making

preparations for such use and who is continuing such use. Such a person retains the right to use the invention but has no right to grant licence or otherwise dispose of the invention.

(2) The right of the person referred to in the preceding paragraph to continue using the invention may only be transferred together with the enterprise or business in which the invention has been used or preparations for its use have been made.

Article 21 (Exhaustion of patent rights)

(1) Patent rights shall not apply to acts concerning a product covered by the patent which are performed in the Republic of Slovenia after that product has been placed on the market in the Republic of Slovenia by the holder of the patent or with the holder’s express consent, unless there are grounds which, under the law of the Republic of Slovenia, would justify the extension of patent rights to such acts.

(2) The exhaustion of patent rights referred to in the preceding paragraph may be extended beyond the territory of the Republic of Slovenia if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 22 (Term of a patent)

(1) Subject to paragraph three of Article 91 and relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the term of a patent shall be 20 years from the date of filing of the application.

(2) Immediately on expiry, the term of a patent may be extended once if a state of war or similar state of emergency is declared, this for the duration of such state or situation but not for more than five years.

(3) Immediately on expiry of the term of the patent, a supplementary protection certificate may be granted in accordance with a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the invention, this once and for no more than five years, if the subject of the patent is a product or a process of manufacturing or using a product that has to undergo an official approval procedure prescribed by an Act before it can be used for commercial purposes.

Article 23 (Term of a short-term patent)

Subject to relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the term of a short-term patent shall be ten years from the date of filing the application.

Section 2 European patent applications and European patents

Article 24 (Application of law)

(1) Unless otherwise provided by the EPC, the provisions of this Act shall apply to patents granted by the EPO in accordance with the EPC (hereinafter: European patents) and

to applications for a European patent filed in accordance with the EPC (hereinafter: European patent applications) where protection in the Republic of Slovenia is sought.

(2) In the event of conflict between the provisions of the EPC and the provisions of this Act, the provisions of the EPC shall apply in respect of European patent applications and European patents.

Article 25 (Filing of European patent applications)

(1) European patent applications, other than divisional applications, may be filed with the Office in any language allowed by paragraphs one and two of Article 14 of the EPC.

(2) Article 17 of this Act shall apply to European patent applications for inventions that may affect the national security in the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 26 (Validity of European patent applications)

(1) A European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia to which a filing date has been accorded shall be equivalent to a national patent application, taking into account any priority claimed for the European patent application, regardless of its later outcome.

(2) A published European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall confer the protection provided under paragraph four of Article 122 of this Act from the date when the applicant notified the person using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia of a Slovenian translation of the patent claims of the published European patent application.

Article 27 (Validity of European patents)

(1) A European patent seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall, subject to paragraphs two and four of this Article, confer the same rights as a national patent granted by the Office under Article 18 of this Act from the date when the EPO publishes the decision on the granting of the patent.

(2) The holder of a European patent must provide the Office with a Slovenian translation of the European patent claims and pay the prescribed fee for publication within three months of the publishing of the decision on the granting of the European patent.

(3) If, as a result of an opposition filed with the EPO, a European patent is maintained with amended claims, the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(4) If claims contain reference codes used in drawings, such drawings shall be attached to the translation referred to in paragraphs two and three of this Article and any text in the drawings shall also be translated.

(5) The Office shall publish any translation filed in accordance with paragraphs two, three or four of this Article.

(6) If the holder of a European patent complies with paragraph two of this Article, the Office shall issue a decision on the entry of the European patent in the Office’s patent register.

(7) If the translation referred to in paragraphs two, three or four of this Article is not filed in due time or the prescribed fee is not paid in due time, the European patent seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia shall be considered invalid.

Article 28 (Authentic texts of European patent applications or European patents)

(1) If a translation referred to in Articles 26 and 27 of this Act provides protection which is narrower than that provided in the language of the proceedings, the translation shall be considered the authentic text, except in opposition proceedings before the EPO.

(2) The applicant for or holder of a European patent may file a corrected translation of claims at any time. The corrected translation shall take legal effect on the date when the Office publishes it or on the date when the applicant for or holder of the European patent notifies the person using the invention in the Republic of Slovenia of the corrected translation.

(3) Any person who is using or has made effective and serious preparations to use the invention in good faith, and such use would not constitute infringement of the application or patent in the original translation, may continue such use in their business and for the needs thereof without payment even after the corrected translation takes effect.

Article 29 (Fees for European patents)

(1) The fees for the maintenance of European patents in the Republic of Slovenia for years following the year in which the decision on the granting of the European patent was published shall be paid to the Office, subject to Articles 109 and 110 of this Act. If the maintenance fee for the third year of the European patent term has not been paid to the EPO, it shall be paid to the Office.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the first maintenance fee for a European patent shall fall due two months after the publication of the decision on the granting of the European patent.

(3) Pursuant to Article 39 of the EPC, a share of fees paid under this Article shall be remitted to the European Patent Organisation.

Article 30 (Conversion into a national patent application)

(1) A European patent application seeking protection in the Republic of Slovenia may be converted into a national patent application, if the European patent application is considered to be withdrawn pursuant to paragraph five of Article 77 of the EPC or because the translation of the application under paragraph two of Article 14 of the EPC has not been filed in due time, as provided by paragraph three of Article 90 of the EPC.

(2) The applicant shall pay the prescribed fee and file a Slovenian translation of the application with the Office within the prescribed time limit.

Article 31 (Simultaneous protection)

If a European patent and a national patent granted to the same person have the same filing date or date of claimed priority, and the national patent applies to the same invention as the European patent, the national patent shall have no legal effect from the date when the time limit for filing an opposition to the European patent expires without an opposition having been filed or from the date when final decision on the validity of the European patent is issued in opposition proceedings.

Section 3 Patent applications under the PCT

Article 32 (Applications under the PCT)

(1) The Office shall act as a receiving Office under the PCT.

(2) The Office shall accept international applications filed by nationals of the Republic of Slovenia or persons with permanent residence or registered office in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

(3) International applications under the PCT shall be filed in English, French or German. They may also be filed in Slovenian if an English, French or German translation is submitted to the Office within the time limit prescribed by the rules and instructions issued to implement the PCT.

(4) The Office shall collect fees in respect of applications under this Article on behalf and for the account of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

(5) The EPO shall be the authority competent for the international searching and preliminary examinations of international applications under the PCT filed with the Office.

(6) A designation or election of the Republic of Slovenia in an international application under point (viii) of Article 2 of the PCT shall be considered as a request for the granting of a European patent having effect in the Republic of Slovenia pursuant to an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.


Section 1 Industrial designs

Article 33 (Subject of industrial design protection)

(1) An industrial design shall be registered for a design that is new and has an individual character.

(2) A design shall mean the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation.

(3) A product shall mean an industrial or handicraft product, including, inter alia, parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbols and typographic typefaces, but excluding computer programs. A complex product shall mean a product composed of multiple components which can be replaced, permitting disassembly and reassembly of the product.

(4) A design relating to a component of a complex product shall only be considered to be new and to have an individual character: a) if the component, once it has been incorporated into the complex product, remains visible

during the normal use of the complex product and b) if the visible features of the component in themselves fulfil the requirements as to novelty

and individual character.

(5) Normal use within the meaning of point a) of the preceding paragraph shall mean the use by the end user, excluding maintenance, servicing or repair.

Article 34 (Novelty and individual character)

(1) A design shall be considered new if no identical design has been made available to the public before the filing date of the industrial design application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. Designs shall be considered identical if their features differ only in immaterial details.

(2) A design shall be considered to have individual character if the overall impression it produces on an informed user differs from the overall impression produced by any other design that has been made available to the public before the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.

(3) In assessing individual character, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design shall be taken into account.

Article 35 (Disclosure of a design)

(1) In applying Article 34 of this Act, a design shall be deemed to have been available to the public if it has been published in registration proceedings or otherwise, exhibited, used in trade or otherwise disclosed before the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, unless these events could not have become known in the normal course of business to the circles specialised in the sector concerned operating within the European Union. A design shall not be deemed to have been available to the public for the sole reason that it has been disclosed to a third party under explicit or implicit conditions of confidentiality.

(2) In applying Article 34 of this Act, a disclosure shall not be taken into account if a design for which industrial design protection is sought has been made available to the public in the European Union: a) as a result of information provided or action taken by the designer, their successor in title

or a third party and

b) during the 12-month period preceding the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.

(3) The preceding paragraph shall also apply if the design has been made available to the public as a consequence of an abuse in relation to the designer or their successor in title.

Article 36 (Refusal of an industrial design)

(1) A design may not be registered as an industrial design if: a) it is not in accordance with paragraph two of Article 33 of this Act; b) it does not meet the conditions referred to in paragraph one or four of Article 33 or Articles

34 or 35 of this Act or is in conflict with an industrial design having effect in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of an application with an earlier filing date;

c) it must be refused pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, last revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], Nos 5/74 and 7/86; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Paris Convention) because an authorisation of the competent authorities has not been issued;

d) it includes or imitates badges, emblems or escutcheons, other than those covered by Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, that are of particular public interest, unless the competent authorities have given consent to the registration thereof;

e) it is contrary to public order or morality.

(2) An industrial design may not be registered for the features of appearance of a product that are solely dictated by its technical function.

(3) An industrial design may not be registered for the features of appearance of a product that must be reproduced in their exact form and dimensions in order to allow the product to which the design relates to be mechanically connected to or placed in, around or against another product so that each product can perform its function.

(4) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a design allowing multiple assembly or connection of mutually interchangeable products within a modular system may be registered as an industrial design under the conditions set out in Article 34 of this Act.

Article 37 (Industrial design rights)

(1) The holder of an industrial design shall have the exclusive right to use it and to prevent any third party not having their consent from using it. The aforementioned use shall cover, in particular, the making, offering, placing on the market, importing, exporting or using the product to which the design relates, or stocking such a product for such purposes.

(2) The scope of protection shall include any design that does not produce a different overall impression on an informed user. In assessing the scope of protection, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design shall be taken into account.

(3) The rights referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall not apply to: a) the importation of spare parts and accessories for the purpose of repairing a ship or aircraft

temporarily entering the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the execution of repairs on

such a ship or aircraft, and mutatis mutandis the acts referred to in Article 19 of this Act, with the exception of point c);

b) acts of reproduction for the purposes of citing or teaching, provided that such acts are in accordance with good business practice and do not unduly harm the normal exploitation of the design, and that the source is acknowledged.

(4) Any third person may exercise the right of prior use of an industrial design. The provisions of Article 20 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to such cases.

Article 38 (Exhaustion of industrial design rights)

(1) Industrial design rights shall not apply to acts related to a product to which the design which is the subject of industrial design relates if the product has been placed on the market in the Republic of Slovenia by the holder of the industrial design or with the holder's consent.

(2) The exhaustion of industrial design rights under the preceding paragraph may be extended beyond the territory of the Republic of Slovenia if this is in accordance with an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 39 (Other forms of industrial design protection)

(1) The provisions of this Act concerning industrial designs shall be without prejudice to the provisions of other acts concerning unregistered industrial designs, trade marks or other distinctive signs, patents, utility models or marks, civil liability, or unfair competition.

(2) An industrial design may be the subject of copyright protection from the date when the design was created or fixed in any form if it fulfils the conditions under which such protection is granted under the Act governing copyright and related rights.

Article 40 (Term of an industrial design)

(1) The term of an industrial design shall be one or several five-year periods from the date of filing of the application.

(2) Subject to the relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the holder of an industrial design may renew the industrial design for one or more five-year periods, up to a total of 25 years from the date of filing of the application.

(3) If an industrial design relates to more than one product, it may be renewed, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, as a whole or in a limited scope only for some products.

Section 2 International deposit of industrial designs

Article 41 (Requests under the Hague Agreement)

(1) Requests under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs of 28 November 1960, as completed on 14 July 1967 and amended on 28 September 1979 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 20/94; hereinafter: the Hague Agreement), shall be filed, in accordance with the Hague Agreement and rules and instructions issued to implement it, directly with the International Bureau.

(2) In accordance with Article 8 of the Hague Agreement, the provisions of this Act, with the exception of paragraph two of Article 96 thereof, shall apply mutatis mutandis to requests under the Hague Agreement seeking protection of an industrial design in the Republic of Slovenia.

Chapter Four TRADE MARKS

Section 1 Trade marks and collective marks

Article 42 (Subject of trade mark protection)

(1) A trade mark may consist of any signs, in particular words, including personal names, or images, letters, numerals, colours, the shape of a good or its packaging, or sounds, provided that: a) such signs make the goods or services of an undertaking distinguishable from those of

other undertakings and b) such signs can be represented in the register in a manner which enables the Office and

other competent authorities and the public to clearly and precisely determine the subject of protection afforded to its holder.

(2) In assessing whether a sign may be registered as a trade mark, all actual circumstances, in particular the duration of its use, shall be taken into account.

(3) The nature of the goods or services on which a trade mark is to be used shall in no way hinder the registration of the trade mark.

Article 43 (Absolute grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) A sign shall not be registered as a trade mark if: a) it cannot constitute a trade mark; b) it is devoid of any distinctive character; c) in trade, it serves solely to designate the type, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value,

geographical origin or time of production of the goods or provision of the service or other characteristics of the goods or services;

d) it consists solely of signs or indications which have become customary in the current language or in the bona fide and established trade practices;

e) it consists solely of the shape or other characteristic that results from the nature of the goods themselves, is necessary to obtain a technical effect, or gives substantial value to the goods;

f) it is contrary to public order or morality;

g) it deceives the public, in particular as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services;

h) it has not been authorised by the competent authorities and must be refused pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention;

i) it includes or imitates badges, emblems or escutcheons, other than those covered by Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, that are of particular public interest, unless the competent authorities have given consent to the registration thereof;

j) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or with international treaties to which the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union are parties which provide protection for designations of origin and geographical indications;

k) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the European Union or with international treaties to which the European Union is party which provide protection for traditional terms for wine;

l) it is excluded from the registration in accordance with the legislation of the European Union or with international treaties to which the European Union is party which provide protection for traditional specialities guaranteed;

m) it consists of a plant variety name that has been previously registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or with international treaties to which the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union are parties which provide protection for plant variety rights and relates to plant varieties of the same or closely related species or contains the essential elements of such a name.

(2) Notwithstanding points b), c) and d) of the preceding paragraph, a trade mark registration shall not be refused if through use the sign has acquired a distinctive character before the date of filing of the application.

Article 44 (Relative grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) If an opposition has been filed in accordance with Article 101 of this Act, a trade mark shall not be registered in respect of a sign: a) that is identical to the sign of an earlier trade mark and the goods or services for which the

trade mark is applied for are identical to the goods or services for which the earlier trade mark is protected;

b) whose identity or similarity to the sign of an earlier trade mark, and the identity or similarity of the goods or services on which the sign and the trade mark are to be used, lead to the possibility of confusion among the public, which includes the possibility of association with the earlier trade mark;

c) that is identical to the sign of an earlier trade mark, regardless of whether the goods or services for which the trade mark is applied for are identical or similar to the goods or services for which the earlier trade mark is protected if the earlier trade mark has a reputation in the Republic of Slovenia and the use of the later trade mark without due cause would take unfair advantage of or be detrimental to the distinctive character or the reputation of the earlier trade mark;

d) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of the right to an unregistered sign used in trade that was obtained before the filing date of the trade mark application or the date of priority if priority is claimed;

e) that an agent or representative of the holder of the trade mark has registered as a trade mark in their own name without the holder’s consent, unless the agent or representative justifies their action;

f) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of a registered designation of origin or geographical indication for which an application has been filed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union concerning the protection of designations of

origin or geographical indications before the filing date of the trade mark application or the date of priority if priority is claimed;

g) if its use may be prohibited on the basis of an earlier right to a name, personal portrayal, copyright or other industrial property right, unless the holder of the earlier right has given express consent to the registration of such a trade mark.

(2) An earlier trade mark shall mean: a) a trade mark that was registered in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a national

application before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

b) a European Union trade mark (hereinafter: EU trade mark) that was registered before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

c) a trade mark that was registered on the basis of international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority;

d) trade mark applications referred to in points a), b) and c) of this paragraph that were filed before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, provided they are registered;

e) an unregistered sign that, on the filing date of the trade mark application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority, is a known trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia under Article 6bis of the Paris Convention.

Article 45 (Collective marks)

(1) A collective mark shall mean a trade mark that is described as such upon the filing of the application and whose sign allows distinguishing the goods or services of the members of the holder of such mark from the goods or services of other undertakings.

(2) An applicant for or holder of a collective mark may be a legal entity acting as an association of manufacturers, producers, suppliers of services or traders or a legal entity under public law.

(3) The members of a collective mark holder may use the collective mark in accordance with the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(4) The provisions of this Act shall apply to the acquisition of collective marks, unless otherwise provided by this Act. Notwithstanding point c) of paragraph one of Article 43 of this Act, a sign indicating the geographical origin of goods or services may be registered as a collective mark.

Article 46 (Regulations on a collective mark)

(1) An applicant for a collective mark must enclose with the application the regulations on the collective mark.

(2) The regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include at least: a) the name and registered office of the applicant; b) the applicant’s business and information on whom it officially and statutorily represents; c) the conditions of membership; d) conditions for the use of the collective mark;

e) information on the group of persons entitled to use the collective mark; f) provisions concerning the rights and obligations of the members in the event of

infringement of the collective mark rights.

(3) An applicant for or a holder of a collective mark shall notify the Office of any amendments to the regulations and submit a clean copy thereof. The Office shall make an entry in the register on the amendment to the regulations, unless the amended regulations do not fulfil the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph or any of the grounds referred to in Article 46a of this Act exist. An amendment to the regulations takes effect on the date of entry of the amendment in the register.

(4) The regulations shall be public and any person shall be allowed access to them.

Article 46a (Grounds for collective mark refusal)

(1) A collective mark shall not be registered if any of the grounds referred to in Articles 42, 43 or 44 of this Act exist and also if: a) it fails to meet the conditions referred to in Articles 45 and 46 of this Act; b) it could mislead the public as to its character or significance, particularly if it is likely to be

taken to be something other than a collective mark; c) regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act are contrary to public order or morality.

(2) Notwithstanding point c) of the preceding paragraph, the registration of a collective mark shall not be refused if the applicant remedies the established deficiencies by amending the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

Article 47 (Trade mark rights)

(1) A trade mark shall confer on the holder exclusive right to use the trade mark and other exclusive rights under this Act. Without prejudice to the holder’s rights that have been acquired before the filing date of the trade mark application or priority date, the holder of a trade mark has the right to prevent third parties not having the holder’s consent from using in trade in relation to goods or services any sign: a) that is identical to the trade mark on the same goods or services as those covered by the

trade mark; b) whose identity or similarity to the trade mark, and the identity or similarity of the goods or

services covered by the trade mark and the sign, lead to the possibility of confusion among the public, which includes the possibility of association between the sign and the trade mark;

c) that is identical to the trade mark, regardless of whether the goods or services are identical or similar to the goods or services covered by the trade mark, if the trade mark has a reputation in the Republic of Slovenia and the use of such a sign without due cause would take unfair advantage of or be detrimental to the distinctive character or the reputation of the trade mark.

(2) The right referred to in the preceding paragraph to prevent third parties from using a sign shall include in particular the prohibition against: a) affixing the sign to goods or their packaging; b) offering goods bearing the sign, placing such goods on the market or stocking them for

these purposes or offering or supplying services under the sign; c) importing or exporting goods under the sign;

d) using the sign on business documents and in advertising; e) using the sign as a trade name or company name or a part of trade name or company

name; f) using the sign in comparative advertising in a manner contrary to the legislation of the

Republic of Slovenia or the European Union concerning misleading and comparative advertising.

(3) Without prejudice to the holder’s rights acquired before the filing date of the trade mark application or priority date, the holder of a trade mark has the right to prevent third parties from bringing goods, in the course of trade, into the Republic of Slovenia, without the goods being released for free circulation, if such goods, including the packaging thereof, come from countries that are not members of the European Union or European Economic Area and bear, without the authorisation of the trade mark holder, a sign that is identical to the trade mark registered for such goods or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from that trade mark.

(4) A trade mark holder shall no longer have the right referred to in the preceding paragraph if, during infringement proceedings initiated in accordance with the legislation of the European Union concerning customs measures relating to infringements of intellectual property rights, the declarant or holder of the goods proves that the holder of the trade mark has no right to prohibit the placing of the goods on the market in the country of final destination.

Article 47a (Prohibition of preparatory acts related to packaging or other means)

If there is a risk that the packaging, labels, tags, security or authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which a trade mark is affixed could be used in relation to goods or services and that use would infringe on the rights of the holder of a trade mark referred to in paragraphs one or two of Article 47 of this Act, the holder of that trade mark shall have the right to prohibit the following acts if carried out in the course of trade: a) affixing a sign identical or similar to the trade mark on packaging, labels, tags, security or

authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which the trade mark may be affixed;

b) offering or placing on the market, stocking for these purposes, or importing or exporting packaging, labels, tags, security or authenticity features or devices, or any other means to which the trade mark is affixed.

Article 48 (Limitation of trade mark rights)

(1) The holder of a trade mark may not prohibit a third party from using in the course of trade and in accordance with good business practice: a) their own name or address; b) signs or indications that are not distinctive or indications concerning the type, quality,

quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or the time of production of goods or provision of service, or other characteristics of goods or services;

c) the trade mark for the purpose of identifying or referring to goods or services as those of the holder of the trade mark concerned, in particular if the use of the trade mark is necessary to indicate the intended purpose of a product or service, in particular with regard to accessories or spare parts;

d) any sign that is identical or similar to the trade mark, if the third party started to use it in good faith before the filing date of the application or the date of priority if priority is claimed in the application.

(2) A trade mark shall not give the holder the right to prohibit a third party from using, in the course of trade, an earlier right which only applies in a particular area if the earlier right is recognised in the Republic of Slovenia and the use is within the limits of the territory in which it is recognised.

Article 49 (Limitation of collective mark rights)

(1) A collective mark indicating the geographical origin of goods shall not give the holder the right to prohibit a third party from using such a sign in the course of trade if they use it in accordance with good business practice or to prohibit the use of the geographical origin by a third party entitled to the use thereof.

(2) The holder of a collective mark indicating the geographical origin of goods or services shall enable any person whose goods or services originate in the geographical area concerned and meet the conditions for the use of a collective mark laid down by the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act to become a member of the holder of the collective mark.

Article 50 (Exhaustion of trade mark rights)

(1) A trade mark shall not give the holder the right to prohibit its use in relation to the goods that have been placed on the market in the European Economic Area by the holder or with the holder’s consent.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall not apply if valid reasons exist for the holder to oppose further commercialisation of the goods, especially if the condition of the goods has changed or deteriorated after they have been placed on the market.

Article 51 (Reproduction of trade marks in dictionaries)

If the reproduction of a trade mark in a dictionary, encyclopaedia or similar publication gives the impression that it constitutes the generic name of the goods or services for which the sign is registered, the publisher of the work shall, at the request of the holder of the trade mark, ensure that, at the latest in the next edition of the publication, the reproduction of the trade mark is accompanied by an indication that it is a trade mark. If the work is in electronic form, the publisher shall ensure this immediately.

Article 52 (Term of a trade mark)

(1) The term of a trade mark shall be ten years from the filing date of the application.

(2) Subject to the relevant provisions of Article 109 of this Act, the holder of a trade mark or any person authorised to do so by an Act or contract may renew the trade mark for another ten years, counting from the filing date of the application, an unlimited number of times.

(3) A trade mark may be renewed in accordance with the preceding paragraph for all goods or services or in a limited scope for only some goods or services.

Article 52a (Prohibition of the use or transfer of a trade mark registered in the name of an agent or


(1) If a trade mark has been registered in the name of the agent or representative of the trade mark holder without the holder’s consent, the trade mark holder has the right to request that their agent or representative be prohibited from using the trade mark and that the trade mark be transferred to them.

(2) The trade mark holder shall not have the right referred to in the preceding paragraph if the agent or representative justifies their action.

Article 52b (Use of a trade mark)

(1) If, within a period of five years following the date of the entry of the trade mark in the register, the holder has not put the trade mark to genuine use in the Republic of Slovenia on the goods or services for which it is registered, or if such use has been interrupted in the period of five consecutive years, the trade mark shall be subject to the limitations and sanctions referred to in Articles 52c, 102a, 120 and 122a of this Act, unless justified reasons exist for non-use.

(2) The following shall also be considered as the use of a trade mark: a) the use of a trade mark in a form differing from the form in which it has been registered in

elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the trade mark, regardless of whether the trade mark has been registered in the name of the holder of the trade mark in the form in which it is used;

b) the affixing of a trade mark to goods or the packaging thereof in the Republic of Slovenia solely for export purposes.

(3) It shall be considered that the holder uses a trade mark if it is used with their consent.

(4) A collective mark shall be considered to be used by the holder if it is used by at least one person entitled to use it.

Article 52c (Non-use as defence in invalidation proceedings)

(1) A holder of a later trade mark whose invalidation is requested by the holder of an earlier trade mark may request that the holder of the earlier trade mark provide evidence that, during the five-year period preceding the date of the application for invalidity, they had genuinely used their trade mark that is subject to the application for invalidity, in accordance with Article 52b of this Act, on the goods or services for which it is registered, or that there are justified reasons for non-use, provided that the earlier trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the application for the later trade mark to be declared invalid.

(2) If on the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or on the date of priority, the five-year period within which the holder of the earlier trade mark should have put it to genuine use in accordance with Article 52b of this Act had expired, the holder of the earlier trade mark shall, in addition to the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph, provide evidence that they had put the trade mark to genuine use during the five-year period preceding

the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or the date of priority, or that justified reasons for non-use existed.

(3) If the holder of the earlier trade mark fails to prove, at the request of the holder of the later trade mark, the existence of circumstances referred to in paragraphs one and two of this Article, the application for the later trade mark to be declared invalid on the basis of an earlier trade mark shall be rejected.

(4) If the earlier trade mark has only been used on some of the goods or services for which it is registered, it shall, for the purpose of the examination of the merits of the application for invalidity, be considered to only be registered for such goods or services.

Article 52d (Cessation of right to apply for invalidity of a trade mark)

(1) If, in a period of five consecutive years, the holder of an earlier trade mark has not opposed the use of the later trade mark while being aware of such use, they shall no longer have the right to apply, on the basis of their earlier trade mark, for the later trade mark to be declared invalid for the goods or services on which the later trade mark is being used, unless the later trade mark has not been applied for in good faith.

(2) The holder of the later trade mark shall prove that they have used their trade mark for at least five consecutive years and that the holder of the earlier trade mark was aware of this use.

(3) In the case referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the holder of the later trade mark shall no longer have the right to oppose the use of the earlier trade mark even though the earlier trade mark may no longer be invoked against the later trade mark.

Article 52e (Distinctive character and declaration of trade mark invalidity)

(1) A trade mark shall not be declared invalid under points b), c) or d) of paragraph one of Article 43 of this Act if through use it has acquired a distinctive character before the filing date of the application for invalidity.

(2) An application based on an earlier trade mark for a later trade mark to be declared invalid shall not be granted on the filing date of the application for invalidity if such an application would not have been granted on the filing date of the application for the later trade mark or the date of priority for the following reasons: a) the earlier trade mark can be declared invalid under points b), c) or d) of paragraph one of

Article 43 of this Act, as it has not yet acquired a distinctive character; b) the application for invalidity is based on point b) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act

and the earlier trade mark has not yet become sufficiently distinctive to support the claim of the likelihood of confusion under point b) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act; or

c) the application for invalidity is based on point c) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act and the earlier trade mark has not yet acquired a reputation within the meaning of point c) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

Article 52f (Subsequent establishment of invalidity or revocation of a trade mark)

If seniority of an earlier trade mark registered on the basis of a national application or international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia which the holder has surrendered or allowed to lapse is claimed for an EU trade mark, the invalidity or revocation of the trade mark which serves as providing the basis for the seniority claim may also be established after its expiry if the invalidity or revocation of the trade mark could have been established at the time the holder surrendered it or allowed it to lapse. In such a case, the seniority of the earlier trade mark shall cease to have effect.

Section 2 International registration of trade marks

Article 53 (Filing of application with the Office)

(1) The Office shall accept applications under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of 14 April 1891 as last revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 2/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Madrid Agreement) and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks of 27 June 1997 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 21/97; hereinafter: the Madrid Protocol).

(2) A corresponding fee shall be paid upon filing the application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid within this time limit, the application shall be considered to be withdrawn.

(3) The application for international registration of a trade mark shall be accompanied by a list of goods or services in a language as prescribed by the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol and the rules and instructions for their implementation.

(4) If the application is not drawn up in accordance with the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol, the rules and instructions for their implementation, this Act and implementing regulations, the Office shall invite the applicant to amend the application accordingly within three months of the service of the invitation. If the applicant fails to amend the application within this time limit, the application shall be considered to be withdrawn.

(5) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of the application referred to in paragraph one of this Article and procedures relating thereto.

Article 54 (Examination of international trade marks)

(1) In accordance with Article 5 of the Madrid Agreement or Article 5 of the Madrid Protocol, the provisions of this Act, with the exception of Article 103 thereof, shall apply mutatis mutandis to applications under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol seeking trade mark protection in the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) The publication of information on the international registration of a trade mark in the journal of the International Bureau shall be considered as the publication of the trade mark application in the Republic of Slovenia.

(3) If the holder of the trade mark for which protection is sought in the Republic of Slovenia under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol does not state their position on the intended refusal of the protection of the trade mark, their having been notified in accordance with Article 5 of the Madrid Agreement or Article 5 of the Madrid Protocol, the Office shall, notwithstanding paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act, serve the decision by mail directly to the holder of the trade mark.

Article 54a (Use of international trade marks)

(1) With regard to trade marks registered pursuant to international treaties that are binding on the Republic of Slovenia, the period of five years referred to in Article 52b of this Act shall run from the date when the Office’s statement on the recognition of protection of an internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia is published in the journal of the International Bureau.

(2) If, after the expiry of one year from the date of notification of the International Bureau of the application for the protection of an internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia, the Office has not notified the International Bureau of the temporary refusal of protection of the internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia or has not sent to the International Bureau a statement on the recognition of the protection of the internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia, the period of five years referred to in Article 52b of this Act shall run from the first day following the expiry of a period of one year from the date of notification of the International Bureau of the application for the protection of internationally registered trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia.


Article 55 (Subject of registered geographical indication protection)

(1) Geographical indications that may be registered shall be indications which identify a good as originating in a certain territory, or a region or a place in that territory, if the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good depends to a significant extent on its geographical origin.

(2) The name of a good that has become generally known through long-term use in the course of trade as the name indicating that the good originates in a specific place or region may also be registered as a geographical indication.

(3) Geographical indications related to a good of special historic or cultural importance may be protected directly by a decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

(4) Geographical indications for agricultural products and food products and for wine and other grape and wine products may not be registered as geographical indications under this Act.

Article 56 (Grounds for refusing the registration of a geographical indication)

A geographical indication may not be registered if: a) it indicates or suggests that the good in question originates in a geographical area other

than its true place of origin in a manner which misleads the public as to the geographical origin of the good;

b) although literally true as to the territory, region or place in which the good originates, it falsely represents to the public that the good originates in another region;

c) it has become generally known through long-term use in the course of trade as a designation for a specific type of good;

d) due to the indication’s reputation and renown and the duration of its use, registration could mislead the consumer as to the true identity of the product.

Article 57 (Protection of a registered geographical indication from general use)

Registered geographical indications may not be converted into generic or commonly known names that could be freely used in trade.

Article 58 (Registered geographical indication rights)

(1) A registered geographical indication is a collective right and may be used in trade by persons who, in accordance with the specification referred to in paragraph two of Article 104 of this Act, produce or place on the market goods protected by the geographical indication.

(2) A registered geographical indication may not be used by persons not entitled to do so.

(3) The use of a registered geographical indication shall be prohibited if the goods do not originate in the place indicated by the geographical indication even if the true origin of the goods is indicated or if the geographical indication is used in translation or accompanied by expressions such as "kind", "type", "style", "imitation" or the like.

Article 59 (Limitation of registered geographical indication rights)

(1) A trade mark that is identical or similar to a registered geographical indication may not be revoked nor its use prohibited if it has been applied for or registered in good faith or if has been acquired through use in good faith before the geographical indication was registered.

(2) A registered geographical indication shall not exclude the right of any person to use in trade their own name or the name of their predecessor in business, except if the name is used in such a manner as to mislead the public.

Article 60 (Term of a registered geographical indication)

The term of a registered geographical indication shall be unlimited.


Article 61 (Union right of priority)

(1) Any person who has duly filed the first application for a patent, industrial design or trade mark in a member country of the Union established under the Paris Convention (hereinafter: the Paris Union) or of the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter: the WTO) shall have the right of priority upon filing an application in the Republic of Slovenia. The time limit for exercising the right of priority shall for patents be 12 months and for industrial designs and trade marks six months from the filing date of the first application.

(2) When filing an application in the Republic of Slovenia, a person claiming the right of priority referred to in the preceding paragraph shall indicate the date of the claimed priority. Within three months of the filing of the application, the number and country or office of the first application shall be communicated to the Office. If the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the priority shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

(3) At the request of the Office or, in case of dispute, at the request of the court, the person claiming the right of priority shall submit a copy of the first application, certified by the competent authority in the member country of the Paris Union or the WTO in which the first application was filed. A copy of the first application may not be required before the expiry of 16 months from the filing date of the first application.

(4) If the copy of the first application referred to in the preceding paragraph is not in Slovenian and the validity of the claimed priority is relevant to determine whether the invention concerned is patentable, the Office or, in case of dispute, the court may request that the person claiming priority submit a Slovenian translation of the first application within three months of the service of the request.

(5) An applicant may claim multiple priorities based on several previous applications filed in one or several countries.

(6) An applicant may claim the right of priority in a patent application on the basis of a utility model application.

(7) On request and against payment of the fee prescribed by the Act governing administrative fees, the Office shall issue a priority right certificate. The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of a priority right certificate and the procedure for the issuing thereof.

Article 62 (Exhibition priority right)

(1) A person who displays an invention or the design of a product or part thereof or uses a sign for marking goods or services at an official or officially recognised international exhibition under the Convention relating to International Exhibitions, signed on 22 November 1928 and last revised on 30 November 1972, in the Republic of Slovenia or other member country of the Paris Union or the WTO, may, within three months of the closing of the exhibition, claim in their application the right of priority as of the first day of the display of the invention or the design of a product or part thereof or of the use of the sign.

(2) When filing the application in the Republic of Slovenia, a person claiming the right of priority referred to in the preceding paragraph must provide information on the type of exhibition, the place where it was held, the opening and closing dates, and the first day of display or use and submit a written certificate of a competent authority in the member country

of the Paris Union or the WTO that the exhibition was an official or officially recognised international exhibition. If the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the priority shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

(3) The claiming of priority under paragraph one of this Article shall not extend the time limit for claiming the union right of priority referred to in paragraph one of Article 61 of this Act.

Article 63 (Amendment of a priority claim)

(1) An applicant may request a priority claim in a patent application to be amended within 16 months of the date of priority claimed or the amended date of priority claimed, if the amendment would result in a change in the date of priority, provided that such a request is filed within four months of the filing date of the patent application.

(2) When filing the request, the applicant shall pay a fee, otherwise the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) If an applicant has requested publication under paragraph two of Article 89 of this Act and subsequently also filed a request referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the request referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall be deemed not to have been filed, unless the applicant withdraws the request under paragraph two of Article 89 of this Act before the technical preparations for publication of the application are completed.

(4) If the amendment of a priority claim results in a change in the date of priority, the time limits shall start to run from the amended date of priority claimed.

Article 64 (Establishment of priority right)

(1) If the filing date of a patent application in which the priority of the first application could be claimed is later than the last date of the time limit for claiming priority, but not by more than two months, the applicant may request the establishment of priority right if they were not able to file the application within the time limit referred to in paragraph one of Article 61 of this Act despite taking all due care considering the circumstances.

(2) The applicant must file the request for the establishment of priority right within two months of the last date of the time limit for claiming priority and before technical preparations for publication of the application are completed. When filing the request, the applicant shall pay a fee, otherwise the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 65 (Prohibition to extend the scope of an application)

(1) After the filing date, the subject matter of a patent application may not be extended beyond the subject matter of the application initially accepted.

(2) After the filing date of an industrial design application, the appearance of the product or part thereof may not be substantially modified or the number of products increased.

(3) After the filing date of a trade mark application, the sign may not be substantially modified or the original number of goods or services increased.

Article 66 (Extension of time limits)

(1) Before a time limit under this Act expires, the applicant or holder may once request for it to be extended by three months.

(2) The time limits for filing an action and time limits referred to in paragraph one of Article 13, paragraph two of Article 27, paragraph two of Article 35, paragraph one of Article 61, paragraph one of Article 62, paragraph one of Article 63, paragraph two of Article 64, paragraph two of Article 67, paragraph two of Article 68, paragraph three of Article 80, paragraph three of Article 86, paragraph one of Article 91, paragraph three of Article 92, paragraphs two and three of Article 94, paragraphs one and four of Article 101, Article 109, Article 110, paragraph one of Article 117, paragraph two of Article 130, and paragraph two of Article 137 shall not be extendable.

Article 67 (Continuation of proceedings after missed time limit)

(1) An applicant who has missed a time limit for the fulfilment of the obligations required in the proceedings for the acquisition of a right may request that the missed time limit be deemed to have been complied with, that the legal consequences of missed time limit be waived and that the Office continues the proceedings concerning the acquisition of the right.

(2) The request for the continuation of proceedings shall be filed within two months counting from the date when the reasons for which the applicant missed the deadline ceased to exist, or, if the applicant only later learned that the time limit was missed, from the date when the they learned about it but not later than six months from the day the time limit was missed. When filing the request, the applicant shall complete the omitted act and pay a fee for the continuation of proceedings. If the omitted act is not completed or if the fee for the continuation of proceedings is not paid in the aforementioned time limit, the request shall be deemed not to have been filed.

(3) The continuation of proceedings may not be requested if the missed time limit is the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph or the time limit for filing an opposition or action, or if a request for restitution, a request for the amendment of a priority claim or a request for the establishment of priority right has been filed.

(4) If the Office grants a request for the continuation of proceedings, paragraphs six or seven of Article 68 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 68 (Restitution)

(1) In proceedings before the Office, a party may request restitution on justified grounds if, despite taking all due care considering the circumstances, they were unable to fulfil in due time the obligations required by the Office in accordance with this Act and the implementing regulations issued pursuant to this Act, and this resulted in any of their applications being considered withdrawn or being rejected or refused or the right lapsing.

(2) The request for restitution shall be filed within three months counting from the date when the reasons for which the party missed the deadline ceased to exist or, if the party only later learned that the time limit was missed, from the date when the they learned about it. When filing the request, the omitted act shall be completed and a fee shall be paid. If the

omitted act is not completed or the fee not paid on filing the request, the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) The Office may not refuse the request for restitution, wholly or partly, without previously notifying the party in writing of the reasons for the intended total or partial refusal and without inviting the party to, within three months from the service of the invitation, state their position on the reasons for refusal.

(4) After the expiry of one year from the date of a missed time limit, a request for restitution may no longer be filed.

(5) A restitution may not be requested for missing the time limit for filing a request for restitution, a request for the continuation of proceedings, an opposition or action, a priority right claim and the copy of the first application, a request for amending a priority claim, or a request for the establishment of priority right.

(6) Any person who in good faith has used or made effective and serious preparations for using an invention or an industrial design that is the subject of a published application may, without compensation, continue such use in the course of their business or for the needs thereof during the period between the loss of the right under paragraph one of this Article and the publication of the notice of restitution of this right.

(7) If an applicant for or holder of a trade mark has restored their right to the trade mark by restitution, they may not exercise their right against any person who has in good faith placed goods on the market or supplied services under a sign that is identical or similar to the trade mark concerned during the period between the loss of the right under paragraph one of this Article and the publication of the notice of the restitution of the right.

Article 69 (Withdrawal of a request)

(1) A party to proceedings before the Office may withdraw their application at any time during the proceedings.

(2) An application is deemed to be withdrawn as of the date when the Office receives the request for its withdrawal.

(3) On the basis of the request for application withdrawal, the Office shall issue a decision on the closure of the proceedings.

(4) If an applicant withdraws a patent application after technical preparations for the publication of this application have been completed and the application published, the publication of the application shall not be deemed to form part of the state of the art under Article 12 of this Act.

Article 70 (Notification of the applicant before the refusal of a right)

(1) The Office may not issue a decision on the refusal or partial refusal of a request for the granting or registration of a right without previously informing the applicant in writing of the reasons for not being able to grant or register the right or not being able to grant or register the right in the requested scope and without inviting the applicant to, within three months of the service of the invitation, state their position on the reasons for refusal or amend the filed request.

(2) If the applicant states their position on the reasons for the total or partial refusal of their request or amends their request, the Office shall, before issuing a decision, verify whether the reasons for the total or partial refusal of the request for the granting or registration of the right still exist.

Article 71 (Administrative dispute)

There shall be no appeal against a decision of the Office; however, an action in the administrative dispute may be filed with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana. The court shall decide on the case at its seat in Ljubljana.

Article 72 (Procedure concerning actions)

(1) The court shall immediately notify the Office of the receipt of an action under this Act and of its final decision. The court shall send its judgement, together with the confirmation that it is final, to the Office for execution.

(2) The Office shall issue a decision by which it executes the court decision.

(3) Procedures concerning actions under this Act shall be expedited. The court shall consider the actions under this Act as a priority.

(4) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall not apply to disputes concerning the infringement of rights.

Article 73 (Inventor, designer)

(1) In the proceedings for the granting of a patent, the inventor referred to as such in the application shall be deemed to be the inventor, unless otherwise decided by the court.

(2) Paragraph one of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the designer of a design.

(3) The Office shall not verify the accuracy of information on the inventor or designer.

Article 74 (Holder of a right)

(1) Patents shall be granted and industrial designs or trade marks registered in the name of the person who is designated as the applicant upon the granting or registration.

(2) If several persons are designated as applicants, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis. The Office shall not determine mutual relations among the persons designated as applicants.

Article 75 (Transfer of rights)

(1) The holder of a patent, industrial design or trade mark may transfer their right, wholly or partly, by a contract, separately from the transfer of the undertaking.

(2) A transfer of an undertaking as a whole agreed by a contract shall include the transfer of patents, industrial designs and/or trade marks of this undertaking, unless otherwise agreed or clearly indicated by the circumstances.

(3) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the applicants and applications for patents, industrial designs and trade marks.

(4) A collective mark may only be transferred to a person meeting the conditions referred to in paragraph two of Article 45 of this Act.

(5) A transfer of a geographical indication to another person shall not be permitted.

Article 75a (Real rights)

(1) A patent, industrial design or trade mark may be given as security or be the subject of real rights separately from the undertaking.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

Article 75b (Enforcement)

(1) Patents, industrial designs and trade marks may be subject to enforcement.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

Article 75c (Licences)

(1) Patents, industrial designs and trade marks may be licensed, wholly or partly, for the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia or a part thereof. A licence may be exclusive or non-exclusive.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to patent, industrial design and trade mark applications.

(3) A holder of a trade mark may exercise the trade mark rights against a licensee who acts contrary to a provision of the licence agreement with regard to: a) its duration; b) the form covered by the registration in which the trade mark may be used; c) the scope of the goods or services for which the licence is granted; d) the territory in which the trade mark may be used; or e) the quality of the goods manufactured or services provided by the licensee.

(4) Collective marks and geographical indications may not be the subject of a licence agreement.

Article 76 (Date of the acquisition of a right)

(1) Subject to paragraph two of this Article, the rights referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 and 58 of this Act shall be acquired on the date of their entry in the relevant register.

(2) Subject to Article 122 of this Act, the right referred to in paragraph one of Article 18 of this Act may not be enforced by an action under Article 121 of this Act for infringement of a patent before the date of the issue of a declaratory decision under point a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act or before the date of the entry of a European patent in the Office’s register.

Article 77 (Lapse)

The granted or registered rights shall lapse before the time limits laid down in Articles 22, 23, 40 and 52 of this Act: a) if the holder surrenders their right – on the day following the receipt of the surrender

application by the Office; b) if the prescribed fees are not paid in accordance with this Act; c) pursuant to a final decision of the court or a decision of the Office in the cases provided by

this Act – on the date specified in such a decision.

Article 78 (Correction of errors)

(1) The Office may at any time, ex officio or on request, correct errors in names, dates and numbers and other obvious errors in its acts, published documents and registers.

(2) Corrections of errors in published documents shall be published in the official journal.


Section 1 Filing of applications and formalities examination

Article 79 (Elements of an application)

(1) An application shall contain a statement to the effect that the acquisition of a specific right is requested and: a) for patents – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 86 of this Act; b) for industrial designs – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 94 of this Act; c) for trade marks – all the elements listed in paragraph one of Article 97 of this Act and for

collective marks also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(2) The application shall also contain: a) a power of attorney if the application is filed by a representative;

b) the Slovenian translation of the application if the application was originally filed in a foreign language in accordance with paragraph two of Article 81 of this Act;

c) the receipt of payment of the full amount of the application fee.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of implementing regulations, determine in greater detail the content of applications and the procedures for granting patents and registering industrial designs and trade marks.

Article 80 (Form of applications and the method of filing)

(1) An application for the acquisition of a right shall, in terms of form and content, comply with this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act and shall contain all the information required. The application shall be legible and submitted so that its content can be clearly and suitably reproduced.

(2) The application shall be filed in writing, by hand or post, or by fax or other electronic means. The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the method of filing applications by other electronic means.

(3) If an application which has been filed by fax or other electronic means is not legible or cannot be clearly and suitably reproduced, the Office shall invite the applicant to submit a new copy of the application in writing within three months of the service of the invitation. If the Office does not receive the requested copy of the application within this time limit, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(4) An application fee shall be paid upon filing an application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid in full in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 81 (Language of applications)

(1) Applications shall be filed in Slovenian, unless otherwise provided by this Act or an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) An application may be filed in a foreign language, provided that it includes at least the indication of the right requested and the information allowing the Office to contact the applicant in Slovenian or in one of the official languages of the EPC, the Madrid Agreement, the Madrid Protocol or the Hague Agreement.

(3) If an application is filed in a foreign language, the applicant shall submit to the Office a Slovenian translation thereof within three months of the service of the request. If the Office does not receive a Slovenian translation of the application in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(4) The Office shall conduct the proceedings on the basis of the application in Slovenian.

Article 82 (According of the filing date of application)

(1) Subject to paragraph two of Article 81 of this Act, the Office shall accord the date of filing and a number to any application containing at least: a) a statement to the effect that the acquisition of a specific right is requested; b) information allowing the Office to establish the identity of the applicant or contact them; c) the essential elements of an application for the requested right referred to paragraph two

of this Article.

(2) The essential elements referred to in point c) of the preceding paragraph shall be the following: a) for patent applications: the part of the application which at first glance appears to be a

description of invention; b) for industrial designs: a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the

product or, in the case of two-dimensional products, a specimen of the product or a part thereof if a deferment of publication under paragraph two of Article 94 of this Act is requested;

c) for trade marks: a representation of the sign and a list of the goods or services for which the protection is sought, and for collective marks also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(3) The filing date of an application shall be deemed to be the date when the Office received all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, subject to Article 83 of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act or by an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia. The Office shall issue to the applicant a confirmation of the receipt of the application indicating the date of filing and the number of the application.

(4) If the application does not contain all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article and cannot be accorded the date of filing and number, the Office shall, as soon as it receives the information allowing it to make contact with the applicant, notify the applicant accordingly and invite them to amend the application within three months of the service of the invitation, so that it at least fulfils the conditions laid down in paragraph one of this Article.

(5) If the application referred to in the preceding paragraph is amended in due time so that it contains all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the Office shall accord to the application a number and the date of filing, which is the date of receipt of all the elements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, and shall issue a certificate to that effect to the applicant.

(6) If the application referred to in paragraph four of this Article is not amended in due time or is not appropriately amended in full, it shall be deemed to be withdrawn, and the Office shall notify the applicant thereof.

Article 83 (Specifics concerning the filing date of patent applications)

(1) If, in according the filing date to a patent application, it appears that a part of the description of the invention or a drawing to which the applicant refers to in the application is missing from the application, the Office shall promptly notify the applicant thereof and invite them to amend the application accordingly within three months of the service of the invitation.

(2) If the applicant submits the missing part of the description of the invention or the missing drawing within the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, this part of the description or this drawing shall be included in the application, and the date of filing of the application shall be considered to be the date when the Office received this part of the

description or this drawing or the date when the Office received all of the elements referred to in paragraph one of Article 82 of this Act, whichever is later.

(3) If the applicant claims priority right under Article 61 of this Act in respect of an application from which a part of the description of the invention or a drawing appears to be missing, the missing part of the description or the missing drawing must be contained in full in the first application.

(4) If the applicant claims priority right under Article 61 of this Act, the essential elements of the application referred to in point a) of paragraph two of Article 82 of this Act shall be deemed to have been filed for the purposes of according the filing date to the application if the applicant, when filing the application in the Republic of Slovenia, indicates the date, number and country or office of the application to which they refer. In such a case, the applicant shall submit to the Office a copy of the first application referred to in paragraph three of Article 61 of this Act within three months of the service of the invitation, unless the first application was filed with the Office or the Office can access it in a digital library acceptable to the Office for this purpose. If the applicant fails to do so, the priority right shall be deemed not to have been claimed.

Article 84 (Invitation to submit all elements)

(1) If an application to which the date of filing and number have been accorded does not contain all the elements referred to in Article 79 of this Act, the Office shall invite the applicant to amend the application and remedy the deficiencies found within three months of the service of the invitation.

(2) If the application referred to in the preceding paragraph is not amended in due time or is not appropriately amended in full, it shall be deemed to be withdrawn, except in cases referred to in paragraph four of Article 128 and paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act.

Article 85 (Formalities examination of an application)

(1) If an application contains all the elements referred to in Article 79 of this Act, the Office shall examine whether all the elements of the application and any enclosures or evidence submitted therewith are drawn up as prescribed by this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act in terms of their content and form.

(2) In the case of a patent application, the Office shall also examine whether the claimed invention fulfils the requirements referred to in paragraphs two and four of Article 87 of this Act and whether all fees have been paid, including any maintenance fees under paragraph four of Article 109 or paragraph four of Article 110 of this Act.

(3) If the Office establishes with regard to a trade mark application that a good or service on the list of goods or services is not classified according to the international classification established by the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks of 15 June 1957, as revised on 14 July 1967 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 51/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Nice Classification), or is classified in the wrong class of Nice Classification, the Office may, in the case of minor irregularities in the list of goods or services, classify the good or service or correct the

classification according to the Nice Classification on its own and inform the applicant thereof. If the Office classifies or corrects more than five classifications of goods or services according to the Nice Classification on its own, it shall request the applicant to pay the classification fee within one month of the service of the request. If the applicant fails to pay the required fee in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn for the goods or services whose classification according to the Nice Classification was made or corrected by the Office.

(4) If the Office establishes with regard to a trade mark application that the indication of a good or service on the list of goods or services is unclear, or if the Office does not act pursuant to the preceding paragraph, it shall invite the applicant to remedy the lack of clarity and deficiencies regarding the classification of goods or services according to the Nice Classification within three months of the service of the invitation. If the applicant fails to remedy the lack of clarity and deficiencies on the list of goods and services in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn for the goods or services that the applicant did not clearly indicate or correctly classify according to the Nice Classification.

(5) If the Office finds any deficiencies in an application or in the enclosures or evidence submitted therewith, it shall invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies found within three months of the service of the invitation.

(6) If the applicant fails to remedy in due time all the deficiencies found, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn, except in the cases referred to in paragraphs three and four of this Article and paragraph four of Article 128 and paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act.

(7) If the Office establishes that all the elements of the application and any enclosures or evidence submitted therewith are in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the regulations issued pursuant to this Act in terms of their content and form, the proceedings shall continue: a) for patent application – pursuant to the provisions of Article 88 and subsequent Articles of

this Act; b) for industrial design applications – pursuant to the provision of Article 96 of this Act; c) for trade mark applications– pursuant to the provisions of Article 99 and subsequent

Articles of this Act.

Article 85a (Signature of administrative acts and other documents and documents in electronic


(1) A decision in electronic form shall indicate that it is signed with an electronic signature and provide information about the signatory, the time of signature, the issuer and the electronic certificate identification number.

(2) The certification of a physical copy of a decision issued in electronic form shall not be necessary if the Office includes in the decision the web address where the information on the verification procedure is published.

(3) A physical copy of the decision referred to in the preceding paragraph shall have the same probative value as the original.

(4) The original of the decision shall be kept by the Office.

(5) This Article shall apply to any other documents issued by the Office in electronic form in administrative proceedings under this Act.

Section 2 Special provisions for patents

Article 86 (Elements of a patent application)

(1) A patent application shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the granting of a patent; b) a description of the invention; c) one or more patent claims; d) a short summary of the subject matter of the invention (abstract); e) if necessary, one or more drawings of the invention.

(2) Not later than by the issue of a decision on the publication of the application, the applicant may file a patent application whose subject is excluded from the initial patent application (hereinafter: divisional application) and does not extend beyond the subject matter of the initial application. It shall be deemed that the divisional application was filed on the same date as the initial application. The same priority right may be claimed for the divisional application as for the initial application.

(3) Short-term patents shall be requested when filing the patent application or within 12 months of the filing date thereof. After the expiry of this time limit, the request may not be withdrawn.

Article 87 (Content of patent application elements)

(1) A request for the granting of a patent shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), the title of the invention, defining its subject, and other information related to the application as prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) The description of the invention shall include the presentation of the problem, information on the state of the art, and other solutions available by that time and their deficiencies, as known to the applicant, together with a description of the new solution to the problem. The description of the invention shall be sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be applied by a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates.

(3) If an invention relates to biological material determined by an implementing regulation which is not available to the public and cannot be described in a manner that would allow a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates to apply it, the description of the invention shall be supplemented by a certificate of the deposit of biological material with an international depository authority under Article 7 of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure of 28 April 1977, as amended on 26 September 1980 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 21/97).

(4) Patent claims shall define the subject for which protection is sought. They must be clear and concise and supported by the description.

(5) The abstract shall serve merely as technical information and may not be used for other purposes, particularly not for interpreting the scope of the protection sought.

(6) A patent application may include several inventions which are so linked as to form a single inventive concept.

Article 88 (Examination of conditions for the granting of a patent)

(1) With regard to a patent application, the Office shall examine: a) whether the subject of the claimed invention is patentable, subject to Article 11 of this Act; b) whether the claimed invention appears, at first glance, to comply with the requirements

referred to in Articles 12, 14 and 15 of this Act.

(2) With regard to a short-term patent application, the Office shall examine: a) whether the subject of the claimed invention may be protected by a short-term patent,

subject to paragraph one and point a) of paragraph two of Article 11 of this Act; b) whether the claimed invention appears, at first glance, to comply with the requirements

referred to in Articles 12, 15 and 16 of this Act.

(3) If the Office establishes that the claims in a patent application fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, or that the claims in a short-term patent application fulfil all the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall adopt a decision on the publishing of the application in its official journal.

(4) If the Office establishes that the claims in a patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, or that the claims in a short-term patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraph two of this Article, it shall refuse the request to grant a patent.

(5) If the Office establishes that some of the claims in a patent application do not fulfil all the requirements referred to in paragraphs one or two of this Article, it shall reject the application only in the part concerned.

Article 89 (Publication of a patent application)

(1) The Office shall publish a patent application after the expiry of 18 months from the filing date of the application or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.

(2) An applicant may request that the application be published before the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, but not earlier than after the expiry of three months from the filing date of the application or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.

(3) The Office shall publish the notice of the granting of the patent together with the patent application.

Article 90 (Granting of a patent)

(1) The Office shall issue a decision on the granting of a patent and enter the patent in the register of patents. The date of the publication of the patent application shall be considered to be the date of the granting of the patent.

(2) Until a decision under Article 93 of this Act is issued, the scope of protection shall be determined by the content of the published patent claims.

Article 91 (Time limit for the provision of written evidence)

(1) Not later than by the end of the ninth year of the patent term, the holder of a patent or exclusive rights to a patent shall provide the Office with written evidence that the patented invention fulfils all the requirements of Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act.

(2) When providing the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph or within three months of the service of the Office’s request, the holder of the patent or exclusive rights to the patent shall pay a fee for the issuing of a declaratory decision. If the fee is not paid in due time, the evidence shall be deemed not to have been provided.

(3) If the holder of a patent or exclusive right to a patent fails to act in accordance with paragraph one of this Article, the patent shall lapse on the date of the expiry of the tenth year of its term.

(4) If the holder of a patent provides the evidence referred to in paragraph one of this Article due to an action under Article 121 of this Act, the Office shall issue one of the decisions referred to in Article 93 of this Act as a priority.

(5) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to short-term patents.

(6) In the case of a European patent which is valid in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a European patent application filed in accordance with paragraph two of Article 3 of this Act, the provisions of this Article and Articles 92 and 93 of this Act are directly complied with as of the date on which the EPO publishes the notice of its granting.

Article 92 (Types of written evidence)

(1) A Slovenian translation of a European patent or several European patents granted for the same invention by the EPO shall be considered as evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act.

(2) If no application for a European patent has been filed for the same invention, the Slovenian translation of a patent for the same invention granted, following a complete examination, by any other authority having the status of an International Preliminary Examining Authority under Article 32 of the PCT or by any other patent office with which a relevant agreement has been concluded may be provided as evidence under Article 91 of this Act.

(3) If the proceedings for granting the patent that is to serve as evidence under paragraphs one or two of this Article have not yet been concluded, the applicant shall notify the Office accordingly within the time limit provided in paragraph one of Article 91 of this Act. On the basis of that notification, the Office shall suspend the proceedings. The proceedings shall continue if the holder of the patent provides evidence under this Article within three months of the granting of the patent. If the evidence under this Article is not provided in the aforementioned time limit, the patent shall be deemed to lapse on the date of the expiry of the tenth year of its term.

(4) A Slovenian translation of a patent which serves as the evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act shall not provide a greater scope of protection than the original text of the translated patent.

(5) If the Office doubts the correctness of the translation, it may request that the holder of the patent or exclusive right to the patent provide a certified Slovenian translation of

the patent serving as the evidence referred to in Article 91 of this Act within three months of the service of the request. If the certified Slovenian translation is not provided in due time, it shall be deemed that the evidence has not been provided.

(6) If the evidence is provided pursuant to paragraph two of this Article, the holder of the patent or exclusive right to the patent shall submit a list and copies of all other patents that could be considered as evidence, including the information on patent applications and patents that have been rejected. If the list and copies of the documents are not enclosed with the evidence, it shall be deemed that the evidence has not been submitted.

(7) If the Office establishes that the evidence under this Article is forged or false, it shall, by way of a decision, declare the patent invalid.

(8) If the holder of a patent or exclusive right to a patent does not have the evidence referred to in paragraphs one or two of this Article, they may request, against payment of a special fee, that the Office obtain relevant information or opinions to be used as the basis for issuing one of the decisions under Article 93 of this Act from any of the authorities or offices indicated in paragraph two of this Article.

Article 93 (Issuing of declaratory decisions)

(1) On the basis of the provided evidence and other documents under Article 92 of this Act, the Office shall issue: a) a declaratory decision that the invention fulfils the requirements referred to in Articles 10,

12, 14 and 15 of this Act and that the claims of the granted patent entirely fulfil the same requirements;

b) a declaratory decision that the invention only partly fulfils the requirements referred to in Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act, due to which the claims of the granted patent are amended accordingly; or

c) a declaratory decision that, on the filing date of the patent application, the invention did not fulfil the requirements referred to in Articles 10, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act, due to which the patent is declared invalid.

(2) The Office cannot issue a decision under points b) or c) of the preceding paragraph without previously notifying the holder of the patent of the intended amendment of patent claims or invalidity of the patent and inviting them to state, within three months of the service of the invitation, their position thereon or amend the patent claims accordingly. If the holder of the patent states their position or amends the patent claims in due time, the Office shall, before issuing the decision under points b) or c) of the preceding paragraph, verify if the reasons for the issuing thereof still exist. If the holder of the patent fails to state their position in due time, it shall be deemed that they agree with the opinion of the Office.

(3) Patent claims that are amended by way of a decision referred to in point b) of paragraph one of this Article may not provide a greater scope of protection than the claims of a patent granted by a decision under Article 90 of this Act.

(4) If the Office establishes, on the basis of the evidence provided under paragraph one of Article 92 of this Act, that the patent granted does not fulfil the requirement referred to in paragraph six of Article 87 of this Act, it shall divide the initial patent into several patents, which shall retain the filing date of the application and the date of any claimed priority of the initial patent.

Section 3 Special provisions for industrial designs

Article 94 (Elements of an industrial design application)

(1) An application for an industrial design shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the registration of an industrial design; b) a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the whole or a part of the

product or products, if the application relates to multiple products, in the number of copies prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) In the application, the applicant may request that the main information of the application not be published before the expiry of 12 months from the filing date of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. If the application relates to multiple products, the deferral of publication may not be requested for only some of the products.

(3) If the application relates to a two-dimensional product, this including textile patterns or holograms, or a part thereof and a deferral of publication under the preceding paragraph is requested, a specimen of that product or a part thereof may be enclosed with the application instead of a photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the product or a part thereof. The applicant shall submit a photograph or graphical representation of the product concerned in the number of copies prescribed by an implementing regulation, this not later than two months before the expiry of the time limit for the requested deferral of publication under the preceding paragraph, otherwise the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Article 95 (Content of the elements of industrial design application)

(1) An application for the registration of an industrial design shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), an indication of the product to which the subject of the application relates, the classification according to the international classification established by the Locarno Agreement on International Classification for Industrial Designs of 8 October 1968 (Official Gazette of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – International Treaties [Uradni list SFRJ – MP], No. 51/74, and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – International Treaties [Uradni list RS – MP], No. 9/92; hereinafter: the Locarno Classification), and other information prescribed by an implementing regulation.

(2) One industrial design application may cover several products if they belong to the same class of the Locarno Classification.

(3) The photograph or graphical representation of the appearance of the product or part thereof shall clearly show the novelty and the individual character of the appearance of the product for which protection is sought.

Article 96 (Examination of conditions for the registration of an industrial design)

(1) With regard to an industrial design application, the Office shall examine whether the design applied for may be registered as an industrial design, subject to the provisions of Article 36 of this Act, with the exception of point b) thereof.

(2) If the Office establishes that the design applied for fulfils the requirements of the preceding paragraph, it shall issue a decision on the registration of the industrial design, enter the industrial design in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the industrial design.

(3) If the Office establishes that the design applied for does not fulfil the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, it shall refuse the application for the design, either wholly or partly.

Section 4 Special provisions for trade marks

Article 97 (Elements of a trade mark application)

(1) A trade mark application shall contain the following elements: a) a request for the registration of a trade mark; b) a list of the goods or services for which the protection is sought; c) a representation of the sign, which shall fulfil the requirements referred to in point b) of

paragraph one of Article 42 of this Act and be in a format accepted by the Office.

(2) A collective mark application shall contain, in addition to the elements set out in the preceding paragraph, also the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act.

(3) A separate application shall be filed for each sign. An applicant may request the registration of a trade mark for several types of goods or services in a single application. An applicant may also file several applications requesting the registration of several different or similar trade marks for the same type of goods or services.

(4) At the request of the applicant, a trade mark application may be divided into several applications. Each application shall retain the filing date of the initial application and, if priority is claimed, the date of priority. This provision shall apply mutatis mutandis to the division of a trade mark.

Article 98 (Content of the elements of a trade mark application)

(1) An application for the registration of a trade mark shall contain information on the applicant (full name and address or business name and registered office), an indication of the sign applied for and the indication of whether the application concerns a collective mark.

(2) The goods and services in the list of goods or services shall be classified according to the Nice Classification. If the registration for goods or services of more than one class is requested, the goods and services shall be grouped in classes according to the Nice Classification, with the number of the class to which the group of goods or services belongs stated before each group or groups, these listed in the order of the classes.

(3) The applicant shall identify goods and services with sufficient clarity and precision so that the scope of protection sought can be established solely on this basis. The applicant may use general indications used in the class headings of the Nice Classification or other general terms if they comply with the required standards of clarity and precision provided by this Article.

(4) It shall be deemed that the use of general terms, including general indications used in the class headings of the Nice Classification, includes all goods or services clearly covered by the literal sense of the indication or term. The use of such terms or indications shall not cover a request for goods or services that cannot be so understood.

(5) The goods and services classified in the same class under the Nice Classification shall not be presumed to be similar. The goods and services classified in different classes under the Nice Classification shall not be presumed to be dissimilar.

Article 99 (Examination of application as to absolute grounds for trade mark refusal)

(1) Before publishing a trade mark application, the Office shall examine whether the sign applied for may be registered as a trade mark, subject to Articles 42 and 43 of this Act. If the application concerns a collective mark, the Office shall also examine whether the collective mark may be registered in accordance with Articles 45, 46 and 46a of this Act.

(2) If the Office establishes that the sign applied for fulfils the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall publish the trade mark application.

(3) If the Office establishes that the sign applied for or the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act do not fulfil the requirements referred to in paragraph one of this Article, it shall reject the trade mark application, either wholly or partly.

Article 100 (Opposing opinion of third parties)

(1) Any person may submit to the Office their observation that the sign applied for may not be registered as a trade mark in accordance with Article 43 of this Act, stating the reasons therefor. A person may also submit their observation that a collective mark may not be registered in accordance with Article 46a of this Act, stating the reasons therefor.

(2) The person submitting such an observation to the Office shall not be a party to the proceedings before the Office.

(3) The Office shall inform the applicant of the observations of third parties referred to in paragraph one of this Article. The applicant may reply to the Office and state their reasons regarding the received observations of the third party.

Article 101 (Opposition to the registration of a trade mark)

(1) Within three months of the publication of a trade mark application, the holder of an earlier trade mark may file a written opposition to the registration of the trade mark. An opposition filed in electronic form shall also be considered as a written opposition.

(2) An opposition may only be based on the grounds referred to in Article 44 of this Act and must contain appropriate evidence. An opposition may be based on one or more previous rights if their holder is the same person and if they wholly or partly relate to the goods or services for which the opposed trade mark is applied for.

(3) An opposition under paragraph one of this Article may also be filed by:

a) a holder of a previously acquired unregistered sign that is used in trade, as referred to in point d) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

b) a holder of a trade mark referred to in point e) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act which the holder’s agent or representative has registered in their own name without the holder’s consent;

c) a person entitled to use a designation of origin or a geographical indication referred to in point f) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

d) a holder of other previously acquired right referred to in point g) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

(4) When filing the opposition, or not later than three months from the service of the Office’s request, the opposition fee shall be paid and a power of attorney shall be submitted if the opposition has been filed by a representative.

(5) If the person who files the opposition later withdraws it, this withdrawal may not be cancelled later on.

(6) If the opposition does not fulfil the requirements referred to in this Article, it shall be deemed not to have been filed.

Article 102 (Notification of opposition)

The Office shall notify the trade mark applicant of any opposition filed. The applicant may, within three months of the receipt of the notification, state their position on the grounds stated in the opposition.

Article 102a (Non-use as defence in opposition proceedings)

(1) The applicant for a trade mark to which an opposition under paragraph one of Article 101 of this Act was filed may, within the time limit referred to in Article 102 of this Act, request that the holder of the earlier trade mark who filed the opposition to the registration of their trade mark provide evidence that, during the five consecutive years immediately before the filing date of the application or the date of priority for their trade mark that motivated the opposition, they had put the trade mark to genuine use in accordance with Article 52b of this Act on the goods or services for which it is registered or that there were justified reasons for non-use, provided that the earlier trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the application or priority date of the later trade mark.

(2) The Office shall invite the holder of the earlier trade mark to state, within three months of the service of the invitation, their position on the request referred to in the preceding paragraph and provide relevant evidence.

(3) If the holder of the earlier trade mark fails to prove the use of their trade mark in accordance with Article 52b of this Act or the existence of justified reasons for non-use within the time limit referred to in preceding paragraph, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the opposition.

(4) If the earlier trade mark has only been used on some of the goods or services for which it is registered, it shall be considered for the purposes of the examination of the merits of the opposition that it is only registered for such goods or services.

Article 102b (Suspension of proceedings)

(1) At the joint request of the person who filed the opposition referred to in Article 101 of this Act and the trade mark applicant that they wish to consider the possibilities of settlement, the Office shall, by way of a decision, suspend the trade mark registration proceedings for six months.

(2) If, during the suspension of the trade mark registration proceedings, the person who filed the opposition does not withdraw their opposition in full, the registration proceedings shall continue and the Office shall verify whether the opposition is justified.

(3) The time limits referred to in Articles 102 and 102a of this of this Act shall not run during the suspension of proceedings. If the proceedings continue, these time limits continue to run until their expiry.

Article 102c (Deciding on opposition)

(1) The Office shall verify whether the opposition is justified within the limits of the statements of the person who filed it and the trade mark applicant and the evidence provided.

(2) If the Office establishes that the opposition is not justified, it shall reject it, by way of a decision, and continue the registration proceedings.

(3) If the Office establishes that the opposition is justified and that the trade mark may not be registered in respect of all of the goods or services for which the sign is applied for, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the application in full.

(4) If the Office establishes that the opposition is justified and that the trade mark may not be registered in respect of some of the goods or services for which the sign is applied for, the Office shall, by way of a decision, reject the application for such goods or services and continue the trade mark registration proceedings for the remaining goods or services.

Article 103 (Registration of trade marks)

(1) If no opposition to the registration of a trade mark has been filed or the opposition has been rejected or has been deemed not to have been filed, the Office shall request the applicant to pay, within three months of the service of the request, the trade mark registration fee. This fee shall include the fee for the first ten years of the term of the trade mark.

(2) Following the payment of the fee referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the trade mark, enter the trade mark in the register and publish the notice of the trade mark registration.

(3) If the applicant fails to pay the fee referred to in paragraph one of this Article in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Section 5 Special provisions for geographical indications

Article 104 (Registration of geographical indications)

(1) An application for the registration of a geographical indication may be filed by associations of legal or natural persons, chambers, municipalities, wider local communities or state authorities.

(2) The request referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by a specification including, in particular: a) the indication to be registered as a geographical indication; b) an indication of the good to which the proposed geographical indication relates; c) a description of the good, including the raw materials and principal physical, chemical,

microbiological, organoleptic or other characteristics of the good; d) an indication of relevant location or region, including borders; e) a description of the method of obtaining the good and, if necessary, the authentic and

unvarying local methods; f) a description of the link between the good and the location or region; g) details of inspection authorities; h) labelling details.

(3) If the application complies with the provisions of this Article and Articles 55 and 56 of this Act, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the geographical indication, enter the geographical indication in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the geographical indication.

(4) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to geographical indications protected pursuant to paragraph three of Article 55 of this Act.


Article 105 (Registers)

(1) The Office shall keep registers of patents, supplementary protection certificates, industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and registers of applications for the aforementioned rights. Registers shall be public, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The date of the granting of a patent or a supplementary protection certificate or the date of issue of a decision on the registration of an industrial design, trade mark or geographical indication shall be considered as the date of entry in the register.

(3) On request and against payment of a fee prescribed by the Act governing administrative fees, the Office shall issue extracts from registers.

(4) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of the registers, the content of requests for entering changes in the registers, the content of extracts from the registers and the procedure for issuing extracts from the registers.

Article 106 (Content of registers)

(1) The register of patents shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date and number of the application; the right of priority claimed; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; the number and date of the issue of a declaratory decision under Article 93 of this Act; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); the type of the patent; information on the inventor (full name and address); the title of the invention; information on the maintenance of the patent; and the date of expiry of the patent.

(2) The register of supplementary protection certificates shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date and number of the application; the date of publication of the application and the supplementary protection certificate; the date of entry in the register; information on the applicant and the holder of the supplementary protection certificate (full name and address or business name and registered office); the title of the product; the registration number of the patent on the basis of which the supplementary protection certificate was granted; the number and date of the first authorisation to place the product on the market in the Republic of Slovenia or the European Union or the European Economic Area as a medicinal or phyto-pharmaceutical product; an indication of the issuing state if the authorisation was not issued by a competent EU authority under a centralised procedure; the date until which the certificate is valid; information on the maintenance of the certificate; and the date of expiry of the certificate.

(3) The register of industrial designs shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the application; the right of priority claimed; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); information on the designer (full name and address) if the designer so wishes; an indication of the product; the number of products; the classification code according to the Locarno Classification; information on the renewal of the industrial design; and the date of expiry of the industrial design.

(4) The register of trade marks shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the application; the right of priority claimed; information on the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act and any amendments thereto; the date of publication of the application and of the notice of registration of the trade mark; information on opposing observations by third parties; information on an opposition and the person who filed it; the date of entry in the register; information on the holder (full name and address or business name and registered office); the appearance of the trade mark; the list of goods or services and their classification according to the Nice Classification; information on the division of the trade mark; information on international registration; information on the renewal of the trade mark; information on the revocation of the trade mark; and the date of expiry of the trade mark.

(5) The register of geographical indications shall include, in particular, the following: registration number; the filing date of the request; the date of publication; the date of entry in the register; the geographical indication; the type of the good; and the location to which the indication relates.

(6) Information on litigation of which the Office is notified and final judgements shall be entered ex officio in the registers referred to in paragraph one of Article 105 of this Act.

(7) The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registers of applications.

Article 107 (Entry of changes in the registers)

(1) On request, any subsequent changes regarding a right or the holder of a right shall be entered in the register referred to in paragraph one of Article 105 of this Act. This paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to applications and applicants.

(2) The transfers of rights or licences shall be entered in the corresponding register at the request of one of the parties to the agreement.

(3) The person who was registered as the holder of a right before the entry of a change may contest any change entered in the register without their consent by filing an action in administrative dispute with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana, as the court having exclusive territorial jurisdiction, and providing relevant evidence.

Article 108 (Procedure for the entry of changes)

(1) A request for the entry of changes may include several changes in the register. A single request shall also be sufficient when the change or changes relate to more than one application and/or right of the same person if the change or changes are the same for all applications and rights concerned and the numbers of all applications and rights concerned are indicated in the request.

(2) A fee for the entry of each change for each application or right in the register shall be paid upon filing the request or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the fee is not paid in due time, the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3) If the request for the entry of a change is filed by the person who is registered as the holder of the right, the Office shall immediately issue a decision on the entry of the change and enter the change in the register.

(4) If the request for the entry of a change is filed by a person who is not registered as the holder of the right, that person shall, when filing the request or within three months of the service of the Office’s request, submit the consent of the holder of the right to the entry of the requested change in the register or any other documents of their own choosing showing the legal basis for the entry of the change. If the Office doubts the veracity of the information contained in the request for the entry of a change or if the documents submitted are in a foreign language, it may request that the requesting party provide additional documents or a Slovenian translation of the submitted documents within three months of the service of the Office’s request.

(5) If the requesting party fails to submit additional documents or the translation referred to in the preceding paragraph in due time, the request for entry of a change shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(6) The Office shall decide on the entry of a change by way of a decision.

Article 109 (Maintenance fees)

(1) Fees shall be paid for the maintenance of rights; these shall fall due, counting from the filing date of the application: a) for patents: every year for the subsequent year of validity; b) for industrial designs: every five years for the subsequent five years of validity; c) for trade marks: every ten years for the subsequent ten years of validity.

(2) The fees under the preceding paragraph shall be paid within one year preceding the due date. The Office shall notify the holder of a trade mark of the due date of the fee at least six months before the due date.

(3) The patent application fee shall include the maintenance fee for the first three years of its term. The industrial design application fee shall include the maintenance fee for the first five years of its term.

(4) If the proceedings for the granting of a patent last more than three years from the filing date of the application or the proceedings for the registration of an industrial design more than five years from the filing date of the application, the provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the patent application or the industrial design application.

Article 110 (Payment of maintenance fees in a grace period)

(1) If the fee for maintaining a right is not paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 109 of this Act on the due date or before, it can be paid within the grace period of six months, counting from the due date for the fee, together with an additional late payment fee. The late payment fee shall amount to 50% of the total prescribed fee that has not been paid in due time.

(2) The Office shall remind the holder of the right that the maintenance fee referred to in paragraph one of Article 109 of this Act has not been paid in due time, of the possibility of payment under the preceding paragraph and of the consequences of the non-payment of fees.

(3) If the maintenance fees are not paid by the due date or, following the reminder of the Office, not even within the grace period referred to in paragraph one of this Article, together with the late payment fee, the right shall lapse on the day following the due date referred to in paragraph one of Article 109 of this Act.

(4) Paragraphs one and two of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis in the cases referred to in paragraph four of Article 109 of this Act. If in such cases the maintenance fee and the late payment fee are not paid within the grace period, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.


Section 1 Judicial protection

Subsection 1 Invalidity of rights

Article 111 (Actions for invalidation)

Any interested party may file an action with the competent court to declare a patent, short-term patent, industrial design or trade mark invalid.

Article 112 (Actions for the invalidation of patents)

(1) An action for the invalidation of a patent may be filed if one of the following reasons applies: a) on the filing date of the application, the invention did not fulfil all the requirements referred

to in Articles 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 of this Act or, in the case of a short-term patent, the requirements referred to in Article 16 of this Act;

b) the description of the invention is not sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be applied by a person skilled in the art to which the subject of the invention relates;

c) the subject matter of the protection extends beyond the subject matter of the first application received or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application, beyond the subject matter of the initial application.

(2) An action for the invalidation of a patent may also be filed after the issuing of a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of this Act or after the expiry of the patent.

(3) If an action for the invalidation of a European patent which is valid in the Republic of Slovenia pursuant to an international treaty and to which an opposition has been filed with the EPO is filed during the opposition proceedings before the EPO, the court shall suspend the proceedings until the final decision of the EPO in the opposition proceedings.

Article 113 (Actions for the invalidation of industrial designs)

An action for the invalidation of an industrial design may be filed if, taking into account the filing date of the application, one of the following reasons applies: a) the industrial design has been registered contrary to Article 36 of this Act; b) the applicant for or the holder of the industrial design was not entitled to an industrial design


Article 114 (Actions for the invalidation of trade marks)

(1) An action for the total or partial invalidation of a trade mark may be filed if one of the following reasons applies: a) taking into account the filing date of the application, the trade mark was registered contrary

to Articles 42 and 43 of this Act; b) taking into account the filing date of the application, the trade mark was registered contrary

to Article 44 of this Act, unless the earlier trade mark is an EU trade mark that has been applied for or registered before the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union; or

c) the applicant did not act in good faith when filing the application.

(2) An action for the invalidation of a collective mark may also be filed if, taking into account the filing date of the application, the collective mark was registered contrary to Articles 45, 46 or 46a of this Act.

(3) If the reason for an action referred to in the preceding paragraph was the registration of a collective mark contrary to Article 46 of this Act, the court shall reject the action if the holder of the collective mark appropriately amends the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act before the court decision is issued.

(4) An action under point b) of paragraph one of this Article may be filed by: a) a holder of an earlier trade mark; b) a holder of a previously acquired unregistered sign that is used in trade, as referred to in

point d) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act; c) a holder of a trade mark referred to in point e) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act

which the holder’s agent or representative has registered in their own name without the holder’s consent;

d) a person entitled to use the designation of origin or the geographical indication referred to in point f) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act;

e) a holder of other previously acquired right referred to in point g) of paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

Subsection 2 Contesting of rights

Article 115 (Contesting of the right to a patent or industrial design)

(1) An inventor, their heir or other successor in title may, at any time during the term of a patent, file an action with a competent court requesting that they be declared the holder of the patent if the patent has been granted in the name of a person who is not the inventor, their heir or other successor in title.

(2) The designer of a design, their heir or other successor in title may, at any time during the term of an industrial design, file an action with a competent court requesting that they be declared the holder of the right if the industrial design was registered in the name of a person who is not the designer, their heir or other successor in title.

(3) The action referred in paragraphs one or two of this Article may also be filed by a person who is entitled to the patent or industrial design rights if the patent was granted or industrial design registered in the name of the inventor or designer or a third person for whom the inventor or the designer wrongly allowed that the patent be granted or industrial design be registered in their name.

Article 116 (Contesting of the right to a trade mark)

(1) Legal or natural persons may file an action with a competent court requesting the court to establish that a sign which they use in trade to mark their goods or services is identical or similar to a trade mark used by a third person to mark their goods or services of the same or similar type and that the sign had been generally known as the designation of the goods or services of the legal or natural person before the defendant filed their trade mark application and also requesting the court to issue a decision declaring the plaintiff to be the holder of the trade mark.

(2) The court shall rule against the request referred to in the preceding paragraph if the defendant, who is the holder of the trade mark, proves that they had used the contested

sign for the same or similar goods or services for as long as or longer than the plaintiff before filing the application.

(3) The action referred to in paragraph one of this Article may not be filed after the expiry of five years from the date of entry of the trade mark in the register.

Article 117 (Entry of new holder in the register)

(1) Within three months of the service of a final judgement granting the plaintiff’s request referred to in Articles 115 or 116 of this Act, the plaintiff may request to be entered in the register as the holder of the patent, industrial design or trade mark and to be issued a certificate to that effect.

(2) If the person whose request was granted fails to submit a request to be entered in the register as the holder of the right within the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph, the right shall be removed ex officio from the register.

(3) Any rights acquired by a person who is not the person registered as the holder of the right before the judgement referred to in paragraph one of this Article shall still apply against the new holder of the rights if they had been entered in the relevant register or correctly applied for registration before the action was filed.

Subsection 3 Recognition of the right of the inventor or designer to be mentioned

Article 118 (Actions of inventors or designers for mention)

(1) An inventor or designer may file an action with a competent court requesting: a) to be mentioned in the application and in all documents; b) the final judgement to be published at the defendant’s expense.

(2) The action referred to in the preceding paragraph may be filed at any time during the term of validity of the patent or industrial design.

Subsection 4 Removal and revocation of trade marks

Article 119 (Actions for the removal of trade marks from the register)

(1) An action for the removal of a trade mark from the register and prohibition of the use of the sign may be filed with the competent court if one of the following reasons applies: a) owing to the actions of the holder or because the latter allowed it, the trade mark has

become the generic name in the trade for goods or services in respect of which it is registered;

b) the trade mark is used by the holder of the trade mark or another person with the holder’s consent on the goods or services for which it is registered in a way that is misleading to the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services concerned.

(2) Apart from the reasons referred to in the preceding paragraph, an action for the removal of a collective mark from the register and the prohibition of the use of the sign may also be filed if one of the following reasons applies on the date of the filing of the action: a) the holder of the collective mark fails to implement reasonable measures to prevent the

use of the mark in a way that is not in accordance with the conditions for use provided by the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act, including any amendment to the regulations entered in the register;

b) persons entitled to use the collective mark have used the mark in a way that was misleading to the public under point b) of Article 46a of this Act; or

c) the amendment to the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act has been entered in the register contrary to paragraph three of Article 46 of this Act, unless the holder of the collective mark amends the regulations referred to in Article 46 of this Act so that they comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph three of Article 46 of this Act.

(3) In the case referred to in point c) of paragraph two of this Article, paragraph three of Article 114 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(4) The mark shall be removed from the register on the date when the judgement becomes final.

Article 120 (Actions for the revocation of trade marks due to non-use)

(1) Any person may file an action with a competent court requesting the revocation of a trade mark if the holder has not genuinely used the trade mark in accordance with Article 52b of this Act in the Republic of Slovenia on the goods or services for which it is registered for an uninterrupted period of five years without justified reason.

(2) The revocation of a trade mark may not be requested if the holder has started or resumed genuinely using the trade mark during the interval between the expiry of the uninterrupted period of five years referred to in paragraph one of this Article and the filing of the action for revocation of the trade mark. This circumstance may not be invoked by the holder of a trade mark who started or resumed using the trade mark within the period of three months preceding the filing of the action, counting not earlier than from the expiry of the time limit referred to in paragraph one of this Article, if they started the preparations for the use or resumed use only after becoming aware that an action for the revocation of their trade mark might be filed.

(3) In the revocation proceedings, the holder of the trade mark shall prove the use of the trade mark.

(4) On the date the judgment becomes final, the trade mark shall be revoked for the goods or services for which it was established that the trade mark has not been used on them in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

Section 2 Enforcement of rights

Article 120a (Standing)

(1) The rights to enforce judicial protection belonging to a holder of a right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 and 58 of this Act also belong mutatis mutandis to:

a) a person entitled to use a collective mark if the holder of the collective mark consents to this or does not initiate infringement proceedings within the relevant period following the notification;

b) a person entitled to use a geographical indication; c) a licensee, to the extent to which the holder’s rights are transferred to them by an Act or a

legal transaction, if the holder of the right consents to this; d) an exclusive licensee if the holder of the right does not initiate infringement proceedings

within the relevant period following the notification; e) a professional association established to protect industrial property rights, to the extent to

which the holder’s rights are transferred to it by an Act or through a legal transaction.

(2) The holder of a collective mark may claim, in the name of the persons entitled to use the collective mark, compensation for the damage they suffered as a result of the unauthorised use of the collective mark.

Article 121 (Actions following the infringement of rights)

(1) The holder of a right may file an action with a competent court against a person who infringes on their rights referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act without their consent, requesting that: a) the infringement and any future infringements be prohibited; b) the infringing items be recalled from the channels of commerce, taking into account the

interests of bona fide third parties; c) the situation caused by the infringement be rectified; č) the infringing items be irrevocably removed from the channels of commerce; d) the infringing items be destroyed; e) the means of infringement that are owned by the infringing party and intended or used

exclusively or principally for the infringement be destroyed; f) the infringing items be surrendered to the plaintiff against the reimbursement of the costs

of their production; g) the judgment be published.

(2) In considering the claims referred to in points b) to f) of the preceding paragraph, the court shall take into account all the circumstances of the case, in particular proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and the claim, and the interest of the holder of the right to ensure an effective protection of rights.

(3) In proceedings against a person whose services have been used to infringe on the right, and the existence of such infringement has already been established by way of a final decision in proceedings against a third party, the infringement shall be presumed to exist.

Article 121a (Compensation for damage)

(1) General rules governing the causing of damage shall apply to infringements under this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The infringing party shall pay to the holder of the right damages in an amount to be defined under general rules on compensation for damage or in an amount equal to an agreed or customary licence fee.

Article 121b (Intervener)

(1) It shall be deemed that a licensee has legitimate interest in entering the proceedings initiated by the holder of the right in order to claim compensation for the damage they suffered.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons entitled to use a collective mark.

Article 122 (Additional provisions on the infringement of patent rights)

(1) If infringement concerns a patent protecting a process for the production of a new substance, it shall be deemed that any substance is of identical composition or identical and made according to the protected process until proven to the contrary. The burden of proof shall be on the defendant or alleged infringing party, taking into account their legitimate interests in protecting their business secrets.

(2) If an action under Article 121 of this Act refers to an infringement of a patent or a published European patent application whose protection in the Republic of Slovenia is sought, the court shall suspend the proceedings until the Office issues a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act or until the European patent is entered in the Office’s patent register.

(3) If infringement concerns a patent for which a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of paragraph one of Article 93 of this Act has not yet been issued, the court shall impose on the infringing party the payment of compensation for the use of the invention during the interval between the granting of the patent and the issue of the declaratory decision, reduced with regard to the circumstances.

(4) The preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a published patent application filed abroad under paragraph two of Article 3 of this Act for the use of the invention during the interval between the publication of the application and the granting of the patent or, if the European patent has been entered in the Office’s register, the date on which the EPO published its decision on the granting of the European patent.

Article a122a (Non-use as defence in trade mark infringement proceedings)

(1) The holder of a trade mark shall have the right to prohibit the use of the sign to the extent to which the reasons referred to in Article 120 of this Act for trade mark revocation due to non-use do not apply at the time of the filing of the action for trade mark infringement.

(2) The defendant may request that the holder of the trade mark who filed the action for trade mark infringement against them provide evidence that, during the five consecutive years immediately preceding the filing date of the action, they had genuinely used the trade mark that motivated the action, in accordance with Article 52b of this Act, on the goods or services for which it is registered, or that there are justified reasons for non-use, provided that the trade mark was entered in the register at least five years before the filing date of the action for infringement.

Article b122a

(Defence of the holder of a later trade mark in trade mark infringement proceedings)

(1) In trade mark infringement proceedings, the holder of the trade mark shall have no right to prohibit the use of a later trade mark if the later trade mark would not be found invalid taking into account paragraph three of Article 52c, Article 52d or paragraph two of Article 52e of this Act or, if it is an EU trade mark, European Union legislation concerning the registration of EU trade marks.

(2) If, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, a holder of a trade mark has no right to prohibit the use of a later trade mark, the holder of the later trade mark shall have no right to prohibit in infringement proceedings the use of the earlier trade mark, even though the earlier trade mark may no longer be invoked against the later trade mark.

Article 122a (Provision of evidence)

(1) If the court decides to take proposed evidence and the evidence concerned is in the possession of the opposite party, the opposite party shall provide any evidence at their disposal at the request of the court.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall also apply to banking, financial and business documents under the control of the opposite party if the infringement was committed on a commercial scale. An act shall be deemed to be carried out on a commercial scale if it is carried out for direct or indirect economic benefit.

(3) The provisions of the Act governing contentious procedure shall apply to the proceedings for the provision of evidence, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(4) After taking the evidence referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the court shall ensure that the confidential information of the parties to the proceedings is protected and that judicial proceedings are not used in bad faith with the sole purpose of obtaining confidential information of the opposite party.

Article 123 (Interim injunction)

(1) The court shall issue an interim injunction to secure non-monetary claims under this Act if the applicant shows that there are grounds for believing that: a) they are the holder of the right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act and b) their right has been infringed or there is a real risk that it will be infringed.

(2) The applicant shall also show that there are grounds for believing that one of the following applies: a) there is a risk that the enforcement of claims will be made impossible or very difficult; b) the interim injunction is necessary to prevent damage difficult to repair; or c) in the event that the interim injunction is issued but subsequently proves unfounded in the

course of the proceedings, the harm to the alleged infringing party would not be greater than the harm to the holder of the right if such an injunction were not to be issued.

(3) An applicant who requests the issuing of an interim injunction without the prior notification and hearing of the opposite party shall show, in addition to the requirements of paragraphs one and two of this Article, that there are grounds for believing that any delay in issuing the interim injunction would cause the holder of the right damage difficult to repair. In

this case, the opposite party shall be notified not later than immediately after the execution of the injunction.

(4) The holder of the right shall not be obliged to prove that there is a risk that the enforcement of claims will be made impossible or very difficult if they show that there are grounds for believing that the proposed injunction would cause the infringing party only negligible damage. Such a risk shall be deemed to exist when the claims are to be enforced abroad, unless a claim is to be enforced in another Member State of the European Union.

(5) To secure non-monetary claims under paragraph one of this Article, the court may issue any interim injunction with which the purpose of security can be achieved, in particular: a) to prohibit the alleged infringing party from continuing the alleged infringement or

committing any future infringements; b) to seize, remove from circulation and hold the infringing items and the means of the

infringement that are intended or used exclusively or principally for the infringement.

(6) The court shall decide on an objection to the decision on the interim injunction within 30 days of the date of filing the response to the objection or of the expiry of the time limit for filing the response to the objection.

(7) The provisions of the Act governing claim enforcement and security shall apply to proceedings for the issuing of an interim injunction, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The proceedings shall be urgent.

Article 123a (Issuing of interim injunctions in patent infringements)

If the application for the issuing of an interim injunction under the preceding Article is related to a patent infringement, the court shall issue the interim injunction if the following two conditions are also fulfilled: a) the holder of the right submits a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of

this Act and b) the holder of the right applies for the issuing of an interim injunction within three months

after they learn of the alleged infringement.

Article 124 (Preservation of evidence)

(1) The court shall issue a decision to preserve evidence if the applicant provides reasonably available evidence that: a) they are the holder of the right referred to in Articles 18, 37, 47 or 58 of this Act; b) their right has been infringed or there is a real risk that it will be infringed; and c) the evidence of the infringement will be destroyed or it will be impossible to take such

evidence at a later time.

(2) An applicant who requests the issuing of a decision to preserve evidence without prior notification or hearing of the opposite party shall show, in addition to the requirements of paragraph one, that there are grounds for believing that there is a risk of evidence of the infringement being destroyed as the result of the conduct of the opposite party or that it will be impossible to take such evidence at a later time. In this case, the opposite party shall be notified not later than immediately after the execution of the decision.

(3) By way of a decision referred to in paragraph one of this Article, the court may order the taking of any evidence and in particular: a) the inspection of premises, business documents, inventories, databases, computer

memory units or other items; b) the seizure of samples of infringing items; c) the examination and seizure of documents; d) the appointment and examination of experts; and e) the examination of witnesses.

(4) The preservation of evidence may also be requested after the decision by which the proceedings are completed has become final if this is necessary before or during proceedings with extraordinary legal remedies.

(5) The provisions of the Act governing claim enforcement and security relating to interim injunctions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the proceedings for the preservation of evidence under this Article, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The proceedings shall be urgent.

(6) If it is subsequently found that the application was unfounded or that the applicant did not justify it, the opposite party shall have the right to request: a) the return of the seized items; b) the prohibition of the use of information obtained; and c) compensation for damage.

(7) In the proceedings for the preservation of evidence under this Article, the court shall ensure that confidential information of the parties is protected and that judicial proceedings are not used in bad faith with the sole purpose of obtaining confidential information of the opposite party.

Article 124a (Preservation of evidence in patent infringements)

If the application for the issue of a decision referred to in the preceding Article is related to a patent infringement, the court shall issue the decision if the following two conditions are also fulfilled: a) the holder of the right submits a declaratory decision under points a) or b) of Article 93 of

this Act and b) the holder of the right applies for the issuing of a decision on the preservation of evidence

within three months after they learn of the alleged infringement.

Article 124b (Obligation to provide information)

(1) In proceedings concerning an infringement of rights, the court may, upon a justified request by a party, order the alleged infringing party to provide information on the origin and distribution channels of the goods or services that infringe on a right referred to this Act.

(2) The court may order that the information referred to in the preceding paragraph also be provided by any person who, on a commercial scale: a) possesses the infringing goods; b) uses the infringing services; or c) provides services used in infringing activities.

(3) The court may order that information referred to in paragraph one of this Article also be provided by a person who was indicated by the person referred to in the preceding paragraph as being involved in the production, manufacture or distribution of the goods or the provision of the services.

(4) The information referred to in paragraph one of this Article may include: a) the names and addresses or business names and registered offices of the producers,

manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of the goods or providers of services and any intended wholesalers and retailers and

b) information on quantities produced, manufactured, delivered, received or ordered and on the price obtained for the goods or services concerned.

Article 124c (Protection of other industrial property rights)

The provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to business names and plant variety rights.


Article 125 (Compulsory licences)

(1) The court may decide that a third party or the Government of the Republic of Slovenia be permitted to exploit an invention without the consent of the patent holder: a) if this is required by the public interest, in particular with regard to national security, food,

health or the development of other vital sectors of the national economy or b) if the court establishes that the holder of the patent or their licensee is abusing the patent

rights, particularly by exploiting the invention in a way that limits competition contrary to applicable legislation.

(2) The court shall grant compulsory licences under the preceding paragraph taking into account the actual circumstances and after hearing the holder of the patent.

(3) A compulsory licence under paragraph one of this Article shall be granted if the applicant for a compulsory licence proves that they have made efforts to conclude a licence agreement with the holder of the patent under reasonable business terms and the efforts failed to succeed within a reasonable period of time.

(4) The preceding paragraph shall not apply if a state of war or similar state of emergency is declared, provided that in such a case the court notifies the holder of the patent of its decision as soon as possible.

Article 126 (Conditions for the granting of a compulsory licence)

(1) A compulsory licence under the preceding Article shall be granted under the following conditions: a) the scope and duration will be limited with regard to the purpose of the licence; b) it will not be exclusive;

c) it will be non-transferable, with the exception of the transfer of the part of the business activity of the compulsory licensee to which the subject of the compulsory licence refers;

d) it is intended primarily for the supply of the market of the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) If a patent (hereinafter: the second patent) cannot be exploited without infringing another patent (hereinafter: the first patent), the following conditions, in addition to those referred to in Article 125 of this Act and the preceding paragraph, shall also be met for the granting of a compulsory licence in respect of such a patent: a) the invention claimed in the second patent involves a technical advance of considerable

economic significance compared to the invention claimed in the first patent; b) the holder of the first patent will, under reasonable conditions, be entitled to a cross-licence

to use the invention claimed in the second patent; c) the permitted use in respect of the first patent will not be transferable without the

simultaneous transfer of the second patent.

(3) The court shall decide that a compulsory licence expires if the circumstances owing to which it was granted cease to exist and are unlikely to recur.

Article 127 (Compensation for compulsory licences)

(1) The holder of a patent for which a compulsory licence has been granted shall be entitled to mandatory compensation.

(2) The amount of compensation shall be determined with regard to the circumstances of each case, while taking into account the economic value of the compulsory licence.


Article 128 (Representation before the Office)

(1) Only representatives who are registered in the relevant register of representatives kept by the Office may be authorised to represent a party before the Office. The authorising person shall appoint their representative by a written power of attorney.

(2) The authorising person may authorise one or several representatives for all or only certain acts in proceedings before the Office. If the authorising person authorises several representatives and does not indicate to whom the Office should serve documents, the Office shall serve all documents on the representative who is named first.

(3) The authorising person may in one power of attorney (hereinafter: general power of attorney) authorise a representative to represent them with regard to all applications and rights filed with the Office. If a general power of attorney has been deposited with the Office, the reference number and a copy thereof shall be provided when filing any application with the Office.

(4) The power of attorney shall be submitted when filing an application or within three months of the service of the Office’s request. If the power of attorney is not submitted in due time, the representative shall be deemed not to have been appointed and their acts not to have been carried out. The Office shall dismiss, by way of a decision, any application filed by

the alleged representative. The decision on dismissal shall be served on the alleged representative.

Article 129 (Representation of foreign persons)

(1) Foreign natural and legal persons having neither residence nor any real and effective industrial or commercial undertaking in the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: foreign persons) shall exercise their rights under this Act in proceedings before the Office through a representative, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty that is binding on the Republic of Slovenia.

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph and subject to paragraph three of this Article, a foreign person may file applications, perform acts relating to the according of the filing date of application, pay fees in proceedings before the Office, file a copy of first application when claiming the right of priority under Article 61 of this Act and receive documents from the Office relating to these proceedings without a representative.

(3) If, in cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, a foreign person does not have a representative in the proceedings before the Office, they shall provide the Office with a correspondence address, which must be in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. It shall be deemed that, in cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Office has properly notified a foreign person if it has sent the document to the correspondence address.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article, any person may pay the fees for the maintenance of a right.

(5) If a foreign person, contrary to this Article, fails to appoint a representative in the proceedings before the Office or fails to provide a correspondence address that is in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the Office shall exceptionally invite them directly by post to appoint, within three months of the service of the invitation, a representative and submit a power of attorney or, in accordance with paragraph three of this Article, provide a correspondence address. If a foreign person fails to appoint a representative and to submit a power of attorney or fails to provide a correspondence address in accordance with paragraph three of this Article in due time, the Office shall dismiss any application by way of a decision, unless otherwise provided by this Act. The decision shall be served by way of a publication on the Office’s notice board.

Article 130 (Withdrawal and termination of a power of attorney)

(1) The authorising person may, at any time, withdraw the power of attorney, and the representative may, at any time, terminate it.

(2) The withdrawal or termination shall be notified to the Office and shall be effective from the date of receipt of the notification by the Office. The representative shall be obliged to continue performing acts for the authorising person for three months following the termination of the power of attorney, unless the authorising person has another representative.

(3) If a foreign person no longer has a representative owing to the withdrawal or termination of a power of attorney, paragraph five of Article 129 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 131 (Representatives)

(1) Parties may be represented in proceedings before the Office by patent representatives and by industrial design and trade mark representatives. Patent representatives shall represent parties to proceedings relating to the acquisition and maintenance of any right under this Act and other requests concerning such rights. Industrial design and trade mark representatives may only represent parties to proceedings relating to the acquisition and maintenance of industrial designs, trade marks and geographical indications and other requests concerning such rights.

(2) A patent representative may be: a) any person who has a university degree in technical or natural science and has passed an

examination for patent representatives before the Office; b) any attorney or law firm employing or contracting a person who meets the conditions

referred to in the preceding point; c) any legal person employing at least one person who meets the conditions referred to in

point a) of this paragraph.

(3) An industrial design and trade mark representative may be: a) any person who has a university degree and has passed an examination for industrial

design and trade mark representatives before the Office; b) any attorney or law firm; c) any legal person employing at least one person who meets the conditions referred to in

point a) of this paragraph.

(4) Patent representatives, industrial design and trade mark representatives and authorised employees of a representative may also represent parties in proceedings relating to the rights under this Act before courts and other state authorities if they meet the conditions laid down by regulations governing representation before courts and other state authorities. In such cases, the representative shall be entitled to a payment for their work and reimbursement of costs related to the work performed, in accordance with the representative tariff. The representative tariff shall be adopted by the representative or a representative association in agreement with the minister responsible for justice.

Article 132 (Registration of representatives)

(1) The Office shall keep the register of patent representatives and the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives.

(2) A fee laid down by the Act governing administrative fees shall be paid for registration in the relevant register of representatives. Following the payment of the fee, the Office shall issue a decision on the entry in the register.

(3) A representative may request to be removed from the register of representatives and entered in the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives. An industrial design and trade mark representative may only request to be removed from the register of industrial design and trade mark representatives and entered in the register of patent representatives if they meet the conditions referred to in paragraph two of Article 131 of this Act.

(4) A representative shall be removed from the register if: a) they file a request for removal;

b) they are barred from acting as representatives by a final judgement.

(5) The register of patent representatives and the register of industrial design and trade mark representative shall include, in particular, the following: the registration number of the representative; information on the representative (full name and address or business name and registered office); the date of entry in the register; and information on the persons who fulfil the conditions referred to in point a) of paragraph two or point a) of paragraph three of Article 131 of this Act and are employed by the representative on a regular or contractual basis (full name, address and education).

(6) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the content of a request for the registration of a representative, the registration procedure, the type of data entered in the register and the procedure for entering changes in the register of representatives.

Article 133 (Examination)

(1) An examination referred to in paragraphs two or three of Article 131 of this Act shall be taken before the Office. A fee laid down by the Act governing administrative fees shall be paid before the examination.

(2) The Office shall keep a list of persons who have passed the examination.

(3) The minister responsible for industrial property shall, by way of an implementing regulation, determine in greater detail the manner of conducting examinations referred to in paragraphs two or three of Article 131 of this Act.


Article 134 (Minor offences)

(1) Legal persons shall be fined from EUR 4,000 to EUR 40,000 for the offences of: 1. submitting to the Office forged or false evidence under Article 92 of this Act or requesting

a suspension of proceedings under paragraph three of Article 92 of this Act by a forged or false notification;

2. representing a third party in the proceedings before the Office without being registered in the register referred to in Article 132 of this Act.

(2) Sole traders or individuals who perform independent activities shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 4,000 for the offences referred to in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The responsible person of the legal person or of a sole trader or individual who performs an independent activity shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 2,000 for the offences referred to in paragraph one of this Article.

(4) An individual shall be fined from EUR 400 to EUR 1,000 for the offences referred to in paragraph one of this Article.


The Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 45/01) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 135 (Use of substances as medication)

(1) The use of a substance as medication for humans and animals shall not constitute an infringement of a patent for the invention of this substance if the patent application for this invention was filed on or before 31 December 1992, or if a right of priority was claimed for such application on or before 31 December 1992.

(2) The use of a substance as medication within the meaning of the preceding paragraph shall be its production and processing into the medicine under a process that is not the subject of the patent protection concerned, and the placing of this substance or medication on the market.

(3) As of the date of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, paragraph two of Article 21 of this Act shall only apply to a substance or medicine referred to in paragraph one of this Article if the consent of the holder of the patent under which the substance or medicine is protected has been obtained.

Article 136 (Treatment of applications and validity of rights)

(1) The proceedings concerning the recognition or granting of industrial property rights with respect to applications filed before the date of entry into force of this Act shall continue in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

(2) The industrial property rights that are valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall continue to be valid in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless otherwise provided by this Act.

Article 137 (Patent applications and patents)

(1) The provisions of Articles 10, 77, 78 and 112 of the Industrial Property Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] Nos 13/92, 27/93, 34/97 – Constitutional Court Decision, 75/97) shall continue to apply to patent applications filed before this Act entered into force or patents granted before this Act entered into force.

(2) The provisions of paragraphs two and three of Article 22 of this Act shall apply to patents applied for after 1 January 1993.

(3) As of the date of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, paragraph three of Article 22 of this Act shall be implemented in accordance with the European Union regulations.

(4) Within six months of the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, a supplementary protection certificate may be requested for the patents applied for after 1 January 1993 for which the time limit referred to in Article 7 of EU Regulation No. 1768/92 of 18 June 1992 or Article 7 of EU Regulation No. 1610/96 of 23 June 1996 expired.

(5) The provisions of Articles 24 to 31 of this Act shall begin to apply on entry into force of the EPC in the Republic of Slovenia.

(6) The provision of paragraph five of Article 32 of this Act shall not apply to applications under the PCT that have been filed before this Act entered into force.

Article 138 (Industrial design and utility model applications and industrial designs and utility models)

(1) Article 58 of the Industrial Property Act shall continue to apply to the applications for industrial designs and utility models published before this Act entered into force and for which opposition to the issue of the decision on the recognition of industrial design or utility model has been filed.

(2) If an industrial design or utility model application was published before this Act entered into force, but opposition to the issue of the decision on the recognition of the industrial design or utility model under Article 58 of the Industrial Property Act has not been filed, the Office shall issue a decision on the registration of the industrial design, enter the industrial design in the register and publish the notice of the registration of the industrial design.

(3) Industrial designs and utility models valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall be treated as industrial designs under this Act.

Article 139 (Opposition on the basis of a trade mark applied with the Office for Harmonization in the

Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs))

(1) Until the accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union, a trade mark that was applied for or registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) before the date of application of the later trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia shall also be considered an earlier trade mark under paragraph one of Article 44 of this Act.

(2) The holder of the earlier trade mark referred to in the preceding paragraph may file an opposition under Article 101 of this Act, provided that they also file a correct application for the protection of their trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia within the time limit for the opposition.

(3) If the holder of the earlier mark referred to in paragraph one of this Article, when filing an opposition under Article 101 of this Act, fails to also file a correct application for the protection of their trade mark in the Republic of Slovenia in due time, the opposition shall be deemed not to have been filed.

Article 140 (Designation of origin)

The designations of origin valid on the date of entry into force of this Act shall be treated as geographical indications under this Act, unless otherwise provided by another Act.

Article 141 (Examinations and representatives)

(1) Examinations passed or recognised up to the date of entry into force of this Act shall be considered equal to the examinations for patent representatives and examinations for industrial design and trade mark representatives.

(2) The Office shall ex officio enter in the register of patent representatives all representatives who have been registered in the register of representatives on the date of entry into force of this Act.

Article 142 (Implementing regulations)

(1) The implementing regulations under this Act and the order on the tariff referred to in paragraph three of Article 7 of this Act shall be issued within six months of entry into force of this Act, with the exception of the regulation referred to in paragraph two of Article 80 of this Act, which shall be issued when the Office sets up the necessary technical facilities.

(2) Until the issue of new regulations, the following regulations issued pursuant to the Industrial Property Act shall apply mutatis mutandis: a) Rules on the procedure for the granting of patents (Official Gazette of the Republic of

Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93); b) Rules on the procedure for the recognition of industrial designs and utility models (Official

Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] Nos 49/93, 37/95 – Constitutional Court Decision);

c) Rules on the procedure for the recognition of trade marks (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93);

d) Rules on the procedure for international trade mark registration (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 15/93);

d) Rules on the manner of conducting examinations and entry in the register of representatives (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 20/92);

f) Decree on the fees of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office for the acquisition and protection of industrial property rights (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 14/95);

g) Decree on the fees of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office for information and other services (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 57/96).

Article 143 (End of validity)

(1) On the day this Act enters into force, the following shall cease to be in force: a) Industrial Property Act; b) Rules on the transfer of industrial property rights applied for with the Federal Patent Office

to the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 49/93).

(2) Notwithstanding point a) of the preceding paragraph and subject to paragraph one of Article 137 and paragraph one of Article 138 of this Act, the provisions of Articles 10, 58, 77, 78 and 112 of the Industrial Property Act shall continue to apply.

Article 144 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force six months after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia."

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1A (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 96/02) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1B (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 37/04) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the date of accession of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1C (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 20/06) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 23 (Proceedings in progress)

Proceedings conducted pursuant to Chapter Nine of the Act that are in progress upon entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the provisions of the Act applicable to date.

Article 24 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1D (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 100/13) contains the following final provision:

"Article 2

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

The Act Amending the Industrial Property Act – ZIL-1E (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 23/20) contains the following transitional and final provisions:


Article 39 (Proceedings in progress)

Cases in relation to which a legal remedy has been filed or judicial proceedings initiated prior to entry into force of this Act shall be concluded according to the regulations applicable to date.

Article 40 (Harmonisation of implementing regulations)

(1) The Rules on the content of trade mark application (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 102/01), the Rules on electronic applications in procedures for the registration of trade marks and designs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 3/15) and the Rules on the register of applications and industrial property rights and priority right certificate (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS] No. 102/01) shall be harmonised with this Act within three months of entry into force of this Act.

(2) The Rules referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply until they are harmonised with this Act unless they are in conflict with the provisions of this Act.

Article 41 (Entry into force)

This Act shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.".

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Opozorilo: Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo predpisa predstavlja zgolj informativni delovni pripomoček, glede katerega organ ne jamči odškodninsko ali kako drugače.

Neuradno prečiščeno besedilo Zakona o industrijski lastnini obsega: - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01 z dne 7. 6. 2001), - Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1A (Uradni list RS, št. 96/02 z

dne 14. 11. 2002), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB1 (Uradni list RS,

št. 7/03 z dne 23. 1. 2003), - Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1B (Uradni list RS, št. 37/04 z

dne 15. 4. 2004), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB2 (Uradni list RS,

št. 102/04 z dne 21. 9. 2004), - Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1C (Uradni list

RS, št. 20/06 z dne 24. 2. 2006), - Zakon o industrijski lastnini – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – ZIL-1-UPB3 (Uradni list RS,

št. 51/06 z dne 18. 5. 2006), - Zakon o spremembi Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1D (Uradni list RS, št. 100/13 z

dne 6. 12. 2013), - Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1E (Uradni list

RS, št. 23/20 z dne 14. 3. 2020).


(neuradno prečiščeno besedilo št. 8)


1. člen (vsebina zakona)

(1) Ta zakon določa vrste pravic industrijske lastnine po tem zakonu in postopke za podelitev in registracijo teh pravic, sodno varstvo pravic in zastopanje strank v postopkih po tem zakonu.

(2) Pravice industrijske lastnine po tem zakonu so patent, dodatni varstveni certifikat, model, znamka in geografska označba.

(3) S tem zakonom se v pravni red Republike Slovenije prenašajo: - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 98/44/ES z dne 6. julija 1998 o pravnem

varstvu biotehnoloških izumov (UL L št. 213 z dne 30. 7. 1998, str. 13), - Direktiva 98/71/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. oktobra 1998 o pravnem

varstvu modelov (UL L št. 289 z dne 28. 10. 1998, str. 28), - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 2004/48/ES z dne 29. aprila 2004 o

uveljavljanju pravic intelektualne lastnine (UL L št. 157 z dne 30. 4. 2004, str. 45) in - Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 2015/2436/EU z dne 16. decembra 2015 o

približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi z blagovnimi znamkami (UL L št. 336 z dne 23. 12. 2015, str. 1).

2. člen (enakost tujih in domačih oseb)

(1) Pravne in fizične osebe, ki so pripadniki tujih držav, uživajo glede varstva pravic industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji enake pravice kot domače pravne ali fizične osebe oziroma domači pripadniki v skladu s Sporazumom o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine z dne 15. aprila 1994 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 10/95, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Sporazum TRIPs) ali z uporabo načela vzajemnosti.

(2) Obstoj vzajemnosti dokazuje tisti, ki se nanjo sklicuje.

3. člen (prijava za pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine)

(1) Ob upoštevanju 17. člena tega zakona se pridobitev posamezne pravice industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji zahteva z nacionalno prijavo, vloženo pri Uradu Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Urad) v skladu s tem zakonom.

(2) Pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine v Republiki Sloveniji se lahko zahteva tudi na podlagi prijav, vloženih v tujini, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo. Pravni učinek pravic industrijske lastnine, podeljenih ali registriranih na podlagi takih prijav, je izenačen s pravicami industrijske lastnine, ki so podeljene ali registrirane na podlagi nacionalnih prijav, razen če je z mednarodno pogodbo določeno drugače.

(3) Ista oseba ne more pridobiti posamezne pravice industrijske lastnine na podlagi nacionalne prijave, če je za pridobitev iste pravice prej vložila prijavo po prejšnjem odstavku.

(4) Pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine v tujini se lahko zahteva tudi na podlagi prijav, vloženih pri Uradu, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

4. člen (načelo prednosti prve prijave)

Kadar dva ali več prijaviteljev vloži prijave za pridobitev varstva za isti izum, videz izdelka ali znak v Republiki Sloveniji, ima tisti prijavitelj, ki ima zgodnejši datum prijave ali prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, prednost pred drugim prijaviteljem.

5. člen (Urad)

(1) Glavne naloge Urada so: a) sprejemanje prijav, s katerimi se zahteva pridobitev pravic industrijske lastnine; b) samostojno in neodvisno vodenje postopkov za podelitev patentov ter registracijo

modelov, znamk in geografskih označb ter podeljevanje patentov in registriranje modelov, znamk in geografskih označb;

c) vodenje registrov pravic industrijske lastnine in drugih registrov, ki jih določa ta zakon; d) opravljanje informacijskih storitev v zvezi s pravicami industrijske lastnine;

e) zastopanje Republike Slovenije pri tujih in mednarodnih organizacijah, ki delujejo na področju industrijske lastnine, na podlagi stališč, navodil in pooblastil Vlade Republike Slovenije;

f) opravljanje drugih zadev iz svoje pristojnosti.

(2) Urad izdaja svoje uradno glasilo, v katerem objavlja podatke o prijavah in pravicah industrijske lastnine.

(3) Urad vodi samostojno finančno poslovanje in evidentiranje v zvezi s pobiranjem in plačevanjem pristojbin po tem zakonu in plačilom storitev, opravljenih na podlagi 7. člena tega zakona.

(4) Urad vodi in za njegovo delo odgovarja direktor Urada, ki ga imenuje Vlada Republike Slovenije.

6. člen (odločanje Urada)

(1) V postopku podelitve ali registracije pravic industrijske lastnine, vzdrževanja njihove veljavnosti in postopkih pri vodenju registrov pravic in drugih registrov izdaja Urad odločbe, sklepe in druge akte na podlagi tega zakona. Če ta zakon nima ustreznih določb, se subsidiarno uporablja zakon, ki ureja splošni upravni postopek.

(2) Postopke v zvezi s prijavami po drugem ali četrtem odstavku 3. člena tega zakona vodi Urad na podlagi ustreznih mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, ter pravil in navodil, ki so izdana za izvajanje teh mednarodnih pogodb. Če ustrezna mednarodna pogodba, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo, ter pravila in navodila, izdana za izvajanje te mednarodne pogodbe, nimajo ustreznih določb, se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona.

7. člen (posredovanje informacij)

(1) Urad je ob upoštevanju 8. člena tega zakona dolžan vsakomur omogočiti vpogled v spis v zvezi s prijavo ter dostop do informacij o prijavah in podeljenih ali registriranih pravicah.

(2) Proti plačilu posreduje Urad informacije o stanju tehnike, ki so zajete v patentnih dokumentih, in opravlja druge storitve na področju informiranja in dokumentacije.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, izda odredbo o ceniku, s katero se določijo vrste in višina plačil iz prejšnjega odstavka.

8. člen (tajnost in vpogled v prijave)

(1) Spisi v zvezi s patentno prijavo in prijavo modela so do objave patentne prijave v uradnem glasilu urada oziroma do registracije modela uradna tajnost.

(2) V spise, ki so uradna tajnost, je mogoče vpogledati le s soglasjem prijavitelja.

(3) Vpogled v spis, ki je uradna tajnost, se brez soglasja prijavitelja dovoli tisti osebi, ki dokaže, da jo je v zvezi z njenimi dejanji prijavitelj pisno opozoril na svojo prijavo in obseg zahtevanega varstva.

(4) Če je bila patentna prijava, ki se nanaša na deponirani biološki material, zavrnjena ali umaknjena, je dostop do deponiranega biološkega materiala, če tako zahteva prijavitelj, dovoljen do poteka dvajsetih let od datuma vložitve prijave le neodvisnemu izvedencu.

(5) Še pred objavo patentne prijave v uradnem glasilu Urada, lahko Urad objavi ali sporoči tretji osebi naslednje podatke: a) številko prijave; b) datum vložitve prijave in, če je zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum, državo oziroma

urad in številko prve prijave; c) podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež); d) naziv izuma.

9. člen (pristojbine)

(1) V zvezi s pridobitvijo in vzdrževanjem veljavnosti pravic po tem zakonu se plačujejo pristojbine. Pristojbine se plačujejo v rokih, določenih s tem zakonom. Višino pristojbin določi Vlada Republike Slovenije z uredbo.

(2) V postopkih, v katerih se po prejšnjem odstavku plačujejo pristojbine, se ne plačujejo takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse.

(3) Če pristojbine v postopku niso pravočasno plačane ali če niso plačane v celoti, se šteje, da pristojbina ni plačana in da je vloga umaknjena, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Na zahtevo plačnika Urad vrne plačani znesek.

Drugo poglavje PATENT

1. oddelek Patent in patent s skrajšanim trajanjem

10. člen (predmet patentnega varstva)

(1) Patent se podeli za izum s slehernega področja tehnike, ki je nov, na inventivni ravni in industrijsko uporabljiv.

(2) Z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije se opredelijo natančnejši pogoji za podeljevanje patentov za posamezna področja tehnike z določenimi tehničnimi ali tehnološkimi posebnostmi.

11. člen (izjeme iz patentnega varstva)

(1) Odkritja, znanstvene teorije, matematične metode in druga pravila, načrti, metode in postopki za duhovno aktivnost se neposredno kot taki ne štejejo za izume po 10. členu tega zakona.

(2) Patent ne sme biti podeljen za: a) izum, katerega uporaba je v nasprotju z javnim redom ali moralo; b) izum kirurškega ali diagnostičnega postopka ali postopka zdravljenja, ki se uporablja

neposredno na živem človeškem ali živalskem telesu, razen izuma, ki se nanaša na izdelke, predvsem na snovi in zmesi, ki se uporabljajo pri takšnem postopku.

12. člen (novost izuma)

(1) Izum je nov, če ni obsežen s stanjem tehnike.

(2) V stanje tehnike se šteje vse, kar je bilo pred datumom vložitve patentne prijave dostopno javnosti z ustnim ali pisnim opisom, z uporabo ali na katerikoli drug način. Učinek prednostne pravice je, da se za potrebe tega člena datum prednostne pravice šteje kot datum prijave.

(3) V stanju tehnike je zaobsežena tudi vsebina prijav, ki so bile vložene pred datumom iz prejšnjega odstavka in so bile objavljene na ta dan ali kasneje, in sicer: a) nacionalnih patentnih prijav, kot so bile prvotno vložene pri Uradu; b) prijav za evropski patent, kot so bile prvotno vložene pri Evropskem patentnem uradu (v

nadaljnjem besedilu: EPU) na podlagi Konvencije o podeljevanju evropskih patentov z dne 5. oktobra 1973 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: EPK), če se z njimi zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji;

c) mednarodnih prijav, kot so bile prvotno vložene na podlagi Pogodbe o sodelovanju na področju patentov z dne 19. junija 1970, dopolnjene 2. oktobra 1979 in spremenjene 3. februarja 1984 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 19/93, v nadaljnjem besedilu: PCT), ki jih je Urad prejel kot izbrani urad v skladu z 39. členom PCT.

(4) Ne glede na določbe prvega, drugega in tretjega odstavka tega člena se lahko snov ali zmes, ki je obsežena s stanjem tehnike, zavaruje s patentom za izum, ki se nanaša na snov ali zmes za uporabo pri postopku zdravljenja po točki b) drugega odstavka 11. člena tega zakona, če takšna uporaba ni obsežena s stanjem tehnike.

13. člen (neškodljivo razkritje izuma)

(1) Ob uporabi 12. člena tega zakona se ne upošteva razkritje izuma, do katerega je prišlo v roku največ šest mesecev pred vložitvijo patentne prijave neposredno ali posredno zaradi: a) očitne zlorabe v odnosu do prijavitelja ali njegovega pravnega prednika ali b) dejstva, da je prijavitelj ali njegov pravni prednik razstavil izum na uradni ali uradno

priznani mednarodni razstavi iz 62. člena tega zakona.

(2) Določba točke b) prejšnjega odstavka velja le, če prijavitelj v prijavi navede, da je bil izum na tak način razstavljen, in predloži o tem ustrezno potrdilo v skladu z drugim odstavkom 62. člena tega zakona.

14. člen (inventivna raven)

(1) Šteje se, da je izum na inventivni ravni, če za strokovnjaka predmet izuma očitno ne izhaja iz stanja tehnike po drugem odstavku 12. člena tega zakona.

(2) Če so v stanju tehnike zaobseženi tudi dokumenti po tretjem odstavku 12. člena tega zakona, se ti dokumenti pri presoji inventivne ravni ne upoštevajo.

(3) Če vloži isti prijavitelj poleg prve patentne prijave, ki še ni bila objavljena, še kakšno patentno prijavo, ki se nanaša na isti predmet izuma kot prva, se prva patentna prijava ne upošteva pri presoji inventivne ravni druge patentne prijave.

15. člen (industrijska uporabljivost)

Izum je industrijsko uporabljiv, če se predmet izuma lahko proizvede ali uporabi v katerikoli gospodarski dejavnosti, vključno s kmetijstvom.

16. člen (predmet varstva patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem)

(1) Razen izuma za postopek, rastlinsko vrsto in živalsko pasmo se patent s skrajšanim trajanjem lahko podeli za izum, ki je nov, industrijsko uporabljiv in dosežen z ustvarjalnim delom.

(2) Šteje se da je izum dosežen z ustvarjalnim delom, če izkazuje določeno učinkovitost ali praktično prednost pri gospodarski uporabi.

(3) Določbe tega zakona, ki se nanašajo na patent, veljajo smiselno za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

17. člen (zaupni izumi)

(1) Izum, ki je pomemben za obrambo ali varnost Republike Slovenije, se šteje za zaupnega in se prijavi pri ministrstvu, pristojnem za obrambo.

(2) O pogojih izkoriščanja zaupnega izuma, zlasti o plačilu za njegovo izkoriščanje, se neposredno dogovorita izumitelj in ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo.

(3) Prijava za izum po prvem odstavku tega člena se lahko vloži pri Uradu, če ga ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo, ne želi izkoriščati ali če soglaša z vložitvijo patentne prijave.

18. člen (pravice iz patenta)

(1) Patent zagotavlja imetniku naslednje izključne pravice: a) če je predmet patenta proizvod: preprečitev tretjim osebam, ki nimajo imetnikove

privolitve, da izdelujejo, uporabljajo, ponujajo v prodajo, prodajajo ali v te namene uvažajo zadevni proizvod;

b) če je predmet patenta postopek: preprečitev tretjim osebam, ki nimajo imetnikove privolitve, da postopek uporabljajo in ponujajo v prodajo, prodajajo ali v te namene uvažajo proizvod, ki je pridobljen neposredno s tem postopkom.

(2) Obseg patentnega varstva je določen z vsebino patentnih zahtevkov. Za razlago patentnih zahtevkov pa se uporabljajo tudi opis in skice.

19. člen (omejitev pravic iz patenta)

Pravice iz 18. člena tega zakona se ne nanašajo na: a) dejanja, storjena zasebno in za negospodarske namene; b) raziskave in poizkuse vseh vrst, ki se nanašajo na predmet patenta, ne glede na njihov

končni namen; c) neposredno posamično pripravo zdravila v lekarni v skladu z zdravniškim navodilom ali

receptom ter dejanja, ki se nanašajo na tako pripravljeno zdravilo; d) uporabo predmeta patentiranega izuma na ladjah drugih držav, v ladijskem trupu, strojih,

škripčevju, palubni opremi in raznih dodatkih ladijske opreme, kadar te ladje začasno ali slučajno priplujejo v vode Republike Slovenije, pod pogojem, da je izum tu uporabljen izključno za potrebe ladje;

e) uporabo patentiranega izuma v konstrukcijah ali delovanju zračnih plovil ali kopenskih vozil drugih držav, ali v priborih teh plovil oziroma vozil, kadar začasno ali slučajno pridejo na ozemlje Republike Slovenije;

f) dejanja, predvidena v 27. členu Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu z dne 7. decembra 1944 (Uradni list FLRJ-MP, št. 3/54, 5/54, 9/61, 5/62, 11/63, 49/71, 62/73, 15/78, 2/80, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92), kadar gre za letalo države, za katero veljajo določbe navedenega člena konvencije.

20. člen (pravica poprejšnje uporabe)

(1) Pravice, ki jih ima imetnik patenta na podlagi 18. člena tega zakona, nimajo pravnega učinka zoper osebo, ki je v dobri veri uporabljala izum v Republiki Sloveniji pred datumom prijave zadevnega patenta ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, ali se pripravljala za njegovo uporabo, in ki nadaljuje s tako uporabo. Taka oseba zadrži pravico uporabljati izum, nima pa pravice dajati licence ali drugače razpolagati z izumom.

(2) Pravica osebe iz prejšnjega odstavka do nadaljevanja uporabe izuma se sme prenesti le skupaj z zadevnim podjetjem ali poslovno dejavnostjo, v kateri se uporablja izum ali so bile izvedene priprave za njegovo uporabo.

21. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz patenta)

(1) Pravice iz patenta se ne nanašajo na dejanja v Republiki Sloveniji v zvezi s proizvodom, na katerega se patent nanaša, potem ko je imetnik ta proizvod dal na trg v Republiki Sloveniji ali se je to zgodilo z njegovim izrecnim soglasjem, razen če obstajajo razlogi, ki bi po pravu Republike Slovenije utemeljevali razširitev pravic iz patenta na taka dejanja.

(2) Izčrpanje pravic iz patenta po prejšnjem odstavku se lahko razširi prek ozemlja Republike Slovenije, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

22. člen (trajanje patenta)

(1) Ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka 91. člena in ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona traja patent dvajset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Neposredno po izteku trajanja patenta se lahko za izum enkrat podaljša veljavnost patenta, in sicer za največ pet let, če je razglašeno vojno stanje ali podobne izredne razmere – za dobo trajanja takšnega stanja oziroma okoliščin.

(3) Neposredno po izteku trajanja patenta se lahko za izum v skladu z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije enkrat podeli dodatni varstveni certifikat, in sicer za največ pet let, če je predmet patenta proizvod ali postopek za proizvodnjo oziroma uporabo proizvoda, za katerega je pred pričetkom gospodarskega izkoriščanja potrebno izvesti z zakonom predpisani uradni postopek odobritve.

23. člen (trajanje patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem)

Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona traja patent s skrajšanim trajanjem deset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

2. oddelek Evropska patentna prijava in evropski patent

24. člen (uporaba prava)

(1) Za patent, ki ga je v skladu z EPK podelil EPU (v nadaljnjem besedilu: evropski patent), in za prijavo, vloženo v skladu z EPK za evropski patent (v nadaljnjem besedilu: evropska patentna prijava), s katerima se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen če je z EPK drugače določeno.

(2) V primeru neskladja med določbami EPK in določbami tega zakona, se glede evropskih patentnih prijav in evropskih patentov uporabljajo določbe EPK.

25. člen (vložitev evropske patentne prijave)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, z izjemo izločenih prijav, se sme vložiti pri Uradu v jeziku, ki ga dopuščata prvi in drugi odstavek 14. člena EPK.

(2) Pri evropski patentni prijavi za izum, ki lahko vpliva na nacionalno varnost v Republiki Sloveniji, se uporablja 17. člen tega zakona.

26. člen (veljavnost evropske patentne prijave)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji in kateri je bil dodeljen datum vložitve, je enakovredna nacionalni patentni prijavi, ob upoštevanju morebitne zahtevane prednostne pravice za evropsko patentno prijavo, ne glede na kasnejši izid o njej.

(2) Objavljena evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, ima varstvo, določeno s četrtim odstavkom 122. člena tega zakona, in sicer od dneva, ko je prijavitelj obvestil osebo, ki uporablja izum v Republiki Sloveniji, o slovenskem prevodu patentnih zahtevkov objavljene evropske patentne prijave.

27. člen (veljavnost evropskega patenta)

(1) Evropski patent, s katerim se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, zagotavlja glede na drugi do četrti odstavek tega člena od dneva, ko je EPU objavil sklep o njegovi podelitvi, enake pravice kot nacionalni patent pri Uradu po 18. členu tega zakona.

(2) V roku treh mesecev po datumu objave sklepa o podelitvi evropskega patenta je imetnik evropskega patenta dolžan dostaviti Uradu slovenski prevod patentnih zahtevkov za evropski patent in plačati predpisano pristojbino za objavo.

(3) Če velja zaradi ugovora, vloženega pri EPU, evropski patent s spremenjenimi zahtevki, se smiselno uporablja prejšnji odstavek.

(4) Če vsebujejo zahtevki sklicevalne oznake, navedene v skicah, se prevodu, določenem v drugem in tretjem odstavku tega člena priložijo tudi skice, s tem da se prevede tudi vsako besedilo v teh skicah.

(5) Urad objavi vsak prevod, ki je pravilno vložen v skladu z drugim, tretjim ali četrtim odstavkom tega člena.

(6) Če imetnik evropskega patenta ravna po drugem odstavku tega člena, izda Urad odločbo o vpisu evropskega patenta v register patentov pri Uradu.

(7) Če prevod, naveden v drugem, tretjem ali četrtem odstavku tega člena, ni pravočasno vložen ali če predpisana pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se evropski patent, s katerim se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, šteje za ničnega.

28. člen (verodostojno besedilo evropskih patentnih prijav ali evropskih patentov)

(1) Če prevod iz 26. in 27. člena tega zakona zagotavlja ožje varstvo kot v jeziku postopkov, se prevod šteje za verodostojno besedilo, razen v primeru postopka ugovora pri EPU.

(2) Prijavitelj ali imetnik evropskega patenta lahko vsak čas vloži popravljeni prevod patentnih zahtevkov. Popravljeni prevod ima pravni učinek od dneva, ko ga je Urad objavil oziroma od dneva, ko je prijavitelj ali imetnik evropskega patenta o njem obvestil osebo, ki uporablja ta izum v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Vsaka oseba, ki izum v dobri veri uporablja ali je izvedla učinkovite in resne priprave za uporabo izuma, pri čemer takšna uporaba ne bi bila kršitev prijave oziroma patenta v izvirnem prevodu, sme tudi potem, ko začne veljati popravljeni prevod, brez plačila nadaljevati s takšno uporabo v svojem poslovanju in za potrebe tega poslovanja.

29. člen (pristojbine za evropski patent)

(1) Pristojbine za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta v Republiki Sloveniji, se za leta, ki sledijo letu, v katerem je bil objavljen sklep o podelitvi evropskega patenta, plačujejo Uradu ob upoštevanju 109. in 110. člena tega zakona. Če pri EPU ni bila plačana pristojbina za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta za tretje leto njegovega trajanja, se ta pristojbina plača Uradu.

(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek zapade prva pristojbina za vzdrževanje evropskega patenta v plačilo dva meseca po objavi sklepa o podelitvi evropskega patenta.

(3) V skladu z 39. členom EPK pripada Evropski patentni organizaciji del pristojbin, vplačanih po tem členu.

30. člen (sprememba v nacionalno patentno prijavo)

(1) Evropska patentna prijava, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, se lahko spremeni v nacionalno patentno prijavo, če se šteje evropska patentna prijava za umaknjeno na podlagi petega odstavka 77. člena EPK ali ker prevod prijave po drugem odstavku 14. člena EPK ni bil vložen pravočasno, kot to določa tretji odstavek 90. člena EPK.

(2) Prijavitelj mora v predpisanem roku plačati predpisano pristojbino in vložiti prevod prijave pri Uradu v slovenskem jeziku.

31. člen (hkratno varstvo)

Če imata evropski patent in nacionalni patent, ki sta podeljena isti osebi, isti datum vložitve ali isti datum zahtevane prednostne pravice, nacionalni patent ne bo imel pravnega učinka od datuma, ko je potekel rok za ugovor na evropski patent in ugovor ni bil vložen, ali od datuma končne odločbe o veljavnosti evropskega patenta v postopku ugovora, če se nacionalni patent nanaša na isti izum kot evropski patent.

3. oddelek Patentna prijava po PCT

32. člen (prijave na podlagi PCT)

(1) Urad opravlja v skladu s PCT funkcijo prejemnega urada.

(2) Urad sprejema mednarodne prijave, katerih vložniki so državljani Republike Slovenije ali osebe, ki imajo stalno bivališče oziroma sedež na ozemlju Republike Slovenije.

(3) Mednarodna prijava po PCT se vloži v angleškem, francoskem ali nemškem jeziku. Mednarodna prijava po PCT se lahko vloži tudi v slovenskem jeziku, če je v roku, predpisanim s pravili ali navodili, izdanimi za izvajanje PCT, Uradu predložen prevod te prijave v angleški, francoski ali nemški jezik.

(4) Urad pobira v imenu in za račun Mednarodnega urada Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino pristojbine v zvezi s prijavami po tem členu.

(5) EPU je pristojna ustanova za mednarodno poizvedbo in mednarodni predhodni preizkus mednarodnih prijav po PCT, vloženih pri Uradu.

(6) Imenovanje ali izbira Republike Slovenije v mednarodni prijavi po točki (viii) 2. člena PCT se šteje kot zahteva za podelitev evropskega patenta, ki velja v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi mednarodne pogodbe, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

Tretje poglavje MODEL

1. oddelek Model

33. člen (predmet varstva modela)

(1) Model se registrira za videz izdelka, ki je nov in ima individualno naravo.

(2) Videz izdelka pomeni izgled celotnega izdelka ali njegovega dela, ki izhaja iz značilnosti zlasti linij, obrisov, barv, oblike, teksture oziroma materialov izdelka samega ali ornamentov na njem.

(3) Izdelek pomeni industrijski ali obrtni izdelek, ki med drugim vključuje dele, ki so namenjeni za sestavo kompleksnega izdelka, embalažo, opremo, grafične simbole in tipografske znake, z izjemo računalniških programov. Kompleksen izdelek pomeni izdelek, sestavljen iz več sestavnih delov, ki jih je mogoče zamenjati, tako da se izdelek lahko razstavi in ponovno sestavi.

(4) Če se videz izdelka nanaša na sestavni del kompleksnega izdelka, je nov in ima individualno naravo le: a) če sestavni del, potem ko je vključen v kompleksen izdelek, ostane viden ob normalni

uporabi kompleksnega izdelka, in b) če vidne značilnosti sestavnega dela tudi same izpolnjujejo pogoja glede novosti in

individualne narave.

(5) Normalna uporaba po točki a) prejšnjega odstavka pomeni uporabo pri končnem uporabniku, brez opravil vzdrževanja, servisiranja ali popravljanja.

34. člen (novost in individualna narava)

(1) Videz izdelka je nov, če pred datumom vložitve prijave modela ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, javnosti ni bil dostopen enak videz izdelka. Videz izdelka se šteje za enakega, če se njegove značilnosti razlikujejo le v nepomembnih podrobnostih.

(2) Videz izdelka ima individualno naravo, če se celotni vtis, ki ga naredi na seznanjenega uporabnika, razlikuje od celotnega vtisa, ki ga naredi kak drug videz izdelka, ki je bil dostopen javnosti pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Pri ocenjevanju individualne narave se upošteva stopnja svobode oblikovalca pri razvoju videza izdelka.

35. člen (razkritje videza izdelka)

(1) Pri uporabi 34. člena tega zakona se šteje, da je bil videz izdelka dostopen javnosti, če je bil objavljen v postopku registracije oziroma kako drugače ali razstavljen, uporabljen pri trgovanju ali drugače razkrit pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, razen če ti dogodki ne bi mogli postati znani v normalnem poteku poslovanja specializiranim krogom zadevnega področja, ki delujejo v Evropski uniji. Videz izdelka ne šteje za dostopnega javnosti zgolj zato, ker je bil razkrit tretji osebi pod izrecnimi ali neizrecnimi pogoji zaupnosti.

(2) Pri uporabi 34. člena tega zakona se razkritje ne upošteva, če je bil videz izdelka, za katerega se zahteva varstvo z modelom, dostopen javnosti v Evropski uniji: a) zaradi podatkov, ki jih je dal oblikovalec, njegov pravni naslednik ali tretja oseba, ali

zaradi dejanja oblikovalca ali njegovega pravnega naslednika; in b) v obdobju dvanajstih mesecev pred vložitvijo prijave, ali datumom prednostne pravice,

če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Prejšnji odstavek se uporablja tudi, če je bil videz izdelka dostopen javnosti kot posledica zlorabe v odnosu do oblikovalca ali njegovega pravnega naslednika.

36. člen (zavrnitev modela)

(1) Videz izdelka se ne sme registrirati kot model: a) če ne ustreza drugemu odstavku 33. člena tega zakona; b) če ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz prvega ali četrtega odstavka 33. člena ali 34. ali 35. člena

tega zakona ali če nasprotuje modelu, ki velja v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi prijave z zgodnejšim datumom vložitve;

c) če mora biti zavrnjen na podlagi 6.ter člena Pariške konvencije za varstvo industrijske lastnine z dne 20. marca 1883, zadnjič revidirane 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 5/74, 7/86, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Pariška konvencija), ker ni bilo izdano dovoljenje pristojnih organov;

d) če vsebuje ali posnema znamenja, embleme ali grbe, ki niso obseženi s 6.ter členom Pariške konvencije, vendar imajo poseben javni pomen, razen če so pristojni organi zanje izdali dovoljenje za registracijo;

e) če nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali.

(2) Model se ne more registrirati za značilnosti izgleda izdelka, ki so določene izključno z njegovo tehnično funkcijo.

(3) Model se ne more registrirati za značilnosti izgleda izdelka, ki morajo biti reproducirane v natančni obliki in dimenzijah, zato da bi bilo mogoče izdelek, na katerega se videz nanaša, mehansko povezati z drugim izdelkom ali ga vanj, okrog njega ali ob njega namestiti, tako da lahko vsak izdelek opravlja svojo funkcijo.

(4) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek je lahko pod pogoji iz 34. člena tega zakona kot model registriran videz izdelka, ki omogoča večkratno sestavo ali povezavo medsebojno zamenljivih izdelkov znotraj modularnega sistema.

37. člen (pravice iz modela)

(1) Imetnik modela ima izključno pravico, da ga uporablja in prepreči tretjim osebam, ki nimajo njegovega soglasja, da ga uporabljajo. Omenjena uporaba obsega zlasti izdelovanje, ponujanje, dajanje na trg, uvažanje, izvažanje ali uporabljanje izdelka, na katerega se videz nanaša, ali skladiščenje takega izdelka v te namene.

(2) Obseg varstva vključuje vsak videz izdelka, ki pri seznanjenem uporabniku ne ustvari drugačnega celotnega vtisa. Pri ocenjevanju obsega varstva se upošteva stopnja svobode oblikovalca pri razvoju njegovega videza izdelka.

(3) Pravice iz prvega odstavka tega člena se ne nanašajo: a) na uvoz rezervnih delov in pripomočkov za popravila ladje ali letala, ki začasno vstopi na

ozemlje Republike Slovenije in na izvajanje popravil na takšni ladji ali letalu ter smiselno na dejanja, našteta v 19. členu tega zakona, razen točke c);

b) na dejanja reproduciranja za namene citiranja ali učenja, če so v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji in ne škodijo neupravičeno normalnemu izkoriščanju modela in če se navede vir.

(4) Tretja oseba sme uveljavljati pravico poprejšnje uporabe modela. Pri tem se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 20. člena tega zakona.

38. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz modela)

(1) Pravice iz modela se ne nanašajo na dejanja v zvezi z izdelkom, na katerega se nanaša videz, ki je predmet modela, če je imetnik modela dal izdelek na trg v Republiki Sloveniji ali je bilo to storjeno z njegovim soglasjem.

(2) Izčrpanje pravic iz modela po prejšnjem odstavku se lahko razširi prek ozemlja Republike Slovenije, če je to v skladu z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

39. člen (druge oblike varstva modela)

(1) Določbe tega zakona o modelu ne posegajo v določbe drugih zakonov, ki se nanašajo na neregistrirane modele, znamke ali druge znake razlikovanja, patente, uporabne modele, oznake, civilno odgovornost ali nelojalno konkurenco.

(2) Model je lahko predmet avtorskopravnega varstva od dneva, ko je bil videz izdelka ustvarjen ali določen v katerikoli obliki, če izpolnjuje pogoje za pridobitev takega varstva po zakonu, ki ureja avtorsko in sorodne pravice.

40. člen (trajanje modela)

(1) Model traja eno ali več petletnih obdobij od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona lahko imetnik modela obnovi model za eno ali več petletnih obdobij, vendar največ petindvajset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(3) Če se model nanaša na več izdelkov, se lahko obnovi v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom za celotni model ali v zoženem obsegu le za nekatere izdelke.

2. oddelek Mednarodni depozit modela

41. člen (zahteve po Haaškem sporazumu)

(1) Zahteve po Haaškem sporazumu o mednarodnem depozitu industrijskih vzorcev in modelov z dne 28. novembra 1960, dopolnjenem 14. julija 1967 ter spremenjenem in dopolnjenem 28. septembra 1979 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 20/94, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Haaški sporazum) se vložijo v skladu s Haaškim sporazumom ter pravili in navodili, izdanimi za njegovo izvajanje, neposredno pri Mednarodnem uradu.

(2) Pri zahtevah po Haaškem sporazumu, s katerimi se zahteva varstvo modela v Sloveniji, se v skladu z 8. členom Haaškega sporazuma smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen drugega odstavka 96. člena tega zakona.

Četrto poglavje ZNAMKA

1. oddelek Znamka in kolektivna znamka

42. člen (predmet varstva znamke)

(1) Znamka je lahko sestavljena iz kakršnihkoli znakov, zlasti iz besed, vključno s priimki in imeni, ali iz slik, črk, številk, barv, oblike blaga ali njegove embalaže ali zvokov, če se: a) lahko s temi znaki blago ali storitve določenega podjetja razlikuje ali razlikujejo od blaga

ali storitev drugih podjetij ter b) ti znaki v registru lahko prikažejo na način, ki Uradu in drugim pristojnim organom ter

javnosti omogoči jasno in natančno določitev predmeta varstva, ki je zagotovljeno njihovemu imetniku.

(2) Pri presoji, ali se znak lahko registrira kot znamka, se upoštevajo vse dejanske okoliščine, zlasti trajanje uporabe znaka.

(3) Narava blaga ali storitev, na katere se nanaša znamka, ne sme biti v nobenem primeru ovira za registracijo.

43. člen (absolutni razlogi za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Kot znamka se ne registrira znak: a) ki ne more biti znamka; b) ki je brez slehernega razlikovalnega učinka;

c) ki lahko v gospodarskem prometu označuje izključno vrsto, kakovost, količino, namen, vrednost, geografski izvor ali čas proizvodnje blaga ali opravljanja storitev ali druge značilnosti blaga ali storitev;

d) ki sestoji izključno iz znakov ali označb, ki so postali običajni v jezikovni rabi ali dobroverni in ustaljeni praksi trgovanja;

e) ki sestoji izključno iz oblike ali druge značilnosti, ki izhaja iz same narave blaga, ali oblike ali druge značilnosti blaga, ki je nujna za dosego tehničnega učinka ali daje blagu bistveno vrednost;

f) ki nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali; g) ki zavaja javnost, zlasti glede narave, kakovosti ali geografskega izvora blaga ali storitev; h) za katerega ni bilo izdano dovoljenje pristojnih organov in mora biti zavrnjen na podlagi

6.ter člena Pariške konvencije; i) ki vsebuje ali posnema znamenja, embleme ali grbe, ki niso obseženi s 6.ter členom

Pariške konvencije, vendar imajo poseben javni pomen, razen če so pristojni organi zanje izdali dovoljenje za registracijo;

j) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Republika Slovenija ali Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo označb porekla in geografskih označbah;

k) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo tradicionalnih izrazov za vino;

l) ki je izključen iz registracije v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo zajamčenih tradicionalnih posebnosti;

m) ki sestoji iz prej registriranega poimenovanja rastlinske sorte v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije ali mednarodnimi pogodbami, katerih pogodbenica je Republika Slovenija ali Evropska unija, ki zagotavljajo varstvo žlahtniteljskih pravic, in se nanaša na rastlinske sorte iste ali zelo sorodne vrste, ali vsebuje bistvene elemente tega imena.

(2) Ne glede na točko b), c) in d) prejšnjega odstavka se registracija znamke ne zavrne, če je pred datumom vložitve prijave znak z uporabo pridobil razlikovalni učinek.

44. člen (relativni razlogi za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Če je vložen ugovor v skladu s 101. členom tega zakona, se znamka ne registrira za znak: a) ki je enak znaku prejšnje znamke in če so blago ali storitve, za katere je znamka

prijavljena, enaki blagu ali storitvam, za katere je varovana prejšnja znamka; b) če zaradi enakosti ali podobnosti z znakom prejšnje znamke in enakosti ali podobnosti

blaga ali storitev, na katere se nanašata znak in znamka, obstaja verjetnost zmede v javnosti, pri čemer verjetnost zmede vključuje verjetnost povezovanja s prejšnjo znamko;

c) ki je enak ali podoben znaku prejšnje znamke, ne glede na to, ali so blago ali storitve, za katere je znamka prijavljena, enaki, podobni ali niso podobni tistim, za katere je varovana prejšnja znamka, če ima prejšnja znamka ugled v Republiki Sloveniji in če bi se z uporabo kasnejše znamke brez upravičenega razloga nepošteno izkoriščal ali oškodoval razlikovalni učinek ali ugled prejšnje znamke;

d) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi pravice do neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem prometu, pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

e) ki ga je posrednik ali zastopnik imetnika znamke brez njegovega soglasja prijavil kot znamko v svojem imenu, razen če posrednik ali zastopnik upraviči svoje ravnanje;

f) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi registrirane označbe porekla ali geografske označbe, za katero je bila prijava vložena v skladu s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije, ki urejajo varstvo označb porekla ali geografskih označb, pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

g) če se lahko njegova uporaba prepove na podlagi prej pridobljene pravice do imena, osebne podobe, avtorske pravice ali druge pravice industrijske lastnine, razen če je imetnik prej pridobljene pravice izrecno soglašal z registracijo take znamke.

(2) Prejšnja znamka pomeni: a) znamko, ki je bila registrirana v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi nacionalne prijave pred

datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

b) znamko Evropske unije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: znamka EU), ki je bila registrirana pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

c) znamko, ki je bila registrirana na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana;

d) prijave znamk iz točk a), b) in c) tega odstavka, ki so bile vložene pred datumom prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, pod pogojem, da so registrirane;

e) neregistriran znak, ki je na datum vložitve prijave znamke ali datum prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana, v Republiki Sloveniji znana znamka po 6.bis členu Pariške konvencije.

45. člen (kolektivna znamka)

(1) Kolektivna znamka pomeni znamko, ki je kot taka navedena ob vložitvi prijave in njen znak omogoča razlikovanje blaga ali storitev članov nosilca te znamke od blaga ali storitev drugih podjetij.

(2) Prijavitelj ali nosilec kolektivne znamke je lahko pravna oseba, ki združuje izdelovalce, proizvajalce, ponudnike storitev ali trgovce, ter pravna oseba javnega prava.

(3) Člani nosilca kolektivne znamke lahko v skladu s pravilnikom iz 46. člena tega zakona uporabljajo kolektivno znamko.

(4) Za pridobitev kolektivne znamke se uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Ne glede na točko c) prvega odstavka 43. člena tega zakona se lahko s kolektivno znamko registrira znak, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga ali storitev.

46. člen (pravilnik o kolektivni znamki)

(1) Prijavitelj kolektivne znamke mora skupaj s prijavo predložiti pravilnik o kolektivni znamki.

(2) Pravilnik iz prejšnjega odstavka določa vsaj: a) naziv in sedež prijavitelja; b) dejavnost prijavitelja in podatke o tem, koga uradno oziroma statutarno predstavlja ali


c) pogoje za pridobitev članstva; d) pogoje za uporabo kolektivne znamke; e) podatke o krogu upravičencev do uporabe kolektivne znamke; f) določbe o pravicah in obveznostih članov v primeru kršitve kolektivne znamke.

(3) Prijavitelj ali nosilec kolektivne znamke Urad obvesti o vsaki spremembi pravilnika in predloži čistopis pravilnika. Urad v register vpiše podatek o spremembi pravilnika, razen če spremenjeni pravilnik ne ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka ali če je podan kateri izmed razlogov iz 46.a člena tega zakona. Sprememba pravilnika učinkuje z datumom vpisa spremembe v register.

(4) Pravilnik je javen in je vpogled vanj dovoljen vsakomur.

46.a člen (razlogi za zavrnitev kolektivne znamke)

(1) Kolektivna znamka se ne registrira, če je podan razlog iz 42., 43. ali 44. člena tega zakona in tudi, če: a) ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz 45. in 46. člena tega zakona; b) lahko zavaja javnost glede značaja ali pomena znamke, zlasti če je verjetno, da jo bodo

razumeli drugače kakor kolektivno znamko; c) pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona nasprotuje javnemu redu ali morali.

(2) Ne glede na točko c) prejšnjega odstavka se registracija kolektivne znamke ne zavrne, če prijavitelj s spremembo pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona odpravi ugotovljeno pomanjkljivost.

47. člen (pravice iz znamke)

(1) Znamka daje imetniku izključno pravico do njene uporabe in druge izključne pravice po tem zakonu. Brez poseganja v pravice imetnika, ki so bile pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ima imetnik znamke pravico preprečiti tretjim osebam, ki nimajo njegovega soglasja, da v gospodarskem prometu v povezavi z blagom ali storitvami uporabljajo znak: a) ki je enak znamki, za enako blago ali storitve, ki so obseženi z znamko; b) pri katerem zaradi njegove enakosti ali podobnosti z znamko in enakosti ali podobnosti

blaga ali storitev, obseženih z znamko in znakom, obstaja verjetnost zmede v javnosti, ki vključuje verjetnost povezovanja med znakom in znamko;

c) ki je enak ali podoben znamki, ne glede na to, ali so blago ali storitve enaki, podobni ali niso podobni tistim, ki so obseženi z znamko, če ima znamka v Republiki Sloveniji ugled in če bi uporaba takega znaka brez upravičenega razloga nepošteno izkoristila ali oškodovala razlikovalni učinek ali ugled znamke.

(2) Pravica iz prejšnjega odstavka preprečiti tretjim osebam uporabo znaka obsega zlasti prepoved: a) opremljanja blaga ali njegove embalaže z znakom; b) ponujanja blaga, označenega s tem znakom, njegovega dajanja na trg ali skladiščenja v

te namene ali ponujanja ali opravljanja storitev pod tem znakom; c) uvoza ali izvoza blaga pod tem znakom; d) uporabe znaka na poslovni dokumentaciji in v oglaševanju; e) uporabe znaka kot trgovskega imena ali firme podjetja ali dela trgovskega imena ali

firme podjetja;

f) uporabe znaka v primerjalnem oglaševanju na način, ki je v nasprotju s predpisi Republike Slovenije ali Evropske unije o zavajajočem in primerjalnem oglaševanju.

(3) Brez poseganja v pravice imetnika, ki so bile pridobljene pred datumom vložitve prijave znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ima imetnik znamke pravico preprečiti tretjim osebam vnos blaga v gospodarskem prometu v Republiko Slovenijo, ne da bi bilo to blago tudi sproščeno v prosti promet, če to blago, vključno z njegovo embalažo, prihaja iz držav, ki niso države članice Evropske unije ali Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, in je brez dovoljenja imetnika znamke označeno z znakom, ki je enak znamki, registrirani za takšno blago, ali ga v njegovih bistvenih lastnostih ni mogoče razlikovati od nje.

(4) Imetnik znamke nima več pravice iz prejšnjega odstavka, če deklarant ali imetnik blaga med postopkom ugotavljanja kršitve pravic iz znamke, začetim v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije o carinskih ukrepih za uveljavljanje pravic intelektualne lastnine, dokaže, da imetnik znamke nima pravice prepovedati dajanja blaga na trg v končni namembni državi.

47.a člen (prepoved pripravljalnih dejanj v zvezi z embalažo ali drugimi sredstvi)

Če obstaja nevarnost, da bi se lahko embalaža, nalepke, listki, varnostne oznake ali naprave, oznake ali naprave za preverjanje pristnosti ali druga sredstva, na katerih je nameščena znamka, uporabili v zvezi z blagom ali storitvami in bi takšna uporaba kršila pravice imetnika znamke iz prvega ali drugega odstavka 47. člena tega zakona, ima imetnik te znamke pravico prepovedati naslednja dejanja, če se izvajajo v gospodarskem prometu: a) namestitev znaka, ki je enak ali podoben znamki, na embalaži, nalepkah, listkih,

varnostnih oznakah ali napravah, oznakah ali napravah za preverjanje pristnosti ali na drugih sredstvih, na katera je mogoče namestiti znamko;

b) ponujanje ali dajanje na trg ali skladiščenje v te namene, uvoz ali izvoz embalaže, nalepk, listkov, varnostnih oznak ali naprav, oznak ali naprav za preverjanje pristnosti ali drugih sredstev, na katerih je nameščena znamka.

48. člen (omejitev pravic iz znamke)

(1) Imetnik znamke ne more prepovedati tretjemu v gospodarskem prometu, da v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji uporablja: a) svoj priimek in ime ali naslov; b) znake ali označbe, ki niso razlikovalni, ali označbe glede vrste, kakovosti, količine,

namena, vrednosti, geografskega izvora, časa proizvodnje blaga ali opravljanja storitve ali drugih značilnosti blaga ali storitev;

c) znamko zaradi opredelitve ali navajanja blaga ali storitev kot lastnih imetniku te znamke, zlasti če je potrebno z njo označiti namen proizvoda ali storitve, zlasti za dodatke ali nadomestne dele;

d) znak, ki je enak ali podoben znamki, če ga je tretji začel uporabljati v dobri veri pred datumom vložitve prijave oziroma pred datumom prednostne pravice, če je ta v prijavi zahtevana.

(2) Znamka imetniku ne daje pravice, da bi tretji osebi v gospodarskem prometu prepovedal uporabo prejšnje pravice, ki velja le na določenem območju, če je ta pravica priznana v Republiki Sloveniji in če se uporablja znotraj meja ozemlja, na katerem je priznana.

49. člen (omejitev pravic iz kolektivne znamke)

(1) Kolektivna znamka, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga, nosilcu ne daje pravice, da bi tretji osebi v gospodarskem prometu prepovedal uporabo takega znaka, če ga uporablja v skladu z dobrimi poslovnimi običaji, in tudi ne pravice, da prepove uporabo geografskega imena tretji osebi, ki je do tega upravičena.

(2) Nosilec kolektivne znamke, ki označuje geografski izvor blaga ali storitev, omogoči vsaki osebi, katere blago ali storitve izvirajo iz navedenega geografskega območja in izpolnjujejo pogoje za uporabo kolektivne znamke, določene v pravilniku iz 46. člena tega zakona, da postane član nosilca kolektivne znamke.

50. člen (izčrpanje pravic iz znamke)

(1) Znamka ne daje imetniku pravice, da prepove njeno uporabo v zvezi z blagom, ki ga je imetnik dal na trg v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru ali se je to zgodilo z njegovim soglasjem.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se ne uporablja, če obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi za imetnikovo nasprotovanje nadaljnji komercializaciji blaga, zlasti če se je stanje tega blaga spremenilo ali poslabšalo, potem ko je bilo dano na trg.

51. člen (reprodukcije znamk v slovarjih)

Če daje reprodukcija znamke v slovarju, enciklopediji ali podobnem delu vtis, da gre za generično ime blaga ali storitev, za katere je znak registriran, mora založnik dela na zahtevo imetnika znamke poskrbeti za to, da je najkasneje v naslednji izdaji publikacije pri reprodukciji znamke oznaka, da gre za znamko. Če je delo v elektronski obliki, to založnik zagotovi nemudoma.

52. člen (trajanje znamke)

(1) Znamka traja deset let od datuma vložitve prijave.

(2) Ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb 109. člena tega zakona lahko imetnik znamke ali katerakoli oseba, ki je po zakonu ali pogodbi pooblaščena za to, poljubno mnogokrat obnovi znamko za obdobje naslednjih deset let, šteto od datuma vložitve prijave.

(3) Znamka se lahko obnovi v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom za vse blago ali storitve ali v zoženem obsegu le za nekatero blago ali storitve.

52.a člen (prepoved uporabe in prenos znamke, registrirane na ime posrednika ali zastopnika)

(1) Če je bila znamka brez soglasja imetnika znamke registrirana na ime posrednika ali zastopnika osebe, ki je imetnik te znamke, ima imetnik znamke pravico zahtevati prepoved uporabe te znamke svojemu posredniku ali zastopniku in tudi pravico zahtevati, da se znamka prenese nanj.

(2) Imetnik znamke nima pravice iz prejšnjega odstavka, če posrednik ali zastopnik upraviči svoje ravnanje.

52.b člen (uporaba znamke)

(1) Če imetnik znamke v obdobju petih let od datuma vpisa znamke v register ni začel resno in dejansko uporabljati znamke v Republiki Sloveniji za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali če je bila takšna uporaba prekinjena v obdobju petih zaporednih let, veljajo za znamko omejitve in sankcije iz 52.c, 102.a, 120. in 122.a člena tega zakona, razen če obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo.

(2) Za uporabo znamke se šteje tudi: a) uporaba znamke v obliki, ki se glede na obliko, v kateri je bila registrirana, razlikuje v

elementih, ki ne spreminjajo razlikovalnega učinka znamke, ne glede na to, ali je bila znamka v obliki, v kateri se uporablja, tudi registrirana na ime imetnika znamke;

b) namestitev znamke na blago ali njegovo embalažo v Republiki Sloveniji izključno za potrebe izvoza.

(3) Šteje se, da imetnik uporablja znamko, če se uporablja z njegovim soglasjem.

(4) Pri kolektivni znamki se šteje, da jo nosilec uporablja, če jo uporablja vsaj ena oseba, ki ima pravico do njene uporabe.

52.c člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku za ugotovitev ničnosti)

(1) Imetnik kasnejše znamke, katere ugotovitev ničnosti zahteva imetnik prejšnje znamke, lahko zahteva, da imetnik prejšnje znamke predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju petih let pred datumom vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti svojo znamko, ki je razlog za to zahtevo, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa prejšnje znamke v register.

(2) Če je na datum vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali na datum prednostne pravice že poteklo obdobje petih let, v katerem bi moral imetnik prejšnjo znamko v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona začeti resno in dejansko uporabljati, imetnik prejšnje znamke poleg dokazov iz prejšnjega odstavka predloži tudi dokaze, da je znamko resno in dejansko začel uporabljati v obdobju petih let pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datumom prednostne pravice, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke na zahtevo imetnika kasnejše znamke ne dokaže okoliščin iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, se zavrne zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke na podlagi prejšnje znamke.

(4) Če se je prejšnja znamka uporabljala le za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je registrirana, se za namene preverjanja utemeljenosti zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti šteje, da je registrirana le za to blago ali storitve.

52.d člen (prenehanje pravice zahtevati ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke v obdobju petih zaporednih let ni nasprotoval uporabi kasnejše znamke, čeprav se je take uporabe zavedal, nima več pravice, da na podlagi svoje prejšnje znamke zahteva ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke za blago ali storitve, za katere se kasnejša znamka uporablja, razen če kasnejša znamka ni bila prijavljena v dobri veri.

(2) Imetnik kasnejše znamke dokazuje, da je svojo znamko uporabljal vsaj pet let zapored in da se je imetnik prejšnje znamke zavedal te uporabe.

(3) V primeru iz prvega odstavka tega člena imetnik kasnejše znamke nima več pravice ugovarjati uporabi prejšnje znamke, čeprav se ta ne more več uveljavljati proti kasnejši znamki.

52.e člen (razlikovalni učinek in ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Znamka se ne ugotovi za nično na podlagi točk b), c) ali d) prvega odstavka 43. člena tega zakona, če je pred datumom vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti z uporabo pridobila razlikovalni učinek.

(2) Zahtevi, ki temelji na prejšnji znamki, za ugotovitev ničnosti kasnejše znamke, se na datum vložitve zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti ne ugodi, če se tej zahtevi glede na datum vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke ali datum prednostne pravice ne bi ugodilo iz naslednjih razlogov: a) prejšnja znamka se lahko ugotovi za nično na podlagi točke b), c) ali d) prvega odstavka

43. člena tega zakona, ker še ni pridobila razlikovalnega učinka; b) zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti temelji na točki b) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona

in prejšnja znamka še nima tolikšnega razlikovalnega učinka za utemeljitev verjetnosti zmede po točki b) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ali

c) zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti temelji na točki c) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona in prejšnja znamka še ni pridobila ugleda po točki c) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona.

52.f člen (naknadno ugotavljanje ničnosti ali razveljavitve znamke)

Če se za znamko EU zahteva prednost starejše znamke, registrirane na podlagi nacionalne prijave ali mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, ki se ji je imetnik odpovedal ali dopustil, da njena veljavnost poteče, se lahko ničnost ali razveljavitev znamke, ki je podlaga zahteve za prednost starejše znamke, ugotovi tudi po njenem prenehanju, če bi se njena ničnost ali razveljavitev lahko ugotovila takrat, ko se ji je imetnik znamke odpovedal ali dopustil, da njena registracija poteče. V tem primeru prednost starejše znamke preneha učinkovati.

2. oddelek Mednarodna registracija znamke

53. člen (vložitev zahteve pri Uradu)

(1) Urad sprejema zahteve v skladu z Madridskim aranžmajem o mednarodnem registriranju znamk z dne 14. aprila 1891, zadnjič revidiranim 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list

SFRJ-MP, št. 2/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Madridski aranžma) in Protokolom k Madridskemu sporazumu o mednarodnem registriranju znamk z dne 27. junija 1997 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 21/97, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Madridski Protokol).

(2) Ob vložitvi zahteve ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača ustrezna pristojbina. Če pristojbina ni plačana v tem roku, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) K zahtevi za mednarodno registriranje znamke mora vložnik priložiti seznam blaga ali storitev v jeziku, ki je predpisan z Madridskim aranžmajem oziroma Madridskim Protokolom in predpisi in navodili za njuno izvajanje.

(4) Če zahteva ni sestavljena v skladu z Madridskim aranžmajem oziroma Madridskim Protokolom, predpisi in navodili za njuno izvajanje, tem zakonom in podzakonskimi predpisi, Urad pozove vložnika, naj jo v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva ustrezno dopolni ali popravi. Če vložnik v tem roku ne popravi ali dopolni ustrezno svoje zahteve, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(5) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino zahtev iz prvega odstavka tega člena in postopke v zvezi s temi zahtevami.

54. člen (preizkus mednarodne znamke)

(1) Pri zahtevah po Madridskem aranžmaju ali Madridskem Protokolu, s katerimi se zahteva varstvo znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se v skladu s 5. členom Madridskega aranžmaja oziroma 5. členom Madridskega Protokola smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona, razen 103. člena tega zakona.

(2) Objava podatkov o mednarodno registrirani znamki v glasilu Mednarodnega urada se šteje kot objava prijave znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Če se imetnik znamke, ki zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi Madridskega aranžmaja ali Madridskega Protokola, ne izreče o nameravani zavrnitvi varstva znamke, o kateri je obveščen v skladu s 5. členom Madridskega aranžmaja oziroma 5. členom Madridskega Protokola, Urad v takem primeru ne glede na peti odstavek 129. člena tega zakona izjemoma vroči odločbo neposredno po pošti imetniku znamke.

54.a člen (uporaba mednarodne znamke)

(1) Pri znamki, ki je bila registrirana na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb, ki obvezujejo Republiko Slovenijo, se obdobje petih let iz 52.b člena tega zakona šteje od datuma, ko je izjava Urada o priznanju varstva mednarodne registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji objavljena v glasilu Mednarodnega urada.

(2) Če po poteku enoletnega roka od datuma obvestila Mednarodnega urada o zahtevi za varstvo mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji Urad ni obvestil Mednarodnega urada o začasni zavrnitvi varstva mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji ali če ni Mednarodnemu uradu posredoval izjave o priznanju varstva mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se obdobje petih let iz 52.b člena tega zakona prične šteti s prvim dnem po izteku enoletnega roka od datuma obvestila Mednarodnega urada o zahtevi za varstvo mednarodno registrirane znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.


55. člen (predmet varstva registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Geografska označba, ki se sme registrirati, pomeni oznako, ki označuje, da blago izvira z določenega ozemlja, območja ali kraja na tem ozemlju, če je kakovost, sloves ali kakšna druga značilnost tega blaga bistveno odvisna od njegovega geografskega porekla.

(2) Kot geografska označba se lahko registrira tudi ime, ki je postalo po dolgotrajni uporabi v gospodarskem prometu splošno znano kot označba, da blago izvira iz določenega kraja ali območja.

(3) Geografska označba, ki se nanaša na blago s posebnim zgodovinskim ali kulturnim pomenom, se lahko zavaruje neposredno z uredbo Vlade Republike Slovenije.

(4) Kot geografska označba po tem zakonu se ne sme registrirati geografska oznaka za kmetijske pridelke oziroma živila ter za vina in druge proizvode iz grozdja in vina.

56. člen (razlogi za zavrnitev registracije geografske označbe)

Geografska označba se ne sme registrirati: a) če označuje ali nakazuje, da določeno blago izvira z geografskega območja, ki ni

resnični kraj izvora, na način, ki zavaja javnost glede geografskega porekla izvora; b) če je sicer dobesedno resnična kar zadeva ozemlje, območje ali kraj, iz katerega izvira

blago, vendar pa v javnosti ustvarja napačen vtis, da blago izvira z drugega geografskega območja;

c) če je postala po dolgotrajni uporabi v gospodarskem prometu splošno znana kot oznaka za določeno vrsto blaga;

d) če bi njena registracija zaradi ugleda, poznanosti in trajanja uporabe znamke lahko zavajala potrošnika glede resnične identitete izdelka.

57. člen (varstvo registrirane geografske označbe pred splošno uporabo)

Registrirane geografske označbe se ne morejo spremeniti v generična ali splošno znana imena, katerih uporaba v gospodarskem prometu bi bila prosta.

58. člen (pravice iz registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Registrirana geografska označba je kolektivna pravica in jo smejo uporabljati v gospodarskem prometu osebe, ki v skladu s specifikacijo iz drugega odstavka 104. člena tega zakona proizvajajo in dajejo v promet blago, zavarovano z geografsko označbo.

(2) Neupravičene osebe ne smejo uporabljati registrirane geografske označbe.

(3) Uporaba registrirane geografske označbe je prepovedana, če blago ne izvira iz kraja, ki ga označuje določena geografska označba, tudi če je označen pravi izvor blaga, če

je geografska označba uporabljena v prevodu ali če geografsko označbo spremljajo izrazi, kot so “vrsta“, “tip“, “stil“, “imitacija“ in podobno.

59. člen (omejitev pravic iz registrirane geografske označbe)

(1) Če je bila znamka, ki je enaka ali podobna registrirani geografski označbi, prijavljena ali registrirana v dobri veri ali če je bila znamka pridobljena z uporabo v dobri veri, še preden je bila geografska označba registrirana, te znamke ni mogoče razveljaviti ali prepovedati njene uporabe.

(2) Registrirana geografska označba ne izključuje pravice drugega, da v gospodarskem prometu uporablja svoje ime ali ime svojega predhodnika v poslu razen, če je tako ime uporabljeno tako, da zavaja javnost.

60. člen (trajanje registrirane geografske označbe)

Trajanje registrirane geografske označbe ni omejeno.


61. člen (unijska prednostna pravica)

(1) Kdor pravilno vloži prvo prijavo patenta, modela ali znamke v državi članici unije, ustanovljene na podlagi Pariške konvencije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Pariška unija), ali Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: WTO), ima ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji prednostno pravico. Rok za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice je za patent dvanajst mesecev ter za modele in znamke šest mesecev od dneva vložitve prve prijave.

(2) Oseba, ki zahteva prednostno pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka, mora ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navesti datum zahtevane prednostne pravice. V treh mesecih po vložitvi prijave morata biti Uradu sporočena številka prve prijave in država oziroma urad vložitve prve prijave. Če prijavitelj ne ravna po določbah tega odstavka, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

(3) Na zahtevo Urada, ali v primeru spora, na zahtevo sodišča, mora tisti, ki zahteva prednostno pravico, predložiti prepis prve prijave, ki ga overi pristojni organ države članice Pariške unije ali WTO, v kateri je bila prva prijava vložena. Prepisa prve prijave ni mogoče zahtevati pred potekom šestnajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prve prijave.

(4) Če prepis prve prijave iz prejšnjega odstavka ni v slovenskem jeziku in je veljavnost zahtevane prednostne pravice bistvena za odločitev, ali je zadevni izum mogoče zavarovati s patentom, lahko Urad, ali v primeru spora, sodišče, zahteva, da tisti, ki zahteva prednostno pravico, v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži prevod prve prijave v slovenskem jeziku.

(5) Prijavitelj se lahko sklicuje na večkratno prednostno pravico, ki temelji na različnih prejšnjih prijavah, vloženih v eni ali več državah.

(6) Prijavitelj lahko v patentni prijavi zahteva prednostno pravico na podlagi prijave za varstvo uporabnega modela.

(7) Urad izda na zahtevo in ob plačilu takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse, potrdilo o prednostni pravici. Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino potrdila o prednostni pravici in postopek izdaje potrdila.

62. člen (razstavna prednostna pravica)

(1) Oseba, ki na uradni ali uradno priznani mednarodni razstavi po Konvenciji o mednarodnih razstavah, podpisani 22. novembra 1928 in zadnjič revidirani 30. novembra 1972, v Republiki Sloveniji ali v drugi državi članici Pariške unije ali WTO razstavi izum, videz izdelka ali njegovega dela ali uporabi znak za označevanje blaga ali storitev, lahko v treh mesecih od dneva zaprtja razstave v svoji prijavi zahteva prednostno pravico od prvega dne razstavitve izuma ali videza izdelka ali njegovega dela oziroma uporabe znaka.

(2) Oseba, ki zahteva prednostno pravico iz prejšnjega odstavka mora ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navesti podatke o vrsti razstave, kraju, kjer je bila, datumih njenega odprtja in zaprtja ter o prvem dnevu razstavitve oziroma uporabe ter predložiti pisno potrdilo pristojnega organa države članice Pariške unije ali WTO, da gre za uradno ali uradno priznano mednarodno razstavo. Če prijavitelj ne ravna po določbah tega odstavka, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

(3) Z zahtevanjem prednostne pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena se rok za uveljavljanje unijske prednostne pravice iz prvega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona ne more podaljšati.

63. člen (popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice)

(1) Prijavitelj lahko zahteva popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice v patentni prijavi v šestnajstih mesecih od datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice ali od spremenjenega datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice, če bi popravek ali dopolnitev povzročila spremembo v datumu zahtevane prednostne pravice, vendar le, če je zahteva vložena v štirih mesecih od datuma vložitve patentne prijave.

(2) Prijavitelj mora hkrati z zahtevo plačati pristojbino, sicer se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Če je prijavitelj zahteval objavo po drugem odstavku 89. člena tega zakona in nato vložil tudi zahtevo iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se šteje, da zahteva iz prvega odstavka tega člena ni bila vložena razen, če je prijavitelj umaknil zahtevo po drugem odstavku 89. člena tega zakona, še pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo prijave.

(4) Če je zaradi popravka ali dopolnitve zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice spremenjen datum zahtevane prednostne pravice, se štejejo roki od spremenjenega datuma zahtevane prednostne pravice.

64. člen (vzpostavitev prednostne pravice)

(1) Če je datum vložitve patentne prijave, pri kateri bi bila lahko zahtevana prednostna pravica iz prve prijave, kasnejši od zadnjega datuma za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice, vendar ne več kot za dva meseca, lahko prijavitelj zahteva vzpostavitev prednostne pravice, če kljub skrbnemu ravnanju, ki so ga zahtevale okoliščine, ni mogel vložiti prijave v roku iz prvega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona.

(2) Prijavitelj mora vložiti zahtevo za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice v dveh mesecih od zadnjega datuma za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice in pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo prijave. Hkrati z zahtevo mora plačati tudi pristojbino, sicer se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

65. člen (prepoved širitve obsega prijave)

(1) Vsebina predmeta patentne prijave po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme biti razširjena prek vsebine predmeta prvotno sprejete prijave.

(2) V prijavi modela se po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme bistveno spremeniti videz izdelka ali njegovega dela ali povečati število izdelkov.

(3) V prijavi znamke se po datumu vložitve prijave ne sme bistveno spremeniti znak ali razširiti prvotni seznam blaga ali storitev.

66. člen (podaljšanje rokov)

(1) Prijavitelj ali imetnik lahko pred iztekom roka po tem zakonu enkrat zahteva njegovo podaljšanje za tri mesece.

(2) Roki za vložitev tožbe in roki iz prejšnjega odstavka, prvega odstavka 13., drugega odstavka 27. člena, drugega odstavka 35., prvega odstavka 61., prvega odstavka 62., prvega odstavka 63., drugega odstavka 64., drugega odstavka 67., drugega odstavka 68., tretjega odstavka 80., tretjega odstavka 86., prvega odstavka 91., tretjega odstavka 92., drugega in tretjega odstavka 94., prvega in četrtega odstavka 101., 109., 110., prvega odstavka 117., drugega odstavka 130. ter drugega odstavka 137. člena, niso podaljšljivi.

67. člen (nadaljevanje postopka po zamudi)

(1) Prijavitelj, ki je zamudil rok za izpolnitev obveznosti, zahtevanih v postopku za pridobitev pravice, lahko zahteva, da se zamujeni rok šteje kot pravočasen in da se odpravijo pravne posledice zamude ter da Urad nadaljuje s postopkom pridobitve pravice.

(2) Zahteva za nadaljevanje postopka se vloži v dveh mesecih, šteto od dneva, ko je prenehal vzrok, ki je povzročil zamudo, če je prijavitelj šele pozneje izvedel za zamudo, pa od dneva, ko je za to izvedel, vendar ne kasneje kot v šestih mesecih od dneva nastanka zamude. Prijavitelj mora hkrati z zahtevo opraviti zamujeno dejanje in plačati pristojbino za nadaljevanje postopka. Če v tem roku zamujeno dejanje ni opravljeno ali če pristojbina za nadaljevanje postopka ni plačana, se šteje, da zahteva ni bila vložena.

(3) Nadaljevanja postopka ni mogoče zahtevati zaradi zamude roka iz prejšnjega odstavka in roka za vložitev ugovora ali tožbe, ali če je vložena zahteva za vrnitev v prejšnje

stanje, ali zahteva za popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice, ali zahteva za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice.

(4) Če je Urad ugodil zahtevi za nadaljevanje postopka, se smiselno uporablja šesti oziroma sedmi odstavek 68. člena tega zakona.

68. člen (vrnitev v prejšnje stanje)

(1) Stranka sme v postopku pred Uradom iz upravičenih razlogov zahtevati vrnitev v prejšnje stanje, če kljub skrbnemu ravnanju, ki so ga zahtevale okoliščine, ni mogla pravočasno izvršiti obveznosti, ki jih je Urad zahteval v skladu s tem zakonom in na njegovi podlagi izdanimi podzakonskimi predpisi, in se je zaradi tega njena prijava ali kakšna druga vloga štela za umaknjeno ali je bila zavržena ali zavrnjena oziroma je pravica prenehala veljati.

(2) Zahteva za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje se vloži v treh mesecih, šteto od dneva, ko je prenehal vzrok, ki je povzročil zamudo, če je stranka šele pozneje zvedela za zamudo, pa od dneva, ko je za to zvedela. Hkrati z zahtevo je treba opraviti zamujeno dejanje in plačati pristojbino. Če ob vložitvi zahteve zamujeno dejanje ni opravljeno ali če pristojbina ni plačana, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Urad ne more zavrniti zahteve za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje v delu ali v celoti, če ni stranke pred tem pisno seznanil z razlogi za zavrnitev zahteve v delu ali v celoti in če je ni pozval, naj se v roku treh mesecev od vročitve poziva izreče o razlogih za zavrnitev zahteve.

(4) Po enem letu od dneva zamude se ne more več zahtevati vrnitve v prejšnje stanje.

(5) Vrnitve v prejšnje stanje ni mogoče zahtevati zaradi zamude rokov za vložitev zahteve za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje, zahteve za nadaljevanje postopka, ugovora ali tožbe, zahteve za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice in za predložitev prepisa prve prijave, zahteve za popravek ali dopolnitev zahteve za priznanje prednostne pravice ali zahteve za vzpostavitev prednostne pravice.

(6) Vsak, ki je v dobri veri uporabljal ali imel učinkovite in resne priprave za uporabo izuma ali modela, ki je predmet objavljene prijave, sme v obdobju med izgubo pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena in objavo vrnitve v prejšnje stanje pri tej pravici, brez nadomestila nadaljevati s takšno uporabo v svojem poslu ali za njegove potrebe.

(7) Če je prijavitelj ali imetnik znamke z vrnitvijo v prejšnje stanje ponovno vzpostavil svojo pravico do znamke, ne more uveljavljati svoje pravice proti komurkoli, ki je v obdobju med izgubo pravice po prvem odstavku tega člena in objavo vrnitve v prejšnje stanje te pravice v dobri veri dal blago na trg ali opravljal storitve pod znakom, ki je enak ali podoben njegovi znamki.

69. člen (umik vloge)

(1) Stranka lahko v postopku pred Uradom kadarkoli med postopkom umakne svojo vlogo.

(2) Vloga je umaknjena z dnem, ko prejme Urad zahtevo za umik vloge.

(3) Na podlagi zahteve za umik vloge izda Urad sklep o ustavitvi postopka.

(4) Če je prijavitelj umaknil zahtevo za podelitev patenta po zaključku tehničnih priprav za objavo te prijave in je bila prijava objavljena, se objava prijave ne šteje v stanje tehnike po 12. členu tega zakona.

70. člen (seznanitev prijavitelja pred zavrnitvijo pravice)

(1) Urad ne more izdati odločbe o zavrnitvi ali odločbe o delni zavrnitvi zahteve za podelitev oziroma registracijo pravice, če ni prej pisno seznanil prijavitelja z razlogi, zaradi katerih ne more podeliti oziroma registrirati pravice ali je ne more podeliti oziroma registrirati v zahtevanem obsegu, in če ni prijavitelja pozval, naj se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva izreče o teh razlogih oziroma vloženo zahtevo spremeni ali dopolni.

(2) Če se prijavitelj pravočasno izreče o razlogih za zavrnitev zahteve v delu ali v celoti, ali spremeni oziroma dopolni svojo zahtevo, Urad pred izdajo odločbe preveri, ali so še podani razlogi za zavrnitev ali delno zavrnitev zahteve za podelitev ali registracijo pravice.

71. člen (upravni spor)

Zoper odločbo ali sklep Urada ni pritožbe, možna pa je tožba v upravnem sporu, ki se vloži pri Upravnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani. V sporu odloča sodišče na sedežu v Ljubljani.

72. člen (postopek v zvezi s tožbami)

(1) Sodišče nemudoma obvesti Urad o prejemu tožbe po tem zakonu in pravnomočni odločbi. Sodišče pošlje Uradu sodbo s potrdilom o pravnomočnosti zaradi izvršitve.

(2) Urad izda odločbo, s katero se sodba izvrši.

(3) Postopki v zvezi s tožbami po tem zakonu so hitri. Sodišče odloča o tožbah po tem zakonu prednostno.

(4) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se ne uporabljata pri sporih zaradi kršitve pravic.

73. člen (izumitelj, oblikovalec)

(1) V postopku za podelitev patenta se izumitelj, naveden v prijavi, šteje za izumitelja, razen če sodišče odloči drugače.

(2) Prvi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporablja za oblikovalca videza izdelka.

(3) Urad ne preverja točnosti podatkov o izumitelju ali oblikovalcu.

74. člen (imetnik pravice)

(1) Patent se podeli oziroma model ali znamka se registrira na ime tistega, ki je ob podelitvi ali registraciji naveden kot prijavitelj.

(2) Določba prejšnjega odstavka se smiselno uporablja, če je kot prijavitelj navedenih več oseb. Urad ne določa medsebojnih razmerij med osebami, ki so navedeni kot prijavitelj.

75. člen (prenos pravice)

(1) Imetnik patenta, modela ali znamke lahko s pogodbo ločeno od prenosa podjetja v delu ali v celoti prenaša svojo pravico.

(2) Prenos celotnega podjetja, ki je dogovorjen s pogodbo, vključuje prenos patenta, modela oziroma znamke tega podjetja, razen če je dogovorjeno drugače ali če okoliščine jasno kažejo drugače.

(3) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporabljata za prijavitelja in prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

(4) Kolektivna znamka se lahko prenese samo na osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz drugega odstavka 45. člena tega zakona.

(5) Prenos geografske označbe na drugo osebo ni dovoljen.

75.a člen (stvarne pravice)

(1) Patent, model ali znamka se lahko ločeno od podjetja da v zavarovanje ali je predmet stvarnih pravic.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

75.b člen (izvršba)

(1) Patent, model in znamka so lahko predmet izvršbe.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

75.c člen (licenca)

(1) Patent, model ali znamka je lahko v delu ali v celoti predmet licence in za celotno ozemlje Republike Slovenije ali del njenega ozemlja. Licenca je izključna ali neizključna.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave patenta, modela ali znamke.

(3) Imetnik znamke lahko uveljavlja pravice iz znamke proti pridobitelju licence, ki ravna v nasprotju z določbo v licenčni pogodbi v zvezi: a) z njenim trajanjem; b) z obliko, obseženo z registracijo, v kateri se lahko uporablja znamka; c) z obsegom blaga ali storitev, za katere je podeljena licenca; d) z ozemljem, na katerem se znamka lahko uporabi, ali e) s kakovostjo blaga ali storitev, ki ga izdeluje ali jih opravlja pridobitelj licence.

(4) Kolektivna znamka in geografska označba ne smeta biti predmet licenčne pogodbe.

76. člen (čas pridobitve pravic)

(1) Ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka tega člena se pravice iz 18., 37., 47. in 58. člena tega zakona pridobijo z dnevom vpisa v ustrezen register.

(2) Ob upoštevanju 122. člena tega zakona ni mogoče uveljavljati pravice iz prvega odstavka 18. člena tega zakona v tožbi po 121. členu tega zakona zaradi kršitve patenta pred dnevom izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona ali pred dnevom vpisa evropskega patenta v register pri Uradu.

77. člen (prenehanje veljavnosti)

Podeljene oziroma registrirane pravice prenehajo veljati tudi pred predpisanimi roki iz 22., 23., 40. in 52. člena tega zakona: a) če se imetnik odpove pravici – naslednji dan, ko prejme Urad vlogo o odpovedi; b) če niso v skladu s tem zakonom plačane predpisane pristojbine; c) na podlagi pravnomočne sodbe sodišča oziroma odločbe Urada v primerih, ki so

predvideni s tem zakonom – z dnem, ki je določen s to sodbo oziroma odločbo.

78. člen (poprava pomot)

(1) Urad sme po uradni dolžnosti ali na zahtevo stranke vsak čas popraviti pomote v imenih, datumih, številkah ter drugih očitnih pomotah v aktih Urada, objavah in registrih.

(2) Poprava pomot v objavah se objavi v uradnem glasilu.


1. oddelek Vložitev prijav in formalni preizkus

79. člen (sestavine prijave)

(1) Prijava mora vsebovati navedbo, iz katere je mogoče razbrati, da se zahteva pridobitev določene pravice, in: a) za patent – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 86. člena tega zakona; b) za model – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 94. člena tega zakona; c) za znamko – vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 97. člena tega zakona oziroma za

kolektivno znamko tudi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(2) Prijava mora vsebovati tudi: a) pooblastilo zastopniku, če je prijava vložena po zastopniku; b) besedilo prijave v slovenskem jeziku, če je bila prijava prvotno vložena po drugem

odstavku 81. člena tega zakona v tujem jeziku; c) potrdilo o plačilu celotnega zneska prijavne pristojbine.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskimi predpisi natančneje določi vsebino prijav in postopek podelitve patenta, registracije modela in registracije znamke.

80. člen (oblika in način vložitve prijave)

(1) Prijava za pridobitev posamezne pravice mora biti po vsebini in obliki sestavljena v skladu s tem zakonom in predpisi, izdanimi na njegovi podlagi, in mora vsebovati vse podatke. Prijava mora biti čitljiva in predložena tako, da je mogoče njeno vsebino jasno in primerno reproducirati.

(2) Prijava se lahko vloži v pisni obliki osebno ali po pošti, po telefaksu ali drugih elektronskih medijih. Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi način vlaganja prijav po drugih elektronskih medijih.

(3) Če prijava, ki je bila vložena po telefaksu ali drugem elektronskem mediju, ni čitljiva ali je ni mogoče jasno in primerno reproducirati, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži nov izvod iste prijave v pisni obliki. Če Urad v tem roku ne prejme zahtevanega izvoda prijave, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

(4) Ob vložitvi prijave ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača prijavna pristojbina. Če pristojbina ni v celoti pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

81. člen (jezik prijave)

(1) Prijava mora biti vložena v slovenskem jeziku, razen če je s tem zakonom ali mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo določeno drugače.

(2) Prijava je lahko vložena tudi v kateremkoli tujem jeziku, če vsebuje v slovenskem jeziku ali v enem izmed uradnih jezikov EPK, Madridskega aranžmaja, Madridskega Protokola ali Haaškega sporazuma vsaj navedbo pravice, ki se zahteva, in navedbo, ki omogoča stik Urada s prijaviteljem.

(3) Če je prijava vložena v tujem jeziku, mora prijavitelj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Uradu predložiti prevod te prijave v slovenskem jeziku. Če Urad ne prejme pravočasno prevoda te prijave v slovenskem jeziku, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

(4) Urad vodi postopek na podlagi prijave v slovenskem jeziku.

82. člen (določitev datuma vložitve prijave)

(1) Urad določi ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka 81. člena tega zakona datum vložitve prijave in številko prijave pri vsaki prijavi, ki vsebuje vsaj: a) navedbo, iz katere je mogoče razbrati, da se zahteva pridobitev določene pravice; b) podatke, ki omogočajo Uradu ugotovitev identitete prijavitelja, ali vzpostavitev stika z

njim; c) najnujnejše sestavine prijave za pravico, katere pridobitev se zahteva, po drugem

odstavku tega člena.

(2) Najnujnejše sestavine iz točke c) prejšnjega odstavka so: a) pri patentni prijavi: del prijave, ki je na prvi pogled videti kot opis izuma; b) pri prijavi modela: fotografija ali grafični prikaz videza izdelka oziroma pri

dvodimenzionalnih izdelkih primerek izdelka ali njegovega dela, če je zahtevan odlog objave po drugem odstavku 94. člena tega zakona;

c) pri prijavi znamke: prikaz znaka in navedba blaga ali storitev, za katere se zahteva varstvo, in pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona pri prijavi kolektivne znamke.

(3) Kot datum vložitve prijave se šteje datum, ko je Urad ob upoštevanju 83. člena tega zakona prejel vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, razen če ta zakon ali mednarodna pogodba, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo, določata drugače. Urad izda prijavitelju potrdilo o prejemu prijave, na katerem sta navedena datum vložitve in številka prijave.

(4) Če prijava ne vsebuje vseh sestavin iz prvega odstavka tega člena in ji ni mogoče določiti številke in datuma vložitve, Urad takoj, ko prejme podatke, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev stika s prijaviteljem, o tem obvesti prijavitelja in ga pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo dopolni vsaj tako, da bo izpolnjevala pogoje iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

(5) Če je prijava iz prejšnjega odstavka pravočasno dopolnjena tako, da vsebuje vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, Urad pri prijavi določi številko in datum vložitve prijave z dnem prejema vseh sestavin iz prvega odstavka tega člena, in o tem izda prijavitelju potrdilo.

(6) Če prijava iz četrtega odstavka tega člena ni pravočasno ali v celoti ustrezno dopolnjena, se šteje, da je umaknjena, o čemer Urad obvesti prijavitelja.

83. člen (posebnosti pri določitvi datuma vložitve patentne prijave)

(1) Če je ob določanju datuma vložitve patentne prijave videti, kot da v prijavi manjka del opisa izuma ali skica, na katero se prijavitelj sklicuje v prijavi, Urad o tem brez odlašanja obvesti prijavitelja, in ga pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo ustrezno dopolni.

(2) Če prijavitelj v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka predloži manjkajoči del opisa izuma ali manjkajočo skico, se ta del opisa izuma ali skica vključi v prijavo, kot datum vložitve prijave pa se šteje datum, ko je Urad prejel ta del opisa izuma ali to skico, ali datum, ko je Urad prejel vse sestavine iz prvega odstavka 82. člena tega zakona, in sicer tisti, ki je kasnejši.

(3) Če prijavitelj pri prijavi, v kateri je videti, kot da manjka del opisa izuma ali skica, zahteva prednostno pravico po 61. členu tega zakona, mora biti manjkajoči del opisa izuma ali skice v celoti vsebovan v prvi prijavi.

(4) Če prijavitelj uveljavlja prednostno pravico po 61. členu tega zakona, se za potrebe določitve datuma vložitve patentne prijave šteje, da so pri prijavi vložene najnujnejše sestavine iz točke a) drugega odstavka 82. člena tega zakona, če prijavitelj ob vložitvi prijave v Republiki Sloveniji navede datum, številko in državo oziroma urad vložitve prijave, na katero se sklicuje. Prijavitelj mora v takem primeru v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Uradu predložiti prepis prve prijave iz tretjega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona, razen če je bila prva prijava vložena pri Uradu ali če je prva prijava dostopna Uradu po digitalni knjižnici, ki jo Urad sprejema za te potrebe. Če prijavitelj tega ne stori, se šteje, da prednostna pravica ni bila zahtevana.

84. člen (poziv za predložitev vseh sestavin)

(1) Če prijava, kateri sta bila določena datum vložitve in številka, ne vsebuje vseh sestavin iz 79. člena tega zakona, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva prijavo ustrezno dopolni in odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.

(2) Če prijava iz prejšnjega odstavka ni pravočasno in v celoti ustrezno dopolnjena, se šteje, da je umaknjena, razen v primerih iz četrtega odstavka 128. in petega odstavka 129. člena tega zakona.

85. člen (formalni preizkus prijave)

(1) Urad pri prijavi, ki vsebuje vse sestavine iz 79. člena tega zakona, preveri, ali so vse sestavine prijave in morebitne priloge ali dokazila k prijavi, po vsebini in obliki sestavljene tako, kot je določeno s tem zakonom in predpisi, izdanimi na njegovi podlagi.

(2) Urad pri patentni prijavi poleg tega preveri, ali prijavljeni izum ustreza zahtevam iz drugega in četrtega odstavka 87. člena tega zakona in ali so plačane vse pristojbine, vključno z morebitnimi pristojbinami za vzdrževanje po četrtem odstavku 109. oziroma četrtem odstavku 110. člena tega zakona.

(3) Če Urad pri prijavi znamke ugotovi, da v seznamu blaga ali storitev kakšno blago ali storitev ni razvrščeno po mednarodni klasifikaciji, sprejeti z Nicejskim aranžmajem o mednarodni klasifikaciji proizvodov in storitev zaradi registracije znamk z dne 15. junija 1957, revidiranim 14. julija 1967 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 51/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Nicejska klasifikacija), ali da je razvrščeno v napačen razred po Nicejski klasifikaciji lahko, če gre za manjše pomanjkljivosti v seznamu blaga ali storitev, Urad sam razvrsti blago ali storitev oziroma popravi razvrstitev blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji in o tem obvesti prijavitelja. Če Urad sam razvrsti ali popravi več kot pet razvrstitev blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, pozove prijavitelja, naj v roku enega meseca od vročitve poziva plača pristojbino za razvrstitev. Če prijavitelj ne plača pravočasno zahtevane pristojbine, se šteje, da je prijava za blago ali storitve, ki jih je Urad sam razvrstil ali popravil njihovo razvrstitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, umaknjena.

(4) Če Urad pri prijavi znamke ugotovi, da je kakšno blago ali storitev v seznamu blaga ali storitev navedeno nejasno, ali če Urad ne ravna po prejšnjem odstavku, pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva odpravi nejasnosti in pomanjkljivosti glede

razvrstitve blaga ali storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji. Če prijavitelj ne odpravi pravočasno nejasnosti in pomanjkljivosti v seznamu blaga ali storitev, se šteje, da je prijava za blago ali storitve, ki jih prijavitelj ni jasno navedel in ni pravilno razvrstil po Nicejski klasifikaciji, umaknjena.

(5) Če Urad ugotovi kakšne pomanjkljivosti v prijavi ali v prilogah ali dokazilih k prijavi, pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva odpravi ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti.

(6) Če prijavitelj ne odpravi pravočasno vseh ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, se prijava šteje za umaknjeno, razen v primerih iz tretjega in četrtega odstavka tega člena, četrtega odstavka 128. in petega odstavka 129. člena tega zakona.

(7) Če Urad ugotovi, da vse sestavine prijave in morebitne priloge in dokazila k prijavi po vsebini in obliki ustrezajo določbam tega zakona in predpisom, izdanim na njegovi podlagi, se postopek nadaljuje: a) pri patentni prijavi – po določbah 88. in nadaljnjih členov tega zakona; b) pri prijavi modela – po določbi 96. člena tega zakona; c) pri prijavi znamke – po določbah 99. in nadaljnjih členov tega zakona.

85.a člen (podpis upravnih aktov in drugih dokumentov ter dokumenti v elektronski obliki)

(1) Na odločbi v elektronski obliki se označi, da je podpisana z elektronskim podpisom, z navedbo podatkov o podpisniku, času podpisa, izdajatelju in identifikacijski številki elektronskega potrdila.

(2) Overitev fizičnega prepisa odločbe, izdane v elektronski obliki, ni potrebna, če Urad na odločbi navede spletni naslov, na katerem so objavljeni podatki o postopku preveritve istovetnosti.

(3) Fizični prepis odločbe iz prejšnjega odstavka ima enako dokazno vrednost kot izvirnik odločbe.

(4) Izvirnik odločbe hrani Urad.

(5) Ta člen se uporablja tudi za vse druge dokumente v upravnem postopku po tem zakonu, ki jih izda Urad v elektronski obliki.

2. oddelek Posebne določbe za patent

86. člen (sestavine patentne prijave)

(1) Patentna prijava mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za podelitev patenta; b) opis izuma; c) enega ali več patentnih zahtevkov; d) kratko vsebino izuma (povzetek); e) skico ali skice izuma, če je to potrebno.

(2) Najkasneje do izdaje sklepa o objavi prijave lahko prijavitelj vloži patentno prijavo, katere predmet je izločen iz prvotne patentne prijave (v nadaljnjem besedilu: izločena prijava) in ne presega njene vsebine. Šteje se, da je izločena prijava vložena z istim datumom kot prvotna prijava. Za izločeno prijavo se lahko zahteva ista prednostna pravica kot za prvotno prijavo.

(3) Patent s skrajšanim trajanjem se zahteva ob vložitvi patentne prijave ali v dvanajstih mesecih od datuma njene vložitve. Po izteku tega roka zahteve ni mogoče preklicati.

87. člen (vsebina sestavin patentne prijave)

(1) Zahteva za podelitev patenta mora vsebovati podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež), naziv izuma, ki opredeljuje njegov predmet, ter druge podatke, določene s podzakonskim predpisom, ki se nanašajo na prijavo.

(2) Opis izuma mora vsebovati prikaz problema, podatke o stanju tehnike oziroma dosedanjih rešitvah in njihovih pomanjkljivostih, ki so prijavitelju znane, ter opis nove rešitve. Izum mora biti v opisu predstavljen dovolj jasno in popolno, da ga lahko uporabi strokovnjak s področja, na katerega se predmet izuma nanaša.

(3) Če se izum nanaša na biološki material, določen s podzakonskim predpisom, ki ni dostopen javnosti in ga v prijavi ni mogoče opisati na način, ki omogoča strokovnjaku s področja, na katerega se nanaša predmet izuma, da ga uporabi, se opis izuma dopolni s potrdilom o deponiranju biološkega materiala, pri katerem izmed mednarodnih depozitarnih organov po 7. členu Budimpeštanske pogodbe o mednarodnem priznanju depozita mikroorganizmov za postopek patentiranja z dne 28. aprila 1977, dopolnjene 26. septembra 1980 (Uradni list RS-MP, št. 21/97).

(4) V patentnem zahtevku ali zahtevkih mora biti naveden predmet zahtevanega varstva. Patentni zahtevki morajo biti jasni in strnjeni ter podprti z opisom.

(5) Povzetek je namenjen le tehničnemu informiranju in ga ni mogoče uporabiti v druge namene, zlasti ne za razlago obsega zahtevanega varstva.

(6) Ena patentna prijava lahko vsebuje tudi več izumov, ki so med seboj tako povezani, da pomenijo enotno izumiteljsko zamisel.

88. člen (preizkus pogojev za podelitev patenta)

(1) Urad pri patentni prijavi preveri: a) ali je ob upoštevanju 11. člena tega zakona predmet prijavljenega izuma mogoče

zavarovati s patentom; b) ali prijavljeni izum na prvi pogled ustreza zahtevam iz 12., 14. in 15. člena tega zakona.

(2) Urad pri prijavi za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem preveri: a) ali je ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka in točke a) drugega odstavka 11. člena tega

zakona predmet prijavljenega izuma mogoče zavarovati s patentom s skrajšanim trajanjem;

b) ali prijavljeni izum na prvi pogled ustreza zahtevam iz 12., 15. in 16. člena tega zakona.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da patentni zahtevki iz patentne prijave ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena oziroma da patentni zahtevki iz prijave za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, sprejme sklep o objavi prijave v uradnem glasilu Urada.

(4) Če Urad ugotovi, da patentni zahtevki iz prijave ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena oziroma da patentni zahtevki iz prijave za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz drugega odstavka tega člena, zavrne zahtevo za podelitev patenta.

(5) Če Urad ugotovi, da kakšni patentni zahtevki iz prijave ne ustrezajo vsem zahtevam iz prvega oziroma drugega odstavka tega člena, zavrne prijavo le v tem delu.

89. člen (objava patentne prijave)

(1) Urad objavi patentno prijavo po poteku osemnajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave ali od datuma prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(2) Prijavitelj lahko zahteva, da se prijava objavi pred rokom iz prejšnjega odstavka, vendar ne prej kot po poteku treh mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave ali od datuma prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana.

(3) Hkrati z objavo patentne prijave objavi Urad tudi podelitev patenta.

90. člen (podelitev patenta)

(1) Urad izda odločbo o podelitvi patenta in vpiše patent v register patentov. Kot datum podelitve patenta se šteje datum objave patentne prijave.

(2) Do izdaje odločbe po 93. členu tega zakona je obseg varstva določen z vsebino objavljenih patentnih zahtevkov.

91. člen (rok za predložitev pisnega dokazila)

(1) Najkasneje do izteka devetega leta trajanja patenta mora imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta Uradu predložiti pisno dokazilo o tem, da patentirani izum ustreza vsem zahtevam po 10., 12., 14. in 15. členu tega zakona.

(2) Imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta mora ob predložitvi dokazila iz prejšnjega odstavka ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada plačati pristojbino za izdajo ugotovitvene odločbe. Če pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(3) Če imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta ne ravna po prvem odstavku tega člena, preneha patent veljati z dnem, ko poteče deseto leto njegove veljavnosti.

(4) Če imetnik patenta predloži dokazilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena zaradi tožbe po 121. členu tega zakona, izda Urad prednostno eno od odločb iz 93. člena tega zakona.

(5) Določbe tega člena ne veljajo za patent s skrajšanim trajanjem.

(6) Za evropski patent, ki je veljaven v Republiki Sloveniji na podlagi evropske patentne prijave, vložene v skladu z drugim odstavkom 3. člena tega zakona, so določbe tega ter 92. in 93. člena tega zakona neposredno izpolnjene z dnem, ko je EPU objavil njegovo podelitev.

92. člen (vrste pisnega dokazila)

(1) Za dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona se šteje slovenski prevod enega ali več evropskih patentov, ki jih je podelil EPU za isti izum.

(2) Če za isti izum ni bila vložena prijava za evropski patent, se lahko kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona predloži slovenski prevod patenta za isti izum, ki ga je po popolnem preizkusu podelila katerakoli druga ustanova, ki ima po 32. členu PCT status mednarodne ustanove za predhodno preizkušanje, ali drug patentni urad, s katerim je bila sklenjena ustrezna pogodba.

(3) Če postopek podelitve patenta, ki naj bi služil kot dokazilo po prvem ali drugem odstavku tega člena, še ni končan, mora prijavitelj v roku iz prvega odstavka 91. člena tega zakona o tem obvestiti Urad. Na podlagi obvestila Urad prekine postopek. Postopek se nadaljuje, če imetnik patenta v treh mesecih od dneva podelitve patenta, Uradu predloži dokazilo po tem členu. Če dokazilo po tem členu ni predloženo v tem roku, se šteje, da je patent prenehal veljati z dnem, ko poteče deseto leto njegove veljavnosti.

(4) Slovenski prevod patenta, ki služi kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona, ne more zagotavljati večjega obsega patentnega varstva, kot ga zagotavlja izvirno besedilo prevedenega patenta.

(5) Če Urad dvomi v pravilnost prevoda, lahko zahteva, da imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži overjen slovenski prevod patenta, ki služi kot dokazilo iz 91. člena tega zakona. Če overjen slovenski prevod ni pravočasno predložen, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(6) Če je dokazilo predloženo na podlagi drugega odstavka tega člena, mora imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta predložiti seznam in kopije vseh drugih patentov, ki bi lahko šteli za dokazilo, vključno s podatki o patentnih prijavah in patentih, ki so bili zavrnjeni. Če seznam in kopije dokumentov niso priložene k dokazilu, se šteje, da dokazilo ni bilo vloženo.

(7) Če Urad ugotovi, da je dokazilo na podlagi tega člena ponarejeno ali da ni resnično, Urad z odločbo razglasi patent za ničnega.

(8) Če imetnik patenta ali imetnik izključne pravice iz patenta nima dokazila po prvem ali drugem odstavku tega člena, lahko ob plačilu posebne pristojbine od Urada zahteva, da ta od katerekoli ustanove ali urada, navedenega v drugem odstavku tega člena, pridobi ustrezne podatke ali mnenje kot podlago za izdajo ene od odločb po 93. členu tega zakona.

93. člen (izdaja ugotovitvene odločbe)

(1) Urad izda na podlagi predloženega dokazila in drugih dokumentov po 92. členu tega zakona: a) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum ustreza zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena tega

zakona in da tem zahtevam v celoti ustrezajo patentni zahtevki podeljenega patenta; ali b) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum le deloma ustreza zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena

tega zakona, zaradi česar se ustrezno spremenijo patentni zahtevki podeljenega patenta; ali

c) ugotovitveno odločbo, da izum ob datumu vložitve patentne prijave ni ustrezal zahtevam iz 10., 12., 14. in 15. člena tega zakona, zaradi česar se patent razglasi za ničnega.

(2) Urad ne more izdati odločbe po točki b) ali c) iz prejšnjega odstavka, če ni prej pisno seznanil imetnika patenta o predvidenih spremembah patentnih zahtevkov ali ničnosti patenta in če ni imetnika patenta pozval, naj se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva o tem izreče oziroma ustrezno spremeni ali dopolni patentne zahtevke. Če se imetnik patenta pravočasno izreče oziroma spremeni ali dopolni patentne zahtevke, Urad pred izdajo odločbe po točki b) ali c) iz prejšnjega odstavka preveri, ali so še podani razlogi za njeno izdajo. Če se imetnik patenta ne izreče pravočasno, se šteje, da soglaša z mnenjem Urada.

(3) Patentni zahtevki, spremenjeni z odločbo iz točke b) prvega odstavka tega člena ne morejo zagotavljati večjega obsega varstva, kot ga zagotavljajo patentni zahtevki patenta, podeljenega z odločbo po 90. členu tega zakona.

(4) Če Urad na podlagi predloženih dokazil po prvem odstavku 92. člena tega zakona ugotovi, da podeljeni patent ne ustreza zahtevi iz šestega odstavka 87. člena tega zakona, razdeli prvotni patent na več patentov, ki obdržijo datum vložitve prijave in datum morebitne zahtevane prednostne pravice prvotnega patenta.

3. oddelek Posebne določbe za model

94. člen (sestavine prijave modela)

(1) Prijava modela mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za registracijo modela; b) fotografijo ali grafični prikaz videza izdelka ali njegovega dela oziroma izdelkov, če se

prijava nanaša na več izdelkov, v številu izvodov, predpisanim s podzakonskim predpisom.

(2) V prijavi lahko prijavitelj zahteva, da se glavni podatki iz prijave ne objavijo pred iztekom dvanajstih mesecev od datuma vložitve prijave oziroma datuma prednosti, če je ta zahtevana. Če se prijava nanaša na več izdelkov, ni mogoče zahtevati odloga objave le za nekatere izdelke.

(3) Če se prijava nanaša na dvodimenzionalni izdelek, vključno s tekstilnim vzorcem ali hologramom, ali njegov del in je zahtevan odlog objave po prejšnjem odstavku, se lahko ob vložitvi prijave namesto fotografije ali grafičnega prikaza videza izdelka ali njegovega dela priloži primerek tega izdelka ali njegovega dela. Fotografijo ali grafični prikaz tega izdelka v številu izvodov, predpisanim s podzakonskim predpisom, mora prijavitelj predložiti najkasneje dva meseca pred iztekom roka zahtevanega odloga objave po prejšnjem odstavku, sicer se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

95. člen (vsebina sestavin prijave modela)

(1) Zahteva za registracijo modela mora vsebovati podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež), navedbo izdelka, na katerega se predmet prijave nanaša, razvrstitev po mednarodni klasifikaciji, sprejeti z Locarnskim aranžmajem o ustanovitvi mednarodne klasifikacije za industrijske vzorce in modele z dne 8. oktobra 1968 (Uradni list SFRJ-MP, št. 51/74, Uradni list RS-MP, št. 9/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu: Locarnska klasifikacija), ter druge podatke, določene s podzakonskim predpisom, ki se nanašajo na prijavo.

(2) Ena prijava modela se lahko nanaša na več izdelkov, če so razvrščeni v isti razred Locarnske klasifikacije.

(3) Iz fotografije ali grafičnega prikaza videza izdelka ali njegovega dela mora biti razvidno, v čem je novost in individualni značaj videza izdelka, za katerega se zahteva varstvo.

96. člen (preizkus pogojev za registracijo modela)

(1) Urad pri prijavi modela preveri, ali je ob upoštevanju določb 36. člena tega zakona, razen točke b), prijavljeni videz izdelka mogoče registrirati kot model.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni videz izdelka ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, izda odločbo o registraciji modela, vpiše model v register in objavi registracijo modela.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni videz izdelka ne ustreza zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena, prijavo modela v delu ali v celoti zavrne.

4. oddelek Posebne določbe za znamko

97. člen (sestavine prijave znamke)

(1) Prijava znamke mora imeti naslednje sestavine: a) zahtevo za registracijo znamke; b) seznam blaga ali storitev, za katere se zahteva varstvo; c) prikaz znaka, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke b) prvega odstavka 42. člena tega zakona in je

v formatih, ki jih sprejema Urad.

(2) Prijava kolektivne znamke mora poleg sestavin iz prejšnjega odstavka vsebovati tudi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(3) Za vsak znak se vloži posebna prijava. Prijavitelj sme z eno prijavo zahtevati registracijo znamke za več vrst blaga ali storitev. Prijavitelj lahko z več prijavami zahteva tudi registracijo več različnih ali podobnih znamk za isto vrsto blaga ali storitev.

(4) Na zahtevo prijavitelja se lahko prijava znamke razdeli v več prijav. Vsaka prijava obdrži datum vložitve prvotne prijave in datum prednostne pravice, če je ta zahtevana. Ta določba se smiselno uporablja za delitev znamke.

98. člen (vsebina sestavin prijave znamke)

(1) Zahteva za registracijo znamke vsebuje podatke o prijavitelju (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo ter sedež), navedbe o prijavljenem znaku in navedbo, ali je prijava za kolektivno znamko.

(2) Blago in storitve, navedeni v seznamu blaga ali storitev, so razvrščeni po Nicejski klasifikaciji. Če prijavitelj zahteva registracijo za več kot en razred, blago in storitve razvrsti glede na razrede Nicejske klasifikacije, pri čemer pred vsako skupino blaga ali storitev navede številko razreda, v katerega spada ta skupina blaga ali storitev, različne skupine pa so navedene v vrstnem redu razredov.

(3) Prijavitelj navede blago in storitve tako jasno in natančno, da se lahko izključno na tej podlagi ugotovi obseg zahtevanega varstva. Prijavitelj lahko pri tem uporabi splošne oznake, vključene v naslove razredov Nicejske klasifikacije, ali druge splošne izraze, če so v skladu z zahtevanimi standardi jasnosti in natančnosti, določenimi v tem členu.

(4) Šteje se, da uporaba splošnih izrazov, vključno s splošnimi oznakami v naslovih razredov Nicejske klasifikacije, vključuje vse blago ali storitve, ki so jasno zajeti z dobesednim pomenom oznake ali izraza. Uporaba takih izrazov ali oznak ne obsega zahtevka za blago ali storitve, ki jih ni mogoče tako razumeti.

(5) Za blago in storitve, ki so razvrščeni v isti razred po Nicejski klasifikaciji, ne velja domneva, da so si podobni. Za blago in storitve, ki so razvrščeni v različne razrede po Nicejski klasifikaciji, ne velja domneva, da si niso podobni.

99. člen (preizkus prijave na absolutne pogoje za zavrnitev znamke)

(1) Urad pred objavo prijave znamke preveri, ali je ob upoštevanju 42. in 43. člena tega zakona prijavljeni znak mogoče registrirati kot znamko. Pri prijavi kolektivne znamke Urad dodatno preveri, ali lahko glede na 45., 46. in 46.a člen tega zakona registrira kolektivno znamko.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni znak ustreza zahtevam iz prejšnjega odstavka, objavi prijavo znamke.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da prijavljeni znak ali pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona ne ustreza zahtevam iz prvega odstavka tega člena, prijavo znamke v delu ali v celoti zavrne.

100. člen (nasprotujoče mnenje tretjih)

(1) Kdorkoli lahko Uradu sporoči svoje mnenje, da prijavljenega znaka ob upoštevanju 43. člena tega zakona ni dovoljeno registrirati kot znamko, in navede razloge za to. Prav tako lahko sporoči svoje mnenje, da ob upoštevanju 46.a člena tega zakona ni dovoljeno registrirati kolektivne znamke, in za to navede razloge.

(2) Oseba, ki predloži takšno mnenje Uradu, ni stranka v postopku pred Uradom.

(3) Urad obvesti prijavitelja znamke o mnenju tretjih iz prvega odstavka tega člena. Prijavitelj lahko Uradu odgovori in navede svoje razloge glede prejetega mnenja tretjih.

101. člen (ugovor zoper registracijo znamke)

(1) V treh mesecih od dneva objave prijave znamke lahko imetnik prejšnje znamke pri Uradu vloži pisni ugovor zoper registracijo znamke. Za pisni ugovor se šteje tudi ugovor, ki je vložen v elektronski obliki.

(2) Ugovor lahko temelji le na razlogih iz 44. člena tega zakona in mora vsebovati ustrezne dokaze. Ugovor lahko temelji na eni ali več prejšnjih pravicah, če je njihov imetnik isti in če se v delu ali v celoti nanašajo na blago ali storitve, za katere je prijavljena znamka, zoper katero je vložen ugovor.

(3) Ugovor po prvem odstavku tega člena lahko vloži tudi: a) imetnik prej pridobljenega neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem

prometu, iz točke d) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; b) imetnik znamke iz točke e) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ki jo je brez

njegovega soglasja njegov posrednik ali zastopnik prijavil na svoje ime; c) oseba, ki je upravičena do uporabe označbe porekla ali geografske označbe iz točke f)

prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; d) imetnik druge prej pridobljene pravice iz točke g) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega


(4) Hkrati z vložitvijo ugovora ali najkasneje v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada se plača pristojbina za ugovor in predloži pooblastilo za zastopanje, če je ugovor vložen po zastopniku.

(5) Če vložnik umakne ugovor, umika kasneje ne more preklicati.

(6) Če ugovor ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz tega člena, se šteje, da ni bil vložen.

102. člen (obvestilo o ugovoru)

Urad obvesti prijavitelja znamke o vloženem ugovoru. Prijavitelj se lahko v treh mesecih od prejema obvestila izreče o razlogih iz ugovora.

102.a člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku ugovora)

(1) Prijavitelj znamke, zoper katero je bil vložen ugovor iz prvega odstavka 101. člena tega zakona, lahko v roku iz 102. člena tega zakona zahteva, da imetnik prejšnje znamke, ki je vložil ugovor zoper registracijo njegove znamke, predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju zadnjih petih zaporednih let pred datumom vložitve prijave ali datumom prednostne pravice svojo znamko, ki je razlog za ugovor, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona začel resno in dejansko uporabljati za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve prijave ali datum prednostne pravice kasneje prijavljene znamke že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa prejšnje znamke v register.

(2) Urad pozove imetnika prejšnje znamke, da se v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva izreče o zahtevi iz prejšnjega odstavka in predloži ustrezne dokaze.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka ne dokaže uporabe svoje znamke v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona ali da so obstajali upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, Urad z odločbo zavrne ugovor.

(4) Če se je prejšnja znamka uporabljala le za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je registrirana, se za namene preverjanja utemeljenosti ugovora šteje, da je registrirana le za to blago ali storitve.

102.b člen (prekinitev postopka)

(1) Na skupno zahtevo vložnika ugovora iz 101. člena tega zakona in prijavitelja znamke, da želita preučiti možnost sklenitve poravnave, Urad s sklepom za šest mesecev prekine postopek registracije znamke.

(2) Če vložnik ugovora v času prekinitve postopka registracije znamke ne umakne ugovora v celoti, se postopek registracije znamke nadaljuje in Urad preveri, ali je ugovor utemeljen.

(3) V času prekinitve postopka ne tečejo roki iz 102. in 102.a člena tega zakona. Če se postopek nadaljuje, tečejo ti roki naprej do njihovega izteka.

102.c člen (odločanje o ugovoru)

(1) Urad preveri, ali je ugovor utemeljen, v mejah navedb vložnika ugovora in navedb prijavitelja znamke ter predloženih dokazov.

(2) Če Urad ugotovi, da ugovor ni utemeljen, ga z odločbo zavrne in nadaljuje postopek registracije znamke.

(3) Če Urad ugotovi, da je ugovor utemeljen in da znamke ni dovoljeno registrirati za vse blago ali storitve, za katere je znak prijavljen, z odločbo zavrne prijavo znamke v celoti.

(4) Če Urad ugotovi, da je ugovor utemeljen in da znamke ni dovoljeno registrirati za nekatero blago ali nekatere storitve, za katere je znak prijavljen, z odločbo zavrne prijavo znamke za to blago ali storitve, za preostalo blago ali storitve pa se postopek registracije znamke nadaljuje.

103. člen (registracija znamke)

(1) Če ugovor zoper registracijo znamke ni bil vložen ali če je bil zavrnjen ali se je štelo, da ni bil vložen, Urad pozove prijavitelja, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva plača pristojbino za registracijo znamke. Ta pristojbina vključuje pristojbino za trajanje znamke za prvih deset let.

(2) Po plačilu pristojbine iz prejšnjega odstavka izda Urad odločbo o registraciji znamke, vpiše znamko v register in objavi registracijo znamke.

(3) Če prijavitelj ne plača pravočasno pristojbine iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.

5. oddelek Posebne določbe za geografsko označbo

104. člen (registracija geografske označbe)

(1) Zahtevo za registracijo geografske označbe lahko vložijo združenja pravnih ali fizičnih oseb, zbornice, občine, širše lokalne skupnosti ali državni organi.

(2) Zahtevi iz prejšnjega odstavka mora biti priložena specifikacija, ki vsebuje predvsem: a) oznako, ki naj se registrira kot geografska označba; b) navedbo blaga, na katerega se predlagana geografska označba nanaša; c) opis blaga, vključno s surovinami in glavnimi fizikalnimi, kemičnimi, mikrobiološkimi,

organoleptičnimi ali drugimi značilnostmi blaga; d) navedbo kraja oziroma območja, vključno z mejami; e) opis metode za pridobitev blaga, vključno z avtentičnimi in nespremenjenimi krajevnimi

načini, če je to potrebno; f) opis povezave med blagom in krajem oziroma območjem; g) podrobne podatke o organih nadzora; h) podrobne podatke o označevanju blaga.

(3) Če zahteva ustreza določbam iz tega ter 55. in 56. člena tega zakona, izda Urad odločbo o registraciji geografske označbe, vpiše geografsko označbo v register in objavi registracijo geografske označbe.

(4) Določba tega člena se ne uporablja za geografske označbe, ki so zavarovane na podlagi tretjega odstavka 55. člena tega zakona.


105. člen (registri)

(1) Urad vodi registre patentov, dodatnih varstvenih certifikatov, modelov, znamk in geografskih označb ter registre prijav za navedene pravice. Registri so javni, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

(2) Za datum vpisa pravice v register se šteje datum podelitve patenta ali dodatnega varstvenega certifikata oziroma datum izdaje odločbe o registraciji modela, znamke ali geografske označbe.

(3) Urad na zahtevo vložnika in ob plačilu takse po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse, izdaja potrdila iz registrov.

(4) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino registrov, vsebino zahtev za vpis spremembe v register, postopek vpisa spremembe v register, vsebino potrdil iz registra in postopek izdaje potrdil iz registra.

106. člen (vsebina registrov)

(1) V register patentov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve in številka prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, številka in datum izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe po 93. členu tega zakona, podatki o imetniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), vrsta patenta, podatki o izumitelju (priimek, ime in naslov), naziv izuma, podatki o vzdrževanju patenta, datum prenehanja patenta.

(2) V register dodatnih varstvenih certifikatov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve in številka prijave, datum objave prijave in dodatnega varstvenega certifikata, datum vpisa v register, podatki o prijavitelju in imetniku dodatnega varstvenega certifikata (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), naziv proizvoda oziroma sredstva, registrska številka patenta, na podlagi katerega je podeljen dodatni varstveni certifikat, številka in datum prve odobritve, da se da proizvod oziroma sredstvo na trg kot zdravilo oziroma fitofarmacevtsko sredstvo v Republiki Sloveniji oziroma Evropski uniji ali Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, navedba države, če odobritve ni izdal pristojni organ Evropske unije po centraliziranem postopku, datum, do katerega velja certifikat, podatki o vzdrževanju certifikata, datum prenehanja dodatnega varstvenega certifikata.

(3) V register modelov se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, podatki o imetniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), podatki o oblikovalcu (priimek, ime in naslov), če oblikovalec to želi, navedba izdelka, število izdelkov, razvrstitev po Locarnski klasifikaciji, podatki o obnovitvi modela, datum prenehanja modela.

(4) V register znamk se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve prijave, zahtevana prednostna pravica, podatki o pravilniku iz 46. člena tega zakona in njegovi spremembi, datum objave prijave in registracije znamke, podatki o nasprotujočem mnenju tretjih, podatki o ugovoru in vložniku ugovora, datum vpisa v register, podatki o imetniku oziroma nosilcu (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), videz znamke, seznam blaga oziroma storitev in razvrstitev blaga oziroma storitev po Nicejski klasifikaciji, podatki o delitvi znamke, podatki o mednarodni registraciji, podatki o obnovitvi znamke, podatki o razveljavitvi znamke, datum prenehanja znamke.

(5) V register geografskih označb se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka, datum vložitve zahteve, datum objave, datum vpisa v register, geografska označba, vrsta blaga in kraj, na katerega se oznaka nanaša.

(6) Po uradni dolžnosti se v registre iz prvega odstavka 105. člena tega zakona vpišejo podatki o sodnih sporih, o katerih je Urad obveščen, in pravnomočnih sodbah.

(7) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo za registre prijav.

107. člen (vpis sprememb v register)

(1) Na zahtevo vložnika se v register iz prvega odstavka 105. člena tega zakona vpišejo vse kasnejše spremembe, ki se nanašajo na pravico ali imetnika pravice. Ta odstavek se smiselno uporablja za prijave in prijavitelje.

(2) Prenos pravice ali licenca se na zahtevo ene od pogodbenih strank vpiše v ustrezni register.

(3) Tisti, ki je bil pred vpisom spremembe v registru vpisan kot imetnik pravice, lahko ob predložitvi ustreznih dokazov s tožbo v upravnem sporu pri Upravnem sodišču Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani, kot izključno krajevno pristojnem sodišču, izpodbija vsako spremembo v registru, ki je bila v register neupravičeno vpisana brez njegovega soglasja.

108. člen (postopek za vpis sprememb)

(1) Ena zahteva za vpis spremembe se lahko nanaša na več sprememb v registru. Ena sama zahteva zadošča tudi, kadar se sprememba ali spremembe nanašajo na več kot eno prijavo oziroma pravico iste osebe, če so sprememba ali spremembe enake za vse zadevne prijave in pravice in če so v zahtevi navedene številke vseh zadevnih prijav in pravic.

(2) Za vpis vsake spremembe v register pri vsaki prijavi ali pravici se plača pristojbina ob vložitvi zahteve ali najkasneje v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada. Če pristojbina ni pravočasno plačana, se šteje, da je zahteva umaknjena.

(3) Če vloži zahtevo za vpis spremembe tisti, ki je v registru vpisan kot imetnik pravice, Urad nemudoma izda odločbo o vpisu spremembe v register in vpiše spremembo v register.

(4) Če vloži zahtevo za vpis spremembe kdo, ki v registru ni vpisan kot imetnik pravice, mora skupaj z zahtevo ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada predložiti soglasje imetnika pravice za vpis zahtevane spremembe v register ali po svoji izbiri kakšno drugo dokumentacijo, iz katere je razvidna pravna podlaga za vpis spremembe. Če Urad dvomi v resničnost navedb v zahtevi za vpis spremembe ali če je predložena dokumentacija v tujem jeziku, lahko zahteva, da vložnik zahteve v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva predloži dodatno dokumentacijo oziroma slovenski prevod predložene dokumentacije.

(5) Če vložnik ne predloži pravočasno dodatne dokumentacije ali njenega prevoda iz prejšnjega odstavka, se zahteva za vpis spremembe šteje za umaknjeno.

(6) Urad odloči o vpisu spremembe z odločbo.

109. člen (pristojbine za vzdrževanje)

(1) Za vzdrževanje pravic se plačujejo pristojbine, ki zapadejo v plačilo, šteto od datuma vložitve prijave: a) za patent: vsako leto za naslednje leto veljavnosti; b) za model: vsakih pet let za naslednjih pet let veljavnosti; c) za znamko: vsakih deset let za naslednjih deset let veljavnosti.

(2) Pristojbine po prejšnjem odstavku se plačajo v enem letu pred datumom zapadlosti. Urad obvesti imetnika znamke o datumu zapadlosti pristojbine vsaj šest mesecev pred tem datumom.

(3) Pristojbina za patentno prijavo vključuje pristojbino za vzdrževanje patenta za prva tri leta njegovega trajanja. Pristojbina za prijavo modela vključuje pristojbino za vzdrževanje modela za prvih pet let njegovega trajanja.

(4) Če traja postopek podelitve patenta več kot tri leta od datuma vložitve prijave oziroma postopek registracije modela več kot pet let od datuma vložitve prijave, se za

patentno prijavo oziroma prijavo modela smiselno uporabljajo določbe prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena.

110. člen (plačilo pristojbin za vzdrževanje v naknadnem roku)

(1) Če pristojbina za vzdrževanje pravice ni plačana v skladu z določbami 109. člena tega zakona do vključno datuma zapadlosti, jo je še mogoče plačati v naknadnem roku šestih mesecev, šteto od datuma zapadlosti pristojbine, ob dodatnem plačilu zamudne pristojbine. Zamudna pristojbina znaša 50% celotnega zneska predpisane pristojbine, ki ni bila pravočasno plačana.

(2) Urad opozori imetnika pravice, da pristojbina za vzdrževanje iz prvega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona ni bila pravočasno plačana, o možnosti plačila po prejšnjem odstavku in o posledicah neplačila teh pristojbin.

(3) Če pristojbine za vzdrževanje pravic niso plačane do datuma zapadlosti ali tudi po opozorilu Urada niso plačane v roku iz prvega odstavka tega člena, vključno z zamudno pristojbino, pravica preneha veljati naslednji dan po datumu zapadlosti iz prvega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona.

(4) Prvi in drugi odstavek tega člena se smiselno uporabljata v primerih iz četrtega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona. Če v takih primerih pristojbina za vzdrževanje, vključno z zamudno pristojbino, tudi v naknadnem roku ni plačana, se šteje, da je prijava umaknjena.


1. oddelek Sodno varstvo

1. pododdelek Ničnost pravic

111. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti)

Vsaka zainteresirana oseba lahko pri pristojnem sodišču vloži tožbo za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta, patenta s skrajšanim trajanjem, modela ali znamke.

112. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta)

(1) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta se lahko vloži, če je podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) da izum ob datumu vložitve prijave ni izpolnjeval vseh zahtev iz 10., 11., 12., 14. in 15.

člena tega zakona oziroma pri patentu s skrajšanim trajanjem zahtev iz 16. člena tega zakona;

b) da izum v opisu ni predstavljen dovolj jasno in popolno, da bi ga lahko uporabil strokovnjak s področja, na katerega se izum nanaša;

c) če je vsebina varstva razširjena prek vsebine prve prejete prijave ali če je bil patent na podlagi izločene prijave podeljen prek obsega prvotne prijave.

(2) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti patenta se lahko vloži tudi po izdaji ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona ali po prenehanju veljavnosti patenta.

(3) Če je tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti evropskega patenta, ki je v Sloveniji veljaven na podlagi mednarodne pogodbe in zoper katerega je bil pri EPU vložen ugovor, vložena v teku ugovornega postopka pri EPU, sodišče prekine postopek do končne odločitve EPU v ugovornem postopku.

113. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti modela)

Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti modela se lahko vloži, če je ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) da je bil model registriran v nasprotju s 36. členom tega zakona; b) da prijavitelj ali imetnik modela ni bil upravičen do varstva modela.

114. člen (tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke)

(1) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke v delu ali v celoti se lahko vloži, če je podan naslednji razlog: a) znamka je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave registrirana v nasprotju z 42. in

43. členom tega zakona; b) znamka je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave registrirana v nasprotju s 44.

členom tega zakona, razen če je prejšnja znamka znamka EU, ki je bila prijavljena ali registrirana pred pristopom Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji, ali

c) prijavitelj znamke ni prijavil v dobri veri.

(2) Tožba za ugotovitev ničnosti kolektivne znamke se lahko vloži tudi, če je bila ob upoštevanju datuma vložitve prijave kolektivna znamka registrirana v nasprotju s 45., 46. ali 46.a členom tega zakona.

(3) Če je bil razlog za tožbo iz prejšnjega odstavka registracija kolektivne znamke v nasprotju s 46. členom tega zakona, sodišče tožbo zavrže, če nosilec kolektivne znamke do izdaje sodne odločbe ustrezno popravi pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona.

(4) Tožbo po točki b) prvega odstavka tega člena lahko vloži: a) imetnik prejšnje znamke; b) imetnik prej pridobljenega neregistriranega znaka, ki se uporablja v gospodarskem

prometu, iz točke d) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; c) imetnik znamke iz točke e) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona, ki jo je brez

njegovega soglasja njegov posrednik ali zastopnik prijavil na svoje ime; d) oseba, ki je upravičena do uporabe označbe porekla ali geografske označbe iz točke f)

prvega odstavka 44. člena tega zakona; e) imetnik druge prej pridobljene pravice iz točke g) prvega odstavka 44. člena tega


2. pododdelek Izpodbijanje pravice

115. člen (izpodbijanje pravice do patenta oziroma modela)

(1) Izumitelj, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču ves čas, dokler traja patent, zahteva, da se ga razglasi za imetnika patenta, če je bil patent podeljen na ime nekoga, ki ni izumitelj, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik.

(2) Oblikovalec videza izdelka, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču ves čas, dokler traja model, zahteva, da se ga razglasi za imetnika pravice, če je bil model registriran na ime nekoga, ki ni oblikovalec, njegov dedič ali drug pravni naslednik.

(3) Tožbo iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena lahko vloži tudi oseba, ki ji pripadajo pravice iz patenta oziroma modela, če je patent podeljen ali model registriran na ime izumitelja oziroma oblikovalca ali druge osebe, ki ji je izumitelj oziroma oblikovalec neupravičeno omogočil, da je patent podeljen ali model registriran izdan na njeno ime.

116. člen (izpodbijanje pravice do znamke)

(1) Pravne ali fizične osebe lahko s tožbo zahtevajo od pristojnega sodišča, da ugotovi, da je znak, ki ga uporabljajo v gospodarskem prometu za označevanje svojega blaga ali storitev, enak ali podoben znamki, ki jo uporablja kdo drug za zaznamovanje svojega blaga oziroma storitev iste ali podobne vrste, in da je bil ta znak splošno znan kot oznaka za blago ali storitve fizične ali pravne osebe, še preden je toženec prijavil znamko, kot tudi da sodišče s svojo odločbo razglasi tožnika za imetnika znamke.

(2) Izpodbijanju po prejšnjem odstavku sodišče ne ugodi, če toženec, ki je imetnik znamke, dokaže, da je še pred vložitvijo prijave uporabljal sporni znak za isto ali podobno vrsto blaga ali storitev prav toliko časa ali še dlje kot tožnik.

(3) Tožba iz prvega odstavka tega člena ni možna po preteku petih let od datuma vpisa znamke v register.

117. člen (vpis novega imetnika v register)

(1) V treh mesecih od vročitve pravnomočne sodbe, s katero je bilo ugodeno tožbenemu zahtevku iz 115. ali 116. člena tega zakona, lahko tožnik zahteva, da se ga vpiše v register kot imetnika patenta, modela oziroma znamke in da se mu o tem izda ustrezno potrdilo.

(2) Če tisti, čigar tožbenemu zahtevku je ugodeno, ne vloži v roku iz prejšnjega odstavka zahteve, da se ga vpiše v register kot imetnika pravice, se pravica po uradni dolžnosti izbriše iz registra.

(3) Pravice, ki jih pridobi kdo drug od tistega, ki je bil pred sodbo iz prvega odstavka tega člena vpisan kot imetnik pravice, veljajo tudi nasproti novemu imetniku pravic, če so bile vpisane v ustrezni register ali pravilno prijavljene za vpis pred vložitvijo tožbe.

3. pododdelek Priznanje pravice izumitelja ali oblikovalca do navedbe

118. člen (tožba izumitelja ali oblikovalca za navedbo)

(1) Izumitelj ali oblikovalec lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva: a) da je naveden v prijavi in vseh dokumentih; b) da se pravnomočna sodba javno objavi na toženčeve stroške.

(2) Tožba iz prejšnjega odstavka se lahko vloži ves čas trajanja veljavnosti patenta ali modela.

4. pododdelek Izbris in razveljavitev znamke

119. člen (tožba za izbris znamke iz registra)

(1) Tožba za izbris znamke iz registra in prepoved uporabe znaka se lahko vloži pri pristojnem sodišču, če je podan eden izmed naslednjih razlogov: a) če je zaradi dejanj ali dopustitve imetnika postala znamka običajno ime v trgovini za

blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana; b) če imetnik znamke ali kdo drug z njegovim soglasjem uporablja znamko za blago ali

storitve, za katere je registrirana, tako da zavaja javnost, zlasti glede narave, kakovosti ali geografskega izvora tega blaga ali storitev.

(2) Tožba za izbris kolektivne znamke iz registra in za prepoved uporabe znaka se lahko poleg razlogov iz prejšnjega odstavka vloži tudi, če je na datum vložitve tožbe podan naslednji razlog: a) nosilec kolektivne znamke ne izvede razumnih ukrepov, da bi preprečil uporabo znamke

na način, ki ni združljiv s pogoji uporabe iz pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona, vključno s spremembo pravilnika, vpisano v register;

b) upravičenci do uporabe kolektivne znamke so znamko uporabljali tako, da je to povzročilo zavajanje javnosti po točki b) 46.a člena tega zakona, ali

c) sprememba pravilnika iz 46. člena tega zakona je vpisana v register v nasprotju s tretjim odstavkom 46. člena tega zakona, razen če nosilec kolektivne znamke spremeni pravilnik iz 46. člena tega zakona tako, da ustreza zahtevam iz tretjega odstavka 46. člena tega zakona.

(3) V primeru iz točke c) drugega odstavka tega člena se smiselno uporablja tretji odstavek 114. člena tega zakona.

(4) Znamka se izbriše iz registra znamk z dnem pravnomočnosti sodbe.

120. člen (tožba za razveljavitev znamke zaradi neuporabe)

(1) Kdorkoli lahko s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva razveljavitev znamke, če imetnik brez upravičenega razloga v neprekinjenem obdobju petih let ni v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal v Republiki Sloveniji znamke za označevanje blaga ali storitev, za katere je znamka registrirana.

(2) Razveljavitve znamke ni mogoče zahtevati, če je imetnik začel ali ponovno začel resno in dejansko uporabljati znamko v obdobju med iztekom neprekinjenega petletnega obdobja iz prvega odstavka tega člena in vložitvijo tožbe za razveljavitev znamke.

Na to okoliščino se ne more sklicevati tisti imetnik znamke, ki je začel znamko uporabljati ali jo ponovno uporabljati v roku treh mesecev pred vložitvijo tožbe, šteto najprej od izteka roka iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če je začel s pripravami na uporabo znamke ali njeno ponovno uporabo šele, ko se je zavedal, da mu grozi vložitev tožbe za razveljavitev njegove znamke.

(3) V postopku razveljavitve znamke imetnik dokazuje uporabo znamke.

(4) Znamka se razveljavi za tisto blago ali storitve, za katere se ugotovi, da znamka ni bila uporabljena na območju Republike Slovenije, in sicer z dnem pravnomočnosti sodbe.

2. oddelek Uveljavljanje pravic

120.a člen (legitimacija)

(1) Pravice do uveljavljanja sodnega varstva, ki jih ima imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, smiselno pripadajo tudi: a) upravičencu do uporabe kolektivne znamke, če nosilec kolektivne znamke s tem soglaša

ali če v ustreznem obdobju po obvestilu nosilec kolektivne znamke ne začne postopka zaradi kršitve pravic;

b) upravičencu do geografske označbe; c) pridobitelju licence, v obsegu, v katerem so z zakonom ali s pravnim poslom pravice

imetnika prenesene nanj, če imetnik pravice s tem soglaša; d) pridobitelju izključne licence, če imetnik pravice v ustreznem obdobju po obvestilu sam

ne začne postopka zaradi kršitve pravic; e) poklicnemu združenju, ustanovljenemu za varstvo pravic industrijske lastnine, v obsegu,

v katerem so z zakonom ali s pravnim poslom pravice imetnika prenesene nanj.

(2) Nosilec kolektivne znamke lahko v imenu upravičencev do uporabe kolektivne znamke zahteva nadomestilo za škodo, ki so jo utrpeli zaradi nepooblaščene uporabe kolektivne znamke.

121. člen (tožba zaradi kršitve pravic)

(1) Zoper osebo, ki brez soglasja imetnika pravice posega v njegove pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, lahko imetnik pravice s tožbo pri pristojnem sodišču zahteva: a) da se prepovejo kršenje in bodoče kršitve; b) da se odpokličejo predmeti kršitve iz gospodarskih tokov z upoštevanjem interesov

dobrovernih tretjih oseb; c) da se odstrani stanje, ki je nastalo s kršitvijo; č) da se nepreklicno odstranijo predmeti kršitve iz gospodarskih tokov; d) da se uničijo predmeti kršitve; e) da se uničijo sredstva kršitve, ki so izključno ali pretežno namenjena ali se uporabijo za

kršitev in so v lasti kršilca; f) da se tožniku prepustijo predmeti kršitve proti plačilu proizvodnih stroškov; g) da se sodba objavi.

(2) Pri odločanju o odstranitvenih zahtevkih iz točk b) do f) prejšnjega odstavka sodišče upošteva vse okoliščine primera, zlasti sorazmernost med težo kršitve in zahtevkom ter interes imetnika pravice za zagotovitev učinkovitega varstva pravic.

(3) V postopku proti osebi, katere storitve so bile uporabljene za kršitev pravice, obstoj te kršitve pa je že pravnomočno ugotovljen v postopku proti tretjemu, se domneva, da je kršitev podana.

121.a člen (povrnitev škode)

(1) Za kršitve po tem zakonu veljajo splošna pravila o povzročitvi škode, če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno.

(2) Kršilec je dolžan plačati imetniku pravice odškodnino v obsegu, ki se določi po splošnih pravilih o povrnitvi škode ali v obsegu, ki je enak dogovorjeni ali običajni licenčnini.

121.b člen (stranski udeleženec)

(1) Šteje se, da ima pridobitelj licence zaradi uveljavljanja nadomestila za škodo, ki jo je utrpel, zakonit pravni interes, da vstopi v postopek, ki ga je sprožil imetnik pravice.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za upravičenca do uporabe kolektivne znamke.

122. člen (dodatne določbe zaradi kršitve patenta)

(1) Če je predmet kršitve patent, s katerim je zavarovan postopek za izdelavo nove snovi, se šteje, da je vsaka snov enake sestave ali enaka in izdelana po zavarovanem postopku, dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno. Dokazno breme nosi toženec oziroma domnevni kršilec, pri čemer je treba upoštevati njegov zakoniti interes za varovanje poslovne tajnosti.

(2) Če se tožba po 121. členu tega zakona nanaša na kršitev patenta ali objavljene evropske patentne prijave, s katero se zahteva varstvo v Republiki Sloveniji, sodišče prekine postopek, dokler Urad ne izda ugotovitvene odločbe po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona oziroma do dneva vpisa evropskega patenta v register patentov pri Uradu.

(3) Če je predmet kršitve patent, za katerega še ni bila izdana ugotovitvena odločba po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93. člena tega zakona, določi sodišče za čas uporabe izuma od podelitve patenta do izdaje ugotovitvene odločbe, kršilcu plačilo odškodnine, znižane glede na okoliščine.

(4) Prejšnji odstavek se smiselno uporablja za objavljeno patentno prijavo, vloženo v tujini po drugem odstavku 3. člena tega zakona, za čas uporabe izuma od objave te prijave do podelitve patenta oziroma do dneva, ko je EPU objavil sklep o podelitvi evropskega patenta, če je bil evropski patent vpisan v register pri Uradu.

a122.a člen (neuporaba kot način obrambe v postopku zaradi kršitve znamke)

(1) Imetnik znamke ima pravico prepovedati uporabo znaka v obsegu, v katerem v času vložitve tožbe zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke ne obstajajo razlogi iz 120. člena tega zakona za njeno razveljavitev zaradi neuporabe.

(2) Toženec lahko zahteva, da imetnik znamke, ki je zoper njega vložil tožbo zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke, predloži dokaze, da je v obdobju zadnjih petih zaporednih let pred datumom vložitve tožbe svojo znamko, ki je razlog za tožbo, v skladu z 52.b členom tega zakona resno in dejansko uporabljal za blago ali storitve, za katere je registrirana, ali da obstajajo upravičeni razlogi za njeno neuporabo, pod pogojem, da je na datum vložitve tožbe zaradi kršitve pravic že poteklo pet let od datuma vpisa znamke v register.

b122.a člen (način obrambe imetnika kasnejše znamke v postopku zaradi kršitve znamke)

(1) V postopku zaradi kršitve pravic iz znamke imetnik znamke nima pravice prepovedati uporabe kasnejše znamke, če se kasnejša znamka ne bi ugotovila za nično ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka 52.c člena, 52.d člena ali drugega odstavka 52.e člena tega zakona ali v primeru znamke EU predpisov Evropske unije, ki urejajo registracijo znamke EU.

(2) Če imetnik znamke glede na prejšnji odstavek nima pravice prepovedati uporabe kasnejše znamke, imetnik kasnejše znamke nima pravice v postopku zaradi kršitve pravic prepovedati uporabe prejšnje znamke, čeprav prejšnje znamke ni mogoče več uveljavljati zoper kasnejšo znamko.

122.a člen (predložitev dokazov)

(1) Če je sodišče odločilo, da bo izvedlo predlagani dokaz, predlagana dokazna sredstva pa so pri nasprotni stranki, mora nasprotna stranka na zahtevo sodišča predložiti dokazna sredstva, s katerimi razpolaga.

(2) Prejšnji odstavek velja tudi glede bančnih, finančnih in poslovnih listin, ki so pod nadzorom nasprotne stranke, če gre za kršitev v gospodarskem obsegu. Šteje se, da je bilo dejanje storjeno v gospodarskem obsegu, če se izvaja za neposredno ali posredno gospodarsko korist.

(3) V postopku predložitve dokazov se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja pravdni postopek, če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno.

(4) Sodišče mora po izvedbi dokaza iz prvega odstavka tega člena zagotoviti varstvo zaupnih podatkov pravdnih strank ter zagotoviti, da se sodni postopki ne uporabljajo v slabi veri z izključnim namenom pridobiti zaupne podatke nasprotne stranke.

123. člen (začasne odredbe)

(1) Sodišče izda začasno odredbo v zavarovanje nedenarnih zahtevkov po tem zakonu, če predlagatelj izkaže za verjetno: a) da je imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona in b) da je bila njegova pravica kršena, ali grozi dejanska nevarnost, da bo kršena.

(2) Predlagatelj mora za verjetno izkazati tudi eno izmed naslednjih predpostavk: a) nevarnost, da bo uveljavitev zahtevkov onemogočena ali precej otežena;

b) da je odredba potrebna, da se prepreči nastanek težko nadomestljive škode ali c) da domnevni kršilec z izdajo začasne odredbe, če bi se tekom postopka izkazala za

neutemeljeno, ne bi utrpel hujših neugodnih posledic od tistih, ki bi brez izdaje začasne odredbe nastale imetniku pravice.

(3) Predlagatelj, ki zahteva izdajo začasne odredbe brez poprejšnjega obvestila in zaslišanja nasprotne stranke, mora poleg pogojev iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, izkazati za verjetno, da bi kakršnokoli odlašanje z izdajo začasne odredbe povzročilo imetniku pravice nastanek težko nadomestljive škode. V tem primeru se nasprotno stranko obvesti najpozneje takoj po izvršitvi odredb.

(4) Imetnik pravice ni dolžan dokazovati nevarnosti, da bo uveljavitev zahtevkov onemogočena ali precej otežena, če izkaže za verjetno, da bi kršilec s predlagano odredbo pretrpel le neznatno škodo. Šteje se, da je nevarnost podana, če naj bi bili zahtevki uveljavljeni v tujini, razen v primeru, če naj bi se terjatev uveljavljala v državi članici Evropske unije.

(5) Sodišče sme za zavarovanje nedenarnih zahtevkov po prvem odstavku tega člena izdati vsako začasno odredbo, s katero je mogoče doseči namen zavarovanja, zlasti: a) da se domnevnemu kršilcu prepove domnevno kršenje in bodoče kršitve; b) da se zasežejo, izključijo iz prometa in shranijo predmeti kršitve ter sredstva kršitve, ki

so izključno ali pretežno namenjena ali se uporabijo za kršitev.

(6) Sodišče mora odločiti o ugovoru zoper sklep o začasni odredbi v 30 dneh od dneva vložitve odgovora na ugovor oziroma od poteka roka za vložitev odgovora na ugovor.

(7) V postopku za izdajo začasne odredbe se uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja izvršbo in zavarovanje, če ni s tem zakonom določeno drugače. Postopek je nujen.

123.a člen (izdaja začasne odredbe pri kršitvi patenta)

Če se predlog za izdajo začasne odredbe po prejšnjem členu nanaša na kršitev patenta, izda sodišče začasno odredbo, če sta izpolnjena tudi naslednja pogoja: a) da imetnik pravice predloži ugotovitveno odločbo po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93.

člena tega zakona in b) da imetnik pravice predlaga izdajo začasne odredbe v treh mesecih od takrat, ko je

izvedel za domnevno kršitev.

124. člen (zavarovanje dokazov)

(1) Sodišče izda sklep za zavarovanje dokazov, če predlagatelj predloži razumno dosegljive dokaze o tem, da: a) je imetnik pravice iz 18., 37., 47. ali 58. člena tega zakona, b) je bila kršena, ali grozi dejanska nevarnost, da bo kršena njegova pravica in c) bodo dokazi o kršitvi uničeni ali jih kasneje ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti.

(2) Predlagatelj, ki zahteva izdajo sklepa za zavarovanje dokazov brez poprejšnjega obvestila in zaslišanja nasprotne stranke, mora poleg pogojev iz prvega odstavka izkazati za verjetno, da obstaja nevarnost, da bodo dokazi o kršitvi zaradi ravnanja nasprotne stranke uničeni ali jih kasneje ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti. V tem primeru se nasprotno stranko obvesti najpozneje takoj po izvršitvi sklepa.

(3) Sodišče sme s sklepom iz prvega odstavka tega člena odrediti izvedbo kateregakoli dokaza, zlasti: a) ogled prostorov, poslovne dokumentacije, inventarja, baz podatkov, računalniških

pomnilnih enot ali drugih stvari; b) zaseg vzorcev predmetov kršitve; c) pregled in izročitev listin; d) določitev in zaslišanje izvedencev in e) zaslišanje prič.

(4) Zavarovanje dokazov je dovoljeno zahtevati tudi potem, ko postane odločba, s katero je postopek končan, pravnomočna, če je to potrebno pred postopkom ali med postopkom z izrednimi pravnimi sredstvi.

(5) V postopku zavarovanja dokazov po tem členu se smiselno uporabljajo določbe zakona, ki ureja izvršbo in zavarovanje, o začasnih odredbah, razen če ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno. Postopek je nujen.

(6) Če se kasneje izkaže, da je predlog neutemeljen ali da ga predlagatelj ni upravičil, ima nasprotna stranka pravico zahtevati: a) vrnitev odvzetih predmetov; b) prepoved uporabe pridobljenih informacij in c) povračilo škode.

(7) Sodišče mora v postopku zavarovanja dokazov po tem členu zagotoviti varstvo zaupnih podatkov strank ter zagotoviti, da se sodni postopki ne uporabljajo v slabi veri z izključnim namenom pridobiti zaupne podatke nasprotne stranke.

124.a člen (zavarovanje dokazov pri kršitvi patenta)

Če se predlog za izdajo sklepa iz prejšnjega člena nanaša na kršitev patenta, izda sodišče sklep, če sta izpolnjena tudi naslednja pogoja: a) da imetnik pravice predloži ugotovitveno odločbo po točki a) ali b) prvega odstavka 93.

člena tega zakona in b) da imetnik pravice predlaga izdajo sklepa o zavarovanju dokazov v treh mesecih od

takrat, ko je izvedel za domnevno kršitev.

124.b člen (dolžnost obveščanja)

(1) Sodišče lahko v pravdi zaradi kršitve pravic na podlagi upravičene zahteve stranke naloži kršilcu, da sporoči podatke o izvoru in distribucijskih tokovih blaga ali storitev, ki kršijo pravico iz tega zakona.

(2) Sodišče lahko naloži, da podatke iz prejšnjega odstavka sporočijo tudi naslednje osebe, ki v gospodarskem obsegu: a) posedujejo blago, s katerim se krši pravica, b) uporabljajo storitve, s katerimi se krši pravica ali c) zagotavljajo storitve, uporabljene v dejavnosti, s katero se krši pravica.

(3) Sodišče lahko naloži, da podatke iz prvega odstavka tega člena sporoči tudi oseba, za katero je katera od oseb iz prejšnjega odstavka navedla, da je bila vpletena v proizvodnjo, izdelavo ali distribucijo blaga ali opravljanja storitev.

(4) Podatki iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko vključujejo: a) imena in naslove oziroma firme in sedeže proizvajalcev, izdelovalcev, distributerjev,

dobaviteljev in drugih prejšnjih imetnikov blaga ali ponudnikov storitev ter predvidenih trgovcev na debelo in na drobno in

b) podatke o proizvedenih, izdelanih, dostavljenih, prejetih ali naročenih količinah in cenah, doseženih za blago ali storitve.

124.c člen (varstvo drugih pravic industrijske lastnine)

Določbe tega oddelka se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za firmo in žlahtniteljsko pravico.

Deseto poglavje PRISILNA LICENCA

125. člen (prisilna licenca)

(1) Sodišče lahko odloči, da se tudi brez soglasja imetnika patenta dovoli tretji osebi ali Vladi Republike Slovenije izkoriščanje izuma: a) če to zahteva javni interes, zlasti v zvezi z državno varnostjo, prehrano, zdravstvom ali

razvojem drugih pomembnih delov državnega gospodarstva, ali b) če sodišče ugotovi, da imetnik patenta ali imetnik licence zlorablja pravice iz patenta,

zlasti tako da izkorišča izum tako, da v nasprotju z veljavnimi predpisi omejuje konkurenco.

(2) Sodišče podeli prisilno licenco po prejšnjem odstavku ob upoštevanju dejanskih okoliščin in po zaslišanju imetnika patenta.

(3) Prisilna licenca po prvem odstavku tega člena se podeli, če vložnik zahteve za pridobitev prisilne licence dokaže, da si je prizadeval skleniti licenčno pogodbo z imetnikom patenta pod razumnimi poslovnimi pogoji in da ta prizadevanja v razumnem obdobju niso bila uspešna.

(4) Prejšnji odstavek se ne uporablja, če je razglašeno vojno stanje ali izredne razmere, pod pogojem, da sodišče v takem primeru seznani imetnika patenta s svojo odločbo, kolikor je to mogoče hitro.

126. člen (pogoji za podelitev prisilne licence)

(1) Prisilna licenca po prejšnjem členu se podeli, pod naslednjimi pogoji: a) da sta obseg in trajanje licence omejena glede na njen namen; b) da ni izključna; c) da ni prenosljiva, z izjemo prenosa dela poslovne dejavnosti prejemnika prisilne licence,

na katero se predmet prisilne licence nanaša; d) da je namenjena pretežno oskrbovanju trga Republike Slovenije.

(2) Če kakšnega patenta (v nadaljnjem besedilu: drugi patent) ni mogoče izkoriščati, ne da bi se poseglo v neki drug patent (v nadaljnjem besedilu: prvi patent),

morajo biti za podelitev prisilne licence takšnega patenta poleg pogojev iz 125. člena tega zakona in prejšnjega odstavka izpolnjeni še naslednji dodatni pogoji: a) izum, ki je predmet drugega patenta, vsebuje tehnični napredek znatnega

gospodarskega pomena glede na izum, ki je predmet prvega patenta; b) imetnik prvega patenta je pod razumnimi pogoji upravičen do obratne licence za uporabo

izuma, ki je predmet drugega patenta; c) dovoljena uporaba v zvezi s prvim patentom ni prenosljiva brez sočasnega prenosa

drugega patenta.

(3) Sodišče odloči, da prisilna licenca preneha veljati, če prenehajo okoliščine, zaradi katerih je bila podeljena, in če je verjetno, da se te okoliščine ne bodo ponovile.

127. člen (nadomestilo za prisilno licenco)

(1) Imetnik patenta, ki je predmet prisilne licence, je upravičen do obveznega nadomestila.

(2) Višina nadomestila se določi glede na okoliščine posameznega primera ob upoštevanju ekonomske vrednosti prisilne licence.

Enajsto poglavje ZASTOPANJE

128. člen (zastopanje pred Uradom)

(1) Za zastopanje pred Uradom se lahko pooblasti le zastopnika, ki je vpisan v ustrezni register zastopnikov pri Uradu. Zastopnika imenuje pooblastitelj s pisnim pooblastilom.

(2) Pooblastitelj lahko pooblasti enega ali več zastopnikov za vsa ali le za določena dejanja v postopku pred Uradom. Če pooblasti več zastopnikov in pri tem ne navede, kateremu zastopniku naj Urad vroča pisanja, vroča Urad vse dopise zastopniku, ki je naveden prvi.

(3) Pooblastitelj lahko z enim pooblastilom pooblasti zastopnika za zastopanje pri vseh njegovih prijavah, pravicah ali vlogah, vloženih pri Uradu (v nadaljnjem besedilu: generalno pooblastilo zastopniku). Če je generalno pooblastilo zastopniku deponirano pri Uradu, se ob vložitvi vloge Uradu navede številka deponiranega generalnega pooblastila in predloži njegova kopija.

(4) Pooblastilo se predloži ob vložitvi vloge ali v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva Urada. Če pooblastilo ni pravočasno predloženo, se šteje, da zastopnik ni bil imenovan in da njegova dejanja niso bila opravljena. Vlogo, ki jo je vložil domnevni zastopnik, Urad s sklepom zavrže. Sklep o zavrženju se vroči domnevnemu zastopniku.

129. člen (zastopanje tujih oseb)

(1) Tuje pravne in fizične osebe, ki nimajo prebivališča ali dejanskega in resnega industrijskega ali gospodarskega podjetja v Republiki Sloveniji (v nadaljnjem besedilu: tuja

oseba), morajo uveljavljati pravice iz tega zakona v postopkih pred Uradom po zastopniku, razen če je drugače določeno z mednarodno pogodbo, ki obvezuje Republiko Slovenijo.

(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko tuja oseba ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka tega člena brez zastopnika vloži prijavo in opravlja dejanja v zvezi z določitvijo datuma vložitve prijave, plača takso ali pristojbino v postopku pred Uradom, vloži prepis prve prijave za uveljavljanje prednostne pravice po 61. členu tega zakona in sprejema pisanja Urada v zvezi s temi postopki.

(3) Če tuja oseba v primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka nima zastopnika v postopku pred Uradom, mora Uradu sporočiti naslov za obveščanje, ki mora biti na območju Republike Slovenije. Šteje se, da je Urad v primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka pravilno obvestil tujo osebo, če ji je poslal pisanje na naslov za obveščanje.

(4) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena lahko kdorkoli plača pristojbine za vzdrževanje pravice.

(5) Če tuja oseba v nasprotju s tem členom v postopku pred Uradom ne imenuje zastopnika ali ne sporoči naslova za obveščanje, ki je na območju Republike Slovenije, jo Urad izjemoma neposredno po pošti pozove, naj v treh mesecih od vročitve poziva imenuje zastopnika in predloži pooblastilo zastopniku oziroma v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena sporoči naslov za obveščanje. Če tuja oseba pravočasno ne imenuje zastopnika in ne predloži pooblastila, oziroma ne sporoči pravočasno naslova za obveščanje v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena, Urad s sklepom vlogo zavrže, razen če ta zakon določa drugače. Vročitev sklepa se opravi po oglasni deski Urada.

130. člen (preklic in odpoved pooblastila)

(1) Pooblastitelj lahko kadarkoli prekliče pooblastilo, zastopnik pa ga lahko kadarkoli odpove.

(2) Preklic oziroma odpoved pooblastila se sporoči Uradu in učinkuje od dneva, ko ga Urad prejme. Po odpovedi pooblastila je zastopnik dolžan še tri mesece opravljati dejanja za pooblastitelja, razen če ima pooblastitelj še kakšnega zastopnika.

(3) Če tuja oseba zaradi odpovedi ali preklica pooblastila nima več zastopnika, se smiselno uporablja peti odstavek 129. člena tega zakona.

131. člen (zastopnik)

(1) V postopkih pred Uradom lahko stranke zastopajo patentni zastopniki in zastopniki za modele in znamke. Patentni zastopniki zastopajo stranke v postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev, vzdrževanje in druge zahteve v zvezi s katero koli pravico po tem zakonu. Zastopniki za modele in znamke lahko zastopajo stranke le v tistih postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev, vzdrževanje in druge zahteve v zvezi z modeli, znamkami in geografskimi označbami.

(2) Patentni zastopnik je lahko: a) oseba z univerzitetno izobrazbo tehnične ali naravoslovne smeri, ki je opravila strokovni

izpit za patentnega zastopnika pri Uradu; b) odvetnik ali odvetniška družba, ki zaposluje osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz prejšnje točke,

ali ima z njo sklenjeno pogodbo;

c) pravna oseba, ki zaposluje vsaj eno osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke a) tega odstavka.

(3) Zastopnik za modele in znamke je lahko: a) oseba z univerzitetno izobrazbo, ki je opravila strokovni izpit za zastopnika za modele in

znamke pri Uradu; b) odvetnik ali odvetniška družba; c) pravna oseba, ki zaposluje vsaj eno osebo, ki izpolnjuje pogoje iz točke a) tega


(4) Patentni zastopniki, zastopniki za modele in znamke ter pooblaščeni delavci zastopnika lahko v postopkih, ki se nanašajo na pravice po tem zakonu, zastopajo stranke tudi pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi, če izpolnjujejo pogoje, določene s predpisi, ki urejajo zastopanje pred sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi. V takih primerih je zastopnik upravičen do plačila za svoje delo in do povračila stroškov v zvezi z opravljenim delom po zastopniški tarifi. Zastopniško tarifo sprejme zastopnik ali združenje zastopnikov v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za pravosodje.

132. člen (vpis zastopnikov v register)

(1) Urad vodi register patentnih zastopnikov in register zastopnikov za modele in znamke.

(2) Za vpis v ustrezni register zastopnikov se plača taksa po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse. Po plačilu takse Urad z odločbo odloči o vpisu v register.

(3) Patentni zastopnik lahko zahteva izbris iz registra patentnih zastopnikov in vpis v register zastopnikov za modele in znamke. Zastopnik za modele in znamke lahko zahteva izbris iz registra zastopnikov za modele in znamke in vpis v register patentnih zastopnikov, le če izpolnjuje pogoje iz drugega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona.

(4) Zastopnik se izbriše iz registra: a) če vloži zahtevo za izbris; b) če se mu s pravnomočno sodbo prepove ukvarjanje z zastopanjem.

(5) V register patentnih zastopnikov in register zastopnikov za modele in znamke se vpišejo predvsem naslednji podatki: registrska številka zastopnika, podatki o zastopniku (priimek, ime in naslov oziroma firma in sedež), datum vpisa v register, podatke o osebah, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz točke a) drugega odstavka oziroma točke a) tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona in so zaposlene pri zastopniku oziroma imajo z njim sklenjeno pogodbo (priimek, ime, naslov in izobrazba).

(6) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi vsebino zahteve za vpis zastopnikov v register, postopek vpisa v register, vrsto podatkov, ki se vpišejo v register, in postopek vpisa sprememb v register zastopnikov.

133. člen (strokovni izpit)

(1) Strokovni izpit iz drugega ali tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona se opravlja pri Uradu. Pred opravljanjem strokovnega izpita se plača taksa po zakonu, ki ureja upravne takse.

(2) Urad vodi seznam oseb z opravljenim strokovnim izpitom.

(3) Minister, pristojen za področje industrijske lastnine, s podzakonskim predpisom natančneje določi način opravljanja strokovnega izpita iz drugega in tretjega odstavka 131. člena tega zakona.

Dvanajsto poglavje KAZENSKE DOLOČBE

134. člen (prekršek)

(1) Z globo od 4.000 do 40.000 eurov se kaznuje za prekršek pravna oseba, ki: 1. Uradu predloži ponarejeno ali neresnično dokazilo po 92. členu tega zakona ali ki s

ponarejenim ali neresničnim obvestilom zahteva prekinitev postopka po tretjem odstavku 92. člena tega zakona;

2. zastopa tretjo osebo v postopku pred Uradom, ne da bi bila vpisana v register iz 132. člena tega zakona.

(2) Z globo od 400 do 4.000 eurov se kaznuje samostojni podjetnik posameznik in posameznik, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka.

(3) Z globo od 400 do 2.000 eurov se kaznuje odgovorna oseba pravne osebe ali odgovorna oseba samostojnega podjetnika posameznika oziroma posameznika, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ki stori prekršek iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

(4) Z globo od 400 do 1.000 eurov se kaznuje posameznik, ki stori prekršek iz prvega odstavka tega člena.

Zakon o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) vsebuje naslednje prehodne in končne določbe:


135. člen (uporaba snovi kot zdravilo)

(1) Uporaba snovi kot zdravila za ljudi in živali ne pomeni kršitve patenta za izum te snovi, če je bila patentna prijava za ta izum vložena do vključno 31. decembra 1992 oziroma je bila za takšno prijavo zahtevana prednostna pravica do vključno 31. decembra 1992.

(2) Z uporabo snovi kot zdravila po prejšnjem odstavku je mišljena izdelava in njena predelava v zdravilo po postopku, ki ni predmet zadevnega patentnega varstva ter dajanje te snovi oziroma zdravila v promet.

(3) Z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji velja za zdravilo ali snov po prvem odstavku tega člena drugi odstavek 21. člena tega zakona samo, če je pridobljeno soglasje imetnika patenta, s katerim je zavarovano to zdravilo ali snov.

136. člen (obravnava prijav in veljavnost pravic)

(1) Postopek priznanja ali podelitve pravice industrijske lastnine v zvezi s prijavo, vloženo pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se nadaljuje po določbah tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

(2) Pravice industrijske lastnine, veljavne na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, veljajo naprej po določbah tega zakona, razen če ta zakon določa drugače.

137. člen (patentne prijave in patenti)

(1) Pri patentnih prijavah, vloženih pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, in pri patentih, podeljenih pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se še naprej uporabljajo določbe 10., 77., 78. in 112. člena zakona o industrijski lastnini (Uradni list RS, št. 13/92, 27/93, 34/97 – odločba US, 75/97).

(2) Določbi drugega in tretjega odstavka 22. člena tega zakona se uporabljata za patente, ki so bili prijavljeni po 1. januarju 1993.

(3) Z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji se tretji odstavek 22. člena tega zakona izvaja v skladu s predpisi Evropske unije.

(4) Za patente, ki so bili prijavljeni po 1. 1. 1993 in za katere je potekel rok iz 7. člena uredbe EU št. 1768/92 z dne 18. 6. 1992 ali 7. člena uredbe EU št. 1610/96 z dne 23. 6. 1996, je mogoče v šestih mesecih od dneva pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji zahtevati dodatni varstveni certifikat.

(5) Določbe 24. do vključno 31. člena tega zakona se začnejo uporabljati z dnem uveljavitve EPK v Republiki Sloveniji.

(6) Določba petega odstavka 32. člena tega zakona ne velja za prijave na podlagi PCT, ki so bile vložene do dneva uveljavitve tega zakona.

138. člen (prijave modela oziroma vzorca in modeli oziroma vzorci)

(1) Pri prijavah modela oziroma vzorca, ki so bile objavljene pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona in pri katerih je bil vložen ugovor zoper izdajo odločbe o priznanju modela oziroma vzorca, se še naprej uporablja 58. člen zakona o industrijski lastnini.

(2) Če je bila prijava modela oziroma vzorca objavljena pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, pa zoper izdajo odločbe o priznanju modela oziroma vzorca ni bil vložen ugovor po 58. členu zakona o industrijski lastnini, izda Urad odločbo o registraciji modela, vpiše model v register in objavi registracijo modela.

(3) Modeli oziroma vzorci, veljavni na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se obravnavajo kot modeli po tem zakonu.

139. člen (ugovor na podlagi znamke pri Uradu za harmonizacijo notranjega trga za znamke in modele

Evropske unije)

(1) Do pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji se kot prejšnja znamka po prvem odstavku 44. člena tega zakona šteje tudi znamka, ki je bila prijavljena ali registrirana pri Uradu za harmonizacijo notranjega trga za znamke in modele Evropske unije pred datumom vložitve prijave kasnejše znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(2) Imetnik prejšnje znamke po prejšnjem odstavku lahko vloži ugovor po 101. členu tega zakona, če v roku za ugovor vloži tudi pravilno prijavo za pridobitev varstva svoje znamke v Republiki Sloveniji.

(3) Če imetnik prejšnje znamke po prvem odstavku tega člena ob vložitvi ugovora po 101. členu tega zakona ne vloži pravočasno tudi pravilne prijave za pridobitev varstva svoje znamke v Republiki Sloveniji, se šteje, da ugovor ni bil vložen.

140. člen (označbe porekla blaga)

Označbe porekla blaga, veljavne na dan uveljavitve tega zakona, se obravnavajo kot geografske označbe po tem zakonu, razen če drug zakon določa drugače.

141. člen (strokovni izpiti in zastopniki)

(1) Strokovni izpiti, opravljeni ali priznani do dneva uveljavitve tega zakona, so izenačeni s strokovnim izpitom za patentne zastopnike in strokovnim izpitom za zastopnike za modele in znamke.

(2) Urad po uradni dolžnosti vpiše v register patentnih zastopnikov vse zastopnike, ki so bili na dan uveljavitve tega zakona vpisani v register zastopnikov pri Uradu.

142. člen (podzakonski predpisi)

(1) Podzakonski predpisi po tem zakonu in odredba o ceniku iz tretjega odstavka 7. člena tega zakona se izdajo v šestih mesecih po uveljavitvi tega zakona, razen predpisa iz drugega odstavka 80. člena tega zakona, ki se izda, ko so pri Uradu vzpostavljene ustrezne tehnične možnosti.

(2) Do izdaje novih predpisov se smiselno uporabljajo predpisi, izdani na podlagi zakona o industrijski lastnini: a) pravilnik o postopku za podelitev patenta (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93); b) pravilnik o postopku za priznanje modela oziroma vzorca (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93, 37/95

– odločba US); c) pravilnik o postopku za priznanje znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93); d) pravilnik o postopku za mednarodno registracijo znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 15/93); e) pravilnik o načinu opravljanja strokovnega izpita in vpisu v register zastopnikov (Uradni

list RS, št. 20/92); f) uredba o pristojbinah Urada Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino za pridobitev

in varstvo pravic industrijske lastnine (Uradni list RS, št. 14/95);

g) uredba o cenah informacijskih in drugih storitev Urada Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino (Uradni list RS, št. 57/96).

143. člen (prenehanje veljavnosti)

(1) Z dnem, ko začne veljati ta zakon, preneha veljati: a) zakon o industrijski lastnini; b) pravilnik o prenosu pravic industrijske lastnine vloženih pri Zveznem zavodu za patente,

na Urad Republike Slovenije za varstvo industrijske lastnine (Uradni list RS, št. 49/93).

(2) Ne glede na točko a) prejšnjega odstavka se ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka 137. in prvega odstavka 138. člena tega zakona še naprej uporabljajo določbe 10., 58., 77., 78. in 112. člena zakona o industrijski lastnini.

144. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati šest mesecev po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1A (Uradni list RS, št. 96/02) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1B (Uradni list RS, št. 37/04) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati z dnem pristopa Republike Slovenije k Evropski uniji.«.

Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1C (Uradni list RS, št. 20/06) vsebuje naslednjo prehodno in končno določbo:


23. člen (postopki v teku)

Postopki, ki ob uveljavitvi tega zakona tečejo na podlagi devetega poglavja zakona, se končajo po do sedaj veljavnih določbah zakona.

24. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembi Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1D (Uradni list RS, št. 100/13) vsebuje naslednjo končno določbo:

»2. člen

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o industrijski lastnini – ZIL-1E (Uradni list RS, št. 23/20) vsebuje naslednje prehodne in končno določbo:


39. člen (postopki v teku)

Zadeve, glede katerih je bilo ob uveljavitvi tega zakona vloženo pravno sredstvo oziroma začet sodni postopek, se končajo po dosedanjih predpisih.

40. člen (uskladitev podzakonskih predpisov)

(1) Pravilnik o vsebini prijave znamke (Uradni list RS, št. 102/01), Pravilnik o elektronskem vlaganju prijav v postopkih registracije znamk in modelov (Uradni list RS, št. 3/15) in Pravilnik o registrih prijav in pravic industrijske lastnine ter potrdilu o prednostni pravici (Uradni list RS, št. 102/01) se uskladijo s tem zakonom v treh mesecih od uveljavitve tega zakona.

(2) Pravilniki iz prejšnjega odstavka se uporabljajo do uskladitve s tem zakonom, razen če so v nasprotju z določbami tega zakona.

41. člen (začetek veljavnosti)

Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.«.

Législation Remplace (3 texte(s)) Remplace (3 texte(s)) Est remplacé(e) par (1 texte(s)) Est remplacé(e) par (1 texte(s))
Traités Se rapporte à (10 documents) Se rapporte à (10 documents) Référence du document de l'OMC
Aucune donnée disponible

N° WIPO Lex SI080