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Loi sur le drapeau de l'Union (loi n° 8/2010 du 21 octobre 2010), Myanmar

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2010 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 21 octobre 2010 Promulgué: 21 octobre 2010 Type de texte Lois en rapport avec la propriété intellectuelle Sujet Marques, Divers Notes Section 15, paragraph (c) under Chapter IV states that no one shall apply the Union flag as a trademark of any goods, painting in clothes, decoration except for performing on behalf of the Union or the entire nation.

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Birman နိုင်ငံတော်အလံဥပဒေ (နိုင်ငံတော်အေးချမ်းသာယာရေးနှင့်ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကောင်စီဥပဒေအမှတ်၊ ၈/၂၀၁၀) ( ၂၁.၁၀.၂၀၁၀ )      Anglais The Union Flag Law (Law No. 8/2010 of October 21, 2010)         
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The Union Flag Law

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The Union of Myanmar

The State Peace and Development Council

The Union Flag Law

(The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 8/ 2010)

The 13th Waxing Day of Thadinkyut 1372 M.E.

(21st October, 2010)


Since it is provided in section 443 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar that the State

Peace and Development Council shall carry out necessary preparatory works to implement the Constitution,

it has become necessary to enact the relevant laws to enable performance of the legislative, administrative

and judicial functions of the Union smoothly, to enable performance of works that are to be carried out

when the various Hluttaws come into existence and to enable performance of the preparatory works in

accord with law.

As such, the State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts this Law in accord with section 443 of the

Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to apply and maintain the Union Flag in a proper

manner according to its prestige.

Chapter I

Title and Definition

1. This Law shall be called the Union Flag Law.

2. The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meaning given hereunder:

(a) Constitution means the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar;

(b) The Union Flag means the flag provided in sub-section (a) of section 437 of the Constitution. This

expression includes all materials which are applied as the Union flag made of or expressed on any


Chapter II

Model Size, Measurement and Colour of the Union Flag

3. The model size, measurement and colour et cetera of the Union flag are as follows:

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(a) the model size of the Union flag is rectangular, with 9 feet in length and 6 feet in width;

(b) the background colours of the Union flag are yellow, green and red. The yellow, green and red colours

shall each be equal to one-third of the 6 feet of the width of the Union flag. Therefore, each colour

shall be 2 feet;

(c) (i) a large white star with five vertices shall be superimposed on the background of yellow, green and

red colours;

(ii) the upper vertex of the large white star shall be at the mid-point of the length of the Union flag,

that is the place at 4 feet and 6 inches and shall point directly upwards;

(iii) the distance from the top of the star to the boundary of the yellow colour of flag and the distance

from the top of two lower vertices of the star in the red colour to the boundary of the red colour of

the flag shall be one foot each;

(iv) the distance between each top of the vertex of the star shall be 2 feet and 7.2 inches equally;

(d) the model colours of the Union flag are as follows:

(i) the yellow colour is pantone 116 PC;

(ii) the green colour is pantone 361 PC;

(iii) the red colour is pantone 1788 PC;

(e) the model pattern of the Union flag is as mentioned in the Annexure.

4. The yellow, green and red colours included as background colours indicate the three coloured flag which

was applied magnificently in the period of struggle for the independence of Myanmar.

5. The meanings of the colours of the Union flag and the white colour of the Star are as follows:

(a) the yellow colour indicates the meaning of unity, conformity, huge wisdom, happiness and unity of all

national races amicably;

(b) the green colour indicates the meaning of fertility, conformity, fairness and being a peaceful, pleasant,

and greening nation.

(c) the red colour indicates the meaning of bravery and decisiveness.

(d) the white colour of the star indicates the meaning of purity, honesty, fullness of compassion and


6. In using the various sizes of the Union flag, it shall be consistent with the proportions and colours

contained in the provision of section 3.

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Chapter III

Hoisting the Union Flag

7. The Union flag shall be hoisted on office days and the days of special significance prescribed by the

Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

8. The Union flag shall be hoisted in accord with the prescribed manner also on the days declared by the

Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, from time to time.

9. The Union flag may be hoisted on the houses, governmental buildings, premises throughout the Union and

on the various vehicles, such as cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes on the days prescribed and declared by

the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

10. The applying of the Union flag in the international meetings, ceremonies and hoisting of the Union flag on

diplomatic premises and buildings of Myanmar abroad, exhibition halls and on the various vehicles such

as cars, trains, ships, aeroplanes shall be as agreed with regional and international organizations.

11. The State flag shall always be held upright and proudly.

12. In applying the Union flag, only the kind of flag which is free from fading colour, broken stitches and torn

cloth that may affect its glory shall be used.

Chapter IV

Prohibitions and Penalties

13. No one shall carry out any of the following in respect of the Union flag:

(a) writing, painting, fixing, printing or marking anything such as word, number, picture and symbol on

the Union flag;

(b) (i) causing destruction of the colour, size, shape or proportion;

(ii) applying in places, regions, and purposes which have not been allowed;

(iii) applying disrespectfully;

(c) hoisting any flag of local organizations above or at the same level of the Union flag.

14. No one shall, in respect of hoisting, holding and applying the Union flag:

(a) hoist the Union flag at half-mast without the order of the Government of the Republic of the Union of


(b) cover with the Union flag at the opening ceremony of the stone sculpture, stone pillar and statue;

(c) cover the corpse with the Union flag except in burial by the State or military funeral;

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(d) bury the Union flag with the corpse in the State or military funeral. The Union flag shall not touch the

ground of cemetery;

(e) touch the Union flag with ground, water, floor which are under the Union flag while hoisting and

lowering or applying it;

(f) tear and destroy the Union flag, cause intentionally to affect the glory of the Union flag.

15. No one shall apply the Union flag:

(a) to pack and tie to any object;

(b) as a flooring;

(c) as a trademark of any goods, painting in clothes, decoration except for performing on behalf of the

Union or the entire nation.

16. Whoever violates any prohibitions contained in sections 13, 14 and 15 of this Law shall, on conviction be

punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or with fine not exceeding three lakh

kyats or with both.

Chapter V


17. This Law may be amended, inserted or repealed by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, formed in accord with the

Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. This Law shall remain in force in so far as the

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw has not repealed it.

18. In implementing the provisions of this Law:

(a) the State Peace and Development Council may issue the necessary rules;

(b) the relevant Ministry may issue necessary notifications, orders and directives.

19. The State Flag Law (The Pyithu Hluttaw Law No. 1 of 1974) is hereby repealed.

Sd/ Than Shwe

Senior General


The State Peace and Development Council

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