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Tarif des honoraires perçus par l'Office des brevets de la République de Bulgarie (tel que modifié jusqu'au 29 mai 2007), Bulgarie

Texte remplacé.  Accéder à la dernière version dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2007 Dates Modifié jusqu’à: 29 mai 2007 Entrée en vigueur: 30 décembre 1999 Émis: 27 décembre 1999 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Modèles d'utilité, Dessins et modèles industriels, Schémas de configuration de circuits intégrés, Marques, Propriété industrielle, Protection des obtentions végétales, Organe de réglementation de la PI, Indications géographiques Notes The consolidated version of the Tariff of Fees Collected by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 242 of December 27, 1999) takes into account amendments up to the "Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 87 of April 17, 2007, on Amendments to the Tariff of the Fees Collected by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria", which was published in the State Gazette No. 35/2007, and entered into force on May 29, 2007.

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 BG045: Fees (State gazette No. 42/29 May 2007)


TARIFF of fees collected by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Denomination of 05.07.1999 reflected Published in State Gazette No.114/30 December 1999; amended, State Gazette No.117/ 17 December 2002; amended, State Gazette No 91/15 November 2005; amended, State

Gazette No.35/27 April 2007; amended, State Gazette No 42/29 May 2007

Art. 1(1) (Former text of Art.1, amended – SG No 117/2002, amended – SG No 35/27 April 2007) The following fees shall be collected for patents for inventions: Fees in leva 1. Filing of applications - 50 2. Patent claims- for each claim after the 10th - 20 3. Claim of priority - for each priority - 20 4. Formal requirements examination - 50 5. Preliminary examination and check of application admissibility - for one invention - 160 6. Preliminary examination and check of application admissibility for a group of inventions: a) a group of two inventions - 200 b) each subsequent invention of the group - 80 7. Search and examination of application for one invention -200 8. Search and examination of application for a group of inventions a) group of two inventions - 300 b) each subsequent invention of the group - 80 9. Publication of an application - 80 10. Consideration of a request for accelerated publication of an application - 30 11. Making changes in the description, claims, drawings and abstract on the applicant's initiative - 40 12. International correspondence on a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application - 80 13. Grant of a patent - 80 14. Publication of patent description, claims and drawings: a) up to10 pages - 100 b) each page after the 10th - 12 15. Publication of a mention of the grant of a patent, independent claims included a) up to 5 independent claims - 50 b) each subsequent independent claim after the 5th - 6 16. Maintenance of a patent for: a) each of the first 3 years after filing - 50 b) 4th year - 50 c) 5th year - 150 d) 6th year - 200 e) 7th year - 250 f) 8th year - 300 g) 9th year - 400 h) 10th year - 500 i) 11th year - 600 j) 12th year - 700 k) 13th year - 800 l) 14th year - 900 m) 15th year - 1000 n) 16th year - 1100


o) 17th year - 1200 p) 18th year - 1300 q) 19th year - 1500 r) 20th year - 1700 s) patents granted under § 5 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Law on Patents and Utility Model Registration: a) the 21st year - 2000 b) 22nd year - 2500 c) 23rd year and each subsequent year - 3000 17. Patent renewal - 500 18. Consideration of an appeal against: a) a decision to refuse grant of a patent for: - one invention - 200 - a group of two inventions - 300 - each subsequent invention of the group - 80 b) a decision to terminate proceedings in the patent application - 100 19. Consideration of a request for invalidation of a granted patent: a) partial invalidation - 300 b) full invalidation - 500 20. Consideration of a request for grant or termination of a compulsory license - 200 21. Reissue of a patent - 50 22. Publication of the description, claims and drawings of the patent: a) up to10 pages - 100 b) each page after the 10th - 12 23. Publication of a mention of the grant of a patent, independent claims included: a) up to 5 independent claims - 50 b) each subsequent independent claim over the 5th - 6 (2) (New – SG No 117/2002) The following fees shall be collected for European patent applications and European patents in accordance with the European Patent Convention (EPC): 1. (Amended – SG No 35/2007) Publication of a mention of a Bulgarian translation of European patent application claims - 50 2. (Amended – SG No 35/2007) Publication of a mention of a corrected Bulgarian translation of European patent application claims - 50 3. Correspondence on a European patent application under the EPC - 80 4. (Amended – SG No 35/2007) Publication of a mention of a Bulgarian translation of a granted European patent - 50 5. Publication of a Bulgarian translation of the description, claims and drawings of a granted European patent: a) up to 10 pages - 80 b) each page after the 10th - 10 6. (Amended – SG No 35/2007) Publication of a mention of a corrected Bulgarian translation of a European patent - 50 7. Publication of a corrected Bulgarian translation of the description, claims and drawings of a European patent: a) up to 10 pages - 80 b) each page after the 10th - 10 8. Maintenance of a patent for: a) (Amended – SG No 35/2007) 3rd year - 50 b) 4th year - 50


c) (Amended – SG No 35/2007) 5th year - 150 d) (Amended – SG No 35/2007) 6th year - 200 e) (Amended – SG No 35/2007) 7th year - 250 f) 8th year - 300 g) 9th year - 400 h) 10th year - 500 i) 11th year - 600 j) 12th year - 700 k) 13th year - 800 l) 14th year - 900 m) 15th year - 1000 n) 16th year - 1100 o) 17th year - 1200 p) 18th year - 1300 q) 19th year - 1500 r) 20th year - 1700 (3) (New – State Gazette, No 35/27 April 2007) The following fees shall be collected for utility models: Fees in leva 1. Filing of applications - 50 2. Formal examination - 200 3. Claim of priority - for each priority - 20 4. Search at applicant’s or other person’s request - 200 5. Examination of a utility model at the applicant’s or other person’s request - 200 6. Registration of a utility model - 100 7. Grant of a registration certificate - 50 8. Publication of patent description, drawings, claims and abstract: a) up to10 pages - 100 b) each page after the 10th - 12 9. Publication in the Official Bulletin of a mention of a registered utility model, independent claims included: a) up to 5 independent claims - 50 b) each independent claim following the 5th - 6 10. Extension of the registration term for a) 5th -7th year - 300 b) 8th -10th year - 400 11. Consideration of appeals against: a) a decision to refuse utility model registration - 150 b) a decision to suspend proceedings in the registration of a utility model - 100 12. Consideration of a request for cancellation of a utility model registration: a) partial cancellation - 300 b) full cancellation - 500 (4) (New SG No. 117/2002, former paragraph 3 – amended SG No 35/ 2007) Fees for filing, examination and appeals against examination decisions on patent applications, as well as the filling fee for a utility model application, shall be paid at 50%, provided that the applicants are the inventors themselves, micro- or small enterprises under the Law on the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, state or public schools, state higher educational establishments or academic research organizations financed by the state budget.


(5) (New – State Gazette No 35/ 2007) The following fees shall be collected for supplementary protection certificates: Fees in leva 1. Consideration of an application - 500 2. Publication in the Official Bulletin of: a) mention of filling of an application - 50 b) mention of the decision taken on the application - 50 c) mention of the forthcoming entry in force of the certificate - 50 d) mention of expiry of the term of validity of the certificate - 50 3. Grant of supplementary protection certificate - 50 4. Publication of mention of the certificate grant - 50 5. Maintenance of the certificate: a) first year - 2000 b) second year - 2500 c) third year - 3000 d) forth year - 3500 e) fifth year - 4000 6. Publication of a notification of renewal of the certificate - 50 7. Consideration of appeals against: a) a decision to refuse grant of a certificate - 100 b) a decision to terminate proceedings - 100 8. Consideration of a request for certificate cancellation - 150 Art. 2 (1) (Amended & suppl. – SG No. 117/2002, amended SG No 35/ 2007, corrected SG No 42/2007) The following fees shall be collected for industrial designs: Fees in leva 1. Filing of an application - 50 2. Priority claim - each priority - 20 3. Examination of an application: a) one design - 150 b) each subsequent design - 80 c) a set or a composition - 240 4. Registration of a design - 200 5. Issue of a registered design certificate - 60 6. Publication in the Official Bulletin of: a) an application - for each representation - 40 b) a registered design - for each representation - 40 7. Renewal of registration: a) first renewal - 300 b) second renewal - 400 c) third renewal - 500 d) up to six months upon expiration of the term of payment, extra 100 plus 50% of the corresponding fee. 8. Consideration of appeals against decisions to: a) terminate application proceedings - 100 b) refuse registration: - one design - 200 - each subsequent design - 80 - a set or composition - 250 9. Consideration of registration cancellation requests for a) one design - 400


b) each subsequent design - 100 c) a set or a composition - 500 (2) (Suppl. SG No. 35/2007) The following fees shall be collected for filing of applications for international registration of industrial designs or for Community Designs: Fees in leva 1. One design - 60 2. Each subsequent design - 10 3. A set - 60 4. A composition - 60 Art. 3 (Deleted - SG No 117/ 2002) Art. 4 (1) (Amended and suppl. - SG No 91/ 2005, in force since 15.11.2005; amended SG No. 35/2007) The following fees shall be collected for marks: Fees in leva Trademarks, service marks and jointly owned marks/Collective and certification marks 1. Filing of application and examination: a) up to three classes – 200/400 b) each subsequent class – 60/120 2. Priority claim - for each priority – 20/20 3. Publication of application – 40/40 4. Accelerated examination – 200/200 5. Registration: 300/600 6. Issue of registration certificate – 60/60 7. Publication – 40/40 8. Renewal of registration and publication: a) till expiration of the registration term of validity: - up to three classes - 300/600 - for each subsequent class - 60/120 b) up to six months upon expiration of the registration term of validity: - up to three classes - 450/900 - for each subsequent class - 90/180 9. Consideration of appeals against decisions to: a) terminate proceedings - 120/120 b) refuse registration - 180/180 10. Consideration of requests for: a) invalidation of registration – 300/300 b) cancellation of registration – 250/250 11. Entry of restrictions in the list of goods and/or services and issue of certificate and publication - 50/50 12. Consideration of a request for determination of a mark as well-known or as a mark with reputation on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria – 600/600 13. Relegation of a Community mark application – 60/60 (2) (Amended and suppl. SG No 91/ 2005, in force since 15.11.2005; amended SG N. 35/2007) The following fees shall be collected for geographical indications: Fees in leva 1. Filing of application and examination - 200 2. Registration - 40 3. User entry - 200 4. Issue of certificate - 60 5. Publication - 40


6. Consideration of appeal against decision to: a) terminate proceedings - 120 b) refuse registration - 180 c) refuse user entry - 180 7. Request for invalidation of registration on the grounds of Art. 57 (1)(ii) of the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications - 200 8. Request for invalidation of registration on the basis of a judicial decision - 20 9. Request for user entry revocation on the basis of a judicial decision - 20 (3) (Suppl. SG No 117/ 2002, amended SG No. 35/2007) The following fees shall be collected for filing of applications for international registration of marks and appellations of origin: Fees in leva 1. Request for international registration of marks: a) up to three classes - 150 b) for each subsequent class - 60 2. Request for territorial extension of marks - 80 3. Request for substitution of a national registration by an international one - 80 4. Request for international registration of an appellation of origin - 80 5. Request for entry of assignment of rights, license agreement, changes in the holder's name and/or address - 50 Art. 5 (Amended SG No 35/27 April 2007) The following fees shall be collected for new plant varieties and animal breeds: Fees in leva 1. Filing of application - 40 2. Priority claim - 20 3. Publication of a mention of an application - 20 4. Issue and publication of a certificate - 95 5. Publication of a mention of each representation in an issued certificate - 12 6. Maintenance of the term of validity of a certificate: a) annual fees for each of the first four years following issue - 20 b) for the 5th to the 10th year the fee shall grow compared to the previous one by - 40 c) for the 11th and the subsequent years the fee shall grow compared to the previous one by 60 7. Consideration of: a) an appeal against a decision to terminate proceedings in a certificate grant application - 100 b) appeal against a decision to refuse certificate grant - 160 c) request against invalidation of an issued certificate - 200 d) appeal against a refusal to renew a certificate - 200 Art. 6 The following fees shall be collected for topography of integrated circuits: Fees in leva 1. Filling of application - 40 2. Registration - 300 3. Publication of the registration - 40 4. Issue of a registration certificate - 40 5. Request for access to the application file - 20 Art. 7 (Suppl. SG No 91/2005, in force since 15.11.2005; amended SG No. 35/2007) The following fees shall be collected for requests and actions concerning industrial property objects:


Fees in leva 1. Extension of term for reply at the applicant’s request: a) first extension - 30 b) second extension (for inventions, new plant varieties and animal breeds) - 80 2. Correction of technical mistakes made by the applicant in: a) the application or the request - 30 b) the register or the title of protection - 80 3. Request for entry and publication of changes in the name and/or address of the applicant, the owner respectively - 80 4. Request for entry and publication of assignment of rights - 80 5. Request for entry and publication of a mention of the entry of a license agreement - 80 6. Other changes in the legal status and publication of a mention thereof - 20 7. Issue of a duplicate of a title of protection - 40 8. Inquiries in and extracts from the state registers - 10 9. Supply of information on industrial property applied for or registered - 10 10. Recording, issue of a certificate and publication of imposed security measures or incorporation into the bankrupts estate - 20 11. Recording, issue of a certificate and publication of an established registered pledge - 80




§ 3. The Decree shall come into effect on the day of its publication in the State Gazette




(PUBL. STATE GAZETTE NO. 35 / 2007) § 6. The annual fees for keeping in force of utility model patents granted under the Patent Law shall remain unchanged.

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N° WIPO Lex BG045