Reservation made upon ratification:
"Austria will, in accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, refuse a request for mutual assistance to order the preservation of stored computer data, as provided for under Article 16 of the Convention, if the condition of dual criminality is not fulfilled; this does not apply to the offences established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of this Convention."
Declarations made upon ratification:
1. "Austria declares that the following authority has been designated as responsible pursuant to Articles 24, paragraph 7, and 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime:
Bundesministerium für Justiz (Federal Ministry of Justice), Abt. IV 4 Internationale Strafsachen (International Criminal Matters), 1070 Wien, Museumstrasse 7, Tel.: +43 1 52 1 52-0, E-Mail:"
2. "Austria declares that the following authority has been designated as point of contact pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention:
Bundesministerium für Inneres (Federal Ministry of the Interior), Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office), Büro 5.2 Cyber-Crime-Competence-Center, Josef Holaubek Platz 1, 1090 Wien, Tel.: +43 1 51 2 56 22"