Declaration made upon ratification and updated 19 April 2017:
"In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Czech Republic designates the following authorities as the contact point:
Police of the Czech Republic, National Organized Crime Headquarters, Criminal Police and Investigation Service, Cybercrime Section, P.O. Box 41/NCOZ, 156 80 Prague 5, Czech Republic, E-mail: (after call)
Description of Contact:
Telephone and fax contact is provided by the permanent service Police of the Czech Republic - National Organized Crime Headquarters Criminal Police and Investigation Service Cyber Crime Section.
Communication is arranged in such a way that you speak directly to the officer in charge of the permanent service of the National Organized Crime Headquarters Criminal Police and Investigation Service Cyber Crime Section.
Language Capabilities of Contact: English, Czech
Time zone: UTC/GMT+ 2 hours
Declarations made upon ratification:
1. "In accordance with Article 2 and Article 40 of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that criminal liability for acts described in Article 2 of the Convention occurs upon infringing security measures in order to gain unauthorised access to the whole or any part of a computer system."
2. "In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 9(e), of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that for reasons of efficiency, requests made under this paragraph are to be addressed to its central authorities."
3. "In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7(a), of the Convention, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (Vyšehradská 16, 128 10 Prague 2)"
4. "In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2(a), of the Convention, the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic for requests originating from pre-trial proceedings and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for other requests:
Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic, Jezuitská 4, 660 55 Brno, Czech Republic, Phone: +420 542 512 330, Fax: +420 542 512 350, E-mail:;
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, Vyšehradská 16, 128 10 Prague 2, Czech Republic, Phone: +420 221 997 435, Fax: +420 221 997 986, E-mail:"
5. "In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the following authority is designated as the contact point:
Police Presidium of the Czech Republic, Bureau of Criminal Police and Investigation Service, Information Technology Crime Section, Strojnická 27, P.O. Box 62/KPV, 170 89 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Contact in working hours (7:30 – 15:30): Phone: + 420 974 834 550, Mobile: +420 603 190 057, Fax: +420 974 834 708, E-mail:
Contact outside working hours (24/7 service): Phone: +420 974 834 380, Fax: +420 974 834 716, E-mail:"
Reservation made upon ratification:
"In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, and Article 42 of the Convention, the Czech Republic reserves the right to refuse a request for preservation under Article 29 of the Convention in cases where it has reasons to believe that condition of dual criminality in relation to other criminal acts than those specified under Articles 2 to 11 of the Convention, cannot be fulfilled to execute mutual assistance for the search or similar access, seizure or similar securing, or disclosure of the data."