主要文本主要文本土耳其语Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunun Uygulanmasına Dair Yönetmelik R.G.-24/04/2017-30047 (Değişik: R.G.-08/07/2019-30825)
英语Regulation on the Implementation of Industrial Property Law published in Official Gazette No. 30047 dated 24/4/2017
其他文本世贸组织通知首页 (3 文本)世贸组织通知首页 (3 文本)法语Règlement d'application de la loi sur la propriété industrielle publié au Journal officiel n° 30047 du 24/4/2017英语Regulation on the Implementation of Industrial Property Law published in Official Gazette No. 30047 dated 24/4/2017西班牙语Reglamento sobre la Aplicación de la Ley de Propiedad Industrial published in Official Gazette No. 30047 dated 24/4/2017