“第13条 - 马耳他政府声明,它赞成坚持“保证他们的孩子能按照他们自己的信仰接受宗教和道德教育”词语中确定的原则。不过,考虑到绝大多数马耳他人是罗马天主教徒,因此鉴于财政和人力资源有限,还是很难根据少数人的特定宗教或道德信仰提供这种教育的,这些情况在马耳他也非常特殊。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2014 WIPO
Upon ratification, the Government of Malta indicated that it had decided to withdraw its reservation made upon signature to paragraph 2, article 10:
"The Government of Malta recognises and endorses the principles laid down in paragraph 2 of article 10 of the Covenant. However, the present circumstances obtaining in Malta do not render necessary and do not render expedient the imposition of those principles by legislation."