Hague Information Notices 

Our information notices provide you with detailed information on important Hague System developments, including new Members, declarations, changes in fees, and amendments to the legal framework.
Notices published since April 1, 2010 only are available in Spanish.


Hague Notices – Information Notices and updates on developments in the Hague System.

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有 335 个结果
2018年8月21日 Accession to the 1999 Act: Canada (HAGUE/2018/7)
2018年6月6日 Ratification of the 1999 Act: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (HAGUE/2018/6 Corr.)
2018年4月11日 Ratification of the 1999 Act: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (HAGUE/2018/6)
2018年2月28日 New item for the provision of an access code via the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) in the international application (HAGUE/2018/5)
2018年2月12日 Individual Designation Fee: Russian Federation (HAGUE/2018/4)
2018年1月24日 Withdrawal of the declaration under Rule 12(1)(c)(i) of the Common Regulations Under the 1999 Act and the 1960 Act of the Hague Agreement: Spain (HAGUE/2018/3)
2018年1月16日 Ratification of the 1999 Act: Russian Federation (HAGUE/2018/2)
2018年1月12日 Change in the amounts of the individual designation fee: United States of America (HAGUE/2018/1)
2017年11月29日 Non-working days in 2018 (HAGUE/2017/3)
2017年11月10日 Declaration made under Article 17(3)(c) of the 1999 Act and Rule 36(2) of the Common Regulations: Albania (HAGUE/2017/2)
2017年7月4日 Withdrawal of the declaration under Rule 18(1)(c) of the Common Regulations Under the 1999 Act and the 1960 Act of the Hague Agreement: Spain (HAGUE/2017/1)
2016年12月29日 Entry into force of the eleventh edition of the Locarno Classification (HAGUE/2016/14)
2016年12月13日 Accession to the 1999 Act: Cambodia (HAGUE/2016/13)
2016年12月7日 Non-working days in 2017 (HAGUE/2016/12)
2016年12月7日 Amendments to the Common Regulations Under the 1999 Act and the 1960 Act of the Hague Agreement (HAGUE/2016/11)
2016年10月11日 Termination of the London (1934) Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs (HAGUE/2016/10)
2016年8月11日 Guidance on preparing and providing reproductions in order to forestall possible refusals on the ground of insufficient disclosure of an industrial design by Examining Offices (HAGUE/2016/9)
2016年6月29日 Accession to the 1999 Act: Democratic People's Republic of Korea (HAGUE/2016/8)
2016年5月31日 Change in the amounts of the individual designation fee: Japan (HAGUE/2016/7)
2016年3月30日 Designation of the Republic of Korea in an international application: priority claim under Article 4 of the Paris Convention (HAGUE/2016/6)