Outcome Sixth Session Lisbon Working Group (Dec 3-7, 2012)
The Working Group made significant progress in its review of the Lisbon system. In particular, it requested the Secretariat to prepare, for its next session, a Draft Revised Lisbon Agreement that would cover both appellations of origin and geographical indications and provide for a high and single level of protection for both, while maintaining two separate definitions, on the understanding that the same substantive provisions would apply to both appellations of origin and geographical indications.
The Working Group also agreed on a text on the content of protection, which is to be included in that Draft Revised Lisbon Agreement. This text is contained in the Annex to the Summary by the Chair, as adopted by the Working Group at the end of the session.
The Working Group discussed in detail Chapters I to IV of the Draft New Instrument, as contained in document LI/WG/DEV/6/2 and, focusing on issues highlighted by delegations, also went through the remainder of the document as well as the Draft Regulations, as contained in document LI/WG/DEV/6/3.
The Chair encouraged the members of the Working Group to exchange views and drafting suggestions, informally, between Working Group sessions, on the electronic forum that had been established for that purpose, without prejudice to the formal deliberations in the Working Group.
The seventh session of the Working Group will take place in May 2013.
- 贡布胡椒(柬埔寨)
- 孔泰奶酪(法国)
- 托卡伊酒(匈牙利)
- 撒若手工地毯(伊朗)
- 龙舌兰酒(墨西哥)
- 波特酒(葡萄牙)
- 丘卢卡纳斯陶器(秘鲁)
- 哥斯达黎加香蕉(哥斯达黎加)
- Grana padano奶酪(意大利)
- 波西米亚水晶(捷克共和国)
- Djebba无花果(突尼斯)