Republic of Moldova Joins the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
On July 11, 2024, the Government of the Republic of Moldova deposited its instrument of ratification to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indication (“Geneva Act”).
With this ratification, the Geneva Act now offers protection in 25 Contracting Parties covering up to 60 countries, while the Lisbon System covers up to 73 countries in total.
This ratification will allow Moldova to protect both its appellations of origin and geographical indications under the Geneva Act, such as the renowned Divin (spirit), Codru (wine), or Romăneşti (wine) in the wine and spirits category, but also Brânză de Popeasca (cheese) or Zăbriceni (dried plants for herbal tea) in the agricultural and food product categories, to name only a few.
The Geneva Act will enter into force with respect to the Republic of Moldova on October 11, 2024.
About the Geneva Act
The Geneva Act helps producers of quality products, linked to origin, to protect the distinctive designations of their products in multiple jurisdictions, either as appellations of origin or geographical indications, through a single application filed with WIPO, and the payment of one set of fees.
About the Lisbon System
The Lisbon System provides protection for names that identify the geographic origin of products such as coffee, tea, fruits, cheese, wine, pottery, glass and cloth.
Examples of appellations of origin and geographical indications
- Kampot Pepper (Cambodia)
- Comté (France)
- Tokaj (Hungary)
- Sarough Handmade Carpet (Iran)
- Tequila (Mexico)
- Porto (Portugal)
- Chulucanas (Peru)
- Banano de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
- Grana Padano (Italy)
- Bohemia Crystal (Czech Republic)
- Figue de Djebba (Tunisia)
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- 贡布胡椒(柬埔寨)
- 孔泰奶酪(法国)
- 托卡伊酒(匈牙利)
- 撒若手工地毯(伊朗)
- 龙舌兰酒(墨西哥)
- 波特酒(葡萄牙)
- 丘卢卡纳斯陶器(秘鲁)
- 哥斯达黎加香蕉(哥斯达黎加)
- Grana padano奶酪(意大利)
- 波西米亚水晶(捷克共和国)
- Djebba无花果(突尼斯)