Previous / future meetings: PCT/WG/6 >> PCT/WG/7 >> PCT/WG/8

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group: Seventh Session

June 10 to June 13, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

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PCT/WG/7/1 REV 4Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/2PCT Online ServicesPCT Online Services, Complete document (doc) PCT Online Services, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/3Meeting of International Authorities Under the PCT: Report on the Twenty‑First SessionMeeting of International Authorities Under the PCT:  Report on the Twenty‑First Session, Complete document (doc) Meeting of International Authorities Under the PCT:  Report on the Twenty‑First Session, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/4Appointment of International AuthoritiesAppointment of International Authorities, Complete document (doc) Appointment of International Authorities, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/5Revision of WIPO Standard ST.14Revision of WIPO Standard ST.14, Complete document (doc) Revision of WIPO Standard ST.14, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/6Estimating a PCT Fee ElasticityEstimating a PCT Fee Elasticity, Complete document (doc) Estimating a PCT Fee Elasticity, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/7Fee Reductions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (“SMEs”), Universities and Not-For-Profit Research Institutes Fee Reductions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (“SMEs”), Universities and Not-For-Profit Research Institutes , Complete document (doc) Fee Reductions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (“SMEs”), Universities and Not-For-Profit Research Institutes , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/8eSearchCopyeSearchCopy, Complete document (doc) eSearchCopy, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/9New WIPO Standard on the Presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings using eXtensible Markup Language (XML)New WIPO Standard on the Presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings using eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Complete document (doc) New WIPO Standard on the Presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings using eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/10Color Drawings in International ApplicationsColor Drawings in International Applications, Complete document (doc) Color Drawings in International Applications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/11Third Party ObservationsThird Party Observations, Complete document (doc) Third Party Observations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/12National Phase Entry Using ePCTNational Phase Entry Using ePCT, Complete document (doc) National Phase Entry Using ePCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/13Right to Practice Before the Receiving Office of the International BureauRight to Practice Before the Receiving Office of the International Bureau, Complete document (doc) Right to Practice Before the Receiving Office of the International Bureau, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/14Coordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCTCoordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Coordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/15Miscellaneous Proposed Amendments to the PCT RegulationsMiscellaneous Proposed Amendments to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (doc) Miscellaneous Proposed Amendments to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/16General Power of AttorneyGeneral Power of Attorney, Complete document (doc) General Power of Attorney, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/17Proposal to Require Receiving Offices to Forward to the International Bureau Copies of Declarations or Other Evidence Received in the Context of a Request for Restoration of the Priority Right Proposal to Require Receiving Offices to Forward to the International Bureau Copies of Declarations or Other Evidence Received in the Context of a Request for Restoration of the Priority Right , Complete document (doc) Proposal to Require Receiving Offices to Forward to the International Bureau Copies of Declarations or Other Evidence Received in the Context of a Request for Restoration of the Priority Right , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/18Omission of Certain Information from Public AccessOmission of Certain Information from Public Access, Complete document (doc) Omission of Certain Information from Public Access, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/19Clarifying the Procedure Regarding Incorporation by Reference of Missing PartsClarifying the Procedure Regarding Incorporation by Reference of Missing Parts, Complete document (doc) Clarifying the Procedure Regarding Incorporation by Reference of Missing Parts, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/20General Discussion of PCT 20/20 ProposalsGeneral Discussion of PCT 20/20 Proposals, Complete document (doc) General Discussion of PCT 20/20 Proposals, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/21Formal Integration of the Patent Prosecution Highway into the PCTFormal Integration of the Patent Prosecution Highway into
the PCT, Complete document (doc) Formal Integration of the Patent Prosecution Highway into
the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/22Procedures for Inviting the Applicant to Select a Competent International Searching AuthorityProcedures for Inviting the Applicant to Select a Competent International Searching Authority, Complete document (doc) Procedures for Inviting the Applicant to Select a Competent International Searching Authority, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/23Treatment of a Sequence Listing Submitted in an International Application on the International Filing DateTreatment of a Sequence Listing Submitted in an International Application on the International Filing Date, Complete document (doc) Treatment of a Sequence Listing Submitted in an International Application on the International Filing Date, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/24Delays and Force Majeure for Electronic CommunicationsDelays and Force Majeure for Electronic Communications, Complete document (doc) Delays and Force Majeure for Electronic Communications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/25Time Zones used for Electronic FilingTime Zones used for Electronic Filing, Complete document (doc) Time Zones used for Electronic Filing, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/26Fee Reductions for Certain Applicants from Certain Countries, Notably Developing and Least Developed CountriesFee Reductions for Certain Applicants from Certain Countries, Notably Developing and Least Developed Countries, Complete document (doc) Fee Reductions for Certain Applicants from Certain Countries, Notably Developing and Least Developed Countries, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/27Transmittal by the Receiving Office of Earlier Search and/or Classification Results to the International Searching Authority Transmittal by the Receiving Office of Earlier Search and/or Classification Results to the International Searching Authority

, Complete document (doc) Transmittal by the Receiving Office of Earlier Search and/or Classification Results to the International Searching Authority

, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/28Non-Patent Literature Under the PCT Minimum DocumentationNon-Patent Literature Under the PCT Minimum Documentation, Complete document (doc) Non-Patent Literature Under the PCT Minimum Documentation, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/29Summary by the ChairSummary by the Chair, Complete document (doc) Summary by the Chair, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/7/30ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)

Other related documents

PCT/WG/7/PRESENTATION/PPHPatent Prosecution Highway (PPH)Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), Complete document (pdf) Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), Complete document (ppt)
PCT/WG/7/PRESENTATION/RPETRegional Patent Examination Training (RPET)Regional Patent Examination Training (RPET), Complete document (pdf) Regional Patent Examination Training (RPET), Complete document (ppt)
PCT/WG/7/PRESENTATION/STATISTICSPCT StatisticsPCT Statistics, Complete document (pdf) PCT Statistics, Complete document (ppt)
Meeting documents