Other related / parallel meetings: WIPO/PCT/UNI/GE/18, WIPO/PCT/GE/2/18
Previous / future meetings: PCT/WG/10 >> PCT/WG/11 >> PCT/WG/12

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group: Eleventh Session

June 18 to June 22, 2018 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite

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  • English ZIP
PCT/WG/11/1 PROV.3Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/2Meeting of International Authorities Under the PCT: Report on the Twenty-Fifth SessionMeeting of International Authorities Under the PCT:  Report on the Twenty-Fifth Session, Complete document (doc) Meeting of International Authorities Under the PCT:  Report on the Twenty-Fifth Session, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/3Languages of Interpretation in the PCT Working GroupLanguages of Interpretation in the PCT Working Group, Complete document (doc) Languages of Interpretation in the PCT Working Group, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/4Progress Report: Possible Measures to Reduce Exposure of PCT Fee Income to Movements in Currency Exchange Rates Through NettingProgress Report:  Possible Measures to Reduce Exposure of PCT Fee Income to Movements in Currency Exchange Rates Through Netting, Complete document (doc) Progress Report:  Possible Measures to Reduce Exposure of PCT Fee Income to Movements in Currency Exchange Rates Through Netting, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/5Future Development of the PCT SystemFuture Development of the PCT System, Complete document (doc) Future Development of the PCT System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/6Application Form for Appointment as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCTApplication Form for Appointment as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Application Form for Appointment as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/7Delegation of Designated or Elected Office FunctionsDelegation of Designated or Elected Office Functions, Complete document (doc) Delegation of Designated or Elected Office Functions, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/8Use of National Classification Symbols in International ApplicationsUse of National Classification Symbols in International Applications, Complete document (doc) Use of National Classification Symbols in International Applications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/9PCT Online ServicesPCT Online Services, Complete document (doc) PCT Online Services, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/10Information Concerning National Phase EntryInformation Concerning National Phase Entry, Complete document (doc) Information Concerning National Phase Entry, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/11Third Party ObservationsThird Party Observations, Complete document (doc) Third Party Observations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/12PCT Minimum Documentation: Status ReportPCT Minimum Documentation:  Status Report, Complete document (doc) PCT Minimum Documentation:  Status Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/13Sequence Listing Task Force: Status ReportSequence Listing Task Force:  Status Report, Complete document (doc) Sequence Listing Task Force:  Status Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/14International Applications Linked to United Nations Security Council SanctionsInternational Applications Linked to United Nations Security Council Sanctions, Complete document (doc) International Applications Linked to United Nations Security Council Sanctions, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/15PCT Collaborative Search and Examination Pilot: Progress ReportPCT Collaborative Search and Examination Pilot:  Progress Report, Complete document (doc) PCT Collaborative Search and Examination Pilot:  Progress Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/16Survey on Patent Examiner TrainingSurvey on Patent Examiner Training, Complete document (doc) Survey on Patent Examiner Training, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/17Coordination of Patent Examiner TrainingCoordination of Patent Examiner Training, Complete document (doc) Coordination of Patent Examiner Training, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/18Proposal on a PCT Fee Policy to Stimulate Patent Filing by Universities
PCT/WG/11/18 REV.Proposal on a PCT Fee Policy to Stimulate Patent Filing by Universities Proposal on a PCT Fee Policy to Stimulate Patent Filing by Universities , Complete document (doc) Proposal on a PCT Fee Policy to Stimulate Patent Filing by Universities , Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/19Safeguards in Case of Outages Affecting OfficesSafeguards in Case of Outages Affecting Offices, Complete document (doc) Safeguards in Case of Outages Affecting Offices, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/20Earlier Start of PCT Chapter IIEarlier Start of PCT Chapter II, Complete document (doc) Earlier Start of PCT Chapter II, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/21Conditions for the Correction of the International Application in Case of “Erroneously” Filed Elements and PartsConditions for the Correction of the International Application in Case of “Erroneously” Filed Elements and Parts, Complete document (doc) Conditions for the Correction of the International Application in Case of “Erroneously” Filed Elements and Parts, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/22Coordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCTCoordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCT, Complete document (doc) Coordination of Technical Assistance Under the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/23Update to Progress Report on Implementation of Fee Reduction ChangesUpdate to Progress Report on Implementation of Fee Reduction Changes, Complete document (doc) Update to Progress Report on Implementation of Fee Reduction Changes, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/24Sequence ListingsSequence Listings, Complete document (doc) Sequence Listings, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/24 COR.Sequence Listings Corrigendum (Annex II to document PCT/WG/11/24 - English Version Only)Sequence Listings

(Annex II to document PCT/WG/11/24 - English Version Only), Complete document (doc) Sequence Listings

(Annex II to document PCT/WG/11/24 - English Version Only), Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/25Systems to Assist National Phase EntrySystems to Assist National Phase Entry, Complete document (doc) Systems to Assist National Phase Entry, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/26Summary by the ChairSummary by the Chair, Complete document (doc) Summary by the Chair, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/27ReportReport, Complete document (doc) Report, Complete document (pdf)

Other related documents

PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/CBT_MANAGEMENT_TOOLSAn Update on Developing a Framework of Technical Competencies and a Learning Management SystemAn Update on Developing
a Framework of Technical Competencies and a Learning Management System, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/E-LEARNINGCompilation of e-Learning Resources for Patent Examiners (Version January 2019)Compilation of e-Learning Resources for Patent Examiners (Version January 2019), Complete document (xls)
PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/LEARNER_FOCUSED_TRAININGLearner Focused Training of Patent Examiners of IP AustraliaLearner Focused Training of Patent Examiners of IP Australia, Complete document (pdf) Learner Focused Training of Patent Examiners of IP Australia, Complete document (ppt)
PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/NETTINGPCT Netting PilotPCT Netting Pilot, Complete document (pdf) PCT Netting Pilot, Complete document (ppt)
PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/STATISTICSPCT StatisticsPCT Statistics, Complete document (pdf) PCT Statistics, Complete document (ppt)
PCT/WG/11/PRESENTATION/USER_SURVEYPCT User Survey 2017PCT User Survey 2017, Complete document (pdf) PCT User Survey 2017, Complete document (ppt)
Meeting documents