会议代码 | WIPO/HL/IPTK/GE/23 |
日期和地点 | 2023年11月2日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 混合 |
会议时间 | 09:00 - 16:00 日内瓦 时间 |
口译语言 | English, Français, Español |
相关链接 | Photos on Flickr: English |
主题 | 传统知识, 民间文学艺术(传统文化表现形式) |
The High-Level Dialogue will provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of best practices, with the aim of connecting people, increasing mutual understanding, building relationships and exploring forward-looking ways to facilitate collaborations between Indigenous Peoples and fashion companies. There will be no formal outcomes. Representatives of Indigenous Peoples from around the world will share their perspectives on the role, significance and importance of their traditional clothing, designs, symbols and patterns. Fashion companies will share their experiences, initiatives and best practices related to the ethical and fair use of traditional cultural expressions in fashion, and describe their experiences and lessons learned from collaborating with Indigenous communities. |