Technical Assistance Database: Search Results

Beneficiary country: Lithuania,

390 record(s) found.
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Activity Date Venue Country Venue City Summary
19-Oct-2023 Albania Tirana

Activity Title:    International Conference on Woman in Tradition, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, held on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania (GDIP)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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22-Oct-2019 Belarus Polotsk

Activity Title:    National Seminar on IP Management in the Contemporary Economic and Technological Circumstances and Regional Workshop on IP Policies for Universities and Research Institutions.
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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27-Oct-2020 Brazil Brasilia

Activity Title:    WIPO GREEN Acceleration Project: Fostering Transfer of Green Technologies in Argentina, Brazil and Chile
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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24-Jun-2019 China Beijing

Activity Title:    First WIPO-CNIPA Training Course on Trademarks
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Professional Development Program
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28-Aug-2018 China Beijing

Activity Title:    Second High-level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the “Belt and Silk Road”
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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17-Nov-2016 China Shanghai

Activity Title:    International Conference on Building Respect for Intellectual Property - Stimulating Innovation and Creativity
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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17-Nov-2016 China Shanghai

Activity Title:    International Conference on Building Respect for Intellectual Property - Stimulating Innovation and Creativity
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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21-Jul-2016 China Beijing

Activity Title:    High Level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the Belt and Silk Road
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Brands and Designs
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21-Jul-2016 China Beijing

Activity Title:    High Level Conference on Intellectual Property for Countries along the Belt and Silk Road
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Asia and the Pacific
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20-Jun-2012 China Beijing

Activity Title:    Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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09-Mar-2021 Croatia Croatia

Activity Title:    DL-101HR Opći tečaj intelektualnog vlasništva [DL101HR21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Mar-2021 Croatia Zagreb

Activity Title:    [DL101HR21S1] DL-101HR Opći tečaj intelektualnog vlasništva
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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21-Apr-2016 Czech Republic Prague

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Policies in Universities and Research Institutions
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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21-Apr-2016 Czech Republic Prague

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Policies in Universities and Research Institutions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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20-Mar-2019 Estonia Tallinn

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Seminar: Domain Names and Internet based Trademark Enforcement
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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04-Dec-2018 Estonia Tallinn

Activity Title:    Follow up Program of the Baltic States Pilot Project on Development of the Pool of Regional IP
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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18-Jan-2017 Estonia Tallin

Activity Title:    Baltic States Pilot Project on Development of the Pool of Regional IP Commercialization Experts: IP Asset Management Strategy for Academic Insitutions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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18-Jan-2017 Estonia Tallinn

Activity Title:    Baltic States Pilot Project on Development of the Pool of Regional IP Commercialization Experts: IP Asset Management Strategy for Academic Insitutions
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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13-Jun-2016 France Strasbourg

Activity Title:    WIPO-CEIPI Colloquium on Transfer of Technology and Licensing
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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15-Jun-2015 France Strasbourg

Activity Title:    WIPO-CEIPI Colloquium on Transfer of Technology and Licensing
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-May-2021 Georgia Tbilisi

Activity Title:    [DL101GE21S1] DL101GE ინტელექტუალური საკუთრების ზოგადი კურსი
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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01-May-2021 Georgia Tbilisi

Activity Title:    [DL101GE21S1] DL101GE ინტელექტუალური საკუთრების ზოგადი კურსი
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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20-Apr-2021 Georgia Tiblisi

Activity Title:    An Overview of Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI) and Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) Programs
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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14-Jun-2017 Georgia Tbilisi

Activity Title:    International Conference on the Use of intellectual Property (IP) for Economic Growth
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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15-Sep-2016 Georgia Tbilisi

Activity Title:    Sub-Regional Conference on Intellectual property Strategies
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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12-Nov-2012 Georgia Tbilisi

Activity Title:    Annual International Conference on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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18-Sep-2012 Hungary Budapest

Activity Title:    Regional Symposium on Traditional Knowledge and Digitalization of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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18-Aug-2013 Israel Haifa

Activity Title:    Intensive Summer Course on IP and Business Entrepreneurship, University of Haifa
Type:    Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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20-Jan-2020 Italy Rome

Activity Title:    LLM in IP with University of Turin and ITCILO
Type:    Residential & Virtual Classes
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Jun-2017 Italy Turin

Activity Title:    WIPO-University of Turin LLM on IP, 2017-2018
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Office in Russian Federation (WRO)
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15-Aug-2020 Japan Tokyo

Activity Title:    Creation of short videos on the successful use of IP
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Japan Office (WJO)
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12-Aug-2020 Japan Tokyo

Activity Title:    IP Advantage Database (case studies)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Japan Office (WJO)
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16-Oct-2013 Kazakhstan Astana

Activity Title:    Seminar for Certain Caucasian, Central Asian and Eastern European Countries and Central European, Baltic and Mediterranean Countries on the Implementation and Use of Several Patent-Related Flexibilities, Astana, Kazakhstan
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Patent and Technology Law Division
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12-Sep-2023 Latvia Riga

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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05-Sep-2022 Latvia Daugavpils

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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05-Sep-2022 Latvia Daugavpils

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector
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05-Sep-2022 Latvia Daugavpils

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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09-May-2018 Latvia Riga

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on the Development and Implementation of National IP Strategies
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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17-Oct-2017 Latvia Riga

Activity Title:    Baltic States Pilot Project on Development of the Pool of Regional IP Commercialization Experts: Successful Technology Licensing (STL) and IP Valuation
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
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07-Sep-2016 Latvia Riga

Activity Title:    Regional Workshop: Baltic States Pilot Project on the Development of a Regional Pool of IP Commercialization Experts
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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27-Oct-2022 Lithuania Vilnius

Activity Title:    Baltic States TTO Network in Action: High Level Launch
Type:    Project
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector
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11-Jan-2021 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    Support and coordinate the implementation of WIPO Lex and WIPO Alert
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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26-Sep-2019 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    Workshop on the Marrakesh Treaty : Getting Started
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Management Division
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13-Apr-2016 Lithuania Vilnius

Activity Title:    Regional Conference on Intellectual Property and Sports
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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24-Nov-2015 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    Seminar on IP and its Role in Creating a Competitive Knowledge Economy
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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24-Apr-2015 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    WIPO National Seminar How to Protect your design abroad
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Designs
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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02-Dec-2014 Lithuania Kaunas & Klaipeda

Activity Title:    WIPO Roving Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) Valuation and Technology Transfer for Universities
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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09-Oct-2014 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    WIPO National Conference on Audiovisual Works Author’s and Performer’s Rights Protection
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Department for Transition and Developed Countries
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16-Apr-2014 Lithuania Vilinius

Activity Title:    PCT Promotion Seminar
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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12-Oct-2009 Lithuania Moletai

Activity Title:    WIPO National Seminar on Enforcement of IP Rights - Administrative, Civil and Criminal Means
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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26-Sep-2011 Norway Oslo

Activity Title:    WIPO-NIPO Training Course on patents
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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15-Mar-2016 Poland Warsaw

Activity Title:    Back-to-back events: (i) TAG of Excellence Regional Consultations March 15, 2016 (ii) Regional Conference on Extended Collective Licensing
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Collective Management
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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15-Mar-2016 Poland Warsaw

Activity Title:    Back-to-back events: (i) TAG of Excellence Regional Consultations March 15, 2016 (ii) Regional Conference on Extended Collective Licensing, March 16 and 17, 2016, Warsaw, Poland
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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04-Nov-2015 Poland Cracow

Activity Title:    Regional Conference on Mastering the Game: Poland, November 4 and 5, 2015
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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04-Nov-2015 Poland Cracow

Activity Title:    Regional Conference on Mastering the Game: Poland, November 4 and 5, 2015
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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09-Nov-2020 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    [AICC20] Advanced International Certificate Course: Seminar on IP Asset Management for Business Success
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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23-Sep-2020 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals 
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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03-Dec-2013 Republic of Korea Seoul

Activity Title:    Seoul International Trademark and Design Conference and WIPO–KIPO International Symposium on the Operations of the Hague and Madrid Systems
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Information and Promotion Division
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20-Apr-2021 Republic of Moldova Chisinau

Activity Title:    Regional Webinar on Introduction to Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI) and Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) Programs
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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05-Jun-2019 Republic of Moldova Chisinau

Activity Title:    WIPO Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement, Chisinau, June 5 and 6, 2019
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Building Respect for IP Division
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02-Nov-2016 Republic of Moldova Chisinau

Activity Title:    WIPO National Training Workshop and Sub-Regional Workshop on Intellectual Property for Judges
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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06-Sep-2021 Romania Bucharest

Activity Title:    Fourth Regional Conference on IP in the Digital Economy for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): Mastering the Game (3.0) on Business and Legal Issues for Video Game Industry Players
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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09-May-2017 Romania Bucharest

Activity Title:    Sub-regional Seminar on Teaching Intellectual Property to the Youth
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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30-May-2023 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    Regional Webinar on the topic “Filing an International Trademark Application
Type:    Conference
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Office in Russian Federation (WRO)
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11-May-2023 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    Online Regional Webinar for CACEEC on “The PCT System: Advantages for Small Entities” on May 16, 2023
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Office in Russian Federation (WRO)
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29-Mar-2022 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    PCT Webinar “PCT system: Rospatent’s Experience as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority”
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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15-Mar-2022 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    Webinar: PCT System: Filing an international application via e PCT: Live demonstration
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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19-Jul-2021 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    WIPO Summer Schools on Intellectual Property Odessa 
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Technology Transfer Section
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29-Jun-2021 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    Online Training Workshop for National Intellectual Property Offices
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Madrid Operations Division
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08-Apr-2021 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    [DL302R21S1] DL-302 Товарные знаки, промышленные образцы и географические указания
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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16-Sep-2020 Russian Federation Moscow

Activity Title:    Green Tech Trends and Practices to support the SDGs
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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12-Sep-2019 Singapore Singapore

Activity Title:    Workshop on Technology Commercialization
Type:    Workshop
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Transition and Developed Countries
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28-May-2019 Slovenia Ljubljana

Activity Title:    Regional Conference on Intellectual Property and Sports
Type:    Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
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07-Mar-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Developing a creativity index, expert meeting
Type:    Project
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Information and Digital Outreach Division
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17-Jan-2024 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Booster Practical W orkshop on Intellectual Property for W omen Entrepreneurs from Local Communities in the CEBS Region
Type:    Face-to-Face training
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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27-Nov-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP): Thirty-first session
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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16-Oct-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP 35)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Treaties Law Section
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02-Oct-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    SCT/S3 + DLT Preparatory Committee
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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02-Oct-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Tradermarks, Industrial Designs and T/S3 + DLT Preparatory Committee
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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08-Aug-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    CEBS WEP Clinic – Digital Business Card for Community-Based Enterprises
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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06-Jul-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    TDC Assemblies Meetings
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Regional and National Development Sector
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06-Jul-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO – Sixty Fourth Series of Meetings (Madrid Union)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (BDS)
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05-Jun-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:     Intergovernmental Committee IGC 47
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector:    Traditional Knowledge Division
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25-Apr-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO-UNESCO-KIPO Leadership Course on Intellectual Property, Science and Innovation for Women Scientists and Innovators
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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24-Apr-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) 30th Session
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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06-Mar-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    2023 Training, Mentoring and Matchmaking Program on Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs from Local Communities in the CEBS Region (CEBS WEP)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (RNDS)
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06-Mar-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    2023 Training, Mentoring and Matchmaking Program on Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs from Local Communities in the CEBS Region (CEBS WEP)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Deputy Director General (RNDS)
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16-Feb-2023 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Expert meeting on creative industries data
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Information and Digital Outreach Division
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26-Sep-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP 34)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Treaties Law Section
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04-Jul-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Scholarships for participants in the International Patent Drafting Training Program-Inaugural session
Type:    Online Training
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector
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23-May-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Finance and Budget Network - 38th session
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Office of the Controller
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16-May-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Twenty-eighth session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP)
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Development Agenda Coordination Division
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05-Apr-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Regional Seminar on Trade Secrets for Central European and Baltic States, April 5, 2022 (Virtual)
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Treaties Law Section
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10-Mar-2022 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Regional Prime Webinar on the Patent Cooperation System (PCT) and the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs (Hague) for CACEEC
Type:    Online Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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28-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR/41)
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright Law Division
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14-Jun-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Fourteenth Session of the PCT Working Group
Type:    Hybrid Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT Business Development Division
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17-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    SCT/44 + related Information Meetings
Type:    Face-to-Face Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Department for Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications
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04-May-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL203E20S2DEFX] DL-203 Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions (Pilot Session)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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26-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL101R21S2] DL-101 Основы интеллектуальной собственности
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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26-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL101R21S2] DL-101 Основы интеллектуальной собственности
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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21-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Virtual - Standing Committee on Law of Trademarks SCT/44 informal consultations
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Lisbon Registry
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL301R21S1] DL-301 Патенты
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL503R21S1] DL503 Курс по коллективному управлению авторскими и смежными правами для организаций коллективного управления (ОКУ)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL317R21S1] DL-317 Арбитраж и медиация по правилам ВОИС
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL203R21S1] DL-203 Интеллектуальная собственность, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL177R21S2] Курс электронного обучения «Использование патентной информации» (DL-177)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL301R21S1] DL-301 Патенты
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201OR21S1] DL-201 Авторское право и смежные права (открытый курс)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL511R21S1] DL511 Лицензирование программного обеспечения, включая программное обеспечение с открытым кодом
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL506R21S1] DL506 Курс по коллективному управлению авторскими и смежными правами» для сотрудников директивных органов
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL450R21S1] DL-450 Управление интеллектуальной собственностью
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL320R21S1] DL-320 Основы подготовки патентной документации
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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08-Apr-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL203R21S1] DL-203 Интеллектуальная собственность, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Mar-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL701 Курс «Повышение доступности медицинских технологий и инноваций» для руководителей [DL701RNT21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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15-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL001E Primer on Intellectual Property for British Council Creative Spark Program [DL001EBC21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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15-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-101 Основы интеллектуальной собственности (специальная версия, ориентированная на российское законодательство) [DL101RU21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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01-Feb-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Курс электронного обучения «Использование патентной информации» (DL-177) [DL177R21S1]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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15-Jan-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-001 учебное пособие по ИС для начинающих [DL001R21]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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15-Jan-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL-001 учебное пособие по ИС для начинающих [DL001R21]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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15-Jan-2021 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Курс дистанционного обучения по РСТ (DL101PCT): Введение в Договор о патентной кооперации [PCT101R21]
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Distance Learning Program
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17-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Live Lecture on the International Law of Biotechnology
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Innovative Technologies in the WASH Sector and in Food Loss
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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11-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL170E20S2] DL170 Specialized Course on the Essentials of Patents
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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10-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PCT Webinar “Who Can Act as an Applicant. How to Appoint an Agent and Who Can Act as an Agent”
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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10-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO ReSearch Advisory Committee Meeting
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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10-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    World Health Organization's (WHO) Covid-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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09-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO GREEN Advisory Board Meeting
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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08-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Regional Webinar on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications (Moldova)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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07-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) 32nd Session, Geneva
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patents and Treaties Law Section
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07-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO ReSearch All Members Meeting
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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02-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Live Lectures on Patent Drafting
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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02-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation & Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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02-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online Live Lecture on IP Management
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Dec-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL303E20S2] DL-303 Specialized Course on the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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26-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PCT Webinar - “Live Demonstration of WIPO’s Web Page Functionality Regarding PCT”
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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24-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WebEx Meeting - The Global Innovation Index (GII): Challenges and Opportunities for African Countries
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Division for Africa
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24-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Conference on Protection of Trade Secrets
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    Patent and Technology Law Division
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24-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives in Russian
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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23-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) 43rd Session
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Lisbon Registry
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18-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO INSPIRE Launch
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP for Innovators Department
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16-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WIPO INSPIRE Launch
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP for Innovators Department
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16-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Merck Round Table on open innovation for infectious diseases (as part of the Geneva Health Forum 2020)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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16-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) 40th Session
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
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16-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Online WIPO Mediation & Arbitration Workshop
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Disputes and External Relations Division
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12-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Walk the Talk: Best practices and empowerment strategies for youth engagement in green innovation
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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12-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701E20S2] DL-701 Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - a WHO, WIPO, WTO Executive Course on the intersections between public health, intellectual property and trade
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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10-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL427E20S2] DL-427 Executive Course on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources in the Life Sciences
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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10-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PCT Webinar - “PCT System: Restoration of Priority Rights and Reinstatement of Rights when Entering National Phase”
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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03-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Training Course on IP and Science for the Participants of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science-EN, Possible collaboration between the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) and WIPO Academy in the training course for women scientists
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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02-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL302OF20S2] DL-302 Les marques, dessins et modèles industriels et indications géographiques (Ouvert)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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02-Nov-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL302OR20S2] DL-302 Товарные знаки, промышленные образцы и географические указания (открытый курс)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    WTO workshop on health, trade and intellectual property: an integrated approach to COVID-19
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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20-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PIUG-Virtual Annual Conference
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP for Innovators Department
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305EA20S2] Administration of Plant Breeders' Rights (Part A of DL-305 course : Examination of applications for plant breeders’ rights)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305E20S2] Examination of applications for plant breeders’ rights
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305EB20S2] DUS Examination (Part B of DL-305 course : Examination of applications for plant breeders’ rights)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305FA20S2] Administration des droits d’obtenteur (Partie A du cours DL-305 : Examen des demandes de droits d’obtenteur)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305FB20S2] Examen DHS (Partie B du cours DL-305 : Examen des demandes de droits d’obtenteur)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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12-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL305F20S2] Examen des demandes de droits d’obtenteur
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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08-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Why Researchers Need an IP Strategy
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Global Challenges Division
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08-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    IP Academia Skolkovo, Webinar: "Introduction to the PCT System"
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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06-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Regional Virtual Workshop on IP Commercialization: Collaboration between Academic Institutions and SMEs (Slovenia)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL201_SPECIAL-FR, [DL201F20DEFX] DL201F Droit d'auteur et Droits Connexes
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL201_SPECIAL-FR, [DL201F20DEFX] DL201F Droit d'auteur et Droits Connexes
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DLBL_SPECIAL-EN, [DLBLUNESCO20] Intellectual Property and Sciences for the Participants of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DLBL_SPECIAL-EN, [DLBLUNESCO20] Intellectual Property and Sciences for the Participants of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DL201_SPECIAL-FR, [DL201F20DEFX] DL201F Droit d'auteur et Droits Connexes
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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04-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    DLBL_SPECIAL-EN, [DLBLUNESCO20] Intellectual Property and Sciences for the Participants of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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01-Oct-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives
Type:    Webinar
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Section for Coordination of Developed Countries
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29-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701RNT20S2] DL701 Курс «Повышение доступности медицинских технологий и инноваций» для руководителей
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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29-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701FNT20S2] DL-701 Promouvoir l’accès aux technologies et l’innovation dans le domaine médical
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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29-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL701ENT20S2] DL-701 Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - WHO, WIPO, WTO Executive Course on the intersections between public health, intellectual property and trade
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL501E20S2] DL-501 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Legal Practitioners
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL502F20S2] DL-502 Gestion collective du droit d’auteur et des droits connexes à l’intention des titulaires de droits
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL317E20S2] DL-317 Arbitration and Mediation Procedure under the WIPO Rules
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201E20S2] DL-201 Copyright and Related Rights (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201F20S2] DL-201 Droit d'auteur et Droits Connexes
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL320R20S2] DL-320 Основы подготовки патентной документации
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL450R20S2] DL-450 Управление интеллектуальной собственностью
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL301F20S2] DL-301 Brevets
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL301R20S2] DL-301 Патенты
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL302E20S2] DL-302 Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Trademarks, Geographical Indications
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL502R20S2] DL502 - Коллективное управление авторскими и смежными правами» для правообладателей
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL511F20S2] DL-511 La concession de licences de logiciels, y compris les logiciels libres
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL511R20S2] DL511 Лицензирование программного обеспечения, включая программное обеспечение с открытым кодом
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL501R20S2] DL501 - Коллективное управление авторскими и смежными правами» для практикующих юристов
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
View Activity Details

21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL201R20S2] DL-201 Авторское право и смежные права
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL450F20S2] DL-450 Gestion de la propriété intellectuelle
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL502E20S2] DL-502 Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights for Rights Holders
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL301E20S2] DL-301 Patents (version 2)
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL320F20S2] DL-320 Principes applicables à la rédaction des demandes de brevet
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL501F20S2] DL-501 Cours de perfectionnement sur la gestion collective du droit d’auteur et des droits connexes à l’intention des juristes
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL318F20S2] DL-318 Recherche d’informations en matière de brevets
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL511E20S2] DL-511 Software Licensing Including Open Source
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL318E20S2] DL-318 Patent Information Search
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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21-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    [DL320E20S2] DL-320 Basics of Patent Drafting
Type:    Online Course
Field of IP:    Copyright
WIPO Sector:    WIPO Academy
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18-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    RBAC Briefing Session for WIPO Focal Points at the Permanent Missions on: Gender in Intellectual Property (IP): Recent Trends and Developments and Overview of Gender and IP in the Arab Region, September 18, 2020.
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector:    Division for Arab Countries
View Activity Details

15-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Follow up on automation projects activities. Discussion with IP offices on specific requests for further automation options (e-services). Exchange of communication, Video meetings. Re-assessment of automation project components feasibility and priorities. Coordination and supervision of support activities with IPO focal resources and regional expert. Spervision of specific auotomation activities such as Digitization, Data capture and Validation and Data Sanity Check.
Type:    Online Project Workspace
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    IP Office Business Solutions Division
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15-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    PCT webinar - "PCT System: Typical mistakes which are made by applicants at filing PCT applicantion and after filing on the international phase
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Patents
WIPO Sector:    PCT International Cooperation Division
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10-Sep-2020 Switzerland Geneva

Activity Title:    Regional e-Seminar for Judges and IP Enforcement Professionals (Latvia)
Type:    Virtual Meeting
Field of IP:    Industrial Property
WIPO Sector:    Section for Central European and Baltic States and Mediterranean Countries
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