Patent Landscape Report - Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)


This Patent Landscape Report on Generative Artificial Intelligence was prepared under the stewardship of Marco Alemán (Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector) and under the direction of Alejandro Roca Campaña (Senior Director, IP for Innovators Department) and Andrew Czajkowski (Director, Technology and Innovation Support Division), and was led by Christopher Harrison (Patent Analytics Manager, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division) with the generous financial support by Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global provided by the Japan Patent Office.

The report was prepared by a project team led by Christopher Harrison and Lakshmi Supriya (Patent Analytics Officer, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division) that included Kai Gramke, Jochen Spuck, Klaus Jank and Michael Freunek (all from EconSight), Patrice Lopez (science-miner) as well as Hong Kan (Patent Analytics Officer, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division), Aleksandr Belianov and Craig Dsouza (former Young Experts, Technology and Innovation Support Division).

Our thanks also go to Ulrike Till (Director, IP and Frontier Technologies Division) for reviewing the report and providing valuable input. Finally, our gratitude to the WIPO editorial and design team led by Charlotte Beauchamp (Head, Publications and Design Section).
