“KAWAII DESIGNS” (Mr. Wonderful Comunication, S.L.) vs. (DCasa Seletion, S.L. and Cial Cial Lama, S.L.), Resolution No. 1476/2019 decided by the Alicante Provincial Audience (European Union Trademark Court) on 20 December, 2019 ,
BackDate of JudgmentDecember 20, 2019Issuing AuthorityProvincial Court of Alicante (European Union Trademark Court)Level of the Issuing AuthorityAppellate InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterTrademarks, CompetitionPlaintiff/AppellantMr. Wonderful Communications, S.L.Defendant/RespondentDCasa Seletion, S.L. y Cial Cial Lama, S.L.Keywords
Judgment/DecisionSpanish“DISEÑOS KAWAIII” (Mr. Wonderful Comunication, S.L.) vs. (DCasa Seletion, S.L. y Cial Cial Lama, S.L.), Resolución No. 1476/2019 decidida por la Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Tribunal de Marcas de la Unión Europea) el 20 de diciembre de 2019 PDFHTMLSummarySpanish“DISEÑOS KAWAIII” (Mr. Wonderful Comunication, S.L.) vs. (DCasa Seletion, S.L. y Cial Cial Lama, S.L.), Resolución No. 1476/2019 decidida por la Audiencia Provincial de Alicante (Tribunal de Marcas de la Unión Europea) el 20 de diciembre de 2019 PDFHTMLRelevant Legislation