Law No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks for Goods and Services, Ukraine
consolidated version as of December 31, 2023
BackLatest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2023DatesConsolidated:December 31, 2023Entry into force:July 1, 1994Adopted:December 15, 1993Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Subject Matter (secondary)
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws,
IP Regulatory Body,
Trade Names,
Geographical Indications,
Domain Names
Notes This consolidated version of December 31, 2023 of Law No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks incorporates amendments adopted on 01/12/2022 and in force from 31/12/2023 introduced by "Law No. 2801-IX on Amendments to Certain Laws on Ensuring the Conclusion of an Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on Mutual Recognition of Qualified Electronic Trust Services and Implementation of the European Union Legislation in the field of Electronic Identification".
Paragraph 11 under Part I of the said amending Law No. 2801-IX introduced amendments (in force from 31/12/2023) to the following provisions of this consolidated Law:
- Clause 11 of Article 2-1 under Section I.
- The third paragraph of Clause 1 of Article 7 under Section III.
Additional Text(s)Relates to (1 text(s))Relates to (1 text(s))EnglishLaw No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks for Goods and Services (consolidated version as of October 14, 2020). This EN version is not the latest version of the Law, but is provided for user convenience.