Law No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks for Goods and Services, Ukraine
consolidated version as of October 14, 2020
BackSuperseded Text. Go to latest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2020DatesConsolidated:October 14, 2020Entry into force:July 1, 1994Adopted:December 15, 1993Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Subject Matter (secondary)
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws,
IP Regulatory Body,
Trade Names,
Geographical Indications,
Domain Names
Notes This consolidated version of October 14, 2020 of Law No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks incorporates amendments adopted on 16/06/2020 and in force from 14/10/2020 introduced by the "Law of Ukraine No. 703-IX on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Establishment of the National Intellectual Property Authority".
Paragraph 2 under Part I of the said amending Law No. 703-IX introduced amendments i(n force from 14/10/2020) to the following provisions of this consolidated Law on Trademarks:
- Articles 1 to 2-4 under Section I.
- Articles 10 and 15 under Section III.
- Article 16 under Section IV.
- Article 23 under Section VII.
Main text(s)Main text(s)UkrainianЗакон України № 3689-XII від 15.12.1993 Про охорону прав на знаки для товарів і послуг (редакції до 14.10.2020) EnglishLaw No. 3689-XII on Protection of Rights to Trademarks for Goods and Services