AtrásVersión más reciente en WIPO LexDetallesDetallesAño de versión2021FechasEntrada en vigor:1 de julio de 2021Publicación:4 de junio de 2021Tipo de texto
Principal legislación de PI
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Notas Act No. 58 of June 4, 2021, on Amendments to the Intellectual Property Act provides amendments (in force from 01/07/2021) to the following provisions of Act No. 40 of June 15, 2018, on Copyright:
-Amending the fifth paragraph of section 16; the fourth paragraph of section 20; the fifth subsection of section 22; the second sentence of the first paragraph of section 56; and the first paragraph of section 100.
-Repealing the fourth paragraph of section 55.
-Adding new section 56a.