Pursuant to Article 29.2, the instrument of approval deposited by the European Union shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by its Member States.
Declaration made upon approval:
(1) "The European Community interprets Article 12.3.d of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources as recognising that plant genetic resources for food and agriculture or their genetic parts or components which have undergone innovation may be the subject of intellectual property rights provided that the criteria relating to such rights are met."
(2) "In accordance with the provisions of Article II.7 of the FAO Constitution, the European Community declares that its declaration of competence submitted to FAO on 4 October 1994 under Article II.5 of the FAO Constitution still applies in the light of its acceptance of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture."
(3) "In accordance with the provision of Article 22.3 the European Community declares that for a dispute not resolved in accordance with Article 22.1 or Article 22.2 it accepts as compulsory the dispute settlement provisions in Article 22.3(a)."