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“依据第16条第5款的规定…中华人民共和国谨此表明它承诺禁止在其辖区内采用自动售烟 机。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
The Secretary-General received the following communication relating to the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic upon ratification:
Uruguay (July 17, 2012)
"The Government of Uruguay acknowledges receipt of the Depositary Notification on the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic when acceding the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization on 1 June 2012.
In this regard, the Government of Uruguay would like to state that such interpretative declaration cannot be deemed to be a reservation, expressly prohibited under article 30 of the FCTC, nor can it be considered to exempt any Party of its obligations under the Convention.
Article 5.3 of the FCTC expressly states that 'Parties shall act to protect these policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law'.
Uruguay wishes to remind States Parties of the Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the FCTC, which state that 'there is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the tobacco industry's interests and public health policy interests'."
“以色列国政府注意到阿拉伯叙利亚共和国有关上述公约的批准书[……]载 有一项涉及以色列国的声明。以色列国政府认为此项声明具有明显的政治性质,它不符合该项公约的宗旨和目标。以色列政府因此反对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国所作的上 述声明。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“危地马拉共和国声明:根据该公约第21条第1款(e)项和第(4)项,作出如下解释:对该公约第 13条第4款(d)项关于要求烟草业向有关政府当局披露用于尚未被禁止的广告、促销和赞助的开支这一规定的执行,将根据有关机密信息和隐私的国内法的规 定。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
签署公约时作出声明:有关2003年5月21日联合国大会通过的《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》第21条第1款(e)项和 第4款, 危地马拉共和国发表下述解释性声明:
“危地马拉共和国声明:根据公约第21条第1款(e)项和第4款,作出以下解释:对公约第3条第4款(d)项有关烟 草业向有关政府当局披露用于尚未被禁止的广告、促销和赞助的开支这一规定的执行,将依据有关机密信息和个人隐私的国内法规定。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提 供。© 2012 WIPO
有关2003年5月21日世界卫生组织大会通过的《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》建议采取的涉及支持经济上可行的烟草替代 活动的相关事项,巴西作如下解释性声明:
"巴西声明:依据《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》绪言部分第15和16段以及第4条第(6)款、第17条和第 26条第(3)款的规定,并未禁止生产烟草或对支持农民目前从事这一活动的国家政策有所限制。此外,巴西还声明当务之急是应使该公约成为国际动员技术和财 务资源的有效工具,以帮助发展中国家能以经济替代活动取代农业烟草生产,以此作为国家的可持续发展战略。最后,巴西还声明,它将不支持任何提案。"
鸣 谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
The Secretary-General received the following communications relating to the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic upon ratification:
Czech Republic (July 8, 2016)
"On the Communication of Australia to the Interpretative Declaration of the Czech Republic to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ("Convention") concerning Article 5.3 of the Convention
First, the Czech Republic confirms that it has taken note of the Communication of Australia to the Interpretative Declaration made by the Czech Republic to Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ("Convention") concerning Article 5.3 (General obligations) of the Convention.
In response, the Czech Republic refers to its previous Communication on the related Communication of Uruguay 2, where the reasons for the Interpretative Declaration of the Czech Republic in respect of Article 5.3 of the Convention are fully explained.
With regard to point No. 1 of the Communication of Australia, the Czech Republic emphasizes its awareness of the fact that the Convention does not recognize any "right to non-discriminatory treatment of the tobacco industry". The purpose of the Interpretative Declaration made by the Czech Republic is to confirm that at the same time the Convention does not prohibit the "non-discriminatory treatment of the tobacco industry" and thereby maintains, within the commitments made in the Convention, the possibility of certain level of interaction with the tobacco industry.
Finally, the current national legislative and other initiatives related to the prevention of tobacco use may be considered as evidence of the immense effort of the Czech Republic in promoting tobacco control and the implementation of the Convention including its Article 5.3."
The Secretary-General received the following communications relating to the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic upon ratification:
Czech Republic (January 10, 2013)
"On the Communication of Uruguay to the Interpretative Declaration of the Czech Republic to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Concerning Article 5(3) FCTC:
When depositing the FCTC ratification instrument, the Czech Republic made an Interpretative Declaration to the FCTC. This Declaration is solely of an interpretative nature and the Czech Republic thereby raised no reservations against the text of the FCTC; under Article 30 of the FCTC this is not even possible. Under no circumstances the Czech Republic, by means of this act, challenges the obligations imposed on the Parties by the FCTC.
On Article 5(3) of the FCTC the Czech Republic declares that it 'considers Article 5(3) a provision not affecting the right to non-discriminatory treatment of the tobacco industry by the Parties and thus permitting the necessary extent of cooperation with the tobacco industry as regards tobacco control'. This statement was made to alleviate certain concerns and possibly misunderstandings, which some Czech competent authorities expressed regarding the interpretation of Article 5(3). Some public administration tasks require limited contact with the tobacco industry, such as consultations with all relevant subjects concerned, including tobacco industry, while preparing a regulatory impact assessment of a new legislation related to tobacco products regulation, performance of reporting and control tasks, etc.
After all, a certain level of interaction of the Parties to the FCTC with the tobacco industry is mentioned also by the Guidelines for implementation of Article 5(3) - Principle No. 2 'Establish measures to limit interactions with the tobacco industry and ensure the transparency of those interactions that occur.' The Declaration thus corresponds with Recommendation No. 2.1 under this Principle, according to which 'the parties should interact with the tobacco industry only when and to the extent strictly necessary to enable them to effectively regulate the tobacco industry and tobacco products.'
Naturally, all necessary interactions are done in full awareness of the fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the tobacco industry and the interests of the public health protection. It should also be stressed that the word 'cooperation' used in the Czech Interpretative Declaration should be interpreted as not exceeding the sense of the 'interaction' which is mentioned in the Guidelines for implementation of Article 5(3)."
捷克共和国欢迎在旨在加强公共健康保护的烟草控制领域进行国际合作。捷克共和国声 明:它不认为缔约方大会通过的指导方针应作为直接建立本公约所规定的法律义务的文书。捷克共和国声明:它将不会支持任何未来的旨在修正该项公约或将违背捷 克共和国宪法准则及其作为欧洲联盟成员所作承诺以及背离捷克共和国业已加入的国际自由贸易协定的相关议定书。捷克共和国还声明:它认为该公约第5条第 (3)款并非是一项影响缔约方对烟草工业非歧视性待遇权利的规定,因此在烟草控制方面应允许与烟草产业进行必要的合作。
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“欧洲共同体声明:依据《建立欧洲共同体条约》的规定,特别是根据该条约第3条第(1)款(p)项和 第152条的规定,作为对其成员国国内政策的补充,共同体有权采取旨在改善公共健康、预防人类各种疾病以及减少危害人类健康根源的措施。共同体目前的成员 是:比利时王国、捷克共和国、丹麦王国、德意志联邦共和国、爱沙尼亚共和国、希腊共和国、西班牙王国、法兰西共和国、爱尔兰、意大利共和国、塞浦路斯共和 国、拉脱维亚共和国、立陶宛共和国、卢森堡大公国、匈牙利共和国、马耳他共和国、荷兰王国、奥地利共和国、波兰共和国、葡萄牙共和国、斯洛文尼亚共和国、 斯洛伐克共和国、芬兰共和国、瑞典王国和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。欧共体的权限涉及欧共体立法业已涵盖的地区。下面所列欧共体的法规说明了符合《建立 欧洲共同体条约》规定的共同体的权限范围。欧共体成员国依据上述条约转移给欧共体权限的行使就其性质本身而言,其约束力将不断改变,因此在这方面共同体保 留其在未来发表进一步声明的权利。
欧共体法律清单和有助于推动烟草控制的各项计划。1989年10月3日理事会指令第89/552/EC号,关于统一各成员国有关电视广播领域的法律、条例以及行政规定(官方公报 L 298, 1989年10月17日,第23页)。根据欧洲议会和欧盟理事会指令第 97/36/EC号修订的指令(官方公报 L 202,1997年7月30日,第60页)。
2001年6月5日欧洲议会和欧盟理事会指令第2001/37/EC号,关于统一成员国制造、介绍、销售烟草制品的法律、条例、行政规定的委员会声明(官方公报 L 194,2001年7月18日,第26页)。
2003年5月26日欧洲议会和欧盟理事会指令第2003/33/EC号,关于统一各成员国有关烟草产品的广告和赞助商的法律、条例和管理规定(官方公报 L 152,2003年6月20日,第16页)。
2003年9月5日欧盟委员会第2003/641/EC号决议,关于使用彩色照片或者其他说明作为烟草包装上的健康警示(官方公报 L 226,2003年9月10日, 第24页)。
欧洲议会和欧盟理事会第1786/2002/EC号决议,关于采纳公共卫生领域的共同体行动计划(2003年-2008年) (官方公报 L 271,2002年10月9日,第1页)。
2002年12月6日欧盟委员会条例(EC)第2182/2002号规定了适用理事会条例(EEC)第2075/92号关于共同体烟草基金的详细规则(官方公报 L 331,2002年12月7日,第16页)。条例按条例(EC) 第480/2004 号修订(官方公报 L 78,2004年3月16日,第8页)。
1992年10月12日欧盟理事会条例(EEC) 第2913/92号,关于建立共同体海关法典(官方公报 L 302,1992年10月19日,第1页)。条例的最新修订根据2003年《加入法》做出。
1997年3月13日欧盟理事会条例(EC)第515/97号,关于成员国行政当局相互援助,以及与欧共体合作确保正确适用海关法和农业法律(官方公报 L 82,1997年3月22日,第1页)。条例按条例(EC)第807/2003号修订(官方公报 L 122,2003年5月16日,第36页)。
1994年12月22日欧盟理事会条例(EC)第3295/94号,关于禁止自由流转、出口、转口或进口有嫌疑的假冒或盗版产品的措施(官方公报 L 341,1994年12月30日,第8页) ,自2004年7月1日起取代了2003年7月22日欧盟理事会条例(EC)第1383/2003号关于海关对涉嫌侵犯某些知识产权的货物和对侵权的货物采取的措施(官方公报 L 196,2003年8月2日,第7页)。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2013 WIPO
“欧洲共同体及其成员国谨此声明:凡欧洲共同体某一成员国的国家宪法或宪法准则不允许采用全面禁止烟 草广告、推销和赞助的,为适用其法规可采用《烟草控制框架公约》第13条第(3)款的规定,以尊重国家宪法的限制。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“比利时王国声明:凡依据该公约第27条第1款未得到解决的争端,作为强制性手段,它接受根据缔约 方大会协商一致通过的程序进行临时仲裁。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“本签署行为还涉及到法兰西共同体、佛兰德斯共同体和德语共同体、瓦龙地区、佛兰德斯地区和布鲁塞 尔首都地区。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
The Secretary-General received the following communications relating to the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic upon ratification:
Australia (January 5, 2015)
"WHEREAS the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Australia has approved the lodgement of an Interpretative Declaration ('Declaration') in relation to the text of an Interpretative Declaration lodged by the Czech Republic on its ratification on 1 June 2012 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control done at Geneva on 21 May 2003 [2005] ATS 7 ('Convention') which entered into force for Australia on 27 February 2005;
NOW THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS CERTIFY that Australia's Declaration with regard to the Declaration lodged by the Czech Republic upon its ratification of the Convention on 1 June 2012 is as follows:
1. Australia declares that the Convention does not recognise any 'right to non-discriminatory treatment of the tobacco industry'.
2. Australia recognises that Article 5.3 (General obligations) of the Convention requires the Parties to act to protect their tobacco control policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law.
3. Australia declares its understanding that Parties to the Convention should interact with the tobacco industry only when and to the extent strictly necessary to enable them to effectively regulate the tobacco industry and tobacco products, and should ensure that any such interactions are conducted transparently."
“根据本公约第16条第5款的规定,爱沙尼亚共和国表明其对在本辖区内完全禁止香烟自动销售机的承 诺。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“越南社会主义共和国与本公约任何其他缔约方因实施或适用本公约而产生的任何争议,凡无法根据条约 第27条第1款的规定通过谈判或任何其它和平方式加以解决者,应诉诸仲裁进行解决,仲裁仅应根据越南社会主义共和国与任何此类缔约方达成的协议,并采取逐 案解决的方式。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“阿塞拜疆共和国谨此声明:阿塞拜疆共和国不应对亚美尼亚共和国履行本公约规定的任何权利、义务和条 款。依据本公约第27条第2款之规定,阿塞拜疆共和国声明,在阿塞拜疆共和国与任何缔约方在对本公约的实施与解释方面出现的任何争端,依据上述第27条第 1款之规定,不得通过谈判或其他外交手段加以解决,应通过仲裁解决此类争端。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO
“阿拉伯叙利亚共和国加入该项条约的行为,决不意味着对以色列政府的承认,也不会在本公约规定所管 辖的任何问题上与以色列进行任何交易。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2012 WIPO