WIPO’s Green Technology Book provides an accessible overview of how innovation and technology is responding with tangible technologies and solutions to some of the most critical challenges of climate change.
Innovation, technology and the intellectual property rights system contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Through more than 200 examples of technologies and solutions, the Green Technology Book illustrates how the innovation ecosystems all over the world are producing real solutions, and that they are available for implementation.
The publication draws on and is linked to the WIPO GREEN Database of needs and green technologies, where many more innovative solutions can be found and technology owners contacted. Do you have a need or a solution? Visit the database, upload it and become part of the fight against climate change.
Climate-change mitigation, technology and innovation
Green technology solutions to our changing environment
Have you initiated contacts or technological transfer agreements?
The Green Technology Book is a free resource, but please help us by letting us know if you have initiated contacts or technological transfer agreements or similar as a result of the book.
Do you want to find more technologies and become part of the solution?
Find more technologies in the Green Technology Book Collection in the WIPO GREEN Database. Register and upload your technology and be part of the solution.