Daren Tang
Director General
World Intellectual Property Organization

Because of the existential threat of climate change, there has been a tremendous amount of research, technology and innovation deployed to addressing this challenge over recent years. In fact, by some estimates, the world now has access to 80 percent of the technologies needed to halve global greenhouse emissions by 2030, with many more game-changing solutions in the pipeline.

The problem is therefore shifting from a scarcity of solutions to a scarcity of deployment. Breakthrough technologies and solutions are not yet getting to where they are most needed. Opportunities to finance and scale existing solutions are being missed. And adaptation must be stepped up so that local needs all over the world can be better met.

A big part of this problem is knowledge – there is a disconnect between those who have and want to offer the technology and those who need it.

It is this gap between what is available and what is needed that the Green Technology Book aims to bridge. Building on the theme of climate adaptation technologies in last year’s inaugural edition, this 2023 report showcases more than 200 climate mitigation technologies in three areas – cities, agriculture and land use, and industry – where deployment is crucial.

In addition to being a practical guide for policymakers, industry, investors, researchers and many others, we hope that through providing information we inspire action. Action in the form of targeted interventions, as well as a deeper, more systemic change. Almost all the green technologies featured in this book are ready for use and available to all.

These and many other solutions can also be found on our tech-matching platform WIPO GREEN, which connects providers and seekers of green technologies from around the world. Its database now covers 130,000 technologies from over 140 countries, making it the biggest green-tech platform that the UN offers today.

One of the key messages of this report is that, while we should take hope from the wealth of increasingly mature climate technologies at our fingertips, we must all work harder to get these solutions into the hands of those who can use them on the ground.

We hope that the Green Technology Book adds momentum to these efforts, and I would like to thank our partners at the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ARST), not only for their cooperation, but also for their steadfast commitment to supporting accelerated climate action in each and every part of the world.

Daren Tang, Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)