WIPO Technology Trends: Future of Transportation


This third edition of WIPO Technology Trends was made possible with the leadership and support of Daren Tang, Director General, whose vision of the importance of IP analytics as an evidence-based tool for informed decision-making and policy formulation underpins the series. This publication is the result of the invaluable collective efforts of a team of external contributors and WIPO colleagues.

It was prepared under the stewardship of Marco Alemán (Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector) and under the direction of Alejandro Roca Campaña (Senior Director, IP for Innovators Department) and Andrew Czajkowski (Director, Technology and Innovation Support Division), and was led by Christopher Harrison (Patent Analytics Manager, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division).

The project team led by Christopher Harrison included Lakshmi Supriya (Patent Analytics Officer), Hong Kan (Patent Analytics Officer), Ekrem Çakay (Patent Analyst) and Pooyan Piredeir (Young Expert), all from WIPO’s IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division. Former WIPO colleagues Irene Kitsara, Aleksandr Belianov and Craig Dsouza, were also involved in the early stages of the project. Our sincere thanks go to our project partners from EconSight, namely, Kai Gramke, Jochen Spuck, Klaus Jank and Michael Freunek, as well as Frank Passing (IU International University of Applied Science, intuitive.AI), Robert Reading (Clarivate) and Michael E. Adel (Intellectual Landscapes).

The WIPO Technology Trends series is only made possible through the invaluable support of expert contributors, whose insights and knowledge have significantly enriched this report. Such contributions not only ground the analysis in real-world perspectives, but also extend its scope beyond just IP data, illuminating the broader challenges and opportunities shaping, in this edition, the future of transportation. A special thanks therefore goes to Vassilis Agouridas, Arina Anisie, Nikolas Badminton, Manuela Cirilli, Driss El Hadani, Martin Ettlinger, Robert Garbett, Grigore Havârneanu, Yoann Le Petit, Devin Liddell, Michael Maas, Mohamed Mezghani, Seyedeh Fatemeh Moghimi, Thor Myklebust, Eujin Pei, Carlos Ruiz, Juan Carlos Salazar, Jason Schenker, Tom Standage, Thomas Ting and Agnieszka Wiszowaty, as well as to Jaidev Dhavle (IRENA) and Magnus Hakvåg (House of Knowledge) for additional support with the expert contributors.

The report benefited greatly from inputs and reviews made by a number of WIPO colleagues, including Charlotte Beauchamp, Aline Brutsch, Spencer Cabildo, Elisa Cabrera, Alessia Chiatti, Martin Alejandro Correa, Maria-Antonieta De Icaza, Ryszard Frelek, Marie-Claude Gendron, Dalila Hamou, Edward Harris, Edwin Hassink, Vanessa Harwood, Hanani Hlomani, Mosahid Khan, Lise McLeod, Noah Miller, Peter Oksen, Julio Raffo, Virginie Roux, Samar Shamoon, Fabio Weissert and Lucy Williams. The report also benefited from the contributions and support of many other colleagues across WIPO, whose efforts are gratefully acknowledged.

email: ip.analytics@wipo.int