On 14 November 2019, the Government of Sweden notified the Secretary-General of its decision to withdraw its reservations to article 8 and to paragraph 1 (b) of article 24. The reservations that have been withdrawn read as follows: "To article 8. This article will not be binding on Sweden; To article 24, paragraph 1 (b). Notwithstanding the rule concerning the treatment of stateless persons as nationals, Sweden will not be bound to accord to stateless persons the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the possibility of entitlement to a national pension under the provisions of the National Insurance Act; and likewise to the effect that, in so far as the right to a supplementary pension under the said Act and the computation of such pension in certain respects are concerned, the rules applicable to Swedish nationals shall be more favourable than those applied to other insured persons."
In a communication received on 25 November 1966, the Government of Sweden has notified the Secretary-General that it has decided, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 38 of the Convention, to withdraw some of its reservations to article 24, paragraph 1 (b), and the reservation to article 24, paragraph 2 of the Convention. In a communication received on 5 March 1970, the Government of Sweden notified the Secretary-General of the withdrawal of its reservation to article 7, paragraph 2, of the Convention. For the text of the reservations to article 24, paragraph 1 (b), as originally formulated by the Government of Sweden in its instrument of ratification, and of the reservation to article 7, paragraph 2, see United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 529, p. 362.
Reservations made upon ratification:
"(1) . . .
(2) To article 8. This article will not be binding on Sweden.
(3) To article 12, paragraph 1. This paragraph will not be binding on Sweden.
(4) To article 24, paragraph 1 (b). Notwithstanding the rule concerning the treatment of stateless persons as nationals, Sweden will not be bound to accord to stateless persons the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the possibility of entitlement to a national pension under the provisions of the National Insurance Act; and likewise to the effect that, in so far as the right to a supplementary pension under the said Act and the computation of such pension in certain respects are concerned, the rules applicable to Swedish nationals shall be more favourable than those applied to other insured persons.
(5) To article 24, paragraph 3. The provisions of this paragraph will not be binding on Sweden.
(6) To article 25, paragraph 2. Sweden does not consider itself obliged to cause a Swedish authority, in lieu of a foreign authority, to deliver certificates for the issuance of which there is insufficient documentation in Sweden."