


2018年5月,美利坚合众国、加拿大和墨西哥向产权组织 发展与知识产权委员会 提出了 “加大女性在创新创业方面的作用,鼓励发展中国家女性利用知识产权制度” 项目。


更多信息,请访问 项目报告和产出 部分。
图:American  Public Power Association/UnsPlash




  • 需要更多数据以确定性别差距的范围和性质。
  • 女性不太可能得到鼓励和培训,进入STEM领域,也不太可能获得在商业领域取得成功所需的资源。
  • 女性从事知识产权法律和行政管理领域职业的可能性较小。
  • 对知识产权的重要性和知识产权制度的运作方式缺乏了解。
  • 女性在知识产权敏感领域获得指导和晋升机会的可能性较小。


  • 了解正在收集哪些数据,以及收集这些数据可能有多困难。
  • 促进申请针对女童、成年女性和教育工作者的知识产权补助金、奖学金和实习,学术研究资金,对女性企业家的投资,以及针对女性的基础能力建设。
  • 通过增加女性STEM专业人员的数量,并为对知识产权法律和行政管理职业感兴趣的女性设立有针对性的培训项目,可以间接增加女性知识产权法律和行政管理专业人员的数量。
  • 促进提高认识和有针对性的能力建设举措。
  • 通过建立网络和提供指导,协助女性在知识产权密集型职业中取得成功并坚持下去,鼓励她们将自己的发明商业化。





Saima Kanwal

Assistant Controller of Patent Patent Office, Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan
Ms. Kanwal earned valuable experience through her work as a patent examiner since 2006, especially in the biotechnology field. In particular, she has expert level knowledge in patent drafting, and patent search database.

Fatima Tafseer

Assistant Controller, Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan
Ms. Tafseer has vast experience of examination of Patent applications particularly related to pharmaceuticals since 2006. She has expert level knowledge in evaluating the patentability of inventions, searching in patent databases, patent drafting, and making legal and technical arguments with IP attorneys/inventors. She is specialized in conducting training programs in IP and providing technical support and guidance to researchers and innovators.

Corey Salsberh

Vice President and Global Head IP Affairs Novartis, United States of America, Washington DC

James Collison

Senior Counsel, Intellectual Property Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd, Singapore

Marco Vatta

Senior Associate Patent Attorney Spoor & Fisher, Patent Agency Department, South Africa

Sandra Clelland

Partner, Von Seidels, South Africa

Chyreene Truluck

Partner, Spoor & Fisher, Patent Agency Department, South Africa

Jennifer O’Farrell

Partner, Patent Attorney, D Young & Co, United Kingdom

Joanne van Harmelen

Patent Attorney, Biotechnology | Lead, IP Life Sciences Cluster, ENSafrica

Tamara Milton

Partner Patent Attorney D Young & Co LLP, UK

Abigail Tan

Commercial Counsel Elastic NV, Singapore

Sarah Barrès

Principal Patent Attorney, EPA, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark

Catherine Keetch

Partner, Patent Attorney, United Kingdom

Natalie Cozier, MRSC

Industry Director iCAST (Innovation Centre for Applied Sustainable Technologies), Swindon UK; Co-Founder and Advisor, Global Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Technology Transfer (GEDITT)
Dr. Cozier MRSC is Industry Director of iCAST with a background in green chemistry, commercialisation and innovation. She has a demonstrated history and hands-on experience in overseeing small to large-scale scientific and economic operations in the public, private and commercial sectors.

Sheikha Al-Akhzami

CEO, W&A Consultancy and Integrated Services
Ms. Al-Akhzami established the first TTO in Oman the founder of the science incubation program to assists students and researchers in connecting with industrial partners, patenting and commercializing their inventions. She is an active member on a national level and played a key role in establishing the WIPO-OM Summer School on IP. She is also an expert for the Omani court occasionally and for other institutions when it comes to the legal IP aspects in research contract, and technology licensing.

Narjes Achach, PharmD, LLM

Intellectual Property Analyst, IRICOR- Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer, University of Montreal, Canada
Ms. Achach, is specialized in IP management, in the health sector. Her previous work involved the promotion of research projects and the negotiation of partnership agreements between academia and industry. She also is an advocate for enabling technologies transfer and innovation services in developing countries.

Eng. Dr. Dorothy Okello

Dean, School of Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Makerere University, Uganda
With over 20 years of diverse working experience in teaching, researching, conducting projects and contributing to policies, Dr. Okello earned extensive knowledge in terms of innovation management. She has supported many teams from their initial ideas to piloting and commercialization stages.

Joseph Mbihayeimaana

Senior Intellectual Property Officer, National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda
With more than six years working as a senior IP officer, and head of IP management, Mr. Mbihayeimaana, has deep understanding of IP management, patent drafting and involvement in policy development in IP and innovations including at the national, sectoral and institutional levels.

Chetan Uttarwar

Manager Innovation Partnerships, Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), India
Mr. Uttarwar shows a long and diverse experience in the intellectual property field, from research management to technology and business research with special focus on technology analysis, due diligence, scouting, licensing, competitive intelligence, transfer and monetization.



下载所有报告 [ZIP]

  • 利用知识产权制度提高商业竞争力
    • 商标 [PPT]
    • 工业品外观设计 [PPT]
    • 专利 [PPT]
  • 什么是知识产权? [PPT]
  • 在商业战略中运用知识产权的重要性:初创企业的知识产权 [PPT]
  • 您是否遇到了知识产权或技术争议?您是否考虑过产权组织的替代性争议解决服务? [PDF]
  • 中小企业可以如何利用产权组织调解和仲裁有效解决知识产权和创新争议 [PDF]
  • 如何为您的知识产权和商业合同起草有效的调解和仲裁条款 [PDF]
  • 使用专利数据库的基本知识 [PDF]
  • 发现公有领域的发明:发明人和企业家指南  [PDF]
  • 运用公有领域的发明:发明人和企业家指南 [PDF]


To many, intellectual property (IP) is a rather obscure legal concept that can only be properly understood and applied by those who are specially trained. These guides are designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) especially to understand why it is important to pay attention to IP, and what benefits can be drawn from its use.