On 31 January 2012, the Director-General received a communication dated 17 January 2012 from the Permanent Delegation of Israel to UNESCO containing the following declaration:
"The Embassy of the State of Israel presents its compliments to the Secretariat of UNESCO and has the honour to refer to the notification regarding the accession of "Palestine" to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972.
The Government of the State of Israel objects to that accession as it contradicts Article II of the Constitution of UNESCO as well as the established norms and practices of International Law.
The Government of the State of Israel requests that the Secretariat of UNESCO communicate the aforesaid objection of the State of Israel to all State Members of the Convention and include this declaration in its electronic or other publications.
The Embassy of the State of Israel avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Secretariat of UNESCO the assurances of its highest consideration." [Original: English]
Reservation made on March 22, 1982:
"The instrument deposited by the Government of Oman contains a declaration of a political character in respect to Israel. In the view of the Government of the State of Israel, this Convention is not the proper place for making such political pronouncements, which are, moreover, in flagrant contradiction to the principles and purposes of the Convention.
This Declaration by the Government of Oman cannot, in any way, affect whatever obligations are binding upon Oman under general international law or under particular conventions. The Government of the State of Israel will, in so far as concerns the substance of the matter, adopt towards the Government of Oman an attitude of complete reciprocity."