Reservations made upon ratification:
"[…] Pursuant to Article 29(a)(i) and (iii) of the Convention, while the Government of Malta is fully committed to ensure the effective and full participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life, including the exercise of their right to vote by secret ballot in elections and referenda, and to stand for elections, Malta makes the following reservations:
With regard to (a)(i):
Malta reserves the right to continue to apply its current electoral legislation in so far as voting procedures, facilities and materials are concerned.
With regard to (a)(iii):
Malta reserves the right to continue to apply its current electoral legislation in so far as assistance in voting procedures is concerned."
Interpretative statement made upon ratification:
"[…] Pursuant to Article 25 of the Convention, Malta makes the following Interpretative Statement – Malta understands that the phrase "sexual and reproductive health" in Art 25(a) of the Convention does not constitute recognition of any new international law obligation, does not create any abortion rights, and cannot be interpreted to constitute support, endorsement, or promotion of abortion. Malta further understands that the use of this phrase is intended exclusively to underline the point that where health services are provided, they are provided without discrimination on the basis of disability.
Malta's national legislation considers the termination of pregnancy through induced abortion as illegal."
Interpretative statement and reservation made upon signature:
"(a) Pursuant to Article 25 of the Convention, Malta makes the following Interpretative Statement - Malta understands that the phrase "sexual and reproductive health" in Art 25(a) of the Convention does not constitute recognition of any new international law obligation, does not create any abortion rights, and cannot be interpreted to constitute support, endorsement, or promotion of abortion. Malta further understands that the use of this phrase is intended exclusively to underline the point that where health services are provided, they are provided without discrimination on the basis of disability.
Malta's national legislation, considers the termination of pregnancy through induced abortion as illegal.
(b) Pursuant to Article 29)a)(i) and (iii) of the Convention, while the Government of Malta is fully committed to ensure the effective and full participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life, including the exercise of their right to vote by secret ballot in elections and referenda, and to stand for elections, Malta makes the following reservations:
With regard to (a)(i):
At this stage, Malta reserves the right to continue to apply its current electoral legislation in so far as voting procedures, facilities and materials are concerned.
With regard to (a)(iii):
Malta reserves the right to continue to apply its current electoral legislation in so far as assistance in voting procedures is concerned."