Monday, October 11, 2004 |
08.30 - 09.00 |
Registration |
09.00 - 09.20 |
Welcome address |
- Mr. Juan Antonio Toledo Barraza, Director, PCT Operations, Office of the PCT, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Mr. Dirk Pilat, Senior Economist, Economic Analysis and Statistics Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
9.20 - 13.00 |
Spillovers and diffusion of knowledge |
Chair: Mr. Dominique Guellec, Chief Economist, European Patent Office (EPO)
- Using patent data as indicators of technology and knowledge flow
Ms. Bronwyn Hall, Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, United States of America [PDF]
- How special is the special relationship? Using the impact of US R&D spillovers on UK firms as a test of technology sourcing
Mr. Rupert Harrison, Research Economist, Institute for Fiscal Studies, United Kingdom [PDF]
- Modelling the dynamics of innovation
Mr. Kul Luintel, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Finance, Brunel University, United Kingdom [PDF]
- Using inventors patent data: A new approach to the analysis of knowledge spillovers
Mr. Stefano Breschi, Associate Professor, Centre for Research on Innovation and Internationalization, Bocconi University, Italy [PDF]
13.00 - 15.00 |
Lunch |
15.00 - 18.15 |
New ways of using patent data to address policy issues |
Chair: Mr. Dirk Pilat, OECD
- Labor mobility of scientists, technological diffusion, and the firm's patenting decision
Mr. Gerald Marschke, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Department of Public Administration and Policy, University at Albany, United States of America [PDF]
- Does active use of technology market spur R&D?: Empirical analysis of IP strategy of Japanese firms
Mr. Kazuyuki Motohashi, Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan [PDF]
- Markets for technology and the determinants of technology licensing in Europe
Mr. Alfonso Gambardella, Professor of Economics and Management, Bocconi University, Italy [PDF]
- Use of patent data to address government R&D policy: Analyzing patent data in terms of the outcome of government R&D programs
Mr. Byung-jae Lee, Deputy Director, Information Planning Division, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) [PDF]
18.15 |
End of session |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 |
09.00 - 11.00 |
Patent value |
Chair: Mr. Akira Goto, Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Non-IP uses for patent data
Mr. Nils Newman, Director, New Business Development, Search Technology, United States of America [PDF]
- European patent citations ? How to count and how to interpret them?
Mr. Dietmar Harhoff, Director, Institute for Innovation Research and Technology Management, University of Munich, Germany [PDF]
- Science linkages in technologies in Japan
Mr. Schumpeter Tamada, Research Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan [PDF]
11.00 - 13.00 |
Forecasting patent data |
Chair: Mr. William Meredith, Head, PCT Functional Support Section, Office of the PCT, WIPO
Combining database for forecasting purposes
Mr. Rainer Frietsch, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany [PDF]
Forecasting PCT filings
Mr. Hao Zhou, Statistical Analyst, PCT Functional Support Section, Office of the PCT, WIPO [PDF]
Forecasting patent applications at the European Patent Office: A bottom-up versus top-down approach
Mr. Frederick Joutz, Professor, George Washington University, United States of America [PDF]
13.00 - 15.00 |
Lunch |
15.00 - 16.30 |
Round table: "Where to from here? Future priorities for patent statistics and analysis" |
Chair: Mr. Dirk Pilat, OECD
16.30 - 17.00
Concluding remarks |
17.00 |