WO/GA/24/1 | English | WIPO Internet Domain Name Process | |
Français | Processus de consultations de l'OMPI sur les noms de domaine de l'internet | |
Español | Proceso de la OMPI Relativo a los Nombres de Dominio de Internet | |
عربي | [WIPO Internet Domain Name Process] | |
中文 | [WIPO Internet Domain Name Process] | |
Русский | [WIPO Internet Domain Name Process] | |
WO/GA/24/2 | English | Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce | |
Français | Propriété intellectuelle et commerce électronique | |
Español | La Propiedad Intelectual y el Comercio Electrónico | |
عربي | [Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce] | |
中文 | [Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce] | |
Русский | [Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce] | |
WO/GA/24/3 | English | Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit | |
Français | Résolutions et décisions des Nations Unies, du Comité administratif de coordination et du Corps commun d'inspection | |
Español | Resoluciones y Decisiones de las Naciones Unidas, del Comité Administrativo de Coordinación y de la Dependencia Común de Inspección | |
عربي | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
中文 | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
Русский | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
WO/GA/24/3 ADD. | English | Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit | |
Français | Résolutions et décisions des Nations Unies, du Comité administratif de coordination et du corps commun d'inspection | |
Español | Resoluciones y Decisiones de las Naciones Unidas, del Comité Administrativo de Coordinación y de la Dependencia Común de Inspección | |
عربي | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
中文 | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
Русский | [Resolutions and Decisions of the United Nations, the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Joint Inspection Unit] | |
WO/GA/24/4 | English | Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO | |
Français | Utilisation du portugais comme langue de travail de l'OMPI | |
Español | Utilización del Portugués como Idioma de Trabajo de la OMPI | |
عربي | [Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO] | |
中文 | [Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO] | |
Русский | [Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO] | |
WO/GA/24/4 REV. | English | Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO | |
Français | Utilisation du portugais comme langue de travail de l'OMPI | |
Español | Utilización del Portugués como Idioma de Trabajo de la OMPI | |
WO/GA/24/5 | English | Cooperation with the World Trade Organization | |
Français | Coopération avec l'organisation mondiale du commerce | |
Español | Cooperación con la Organización Mundial del Comercio | |
عربي | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
中文 | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
Русский | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
WO/GA/24/5 REV. | English | Cooperation with the World Trade Organization | |
Français | Coopération avec l'Organisation mondiale du commerce | |
Español | Cooperación con la Organización Mundial del Comercio | |
عربي | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
中文 | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
Русский | [Cooperation with the World Trade Organization] | |
WO/GA/24/6 | English | Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC) | |
Français | Commission consultative des politiques (CCP) et commission consultative du monde de l'entreprise (CCE) | |
Español | Comisión Asesora en Materia de Políticas y Comisión Asesora de la Industria | |
عربي | [Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Advisory Commission (IAC) | |
中文 | [Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and INdustry Advisory Commission (IAC) | |
Русский | [Policy Advisory Commission (PAC) and Industry Commission (IAC) | |
WO/GA/24/7 | English | Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) | |
Français | Institutionnalisation d'une journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (Proposition de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire) | |
Español | Establecimiento de un día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (Propuesta de la República Argelina Democrática y Popular) | |
عربي | [Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property] (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) | |
中文 | [Insitutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property] (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) | |
Русский | [Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property] (Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria) | |
WO/GA/24/8 | English | Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day (Proposal by the People's Republic of China) | |
Français | Institutionnalisation d'une journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (Proposition de la République populaire de Chine) | |
Español | Establecimiento de un Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intellectual (Propueasta de la República popular de China) | |
عربي | [Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day] (Proposal by the People's Republic of China) | |
中文 | [Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day] (Proposal by the People's Republic of China) | |
Русский | [Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day] (Proposal by the People's Republic of China) | |
WO/GA/24/9 | English | Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language) | |
Français | Commentaires sur le document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Utilisation du portugais comme langue de travail de l'OMPI) (Présenté par la délégation du Portugal au nom de tous les États d'expression officielle portugaise) | |
Español | Comentarios sobre el Documento WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Utilización del Portugés como Idioma de Trabajo de la OMPI) (Preparado por la Delegación de Portugal en Nombre de Todos los Estados de Lengua Oficial Portuguesa) | |
عربي | [Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language)] | |
中文 | [Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language)] | |
Русский | [Comments on Document WO/GA/24/4 Rev. (Use of Portuguese as a Working Language of WIPO) (Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal in the Name of all States of which Portuguese is the Official Language)] | |
WO/GA/24/10 | English | Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process | |
Français | Autres faits nouveaux concernant le processus de consultations de l'OMPI sur les noms de domaine de l'Internet | |
Español | Hechos Recientes en Relación con el Proceso de la OMPI Relativo a los Nombres de Dominio de Internet | |
عربي | [Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Process] | |
中文 | [Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process] | |
Русский | [Further Developments on the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process] | |
WO/GA/24/11 | English | WIPO Digital Agenda | |
Français | Plan d'action de l'OMPI dans le domaine du numérique | |
Español | El Programa Digital de la OMPI | |
عربي | [WIPO Digital Agenda] | |
中文 | [WIPO Digital Agenda] | |
Русский | [WIPO Digital Agenda] | |
WO/GA/24/11 REV. | English | WIPO Digital Agenda | |
Español | El Program Digital de la OMPI | |
عربي | [WIPO Digital Agenda] | |
WO/GA/24/12 | English | WO/GA/24/12 | |
Français | WO/GA/24/12 | |
Español | WO/GA/24/12 | |